Rong Lijun had already used Jiang Feng's food to negotiate business for more than two days and made more than 19 million yuan more.

All this money was reduced to Jiang Feng's house payment.

It probably won't take more than a week.

The house payment will be settled!

Your own house!

No mortgage, no rent!

Jiang Feng is really happy!

Rong Shuang squatted with her pretty face on her arm.

She saw Jiang Feng as happy as a big boy. She was in a great mood, with a bit of doting in her beautiful eyes.

In fact, she had never experienced the situation of being short of money and housing, and she was not as excited as Jiang Feng.

But seeing Jiang Feng so happy.

Her heartbeat is a little fast.

She likes to see Jiang Feng's happy expression the most.

Be nicer to your husband in the future!

Jiang Youyou hadn't recognized all the characters yet, so she laid her little hand on the back of Jiang Feng's hand and said a little anxiously:"Dad! What do you mean by these words? Read it to Youyou, okay?"

Jiang Feng smiled and handed over the contents of the real estate book. She read it once


Jiang Youyou took the house book and kissed it.

Finally, they have a house again!

The family of three celebrated for a while before standing up.

Xu Liren was so focused on eating that he didn't even notice that Jiang Feng and his family were squatting down just now. We talked quietly for a while.

After finishing a portion of claypot rice,

Xu Liren stood up a little reluctantly:"Then I'll leave first, so I won't disturb your family's meal.""

"Actually, there is still some time"

"Forget it, you can eat it when you go back."

Xu Liren brought the casserole to the counter, picked up the power of attorney, flipped through it, and checked it.

"no problem."

Xu Liren received the power of attorney in his briefcase, and also collected Jiang Feng's real estate certificate. You need to use the real estate certificate to register. After putting the things in, Xu Liren looked up and couldn't help but look at Jiang Feng's pot.

"It’s also claypot rice."Jiang Feng said with a smile,"I'll definitely give you a taste of something different and good. Xu

Liren smiled a little sheepishly and said,"You're just kidding me. I'm hungry for all the food you eat here.""

"gone. Your household registration will probably be completed soon."

Xu Liren nodded to Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou, turned around and left.

Jiang Feng was looking forward to it.

Moving his household registration to his own home was a relief for him.

After all, when the household registration was in someone else's name, he always felt a little unfavorable. Pleasure.

A few minutes after Xu Liren left,

Rong Lijun arrived at the store with Song Jin and Jiang Jianye.

Jiang Feng prepared 10 portions of claypot rice and put them on the table. He also fried four plates of Huangpu eggs and two plates of oyster sauce. lettuce

"Hurry up and eat. The rice is fine, but the dishes will get cold quickly. Jiang Feng held a casserole in his hand and said to the three parents.

"grandparents! Grandpa! sit!"

Jiang Youyou pulled out a chair for them, then pursed her lips and smiled.

Rong Lijun was a little confused.

Jiang Jianye patted Rong Lijun on the back:"Praise this little girl.

Rong Lijun suddenly realized and said quickly:"Thank you, Youyou.""

"Hey, grandpa, you're welcome."

Don't be polite.

But you still have to praise.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Youyou with a smile on his face and his cheeks were red and soft, and he felt better.

Is this what it feels like to have a granddaughter?

She is happy!

"sit."Jiang Jianye took Rong Lijun and sat down.

After a big drink, the two fathers obviously became closer.

Song Jin went to the kitchen and, together with Rong Shuang, helped Jiang Feng cook the claypot rice. Bringing it over.

Things are on the table.

Jiang Feng sent a message to Wang Zhe:"Come and get some claypot rice."

Wang Zhe was squatting outside Jiang Feng's store. When he saw the news, he quickly walked in.

"So fast?"Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

Wang Zhe's old face turned red with embarrassment:"I know you love me and you will definitely never forget me."

He became more and more familiar with Jiang Feng.

The friendship gradually took on a gay flavor.

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"Hurry up and eat it."


Wang Zhe carried the claypot rice and skipped away.

The happiness of being single is that simple, just one portion of claypot rice.

Jiang Feng sat down and divided his chopsticks:"Eat quickly, wait a minute It's cold. Jiang

Jianye took the chopsticks and looked at Jiang Feng:"How is the new company doing?""

"good. Jiang Feng said with a smile,"You and your uncle even talked about the company?"

Jiang Jianye also smiled:"Yes, the two of us chatted quite well."

Song Jin walked next to Jiang Feng and said,"The two of them have been chatting since you left the house.""

"Except for your uncle Rong's phone call, the two of them never stopped talking."

Rong Shuang looked at Rong Lijun, a little surprised.

Her dad actually has such a talkative side?!

Rong Lijun ignored his daughter's gaze and said gently to Jiang Feng:"I talked about some business with your dad. What happened, are you okay? Jiang Feng nodded:"

It's okay.""

After that,

Jiang Feng looked at Jiang Jianye, put a piece of egg in his casserole, and said,"It went very smoothly. The two branches are already being renovated.

Jiang Jianye hesitated for a moment and reminded:"You must find someone reliable.""

"I know you have always done well, but there are very few children as good as you, so be careful."

Actually, Jiang Jianye usually doesn't care about business matters.

He thinks Jiang Feng is much better than him as a father.

As long as Jiang Feng doesn't get too tired, he isn't worried about anything else.

But this time it's different.

After all, it's about getting money. They used Rong Lijun's money to do business.

If it was their own money, they would lose money.

Jiang Feng wanted to give the house to Xu Na in exchange for Youyou's custody. Jiang Jianye didn't say a word to stop him and fully supported Jiang Feng.

But Jiang Jianye was still very stressed about losing other people's money.

So he warned Jiang Feng.

Employers must be careful and don't lose money.

Song Jin was a little dissatisfied:"The child knows what he wants.

Rong Lijun also said quickly:"This is all a trivial matter, Jiang Feng, don't be nervous."

Jiang Jianye sighed:"I just mentioned it casually, don't take it too seriously." Jiang

Feng smiled and explained:"The people I have found are all reliable and have been trained in another store of mine.""

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

Jiang Feng is very decisive in doing things and rarely relies on his parents' opinions.

However, he is usually very patient with his family.

After all, several million is Jiang Jianye's entire income for most of his life.

A company has just started operating and has not made a penny. Throwing millions into it, it was inevitable to be nervous.

Jiang Feng would not use his own abilities to ask Jiang Jianye to be as confident as him.

His parents were just ordinary people, so to speak, it was normal.

Jiang Jianye felt much more comfortable, although Still a little worried about losing money.

Song Jin lowered his head and smiled.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng, his eyes full of admiration! He has the ability and can still be patient with those who lack the ability!

This character is really good!

How could it happen? Such a good son-in-law!

Rong Lijun smiled from ear to ear when he thought that Jiang Feng had already received the certificate from Rong Shuang!

"Have a meal."

Jiang Feng moved his chopsticks first.

The family concentrated on cooking!


"How do you make this taste? It’s the same every time"

"Dad, it smells so good!"

After lunch.

Song Jin helped and put away the tableware.

Rong Lijun was a little reluctant to leave, but his leisure time could only be half a day at most.

He had a meeting to attend, so he left first.

Before leaving, He also made an appointment to have a drink with Jiang Jianye next Saturday.

When Rong Lijun left,

Jiang Feng said to Jiang Jianye and Song Jin:"When we open another branch, are you interested in becoming the store manager?"

"If you stare, I will definitely be more worried."

When the group has more and more stores, it will take longer and longer just to watch the purchasing videos sent from these stores every day.

Jiang Feng really needs a few people to help him.

But Jiang Jianye and Song Jin have nothing Questioning is the best choice.

They came to the imperial capital to live permanently.

Moreover, it was a bit inexplicably refreshing to have their parents work for them. Jiang Youyou was a little excited:"Then grandparents can live together. New home?!



"grandfather! grandmother! Are you coming?!"

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin looked at each other, hesitant.

Of course they were willing to do some work for Jiang Feng.

But after staying in the system for so many years, they suddenly resigned and left to start a business.

They always felt unstable.

Jiang Jianye thought for a while. , said:"What exactly are we two going to do?"

"Take a look at their grocery shopping process, pay attention to hygiene, and implement some of our store requirements."

If the manpower trained by Jiang Feng is reliable, the store manager will have little work.

Jiang Jianye asked:"Do you really need our help?"

"need."Jiang Feng gave a definite answer.

"OK, when?"

As long as Jiang Feng needs it and living conditions permit.

Jiang Jianye is willing to give up a comfortable environment for Jiang Feng at any time.

Song Jin was a little worried, but agreed:"We are just afraid that the business will not go well, so we quit our jobs... But you have to If needed, we'll come anytime. Jiang Feng smiled:"

Don't worry, I can't compensate you.""

"When the new house is renovated, it is estimated that a new store will be opened by then.

Jiang Jianye was a little surprised:"So fast?" Jiang

Feng nodded:"The branch has been training new people. If we find suitable manpower, we can open a new store at any time.""

To open a store, you need funds and manpower.

Funds are not a problem.

Others are the capital chain, and Jiang Feng is the fund bank!

The old father-in-law has hundreds of millions in his hands, waiting to give Jiang Fenghua.

These millions of investments, It’s almost like spending nothing.

If everything goes well, a new store will be opened by the end of July.

Jiang Jianye nodded:"Okay, you can look at the arrangements."

After talking about the new store,

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin went home first.

For two days on the weekend,

Rong Lijun couldn't find time to come over.

His business has been inexplicably much better these two days.

Before, in Europe, a medicine that had been stuck The supervisory review suddenly passed.

Other business was also very good.

Relying on Jiang Feng's meal, Rong Lijun's current meal meeting has been scheduled for more than a month.

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin called the leaders Hello, I want to apply for a layoff without pay.

This is the safest way.

Keep the position first.

Wait until they are sure that they can make money for Jiang Feng, then resign completely.

If not, they can still go back to work.

More than ten years ago, this was The matter is easy to handle.

Now the card is getting stricter and stricter, and it can only be done if there is a legitimate reason.

Jiang Jianye originally had no hope and just gave it a try.

As a result, the leader directly approved it for a period of six months.

Six months later, the decision was made It was better to resign and come back to work.

The formal procedures were followed, and it was written that there were family reasons.

Jiang Feng was doing business steadily.

When he took down the store, Jiang Youyou, the big colander, also leaked out.

Regular customers Extremely exciting!

Especially the neighbors were so happy that they almost opened a bottle of wine to celebrate!

The sale of the store proves that Jiang Feng will definitely continue to work in a short time!

This is great!

Many neighbors no longer cook for themselves. They all rely on Jiang Feng to survive!

Many of the workers around him also rely on Jiang Feng to get a little happiness while sacrificing their hair.



It will be July.

Jiang Feng has saved more than 940,000.

Today After finishing the business in the morning, Jiang Feng can give Rong Shuang's money to her first!

After getting married, Jiang Feng doesn't want to divide it so finely with Rong Shuang.

However, the money that should be given to her should be given to her.

As a family Reserve funds.

When there is a time to spend money, Rong Shuang has eighteen million in his hand, which is always very reassuring.

Jiang Youyou is very sad.

Rong Shuang is not very happy either.

When the two of them got up in the morning, They grabbed Jiang Feng and didn't want to let go. They didn't want to go to the garden!

They wanted to stay with Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng coaxed them before getting them up.

They packed everything and bought the raw materials. During breakfast,

Jiang Feng received it. News about Xu Mingqiang.

He sent several videos to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng took a look.

The first video showed the door numbers arriving.

The door numbers of the new store were all designed.

The fonts were specially redone by the designers in the company. , with orange characters on a white background and LED lights.

Jiang Feng had heard of this brand when he came to open the store on the first day, but he was reluctant to use it at the time.

Now, all Wu Gu Youxiang's stores use this brand. Planting brand.

Next to the fragrance of grains, there is a line of small words

【Directly operated store 002]

001 is the one opened by Jiang Feng, which has also been merged into the group, and will also change its brand today.

The second video is what the store looks like.

The decoration has been completed!

Just three days!

The whole store looks brand new!

However, Jiang Feng looked carefully and found that the structural decoration such as floor tiles, walls and counters had not been changed much, but had been modified.

The biggest changes are the dining table, tableware and lamps.

Just as Jiang Feng expected.

Soft decoration works very well.

In the third video, Xu Mingqiang took pictures of Jiang Feng in the kitchen.

There are also various licenses such as business licenses, fire protection and food hygiene.

Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

Xu Mingqiang and the others are really efficient!

That’s it!

Xu Mingqiang sent a message to Jiang Feng:"The soft furnishings of store 1 have also been changed, and the old furniture has been taken away for recycling."

Xu Mingqiang:"The preparations are complete. Please arrange for people to come over. Our new store will start construction at any time!"

Jiang Feng replied instantly. :"Put it up, I'll let people go over now"


After Xu Mingqiang replied to the message, he directly arranged for workers to hang up the door signs. The surrounding shop owners came out to watch again.

What's going on!

The installation started so fast, and it was finished so fast?!

Wu Gu Youxiang?

Direct Operation 002?

New Brand?

Almost all the bosses were a little confused.

Only Xu Xiuli was stunned as if she had been struck by lightning!

Although she had a bad temper, a bad personality, and was greedy for enjoyment, she was not brainless.

Jiang Feng's store opened in They are so close, they will definitely compete with them for business!

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