Jiang Feng quickly cooked the meal and put it on the table.

There are 4 steaming and fragrant lion heads in total.

There is also a plate of Jiang Youyou’s biggest enemy in life, stir-fried broccoli with garlic.

3 small bowls of steamed green beans on the side.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou followed to the kitchen, ready to help serve rice.

Rong Lijun also came over and lined up to receive the meal.

Jiang Feng serves rice

"Uncle, this bowl belongs to you. It’s a little too full. If it’s not enough, please fill it more."

Rong Lijun has finished eating, and Jiang Feng specially gave him some food.


They sat down with rice in their hands.

Jiang Feng washed his hands and came to the dining table.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang were both very hungry, but they were still waiting for Jiang Feng.

"Okay, let's eat quickly."

Jiang Feng pinched off one of the lion's heads. The pink and white meatballs were steaming, and the aroma of the meat overflowed.

Rong Lijun's throat moved up and down.

Although his stomach was full, his mouth was hungry again!

This lion's head is really delicious!

The meat is rich in flavor, but not greasy at all. It doesn't feel oily at the end of the meal, only the salty and slightly sweet aroma.

Jiang Feng took a small piece of meat, dipped it in the sauce, and put it on In Jiang Youyou's bowl.

Jiang Youyou put a big piece of meat for Jiang Feng with some difficulty.

Rong Shuang also gave Jiang Feng a piece of meat that looked best to her and put it in Jiang Feng's bowl.

Rong Lijun watched from the side. He looked up, with a bit of a smile on his usually serious face.

Usually he actually didn't like this kind of behavior of picking food from each other.

Can't you pick it up yourself?

But when he saw his three children taking care of each other, he just I feel very happy.

Sometimes, it’s good to do meaningless things with the people you like.

"Okay, let’s eat."Jiang Feng smiled.

Jiang Youyou was very hungry for a long time. She took the meat and rice to the edge of the bowl, opened her mouth and ate it.

The sauce had a slightly sweet and salty taste, which instantly filled her whole body. Mouth.

Chew twice.

The aroma of the meat spreads.

Jiang Youyou's little eyes lit up instantly.

"Good times!"

She chewed the meat in her mouth and made a couple of excited gestures to Jiang Feng.

How come everything her father makes tastes so delicious!

This lion head is so delicious!

Rong Shuang was also surprised by the taste.

This slightly sweet taste , only existed for a short time when entering the mouth, and then came the aroma of meat and salty taste!

The taste was very rich!

The four lion heads were quickly eaten clean.

Rong Lijun was really out of his stomach, but I still ate half a lion's head, a little broccoli, and a small portion of green beans.

Originally, Rong Lijun only planned to eat two bites of vegetables and celebrate the settlement with Jiang Feng.

But after finishing a bite of green beans, Rong Lijun started to cook. Wow.

It goes so well with rice!

The fragrant, salty and spicy steamed vegetables, as well as the meaty aroma of the lion's head, really go with the rice!

A small half bowl of rice is not enough!

Rong Lijun was almost counting the rice grains while eating, but They still ate all the rice quickly.

After finishing the meal, the family of four leaned on the chairs to rest.

"Dad, Youyou wants to take a look at the household registration book again."

Jiang Youyou held her belly and spoke in a brisk tone.

A glimmer of expectation flashed in Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes.

When they came back, Jiang Feng had already shown them the household registration book and real estate certificate.

But they still wanted to see it!

Jiang Feng She put away the bowls and chopsticks and put her ID on the table.

Rong Shuang opened her household registration book and looked at it with Jiang Youyou.

Rong Lijun also looked at it twice, feeling very good and said:"Very good, congratulations.""

"Thanks. Jiang Feng brushed his chopsticks and said with a smile,"Thanks to the house you gave me, otherwise I would have had to wait a long time, at least more than 40 days." Rong

Lijun shook his head:"You have almost paid off the house. It is a house you earned yourself.""

He wanted Jiang Feng to live happily without any burden.

If he was giving something to a subordinate, Rong Lijun would definitely let him remember the favor.

But when he gave Jiang Feng something, Rong Lijun didn't want the favor.

It's true. He raised him as his own son.

He just wanted to make Jiang Feng live a comfortable life.

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"It's not so clear now. How is the situation of the two stores?"

When it comes to business,

Rong Lijun talks more and his tone is a little excited:"Very good!"

"It's beyond imagination. The people you train are very suitable for their positions."

"I started making money on the first day. I rarely see projects like this, except for financial operations."

"Judging from this speed, Wugu Youxiang will soon become a big catering brand."

A normal brand takes more than ten years, or even longer, to maintain.

Jiang Feng doesn't need it!

Wu Gu Youxiang's brand power is really powerful! It's cheap, delicious and clean!

The service attitude is also good!

Customers recognize the brand The temperature has increased rapidly!

Jiang Feng cleaned the chopsticks, put them in the disinfection cabinet, and said,"In another half month, we can open a new store."

Gogu Yuxiang has been recruiting people, and there are many people who have signed up to submit their resumes. However, many people have been rejected.

Many people are not really practical, and only fancy the treatment in the store, and want to come and hang out.

This All the candidates have been screened out.

Fortunately, Jiang Feng's salary is high and there are many people who signed up. In the past few days, they have recruited two more complete teams, which are currently being maintained in stores 001 and 003.

In about 15 days, there will be more.

Rong Lijun was very surprised to be able to open two more stores :"At this rate, how many stores can be expanded this year? Jiang Feng thought for a moment:"

About 40.""

This number seems a bit perfunctory.

But in fact, Jiang Feng has thought about it.

Store investment is not a problem.

Rong Lijun's account is full of cash that cannot be invested.

However, talent training takes time.

Even skilled workers , if you want them to get used to Wugu Youxiang's working conditions, it is best to have an adaptation period of more than 20 days.

40 stores is the number of branches calculated by Jiang Feng this year.

The final number of stores will not be different from Jiang Feng's estimate Too many.

Rong Lijun did the math.

If 40 stores have a daily turnover of 200,000 yuan... the net profit in a year will exceed 1.4 billion!

Hiss... this is only half a year's business growth!

Rong Lijun himself He didn't even realize it.

He had great trust in Jiang Feng.

He thought everything Jiang Feng said was true!

Treatment that Rong Shuang didn't have!

However, despite being excited, Rong Lijun, as an old businessman, was also a little worried.

The operation of each store The situation cannot always be so good.

And with more people, the probability of various accidents will increase.

These are normal business risks.

Rong Lijun was thinking about how to tell Jiang Feng about this matter.

Jiang Feng continued Said:"40 stores don’t make much money, you may not like it, but I think it’s important to go slow."

"I plan to hire 10% to 20% more clerks in each store so that their work can be easier."

"If there is a problem in a certain store, we have enough manpower to deploy it."

Rong Lijun was shocked!

Good guy!

Have you already thought of a way to avoid danger?! What

Rong Lijun is most worried about is actually problems with the store staff.

With more people, the probability of getting sick and having an accident will increase.

Or maybe someone's mentality has changed, causing a problem in a certain store and requiring urgent replacement.

Both require enough manpower.

Jiang Feng has already thought of it!

Moreover, Rong Lijun fully agrees with Jiang Feng's idea from a business perspective!

More tricks Although the labor cost will be much higher, it can reduce employee fatigue and ensure the quality of the meals and services!

Not bad.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng and then at Rong Shuang, revealing A bit worried.

Does her son-in-law really not dislike Rong Shuang?

Apart from being good-looking, she is far less intelligent than her son-in-law.

Rong Shuang's eyes were a bit colder.

She didn't know what Rong Lijun was thinking, but this look made her very sad. Unhappy.

The atmosphere between father and daughter became a little colder.

Jiang Feng packed up and wiped his hands.

Rong Lijun stood up:"Then I'll leave first. I have to meet someone else."

"The business in Europe has never been smooth, and this time a very important guest came."

Rong Lijun chatted casually for a few words.

Jiang Feng looked at the time:"Okay, slow down on the road."

"good. Goodbye Yoyo."

Rong Lijun looked kindly and waved his hand to Jiang Youyou.

"Goodbye, grandpa!"

Jiang Youyou grinned and raised her head, looking cute.

Rong Shuang glanced at Jiang Feng, with a bit of hesitation in her beautiful eyes.

After meeting more, she actually didn't hate Rong Lijun as much as before.

As long as Jiang Feng is there. Around her, those bad emotions seemed to be slowly calmed down.

She would occasionally think of Rong Lijun's kindness, and she would also feel that Rong Lijun had raised her so well after all.

However, she didn't know How should she speak.

At this time, she relied heavily on Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng gave her a reassuring look and smiled at her.

Rong Shuang felt relieved when she looked at Jiang Feng's smiling face.

She opened the door and faced Rong Lijun, who had walked more than ten meters, said:"Slow down on the road."

Rong Lijun stopped and turned around in surprise. After two seconds of silence, Rong Lijun hummed:"Remember to exercise more and take good care of Jiang Feng when you go back."

"My husband, are you telling me to take good care of him?"

"He is still half my son, can I remind you?"


"How did I teach you to be polite? Pooh!"

The father and daughter glared at each other and turned around at the same time.

Rong Shuang returned to the store and looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng asked with a smile:"Farewell?"


"Mom is awesome!"Jiang Youyou stood up and wanted to hug Rong Shuang, but because she was too full to eat, she could only move forward slowly.

She stepped up her calves and held her belly, as if she was afraid of shocking the food in her stomach.

Rong Shuang He walked forward, hugged Jiang Youyou, and looked at Jiang Feng:"Husband"


"Can I give you a hug?


Jiang Feng wiped his hands and held the two of them in his arms.

"Nice to have you."

Rong Shuang leaned against Jiang Feng's ear and whispered softly.

"I think so too, it’s great to have you and Youyou."Jiang Feng was in a very good mood.

Rong Shuang nuzzled Jiang Feng's ears like a kitten:"As long as you are here, I feel that everything will become much easier."

"Be good, you did a good job, take your time."Jiang Feng patted her back and comforted her.

Jiang Youyou lay on Jiang Feng's shoulder, giggling as she listened to her parents' words.

She liked to eavesdrop on her parents' love talks.

But halfway through her laughter, she suddenly licked Licking his tongue, he said:"Dad"


"Youyou's teeth seemed to be shaking. Jiang

Feng hugged her over, looked at her carefully, and smiled:"It seems a little bit normal. It's time for you to change your teeth.""

"What should I do? Will it affect Yuyou's eating?"The cutie Ganfan had a worried look on her face.

She didn't care whether she lost her teeth or not.

Anyway, she was also her father's cutie, and he wouldn't think she was ugly.

But eating can't affect her!

This is a big deal!

Jiang Feng pinched her Nose:"You won’t lose all your teeth at the same time, and your permanent teeth won’t fall out either."

"Dad, what are permanent teeth?"

"It's the teeth you use to chew, the ones next to your face."

Jiang Youyou licked her teeth, silently looking for where her permanent teeth were.

Jiang Feng sent her into Rong Shuang's arms and cleaned up the store. It's time to get off work!

Today's work is over, and everything that needs to be done is done. Already done.

Free time!

Rong Lijun got to the car, took a sip of tea, cleared his mouth, and sent a message in the circle of friends

"I ate another half of the lion's head. I want to eat more tomorrow. It feels good to have a son-in-law. Old Zhao may not be able to experience this feeling."

Today's third post in the circle of friends.

Rong Lijun didn't want to post it at first.

You still have to keep your guard up.

But he was in a good mood.

How could he have such a good son-in-law like Jiang Feng and let him take advantage of it?!

It would be unreasonable not to mention Zhao Fuchuan's name on this happy day.

Zhao Fuchuan happened to see this circle of friends and vomited blood at first!

Bullying his two sons, right?!

Tang Shun gloated and posted in the circle of friends:"It feels good for my daughter to have a good best friend, and Lao Zhao probably won't be able to appreciate it either."

Zhao Fuchuan didn't dare to scold Rong Lijun, but Tang Shun was not afraid. He replied directly below.

"You're done with this old boy, right?! Eat a lion's head and you'll be stunned!

Tang Shun was very happy to be scolded and replied:"Hahahahahahaha.""

Other wealthy businessmen also saw Rong Lijun's circle of friends one after another, and they felt inexplicably good.

Seeing Zhao Fuchuan being named, they were actually a little happy! After

Rong Lijun finished Zhao Fuchuan's mentality, he asked the driver to drive to the company.

8 At 20:00,

Rong Lijun saw a man with blond hair, brown eyes, sunburned skin and dense wrinkles in the reception room, wearing a blue apple-collar suit jacket and white trousers.

"Hello Colicchio."Rong Lijun stood up and took the initiative to say hello.

This person is the client Rong Lijun will entertain today, the second son of a huge plutocrat in Europe.

Although the group is run by Coricchio's brother, Wall Every generation of managers in the husband's family is a double talker.

Coricchio also has a strong voice. If the business deal with him is good, Rong Lijun's future business in Europe will be much easier.

Before Rong Lijun has a lot of business dealings with the Wolf family.

After all, the country is the largest market, and the bigger the businessman, the more he cannot avoid doing business with the country.

But this is the first time that someone like Colicchio has level people, come to the country in person

"Hello, Mr. Rong, you are getting younger and younger."

Colricchio sounded a little envious.

He had met Rong Lijun a few years ago.

He is much older now, but Rong Lijun seems to be younger than before.

Rong Lijun smiled politely. He smiled so that no one could tell what he was thinking:"Please sit down first.""

"OK After sitting down

, Rong Lijun said calmly:"I've had some good things recently."

"I know, Jiang Feng, Mr. Jiang."

Rong Lijun was stunned for a moment.

The other party actually knew about Jiang Feng?

Coricchio was leaning on the sofa, looking very lazy and casual, but his eyes were a little excited:"I heard that Mr. Jiang's cooking skills are very good."

"But I think Chinese food is average and not as delicious as our French food, and your chefs are not as proficient as our chefs."

There was no sarcasm in Coricchio's tone, only a sense of stating the facts. It was obvious.

He had no ill intentions towards Jiang Feng. He said this sincerely, and that was the truth.

Rong Lijun's expression did not change. But he felt a little unhappy.

In fact, he rarely got angry.

But when it came to Jiang Feng, the old father-in-law couldn't hold his temper.

Even if Colicchio had no ill intentions towards Jiang Feng, he would not accept Colicchio's arrogance. In a tone of voice, he pointed at Jiang Feng!

"Mr. Colicchio, you are wrong."Rong Lijun spoke straightforwardly, his tone still calm, making it difficult to see his emotions.

But the attitude of protecting the cub is very clear!

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