The next day, five o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Feng got up, saw the news about Rong Lijun, and replied:"I can make it." Marseille fish soup was first made by local fishermen. They stewed the leftover scraps in a pot and added mayonnaise.

Later, rouille, a locally produced garlic chili sauce, will be added.

It is said that this dish has a history of more than 2,500 years. It is considered an orthodox French meal, so Jiang Feng naturally knows how to cook it.

Rong Lijun had already gotten up and was washing.

After brushing his teeth, Rong Lijun was a little surprised to see Jiang Feng's news.

Last night before Rong Lijun went to bed, he asked He Guangyi and the others if they knew any chefs who were good at making bouillabaisse.

But none of them knew He Guangyi.

And they traveled to Provence.

According to He Guangyi, there are many locals making bouillabaisse, and the taste is very special, which is different from all domestic dishes.

Rong Lijun didn't receive any news from Jiang Feng last night, so he couldn't help but feel a little worried.


Jiang Feng knows it!

The son-in-law is indeed a god!


While Rong Lijun was praising his son-in-law in his heart, Jiang Feng sent another message.

Jiang Feng:"What kind of flavor are we going to make? Is it improved?"

Rong Lijun:"Improved? Yesterday I asked He Guangyi, and he also said that this dish is not suitable for sale in China. What happened to this dish?"

He Guangyi The original words were:"If this thing is not improved, there will be almost no repeat customers in the country. I have never seen a French chef who specializes in this dish."

Jiang Feng sent a voice message and explained:"This This dish was originally made by fishermen on the seaside. After selling out, they stewed the remaining scraps with onions, fennel, peppers, etc."

"The local method involves adding sea crabs, smashing them whole, boiling them into soup, and then sifting and draining them. The seafood flavor is very strong."

The handling method is so rough?

Rong Lijun was a little surprised:"Smash the crab directly? Really eat like this?"

Jiang Feng:"Yes, so it must be sea crabs. Freshwater crabs are not good and the earthy smell will be strong. Sea crabs fished directly from the sea are relatively clean."

Jiang Feng:"However, the processing method is indeed rough compared to that in China. Moreover, their dish does not use ginger, uses wine if there is no cooking wine, and also uses oyster sauce, which is a bit fishy."

When cooking crabs in China, most of them need to open the lid, chop the mouth, remove the gills, heart and stomach. The taste is much cleaner. The method is delicate and the taste is exquisite.

Bouillabaisse is much wilder!

Crack the whole crab into pieces.!

And the way to eat it is also very wild. In the early years, the whole fish was served, and the service cut it into pieces for you.

Now it is more refined. The process of cutting the fish is put in the kitchen, and the fish pieces are served.

So There is a lot of seafood and oyster sauce.

Rong Lijun felt a fishy smell coming to his face just thinking about it.

Jiang Feng continued:"They don't have cooking wine and vinegar, and they don't put ginger in this dish. They use orange peels." , oregano, basil, rosemary.

Jiang Feng:"If you want to improve it to domestic tastes, I can change their recipes and make them more delicious.""

Jiang Feng doesn't think there is anything wrong with the Marseille fish soup.

He doesn't like others treating his own culture in a condescending manner, so he doesn't despise other cultures.

This is a taste cultivated in a special environment.

It is similar to the taste of domestic typhoon shelters. It is a taste that is gradually developed for the convenience of life, or to dispel cold and dampness.

Just like Jiang Feng respects traditional dishes but does not mind improving them.

However, if this dish really wants people in China to find it delicious, it is better to It has to be changed.

Rong Lijun replied:"If we don't change it, just make it the most authentic. Let them take one bite and feel that this thing was made by locals. Is that okay?"

Jiang Feng:"No problem, but you have to get me some raw materials."

Rong Lijun:"No problem, what do you need?""

Jiang Feng:"Tubao fish, bream, matchmaker fish, red scorpion fish, as well as local garlic chili sauce, as well as spices such as orange peel."

Jiang Youyou has been huddled in Jiang Feng's arms, listening to Jiang Feng's call.

When she heard the matchmaker fish, the little one was a little surprised.

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, she asked:"Dad, matchmaker fish? Is it the matchmaker that Yunyu wants? Jiang

Feng nodded and said with a smile:"This is a close relative of the red scarlet carp. It is called the matchmaker fish because of its good-looking appearance and red body."

Jiang Youyou's eyes were bright:"Dad, you are so amazing!""

Dad really knows everything!

With a slight smile on Rong Shuang's pretty face, she gently stroked Jiang Feng's belly. She liked to massage Jiang Feng like this and watch Jiang Feng chatting and playing with the female goose.


Jiang Youyou just finished speaking.

Rong Lijun's message came back:"Okay, I'll arrange a special plane to send you here. If there's anything else, feel free to tell me. It's okay to make a few more trips."

The cost of air transportation by special plane is very high.

If it were someone else, Rong Lijun would definitely remind the other person to think about it once and don't run too much.

Rong Lijun is rich, but he is not mentally ill and can save costs. , it must be saved.

But of course Jiang Feng is a special case!

Don't worry, think slowly, if there is anything missing, we will send a special plane to pick it up at any time. Don't feel any psychological pressure about spending some money.

My old father-in-law is afraid of Jiang Feng He blamed himself and even got vaccinated in advance.

Jiang Feng said:"There should be no omissions. I am also familiar with this dish and I can cook it well.

Rong Lijun:"I understand.""

The work is okay = the work is invincible.

Rong Lijun:"By the way, can I help you negotiate with the store next to you? I've arranged for someone to ask about the situation.

Rong Lijun:"If I do it, we can start decorating this morning." Jiang Feng was a little surprised:"

You asked last night?" Rong Lijun:"

Yes, I asked someone to ask about the situation first. It happened that the owner of the store slept late, so we talked for a while."

Rong Lijun:"But I haven't finalized it yet. If you want others to negotiate, then let others negotiate.""

He didn't make the decision for Jiang Feng.

Sometimes he has good intentions, but directly intervening to help may not make Jiang Feng happy.

So Rong Lijun just asked about it.

As for who will be invited to negotiate in the end and what the outcome of the negotiation will be, Jiang Feng decides.

This is Rong Lijun's style of acting.

When Rong Shuang ran away from home, Rong Lijun did not force her to come back.

Jiang Feng replied instantly:"Please help arrange it, it will be quite troublesome for me to ask Brother Xu to come over."

Rong Lijun felt happy. He was very happy to be able to do something for Jiang Feng.

"Okay, then you don't have to worry about it. The lease is first obtained in someone else's name. If you want to buy it, then use your name."

Rong Lijun hasn't found the landlord yet to talk about buying the shop.

Just use someone else's name for the lease first, which can save Jiang Feng a lot of time.

Jiang Feng agreed:"Okay, that's it."

After the negotiation was completed,

Jiang Feng put away his mobile phone and got up with Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou to wash up.

Rong Lijun sent a message to Xu Mingqiang:"Put down the shop at the price mentioned last night."

The lease for the store next to it still has 16 months left. Including transfer fees and the remaining rent, the total is 880,000. It was supposed to be 850,000, which is a relatively normal price.

However, there are also two other people interested in the store.

The person Xu Mingqiang arranged to handle this matter directly added 30,000 yuan, and it was basically finalized with the other party.

After the matter was arranged,

Rong Lijun breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Zhe sent a message to Rong Lijun:" I have already asked Mr. Wu to read the birthday horoscopes you asked me to read. He set a date for it, the eighth day of September, and said it would be auspicious."

Wang Zhe:"[Picture]"

Rong Lijun took a look.

The picture stated which zodiac signs should be avoided when getting off the car at the wedding, as well as when to get on the bus and when to get off.

Various customs, Basically everything was written clearly.

Rong Lijun was a little worried, so he sent the picture to Jiang Jianye, and then sent a message:"Lao Jiang, please see if this works first.

Rong Lijun:"If it doesn't work, let's change it again or discuss what to do.""

He was worried that Jiang Jianye thought he had too many things to do.

Jiang Jianye shared the picture with Song Jin. After the two of them saw it, they both thought it was okay.

Jiang Jianye:"Just follow this, it's just this custom, make it lively. Good.

Jiang Jianye:"Have you told the two children?"

Rong Lijun:"Not yet. Jiang Feng is probably busy. Wang Zhe just sent it to me, but I haven't shown it to him yet."

Jiang Jianye:"Okay, you can talk to him when he is not busy anymore."

Rong Lijun was a little nervous:"Jiang Feng doesn't reject this, does he?""

Jiang Jianye smiled:"He doesn't reject it. Even if he rejects it, he is willing to cooperate.

Rong Lijun was a little helpless:"That's what I'm worried about.""

He's not worried about Jiang Feng's objections. He's just worried that Jiang Feng doesn't like it, but doesn't say anything and cooperates with others.

Jiang Feng is too sensible.

But the last thing Rong Lijun wants is to make Jiang Feng unhappy.

Jiang Jianye:"I just said it casually, It's to put your mind at ease. Jiang

Jianye:"Don't worry, our hometown also has this custom. The wedding only takes half a day, so it's okay.""

Jiang Jianye:"Our custom there was that it took three days in the early years, which was very troublesome, but now it's good."

According to Rong Lijun's arrangement, he picked up the bride in the morning, changed his mind in the morning, went to Jiang Feng's house for a walk, then had a meal at noon, held a ceremony, and it was over.

He deliberately didn't do it very luxuriously.

In fact, according to his status, Travel weddings are relatively common, taking everyone to a place with particularly beautiful scenery and holding an outdoor wedding.

But for Jiang Feng, simplicity is the main thing.

If you really want to go out for fun, just go.

The two fathers have reached an agreement.

Rong Lijun sent the picture to Jiang Feng.

When they got out of the car to buy groceries, Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang looked at it together.

Jiang Youyou hugged Jiang Feng's neck and tilted her shoulders. She couldn't understand a few words, but she still looked serious. She looked at it as if she could understand it completely.

Rong Shuangqiao blushed and looked at Jiang Feng:"Is this okay?

Jiang Feng asked:"Is it too simple?" Your friends are all quite rich, and the weddings they hold are pretty good, right?"

"I can actually spare a few days and do a better job."

Although he felt that comparison was not good.

But after all, Rong Shuang's family background was here, and he had to consider his wife.

Rong Shuang shook his head and said casually:"If I care about what they say, I won't run away from home. Got it"

"As long as I marry you and you scramble me some eggs on the wedding day, I will be very happy."

After all, she is a female CEO who only pursues goals.

With Jiang Feng, any wedding is the same.

There is no difference in anything else.

Jiang Youyou pressed Jiang Feng's neck and said:"Dad, I want to eat Huangpu eggs.

Jiang Feng was amused and pinched her nose:"I just know how to eat.""

"No, Yoyo still knows how to love her father and kiss him. She hugged Jiang Feng's face and kissed him.

Jiang Feng was in a good mood:"Then I'll give you Huangpu eggs and make you some shrimp dumplings.""

"Great! Jiang

Feng took his cell phone and replied to Rong Lijun:"Rong Shuang and I don't have any objections, it's fine."

Jiang Feng:"But do you think this is too simple?" You should have a lot of friends coming too, right?

Rong Lijun replied instantly:"It doesn't matter. I've seen it. Just find a good hotel. I have no problem at all.""

If you have as much money as Rong Lijun, you can do whatever you want.

If you want to have a luxurious wedding, then have a luxurious one.

Jiang Feng doesn't have time and has to open a shop, so find a luxurious hotel and have a simple one.

Everyone Everyone will understand.

Because Rong Lijun is really rich and does not need to use this kind of thing to show off.

This matter is finalized.

Today is the 28th of May in the lunar calendar, and there are still more than 3 months until the wedding. One o'clock.

Just in time, there is still time to prepare.

After the negotiation,

Jiang Feng bought the materials and returned to the store.

Today, Tuesday, the dishes in the store returned to normal, and there were more buns.

Jiang Feng was busier than yesterday.

The guests outside the door , watching Jiang Feng making steamed buns, I felt inexplicably at ease.

"I ate steamed buns again today, not bad"

"A bowl of porridge, four steamed buns, cozy!"

"Another cheater is eating it. Boss Xiao Jiang is really too much. If I do this, when will I get tired of his food? There are so many tricks!"

Mo Ni and the others were also outside the door, looking at Jiang Feng. In addition to being fond of it, there was also some worry in their eyes.

"Have you heard about it?"

"Jamie? I know. I heard that he has flown to Qingjiang to learn Wensi Tofu. He took our flight."

"I heard that they want Jiang Feng to make bouillabaisse. It’s too bullying. Isn’t this thing difficult to make? And there is no time to study!"

"This guy is really nice. Even when he was so nervous, he actually came back to open the shop and take care of the customers."

"Alas, it is so easy for people to suffer losses. It will be very troublesome if they really lose. Maybe Uncle Rong will lose money because of the male idol, and he will be very unhappy with him."

The minds of several girls suddenly became active.

If there is a conflict, wouldn't they have a chance to take over?!

But they just thought about it.

It doesn't matter whether they take over or not, as long as they can watch Jiang Feng every day.

They She didn’t want Jiang Feng to lose!

Especially since the other party was obviously plotting against the male god!

Feng Zishan was a little worried, looked at Jiang Feng in the store, and whispered:"But does the male god really know how to cook?"

"I asked our chef and he said it was difficult, mainly because there was no such environment and it was difficult to master the taste."

The other girls also looked a little worried.

No one has ever seen Jiang Feng cooking Western food. Does the male god really know how to cook French food?

He won't lose, right?

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