Lena has been to Jiang Feng's store in the past two days.

She first bought Wu Gu Yuxiang's steamed buns and felt very disappointed.

The taste is indeed somewhat similar to the steamed buns made by Jiang Feng!

But she always felt like something was missing, and she didn’t feel like she still wanted to eat after finishing it!

She even felt that she had remembered it wrongly.

Jiang Feng's steamed buns might not be as delicious as she remembered?

Maybe she was hungry at the time, so she thought it tasted particularly good?

Originally, she was thinking of waiting until the game between Jamie and Jiang Feng was over before eating the food cooked by Jiang Feng.

But the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't help it!

While working, she was wondering if she had misremembered the taste of Jiang Feng's cooking.

So she went to Jiang Feng's shop and bought the buns made by Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's shop was cleaner than she expected, and Jiang Feng himself was much more handsome than in the photo!

Just looking at Jiang Feng's strong forearms, she felt that Jiang Feng's masculine charm was overwhelming!

She thinks it doesn’t matter what a man looks like, but he must be strong.

Jiang Feng's muscles are the kind that look powerful at first glance, but not too bulky. nice!

In the store, she stared at Jiang Feng's face and took a few bites of the buns.

Then she was surprised by the taste of the buns!

It’s not that she remembered it wrong!

The flavor of this bun is really perfect!


Even more delicious than before!

She felt that the cold buns tasted far less good than the warm buns!

All systematic catering in the world is very particular about temperature.

Western food needs to be warm on the plate, while Chinese food needs to be hot and steamy.

The hot buns made by Jiang Feng surprised Lena!

She usually pursues the original taste of ingredients and likes expensive ingredients, but the things Jiang Feng makes are obviously made from ordinary meat.

But the flavor is really amazing!


Lena ate six steamed buns in a row, drank three bowls of porridge, and went out while holding on to the wall.

The two aunts helped her and chatted with her for a while in very poor English.

Lena never expected that she would be tortured in Chinese style in Jiang Feng's restaurant. how old are you?

Where do you work?

How is the income?

Is there any target?

But after getting in the car, Lena inexplicably liked this feeling.

She is not a social phobia per se and likes chatting with people. Lena feels quite good chatting with these guests who like Jiang Feng's cooking.

Since then.

In two days, Laina went to Jiang Feng's store three times, and also met Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou.

She likes Jiang Youyou so much!

This little girl's eyes are exactly like her father's, a little honest, but she looks smart, but she has a good temper.

Jiang Feng from the trumpet! so cute!

She has completely become Jiang Feng's crush. She has been learning Chinese in the past two days, and even chatted with the aunts about daily life with the help of a few other foreign regulars.

"Jamie can't win. Lena held the document in her hand and said to Coricchio.

Coricchio spread his hands:"You don't like him, do you?" I don't mind if you become someone else's lover, but you don't look good enough for Jiang Feng."

He criticized his niece's appearance mercilessly.

In fact, the people in their family are pretty good-looking.

But Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang are too good-looking.

A fairy couple.

Lena can only be regarded as the best-looking among ordinary people. Not bad.

Even Colicchio felt that Lena had no chance.

Lena sighed:"Some likes have nothing to do with love, do you understand? Colicchio shook his head:"Not really, but it's not important. I just invited you to watch him lose.""

Lena turned around and continued:"He can't lose, Jamie is not his opponent."

Colricchio asked:"Why do you say that?

Lena said:"You will know after you try what Jiang Feng makes.""

The second time she went to Jiang Feng's store, she bought some more things and brought them back, hoping that Coricchio would try them.

However, Coricchio was obviously already very interested, so he still held back and did not eat..

Colicchio refused:"I still mean that, the outcome must be announced under unknown circumstances to be interesting."

He still feels that Jamie has a great chance of winning.

But Lena's high evaluation of Jiang Feng made him feel that this opponent is very strong.

This is interesting!

Coricchio is not sure about the outcome, but he wants to win, Feeling uneasy!

This is the feeling he is pursuing!

Lena rolled her eyes:"Then there is nothing more to say. You will understand tonight that Boss Jiang is a god and Jamie is just an ordinary person."

In the past two days, she has learned the word"god".

Zhou Weishan taught it to her.

She taught it to her little sisters.

They said this word in the group chat every day these days and found it very interesting.

Jiang Feng himself also Unexpectedly, he could still be discussed so lively abroad.

Coricchio said with a smile:"God, this word is very interesting. In their mythology system, all things have animism and can become gods.""

"However, they were wrong. There is only one god, who is destined at birth. The rest are mortals. Jiang Feng is no exception, and so is Jamie. I think Jamie can win. Lena said seriously:"I thought so before, but it was different after eating the food made by Boss Jiang.""

Corricchio was thoughtful.

Lena was deeply influenced by her family's education, and many of her values ​​are the same as his.

Since Lena thinks Jiang Feng is a god, this evaluation is still of great reference value.

It is getting more and more interesting..

Coricchio was looking forward to the afternoon so much that he simply stood up and said:"Let's go"

"Where to go? Lena asked

"First go to the parking lot near Jiang Feng. You can still find a spot now, but if it's later, it will be troublesome to park. Go wait in the car.

Lena was a little shocked:"Are you going to wait?""

In her impression, her uncle didn't have a bad character, but he just didn't like to wait. He had to get the things he bought immediately. Transportation for more than three days would seriously affect his mood when buying things.

However, He actually wants to wait for Jiang Feng!

Coricchio said with a smile:"What you said makes me more and more interested.""


The two of them, along with the driver and bodyguard, went out in the car.


At 4:35 pm.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang returned to the store.

"dad! weekend! It’s the weekend! Youyou will stay with you all day tomorrow!"

She must stay with Jiang Feng!

She missed her father so much this week!

Jiang Feng smiled:"Okay, you and mom will follow."


"Let's drink mung bean paste, wife, give it a try.

Rong Shuang blushed:"Okay.""

Last night, after Jiang Feng kissed Rong Shuang, he quietly changed his name.

He already had a marriage certificate, so it's no problem to call him daughter-in-law, right?

What other name?

Rong Shuang's heartbeat was racing.

She really liked Jiang Feng, so she changed her name. This title made her feel sweet in her heart.

As long as she was with Jiang Feng, everything she did was fun. The two of them helped Jiang Feng. At 6:45, the store was sold out.

The customers greeted Jiang Feng , put away the dishes and chopsticks, and left one after another

"Can we order food next Monday?"

"I must eat mapo tofu! It makes me hungry! You haven’t cooked this dish in half a month!"

"Lion head! I must eat the lion head! I simply didn’t eat enough last week! Jiang Feng smiled and chatted with them for a few words:"Okay, there must be lion heads and mapo tofu.""

"Monday, cooking on the side."

All the guests have left.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye arrived at the store quickly.

Jiang Jianye asked a little nervously:"When will the competition start?"

This competition determines a lot of business interests!

He feels that his son is the most powerful, and that will always be the case in his heart.

But he is not sure about the outcome.

After all, Jiang Feng wants to make Western food.

Can he win?!

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