After getting in the car, Jiang Feng went to the Housing Management Bureau first.

He had previously printed out a copy of the property information in his name.

At the door, Jiang Feng saw Xu Liren. He was accompanied by two other lawyers and a secretary.

"Boss Xiaojiang!"

Seeing Jiang Feng,

Xu Liren happily greeted him.

The two lawyers next to him also came over quickly, with some excitement on their faces.

Before, the two young lawyers were a little confused about why Xu Liren liked Jiang Feng's cooking so much.

Until they With a skeptical attitude, they secretly went to Jiang Feng's shop to eat once, and then they realized it.

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"I have prepared a set meal for you, and I will give it to you after the transfer.

Xu Liren smiled from ear to ear:"Okay, very good.""

He didn't ask Jiang Feng what he had brought.

As long as it was made by Jiang Feng, he thought it was delicious!

The two young lawyers next to him had something to say, but they were a little embarrassed to say it.

Jiang Feng looked at them:"I brought a lot. You can share it with Brother Xu"

"Thank you, Boss Jiang!"

The two of them became visibly happy.


Rong Lijun's lawyer rushed over. He was a middle-aged man in his forties, with quite a lot of hair, not fat, and wearing half-rimmed glasses.

"I am Pei Yanggang, responsible for handling the transfer of ownership with you, and also responsible for all legal issues you encounter in the future."

Pei Yanggang spoke in a leisurely manner, looking like an elite, but his tone was a bit flattering.

Jiang Feng is either the husband of the future group boss, or the father of the future group boss.

Each has a higher status than the other.

Pei Yanggang usually has a bad temper. In fact, it's not very good.

But when talking to Jiang Feng, his attitude was a hundred respects!

Xu Liren was nearby and was not very happy:"Lao Pei, does your group's legal affairs have nothing else to do? So free?

Jiang Feng looked at Xu Liren with some surprise:"Know?""

"Well, we are both part-time professors at Imperial College of Law."Xu Liren explained.

Pei Yanggang clicked his tongue twice:"No matter how busy I am, I still have time to solve Boss Xiao Jiang's problem. Xu

Liren was very dissatisfied:"I just need to help solve the problem. It's first come, first served, right?""

There's only one boss, Xiao Jiang.

There are only so many legal needs.

Pei Yanggang has done all the work. Doesn't Xu Liren's usual reason to let Jiang Feng take care of the meal is gone?! It's not okay to grab a job!

Pei Yanggang's expression doesn't look very good either.

The opportunity to please your future boss is so rare, you want to grab it, right?!

Two well-known bosses and professors in the legal circle of the imperial capital wish they could fight in the street.

There is some inexplicable excitement on Jiang Youyou's face.

This little cutie She likes to watch the excitement.

Rong Shuang held Jiang Youyou's hand, looked at her phone, and then at Jiang Feng's profile.

She was still cold-tempered and didn't care much about other people's joys and sorrows, as long as Jiang Feng was fine.

Jiang Feng advised:"Our time is limited, let's go through the transfer process first."



Jiang Feng spoke.

The two of them immediately stopped making trouble and followed Jiang Feng's family of three into the transfer hall.

It was just early 2 o'clock, and there were not many people coming to do business.

After waiting for a few minutes, Xu Liren took Jiang Feng's real estate information. After proving it, he went to the counter.

After showing the clerk all the documents that should be given,

Xu Liren came over and said to Jiang Feng:"It's ready. If you want to write your own name, just go there by yourself.""

"Write the names of two people, you and Ms. Rong separately, and just fill in the information."


Jiang Feng took Rong Shuang and Youyou's hands and came to the counter.

The clerk was a sister in her thirties. After seeing Jiang Feng, her attitude suddenly improved.

"Fill in your information here, yes, right here"

"There are also these places, remember to leave half a space when writing, so that it is convenient for your lover to write"

"When taking your fingerprint, remember to put your name on it."

Although Jiang Feng is obviously married, it feels good to see such a good-looking person more often.

Jiang Feng filled in his information according to the clerk's instructions.

The clerk gave Jiang Feng a piece of paper, wiped the ink pad on his hand, and then It was Rong Shuang's turn.

She was much more skilled than Jiang Feng and had already handled a transfer before.

After filling in all the information,

Pei Yanggang gave the property booklet to the clerk, as well as the entrustment document notarized by Rong Lijun.

Confirm. The document was correct.

The clerk told Pei Yanggang the amount of tax to be paid.

After Pei Yanggang paid the tax, it was considered done.

He walked over and was about to speak.

Xu Liren said first:"That's enough. Usually the book will be issued within three days."

"so fast."Jiang Feng was a little emotional.

When he and Xu Na bought a house before, they had to wait for nearly two months.

In fact, it was mainly because it was troublesome to get a loan, and they had to go to the bank several times.

This time, it was much easier to pay in full.

Those who are rich Happy, Jiang Feng felt it.

The transfer of the house was completed.

The store landlord's people also arrived.

It was still a similar process.

However, this store had not traded for more than two years, so there was one less tax.

3.1 million was transferred to the other party's account. Go up and pay the taxes that should be paid.

Jiang Feng's bank balance of 3.64 million evaporated in an instant.

However, the transfer of the store was completed.

The property certificate was also issued within three days.

Pei Yanggang got the upper hand this time. Jiang Feng said,"I'll just pick up the room book and send it to you when the time comes.

Xu Liren pulled Jiang Feng towards him and said,"No need for you, Lao Pei. You usually have such a bad temper. Why don't you scold Boss Xiao Jiang when you do some work?" Pei

Yanggang said coldly:"I won't scold Boss Xiao Jiang no matter who I scold. Boss Xiao Jiang is a respectable person.""

This is true.

Pei Yanggang's family was poor in his early years, and his parents and he were both looked down upon. Later, after passing the judicial examination, it was different.

Pei Yanggang heard about Jiang Feng's matter.

No price increase , the prices of new dishes are getting cheaper and cheaper.

He respects Jiang Feng, not only because of Jiang Feng's high status, but also for a large part because he really admires Jiang Feng.

The two exchanged a few strange words at each other.

It was Jiang Feng who gave the final plan:"Brother Xu, please help me get it. I'm sorry to bother you with the transfer.

Xu Liren smiled happily and said,"Okay, no problem.""

Pei Yanggang sighed.

He didn't lick it. It felt uncomfortable.

Several people left the transfer hall together.

It was already past 3 o'clock.

Jiang Feng went to the car and took out two oversized meal bags.

"This is for you, Brother Xu. It contains steamed buns, claypot rice, some shrimp dumplings, and some soup. You can eat it after heating it up."

"There are a lot of things, so you can sort them out."

Xu Liren took it and his hand sank a little.

"Thank you so much."

Xu Liren couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

This was too much!

At the same time,

Xu Liren looked at Jiang Feng and sighed:"You have a great physique."

Jiang Feng can carry such a heavy thing with both hands without any effort.

Xu Liren is not good anymore. He often goes to the gym to exercise, but he can only maintain his wife's satisfaction. Other physical fitness is still declining.

Jiang Feng smiled. :"I work a lot, and it becomes like this before I know it."

"This is for you, Brother Pei."

Jiang Feng handed the other bag to Pei Yanggang.

Rong Lijun didn't say that he would arrange for several lawyers to come over, so Jiang Feng was more prepared.

After all, he came to Bai to help.

Even if Rong Lijun is their boss, They had to come, so Jiang Feng still wanted to express his gratitude.

They were all workers.

Be friendly.

Pei Yanggang was stunned for a moment, then quickly took it over and gave Xu Liren a show-off look.


I am. Yes!

You licked me to the end, wouldn’t it be that I am closer to our future boss?!

Even if you don’t do much work, you can get a meal!

Xu Liren pretended not to see anything.

The smell of gunpowder between the two people became stronger.

Waiting for Boss Xiaojiang to be away.

Xu Liren made up his mind to fight with Pei Yanggang during the law school gathering.

After Pei Yanggang took the meal bag, he said:"By the way, Boss Xiaojiang, wait a moment." As he said that, he went to the car and took out two boxes of strawberries.

Jiang Feng was a little surprised:"Did you prepare this? Pei

Yanggang shook his head:"Your uncle prepared it. He also said that there is no rush to return the registered permanent residence. You can just return it when your things are done.""

"He also said that we can interact more often when we have time.

Jiang Feng looked at Pei Yanggang and asked with a smile,"Did you say anything to him?" Pei Yanggang smiled:"

When he was looking for his household registration book, he casually chatted with his wife."

Uncle Jiang Feng actually has a pretty good character.

After all, registering a household registration is quite troublesome. It's not bad to accept some gifts and be willing to help with it.

Jiang Feng doesn't think he is owed anything. On the contrary, he can save money by giving some gifts. It's good to get out of big trouble.

However, the two parties usually don't have much contact.

Suddenly he sent something to Jiang Feng and said he wanted to have contact. There must be a reason. Sure enough


Pei Yanggang revealed some details and went out.

"Are you talking too much? Pei Yang just asked.

Jiang Feng shook his head:"It's okay.""

There will be nothing to do in the future. At most, I will give you a gift during the New Year to express my gratitude.

He can make money, and Jiang Feng is very confident, so this is not a big deal.

Pei Yanggang breathed a sigh of relief and said,"That's okay, I Just leave first"

"Okay, slow down."

Pei Yanggang got in the car and left first.

Xu Liren took out another document and gave it to Jiang Feng. A power of attorney to change his household registration.

Jiang Feng was signing here, and one of the young lawyers had already run to find a cigarette shop. , printed out the household registration pages of Jiang Feng, Rong Shuang, and Jiang Youyou. The copies were also signed and the purpose was written. The entrustment came into effect.

Xu Liren put away the pen and said:"After the transfer is completed, I will Start the process of relocating your household registration"

"Only three days"

"Also, it's time for you two to get your certificates. Miss Rong must write down your relationship as husband and wife when you register.

Jiang Feng asked:"Does the Civil Affairs Bureau work on Saturdays and Sundays?""

"Not on. Xu Liren looked at the time and said,"You two can go now. The Civil Affairs Bureau is still open.""

I have all my IDs. Just find a place nearby and take a one-inch ID photo with a red background. You can even borrow a white shirt at the place where the ID photo was taken.

Jiang Feng looked at the time. After getting the ID, go back and open the store. I'm sure It will be a little late.

But if you don't go today, you will have to postpone it until Monday...

Rong Shuang was looking forward to it, but said nothing.

Although she felt that she would not be able to live a day without getting the certificate.

But if Jiang Feng doesn't want to go today , then I won’t go.

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang:"Go and get the certificate?

Rong Shuang smiled sweetly:"Okay.""

"Should I propose and get down on one knee? Rong

Shuang stepped forward and hugged Jiang Feng's waist:"No, I don't want you to kneel.""

Jiang Feng is her big baby.

She thinks that so-called ceremony is just a way to declare status.

She doesn't need it.

And she also feels sorry for her big baby, Jiang Feng.

Anyway, their family status is very clear.

Kneel down. Damn it, hurry up and get your certificate!


Jiang Youyou cheered, her little face was full of excitement!

You have received your certificate!

We will really be a family from now on!

Xu Liren laughed:"Congratulations, I won't give you the red envelope now. I will give it to you when you hold the wedding."

"Okay. Jiang

Feng said, took out his mobile phone and said to Rong Shuang,"I have to tell my uncle first.""

"good. Jiang

Feng sent a message to Rong Lijun:"Uncle, could you please take a call?" I have something that I think would be better if I call you to tell you."

After all, it's to get the certificate.

Forget it if you don't meet with Rong Lijun.

At least make a phone call and be more formal.

Rong Lijun is in the company, meeting with several senior executives.

Seeing Jiang Feng's news, Rong Lijun stood up :"You guys talk first, I'm going to use the bathroom."


"Slow down"

"We happened to have a drink of water."

Rong Lijun arrived at the lounge and called Jiang Feng.

The call was connected in seconds.

Rong Lijun said in a gentle tone:"What's wrong? Is there a problem with the house transfer? Jiang

Feng was very excited, but he still restrained himself a little and said,"Uncle, I want to take Rong Shuang to get the certificate. Do you agree?""

When he was on the phone, he was not very good at not using honorifics.

Rong Lijun was stunned for a moment, then stood up suddenly:"Go!"

"Remember to tell me when you have received it!"

Thank God!

It's finally time to get the certificate!

Jiang Feng didn't react and didn't realize that there was something wrong with his daughter!

Get it quickly!

Jiang Feng grinned:"Okay, let's go first. I'll call you after I get it!"

"OK! Rong Lijun hesitated and said,"Drive slowly.""

He rarely said this kind of thing before.

Do you need others to remind you to drive carefully?

But obviously, all his detachment and wisdom have failed on Jiang Feng.

The son-in-law still has to care!

"Got it, uncle, then I’ll hang up."

Jiang Feng hung up the phone and stretched out his hand to Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms.

Jiang Youyou grabbed Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang's trouser legs.

Your little cutie wants to hug her too!

Jiang Feng reached out and held her I carried it to the middle.

It was finally time to get the certificate.

Pedestrians coming and going looked over with some envy.

"This family has such a good relationship"

"I guess you just bought a house? Happy to see this"

"Mom, these uncles and aunts are so good-looking, and that kid is super cute too."

After hugging for a while.

Rong Shuang let go and took out her mobile phone:"I also have to tell Auntie."

"Okay, get in the car, let's go there quickly and just beat them in the car."

Jiang Feng took the two of them into the car, navigation, Civil Affairs Bureau!

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