"It was indeed a bit stupid to open the business directly."

Xu Xiuli said with a bit of arrogance.

During this time, she has already tasted the sweetness of publicity.

Advertising must be sufficient to make enough money from new customers!

She feels that she has mastered the truth of doing business, which is to publicize!

How can we get customers if we don’t publicize it!

People like Jiang Feng can’t do business at first sight. This store probably won’t be able to do business in a short time.

Xu Na was beside her and didn’t say anything.

She is a little smarter than Xu Xiuli.

Jiang Feng Having already opened two very successful stores, Xu Na was regretful and jealous, and was unwilling to admit that Jiang Feng was doing well.

But Xu Na knew in her heart that Jiang Feng was not stupid.

She stared at the door of Jiang Feng's new store, a little nervous.

As soon as I opened the door, several migrant workers wearing trousers and shirts passed by.

"Hey, there’s a new Wu Gu Youxiang opened here?"

"Isn't it a replica store?"

"I don’t think so. Isn’t this a directly operated store?"

"The menu seems to be pretty much the same. Let’s go and have a look?"

"OK! If it really tastes good, that would be great. The queue over there is really tough."

The workers entered the store.

As soon as they entered, they saw several familiar faces.

"Did those clerks come from the store next door?"

"It seems, I have seen them and have some impressions"

"It’s really a family"

"Isn't this branch a little rushed to open? How long has the old store been open? I feel like the smell of this store is running out."

One of the older workers, wearing glasses and with slightly protruding teeth, said in a low voice.

There was a bit of regret and a bit of disgust in his tone.

Several people around him nodded.

"Indeed, this branch feels a little rushed."

"Doesn’t it look a bit like the previous pork trotter rice restaurant? Once the business is good, branches will be opened soon, but then the taste will not be the same."

"Alas, that store is a bit of a pity. The food they made at first tasted really good."

"I hope this store is more reliable, otherwise I will have to find a canteen again."

A few of them chatted, took the meal trays, chose the meal, and took the bill.

The prices were exactly the same as in the old store.

The dishes were also the same.

They sat down.

A girl held the buns with chopsticks and looked at them carefully:"It doesn't seem to be any different from over there."


"Have a taste."

A few people each took a bite of the buns, chewed them carefully twice, and their eyes lit up.

"nice! This tastes good!"

"It doesn't seem to be much different from over there."

"The salty taste is a bit strong, but it’s okay, that’s the taste!"

They were all a little surprised!

I came to this store to eat because it was cheap and clean, and the taste was not bad!

The store is really clean.

All the tableware is new, and after the soft decoration was changed, it looks real It's so clean!

The seats and tables are obviously disinfected.

The smell is still the same as the old store!

This is really a surprise!

Closer to the company, I can find a restaurant where I don't know what to eat and can eat without thinking. Come to a restaurant to eat!

"Did you bring the chef from that store here?"


"Will the taste of the old store become worse?"

"I'm a little curious, where are Brother Zhou and the others? Let them go there and try it?"


One of the girls made a phone call.

A minute later, she put down the phone and said,"Brother Zhou said he would go and try it now."

"If the taste is the same over there, Wu Gu Youxiang is a good brand and can be used!"

"Yes, any store that I really want to open will have the same taste. It would be best to open it in my hometown so that my parents can try it too."

"Indeed, you can still enjoy the same taste when you go home for the holidays, or when you return to your hometown to work in the future."


They were half full.

The girl received the news.

She took a look and said in a excited tone:"Brother Zhou said that the taste of the store over there has not changed, it is still the same, very good."

"Awesome, what is this called? Grain Yuxiang, right?"


"It’s pretty awesome, and its personnel training capabilities are pretty strong. Is this a brand run by a catering training company?"

"Not sure."

These migrant workers all work in nearby companies and are very sensitive to brands.

They have completely lost their initial disappointment and are very curious about this brand!

It's amazing!

The training of these personnel is very good!

Fifteen Minutes.

After they were full, they got up and left.

At noon, they had to go to meetings and make reports. They didn't have time to eat slowly and left quickly after eating.

Xu Mingqiang sat behind the counter and looked at the door of the store with a complicated expression on his face.

He heard the comments made by those people just now.

It was as he expected.

The taste of this store is definitely good!

Jiang Feng's ability to cultivate talents is too strong!

However, the business in the store is average.

The people at the table just ate In fifteen minutes, there were only two takeout orders in the store.

Then no other customers came in.

Although it was only after 10 o'clock, it was not yet dinner time.

But this was a bit bleak.

Xu Mingqiang sent a message to Xiao Zhang:"003 How is the store doing? Xiao

Zhang replied instantly:"Not bad, boss. Boss Jiang is so awesome. His people just come and work without any instructions!"

Xiao Zhang:"I feel ashamed for doing this kind of work. I feel like I'm not worth the salary!""

Seeing the news about Xiao Zhang, the excitement in Xu Mingqiang's heart rose again!

Thinking of Jiang Feng's attitude towards the clerk, Xu Mingqiang always had an inexplicable sense of admiration.

Xu Mingqiang blew a rainbow fart:"Boss Jiang, you will always be awesome!

Xiao Zhang followed closely:"Boss Jiang, you will always be awesome!""

Licking Dog + 2

Xu Mingqiang continued to send messages:"I asked about the business, not the situation of the clerk."

Xiao Zhang:"Oh, the business is not bad. It opened at 10 o'clock, and there have been more than 20 customers so far. The sales are good."

Xu Mingqiang was a little depressed.


Store 003 is located far away, and Wugu Youxiang does not have any brand effect over there. As a result, the business of store 003 is better than that of store 002?!

But after thinking about it,

Xu Mingqiang reacted..

Regular customers of Wugu Youxiang must have gone straight to the old store.

In addition, the new store did not do any publicity. They only made a sign in the old store saying that they were opening a new branch.

So there was no one here. It's normal.

The business will not pick up until the old store is full of customers, or when the restaurant has new customers.

After thinking about it,

Xu Mingqiang's mind is a little wild.

Do you want to send a message to Boss Jiang?

Let's talk first. The business is not good.

Then I will think of a way.

When the business gets better, I can still take credit.

Xu Mingqiang is an old man and knows how to maximize his own credit.

But think about it carefully.

Xu Mingqiang gave up on this. Thoughts.

Is Jiang Feng stupid?


Xu Mingqiang feels that everything Jiang Feng does is extremely smart.

Jiang Feng will probably know all his little thoughts as soon as he tells Jiang Feng.

Moreover, Jiang Feng probably won't expose him. He will cooperate with him in a performance and then give him some rewards.

Jiang Feng is very generous, especially to those who are willing to help him.

But the more this happens, the less Xu Mingqiang wants to trick Jiang Feng.

I don’t know why, but he always feels like working with Jiang Feng , Xu Mingqiang was in a much smoother mood than before, and he was not so pretentious. He was very comfortable.

Just wait quietly for a while.

Xu Mingqiang took out his mobile phone and chatted with his wife.

Several groupsHuddled next to them, there were those who were using Xiaole and others who were applying pesticides.

They don't have the brains of Xu Mingqiang.

But they just ate. tasty!

Although the food made by Boss Jiang is not as delicious, the quality of this store is really good!

Still cheap!

The seller selling omelette rice next to me, a regular version without meat, just eggs, rice and curry, costs 35 yuan.

For 15 yuan, Jiang Feng can eat both meat and vegetables, as well as a bowl of porridge!

What you eat is what you earn!

If this business is not good, there will be trouble!

Even if business is not good today, it will be good tomorrow!

And at this time.

Xu Xiuli sitting in Starbucks looked excited!

"You see, I just said, publicity is the truth of doing business!"

"He is just an idiot. The success of the first two stores must be pure luck. It has been almost 20 minutes, and a group of people have entered."

Xu Na stared at the door of Jiang Feng's new store and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was still a little nervous when she saw the white-collar workers entering.

Six customers came in just after the store opened, and she felt that the business was about to take off.

As a result.After the first 6 people came in, there were no more subsequent customers.

They kept waiting like this for 20 minutes.

Xu Na now also felt that the business of Jiang Feng's store was probably dead.

She looked at her own store.

Several customers came in one after another at the door of the store.

Business seemed to be good.

Xu Na was in a better mood.

Although there were not many customers in her store, at least there were more than Jiang Feng's store! As long as she could surpass Jiang Feng, that would be enough.!

As long as Jiang Feng is worse than her!

She will be in a good mood!


It's 11 o'clock.

Jiang Feng packed up his things and prepared to open the store.


His cell phone rang.

Xu Liren sent a message:"It's done. The settlement was successful. I will now arrange for someone to return the household registration book to your uncle.

Xu Liren:"Should I personally deliver your household registration book to you?"

Jiang Feng was a little surprised:"So fast?""

You can't apply for household registration on weekends.

So Xu Liren said that it should be completed within three days. Jiang Feng automatically calculated the time to Wednesday.

As a result, it was completed before it was over on Monday morning!

Xu Liren replied instantly:"That's it, who am I? ah? I have a classmate who is in charge of this area. Saying hello is very quick.

Jiang Feng replied:"Then come over anytime and I will make something nice for you."

Xu Liren:"What's good?"

Jiang Feng:"Braised lion's head with rice.""

Today is Monday.

According to Jiang Feng's previous thoughts, there are fewer buns today, a lot more rice, and a lot more steamed vegetables. The steamed vegetables can be made in advance and just reheated when eating. It is very suitable for Jiang Feng's shop. There are not many people.

In addition to these,

Jiang Feng plans to cook a new dish every Monday.

Today is braised lion head, a classic Huaiyang dish.

Xu Liren was instantly greedy:"I can go anytime! When it is convenience to you?

Jiang Feng:"How about a little later?" It's too late to prepare your meal now. After the guests have left, the two of us will eat together.

Xu Liren was very happy:"Okay!""

In addition to being able to eat new dishes,

Xu Liren also likes to have a meal with Jiang Feng and chat for a few words.

Nothing else. He just likes Jiang Feng. He feels very comfortable spending time with Jiang Feng.

After chatting with Xu Liren Jiang Feng looked at other prestige news.

There weren't many things going on.

His big cutie and little cutie were in the garden, trying to eat the dishes cooked by the master in the garden.

Yu Qing and the others were working normally.

The situation of the other two stores , also went very smoothly, and there was no news that bothered him. No news is the best news.

Just after finishing reading,

Wang Zhe walked in:"I'm sorry, it's hard to find the parking place, it's a little late. Jiang

Feng smiled:"It's okay. It's ready. There are 8 lion heads in total, two for you, six for uncle and the guests. I have prepared 15 bowls of steamed vegetables, which is not enough for you to take." Wang

Zhe rubbed his hands:"That's enough, that's enough, I'm leaving first."

Jiang Feng said,"If that doesn't work, just take a taxi.""

"Okay, I'll figure it out. Let's go, Brother Jiang."

With that said,

Wang Zhe turned and left.

Jiang Feng washed his hands and concentrated on making the lion's head.

At this time,

003 direct-operated store.

More than 20 customers have been seated in the store.

Business is gradually improving.

The customers are eating thing, chatting in a low voice

"So cool! Gogu Yuxiang actually drove underneath the company! It still tastes the same!"

"Indeed, you can buy it here in the future"

"Spread the news! quick! Let the brothers and sisters in the company know! No need to eat there!"

"The taste is almost the same! No need to queue here! What kind of paradise is this?"

A few regular customers of Wugu Youxiang had excited faces.

They had eaten Wugu Youxiang's rice for many days. It was clean and delicious. They felt very comfortable after eating, unlike other takeaways.

The food felt very fresh!

The only problem is that it’s too difficult to queue up!

There’s not enough stuff to sell!

The business is so booming!

They just complained yesterday that there’s only one store, which is really too few.

There’s actually a new store today!

There are a few customers nearby who live nearby , I have heard of Wugu Youxiang, but have never been there.

There were too many people, and they were too lazy to queue up.

The takeout didn’t feel delicious.

The steamed buns had already been soaked by the steam when they arrived.

Just right.

There is a branch.

They tasted the buns, I also want a claypot


"It tastes good and is very clean. The beef is quite solid and the tendons are shaved cleanly."

"No wonder the business there is good, the food is delicious and not expensive. Isn’t this much better than the 40 yuan claypot rice next door?!"

"I actually feel a little bit refreshed! It's a bit like the food my mother makes, it's very fresh"

"Indeed, it is very comfortable to eat."

Whether they are new customers or old customers, they are all very satisfied with the products in the store!

The brand Wugu Youxiang has gradually become familiar to them without them even noticing!


Customers of the 001 direct-operated store It’s already full.

A few migrant workers who couldn’t find a place were feeling very uncomfortable.

"Damn, I'm late"

"Take away to eat?"

"Hey, Xiaolu said that the Wugu Youxiang branch in our company has opened! Go eat there! There are fewer people there, but the taste is the same!"

"Go quickly!"

The news spread quickly.

There were many customers in Jiang Feng's new store who were white-collar workers, so the news spread quickly.

At this time, several customers who were about to enter Xu Ji Baozi also received the news.

They worked nearby. In fact, I also really like to eat Wu Gu Youxiang, but it’s a bit far away, I’m too lazy to queue up, and I don’t want to order takeout.

So I occasionally make do with Xuji Baozi.

The taste is average and the price is a bit more expensive, but compared to other nearby restaurants, it’s pretty good. Eat it.


"There is a fragrance of grains nearby!"

"Seems to be! I got the message too!"

"Fuck grandma’s Xuji steamed buns! Walk! With the fragrance of grains, who would eat her food? It’s expensive and no one tastes good!"

These customers turned around and left, heading straight to Jiang Feng's new store!

Xu Na happened to see this scene, and her face became darker.

Since 11 o'clock, her face has become more and more ugly.

Until now.

Every customer wants to After entering her shop, she actually came out to Jiang Feng!

She broke through the defense directly!

What made her even more uncomfortable was that the business in her shop had always been like that.


Basically, there were about half of the customers..At this time, many customers quickly gathered at the entrance of Jiang Feng's 003 direct-sale store. Seeing that the hundreds of seats in the new store were about to be filled!

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