"Yeah?"Jiang Feng rubbed Jiang Youyou's head as if petting a cat,"I don't have much experience."

He didn't stay in the company for long, and he was still doing development. He really didn't have much confidence in what he wrote.

Rong Shuang read it carefully and said in a serious tone:"It's really good."

"In fact, the most important thing is these data, the principles of store selection, branch management regulations, as well as the amount of investment and rate of return."

"Make it clear and clear, you are so awesome, husband!

Jiang Feng asked with a smile:"I feel like you are coaxing me. Is it because of the blessing of love?" I always feel that what I write is a bit simple.

Rong Shuang shook his head:"I think it's true that you bring your own filter, but this one really doesn't.""

"It is right to be simple and effective. Many people always like to make things very complicated and write some strange analyses."

Turn to the end.

She let out a sigh of relief, with admiration in her eyes:"As long as the software is ready, this business plan will be perfect."

Jiang Feng is really good at everything she does!

She is so lucky to find such a husband!

Jiang Feng said:"There is an Alpha version."

"ah?"Rong Shuang's pretty face showed a bit of confusion.

"Internal beta version. Jiang Feng explained.

Rong Shuang came back to her senses and was a little surprised:"I know what Alpha means. You...the software is already ready?""


Jiang Youyou looked up:"What is an internal beta version, dad.""

Jiang Feng rubbed Jiang Youyou's fair chin with his index finger and middle finger:"It's like you wrote your homework. Before giving it to the teacher, let me help you pick out your mistakes."

"At this time, your homework is the internal beta version.

Jiang Youyou showed an expression of sudden realization:"I understand.""

Rong Shuang and Jiang Feng looked at each other, and the couple smiled in tacit understanding.

The joy of raising a baby is to see through their own child's pretense, but they did not expose her.

She is only five years old, and there are indeed many things that are difficult to understand.

Slowly Slow down.

Rong Shuang bit her lip and asked,"How about running the software?"

She was actually worried that Jiang Feng would be a little embarrassed if there were too many bugs. She believed in Jiang Feng's abilities the most.

She was Jiang Feng's brainless little fangirl.

However, the time was too short.

She was in the company at the time and asked employees to do internal work. When developing the software, it took no less than five days.

Jiang Feng opened the software

"This software will integrate the payment system, provide the function of ordering food before arriving at the store, and……"

He gave a brief introduction.

The system is not complex.

After running it again, return to the main interface.

Jiang Feng said:"Actually, it's nothing special. It's just an ordinary catering company's cashier, expenditure, customer analysis and internal assessment system."

Jiang Youyou's eyes sparkled.

She couldn't understand.

But she was shocked!

This software was written by her father!

She seems to know why she can watch videos and listen to music on the multimedia TV in the classroom and the mobile phone tablet she uses!

Because there are people like dad!

They are so awesome!

Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes were still staring at the screen.

Two seconds passed.

She then turned to look at Jiang Feng:"Is this called ordinary???"

"so so? Jiang Feng thought for a while and said seriously.

"Unusual! Rong Shuang said,"The functions are complete, the operation is smooth, and the integration is high. How can this be called ordinary?"!"

The software used in the store is mainly functional.

Simplicity is the most important. It is best for customers and store clerks to understand it at a glance.

And the fewer systems used, the better.

Some store monitoring, internal attendance and The cash register is separate, and the clerk has to use two, three, or even four software to work.

It is quite troublesome.

The software made by Jiang Feng is highly integrated!

It is simple and easy to use, it is the best!

How can this be ordinary!

Jiang Fengsong He sighed:"That's pretty good?"

"very good!"Rong Shuang said very firmly,"If I were the boss, this is what I want most!"

"And you are too fast!"

Jiang Feng looked strange.

He instinctively wanted to refute that he was not happy.

But the little cutie was still there and the car stopped driving.

Jiang Feng said:"The main reason is that I have done similar software several times and developed it with the ability. Time won't go too fast. Rong

Shuang didn't believe it:"But every time I communicate with the project manager, he says it will take at least 5 days, and the final version is not as good as yours.""

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"When I go to work, I usually report to the project manager for 24 hours to finish the work."

"He usually quotes 48 hours."

The wisdom of a worker.

I finished the work early, and the boss knew that I finished it quickly, so wouldn't there be a pile of work?

But I said I spent 24 hours last night, fished for 15 hours, and worked for another 3 hours , it was completed in 18 hours.

The boss still had to praise me.

Rong Shuang was shocked:"So that's it."

She has been the boss since she entered the company and has a high status in the kindergarten. She really has never considered this.

Jiang Feng knows a lot.

She feels more and more that she looks like a fool compared to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng glanced at the time:" Okay, I'll send this to my uncle, and you two go brush your teeth."

"Okay, mom, hold hands."


The two of them held hands obediently and went to the bathroom to brush their teeth.

Jiang Feng sent the business plan and software to Rong Lijun.

Jiang Feng:"Uncle, I have already finished the business plan.

Jiang Feng:"If you have any questions, please tell me at any time. I can make changes as appropriate in the morning and afternoon.""

Rong Lijun was at home, sitting on a massage chair and resting.

When he heard his phone vibrating, he picked it up and took a look, a little surprised.

Is it done?


Although he believed in Jiang Feng's ability, how long did it take? Time?

But he replied first:"Okay, thank you for your hard work.

Rong Lijun:"Go to bed early, we have to get up early tomorrow."

Jiang Feng:"Okay, I'll go after they finish brushing their teeth.""

Rong Lijun had a smile on his serious face.

Chatting with Jiang Feng made him more relaxed than a massage.

Rong Lijun opened the file.

Generally, a file of this level would definitely not fit into his hands. It

's less than eight figures. For all investments, the plan was finally confirmed, submitted to the board of directors for a process, and then signed by Rong Lijun.

However, the plan made by Jiang Feng was of course special.

Rong Lijun also had some selfish motives.

Since Jiang Feng's business plan was to be If he takes it seriously, he must hand over this business plan to his private analysis team for professional evaluation and data calculation.

However, after all, it is a business plan made in such a short time.

If there are any flaws, he can let Wang Zhe After working overtime, I revised it and handed it to the analysis team.

The file was opened.

Rong Lijun nodded first.

The layout was very clear and the work was very clean.

After 3 minutes,

Rong Lijun left the massage chair, turned on the computer, and downloaded I received the software sent by Jiang Feng and simply ran it for a lap.

Rong Lijun put down his phone and suddenly laughed. It was quite well done!

Although the software is still an internal beta version, it has few bugs and full functions.

Jiang Feng made it Well, Rong Lijun was inexplicably happy.

His cub was promising! He was so good at everything he did!

Rong Lijun directly gave the business plan and this software to Xu Mingqiang.

Xu Mingqiang is a data analysis and risk expert. The leader of the evaluation team is not affiliated with the group and only serves Rong Lijun. He is on call 24 hours a day.

After receiving the software, Xu Mingqiang replied instantly:"I have received it, boss. When will the analysis report be required?

Rong Lijun:"As soon as possible!" My son-in-law made this.

Xu Mingqiang:"Understood.""

After replying to the message,

Xu Mingqiang sent the document to the working group

"The boss’s son-in-law made a business plan, so my old man is working overtime, leaving all other work behind!"

"Good guy, what is the business plan of the young prince-in-law? Is there any need to evaluate this? People’s own affairs"

"I heard that the boss likes his son-in-law so much that he almost treats him like his own son."

"Boss Xiaojiang, wait until your office moves here in a few days and you will understand if you try his cooking."

"Just lick it, don't care how poorly you do it, just blow it and that's it."

They are all old workers.

Let's start bragging about the little prince-in-law's stuff!

They downloaded business plans and software respectively.

There are different people in the team who conduct different analyses.

Xu Mingqiang is responsible for market planning and business analysis. Is the planned layout feasible?

There are several other people, some are running software and some are doing investment income calculations.

However, in less than 2 minutes,

Xu Mingqiang sent a message to the group:"Holy crap! It’s different from what I imagined! The little prince consort has something!"

The group instantly became lively.

"yes! It’s different from what I imagined!"

"I thought he had little experience, but it turned out that this plan was very mature!"

"The software is also very powerful! Kneel down to the boss, there are so few bugs! This guy must have a very good brain"

"Is this something made by a master chef?!"

The team members all doubted their life.

They are all over 33 years old on average and have accumulated a lot of business experience.

It turns out that Jiang Feng is five years younger than them.

He has also mastered cooking skills to the level of a master! He is actually so good in business. Talent!

Xu Mingqiang even felt that if Jiang Feng came to their group, Jiang Feng's ability could even take on the work of their group!

Xu Mingqiang:"Then I will simply write."

Xu Mingqiang quickly wrote an evaluation report.

The risks and returns are reasonable, the market forecast is good, the report is complete, and it is worth investing!

This report is not licked.

Because Jiang Feng gained their recognition based on his ability!

Even if Jiang Feng is not Rong Lijun There is a high probability that they will pass this business plan.

The only thing that may stop them is that the investment is too low.

Jiang Feng made the entire plan very steadily and opened new stores very slowly. With an investment of several million, For them, it was really not interesting. Even if it was a 100% return rate, the overall amount was too small.

But there was nothing wrong with the business plan itself!

Rong Lijun drank a glass of milk and received the final report.

After reading it,

Rong Lijun smiled and sent a message to Xu Mingqiang:"Then push forward with all our strength.""

"You make a contract, and then register the company. Remember to stipulate that my shares are non-operating shares. I hold 49%,"

"For the rest, just cooperate with him fully."

"There is no need to hide his identity. When you need cooperation from the legal department or other departments, just say that he is my son-in-law."

Su Minrui, Tang Shun, and Zhao Fuchuan actually kept a low profile when giving their children their first business to practice. It's too easy to lose money!

If you lose money, you will inevitably be ridiculed.

In business, there are inevitably benefits. Conflicts and competitors with bad relationships will definitely not sound nice.

Rong Lijun is the same, there are some people who don't like him.

However, Rong Lijun is not afraid of Jiang Feng not doing well.

Feel free to toss it!

Well done , others praise Jiang Feng.

If he doesn’t do well, Rong Lijun will take the blame!

What’s wrong with him, Rong Lijun listens, as long as he doesn’t say that Jiang Feng is fine!

Xu Mingqiang:"Okay, then I will increase the prestige of Boss Xiao Jiang?"


Rong Lijun gave Jiang Feng's prestige to Xu Mingqiang.

At this time, the kitchen also brought up the half fish head that Rong Lijun took out of Wang Zhe's mouth.

Rong Lijun took a photo and sent it to circle of friends

"Has anyone ever wondered what it feels like to have a good son-in-law? The fish head made by my son-in-law. By the way, my son-in-law is worried that my business will not be good, so he wants to start a joint venture with me."

Zhao Fuchuan had already brushed his teeth and lay down to get ready for bed.

However, he scrolled through his circle of friends with his hands. When he saw the photo of fish head with chopped peppers, he realized the seriousness of the problem.

It's over.

I'm probably going to sleep too much tonight. No more!

Old dog!

Posting photos of Jiang Feng’s meals at night is so tempting, isn’t it?!

Can you just be a human being!

Do something humane!

Zhao Fuchuan became even more sour after reading the text in Rong Lijun’s circle of friends!

In fact, this company is not critical.

Zhao Fuchuan instinctively felt, how big can this company be? Jiang Feng is not in business, he is a master of craftsmanship, and he should not be very good at making money. The important thing is that boss Xiao Jiang is very good at making money.

You care about Rong Lijun!

This is so enviable!

Zhao Fuchuan also likes Jiang Feng very much. He likes to chat with Jiang Feng when he is free. He is in a good mood. It feels like a child he particularly likes suddenly suddenly It's like having a closer relationship with someone else!


Zhao Fuchuan can't accept it.

The post Rong Lijun posted on Moments was quiet, with very few likes.

It was two minutes later.

Zhou Linan also posted a post on Moments


There is also a picture of beating a dog.

Zhao Fuchuan, Su Minrui, Tang Shun... think it's great! It smells sour!

I just finished liking it.

Zhao Fuchuan put down his phone, prepared to adjust it, and go to sleep.

He actually wants to eat, and he can get it at any time..

But he is very strict about body shape and health management.

Unless it is cooked by boss Xiao Jiang, he will not eat anything after dinner. However, when he couldn't sleep, he turned over and took another look. Moments.

Tang Shun posted a message

"On a day spent eating with his daughter, boss Xiao Jiang is really kind to his friends."

At the bottom is a photo of him and Tang Hemei having dinner.

Shrimp dumplings.

Zhao Fuchuan became anxious and wrote a reply at the bottom:"Birds of a feather flock together!" Working together!

Tang Shun replied instantly:"Hahahahahahaha.""

Well done!

Swear more!"

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