"impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

After Jamie swallowed the fish in his mouth, he said two impossible words!

Colicchio asked:"You also think this tastes good? Jamie nodded, his expression still very shocked:"Not only is it good, this is simply...impossible!" This can't be the smell that appears here!"

He has tasted something similar to this before.

However, it was in a local old-fashioned restaurant.

This taste is unforgettable to him.

To be honest, this taste is a bit difficult to make.

Although there are many spices, it is easy to make. It is easy to suppress the taste of fish, which reduces the difficulty of cooking for ordinary people.

No matter how unpalatable the food is, if you like spicy food, it will become more delicious if you add some spicy oil.

The taste is too bland and too strong. The two biggest problems that make the food unpalatable are the soup itself. The taste of this kind of soup is relatively strong, so it feels like the requirements are low when making it.

But in fact, for a top chef like Jamie, the more spices, the more The more, the more complex the taste will be!

It is even possible that the taste will be different for everyone.

Different spices, more or less, will affect the final taste.

And with so many kinds of spices, each one needs to be Only by accurately controlling the quantity can you make a dish that tastes good.

This is why Jamie thinks Jiang Feng cannot win.

Don’t go to the local area, eat the local seasonings, and then find a real master to teach you. , it is almost impossible to figure out how to mix these spices. It is too complicated.

Even if you have a good taste, it is difficult to taste the amount of each spice.


Jiang Feng did a good job!

The taste is different from what he had originally The taste is very similar to the one I have eaten before!

And it is obvious that Jiang Feng's cooking is better!

He has a better grasp of some of the seasonings in the original random stew!

The taste is still the same, but it can clearly be felt , the fish soup made by Jiang Feng has less fishy smell, and is very subtly balanced with the seasonings. The fishy smell can still be tasted, ensuring the original taste.

But this fishy smell can be achieved by cleverly adjusting the ratio of spices. Only a few changes were made to bring the taste to a new level!

It’s authentic and delicious!

This is what shocked Jamie the most!

Even if Jiang Feng could make a dish that tasted exactly the same as what he had eaten before Fish soup, he shouldn't be so shocked.

But Jiang Feng improved it!

He is very familiar with spices!

A chef should be familiar with spices, but the problem is that Jiang Feng is a Chinese chef, but this time he used French food Seasonings.

Under normal circumstances, many spices in French food will never appear on the Chinese menu.

Many chefs probably don’t know French food seasonings.

However, Jiang Feng can perfectly combine the taste of these spices. The fusion of them proves that Jiang Feng has a very accurate grasp of the spices used in French food!

How is this possible!

Without decades of experience, Jamie thinks it is impossible to do this!

He has also been in recent years , he gradually understood the taste of spices, and began to try to match spices with ingredients. He didn’t do well.

And as far as he knew, even the only seven-star chef in the world couldn’t completely match the spices with the ingredients. The spices are used to judge the taste of the final meal.

They are all made according to the basic recipes, with slight improvements.

Jiang Feng’s changes to the bouillabaisse are not major, and they seem to be just improvements.

But this improvement , it is different from the improvements they made.

The spices in the dishes they make are generally relatively simple.

This is bouillabaisse!

Stew in a pot!

In such a complex spice environment, changing the taste of a spice, It will greatly affect the taste of other spices!

He would never be able to do this to Jiang Feng!

He was even a little desperate.

It would be impossible for him to be like Jiang Feng in his entire life.

The gap is too big!

"Is it so delicious? Song Jin looked at Jiang Feng in confusion,"Is there something wrong with my sense of taste?""

Jiang Jianye also put down his knife and fork and said,"I'm not used to eating it, and I'm not used to using it either."

The two of them have seen Jamie's praise of Jiang Feng and know that Jiang Feng's dish is very good.

However, they are not used to it.

This is the truth.

The taste of the soup is okay, but the fish is really bad. It's too bad. I'm used to Jiang Feng's steamed fish. When I eat this again, Song Jin feels that the gap between his teeth is going to be filled.

Zhou Linan said:"You are not used to eating this dish normally. This dish is made by people from the seaside." I like to eat more. Boss Xiao Jiang is very good at cooking. This dish is really delicious."

The taste he imagined Jiang Feng could make was similar to this.

No. What

Jiang Feng made was better than he imagined! It 's really amazing!

Jiang Feng is so awesome!

Rong Lijun looked at Colicchio , asked:"This should already be considered a winner, right?"

Corricchio shook his head.

Rong Lijun narrowed his eyes and asked:"I believe you know better than me what the bouillabaisse should taste like. You wouldn't say that Jamie's Wensi tofu is better than Jiang Feng's bouillabaisse. Is soup better?"

Jiang Feng's bouillabaisse is really good!

Rong Lijun originally thought that if Colicchio was cheating, then the competition would continue.

But now he feels that the gap is too obvious!

There is no need to continue the competition!

If Corricchio is unwilling to admit it, he can let the news out and invite people to come over again and eat the bouillabaisse made by Jiang Feng.

As long as people eat it once, they will probably know the outcome.

Jiang Feng made this A dish that cannot be surpassed.

Even if Jamie had the upper hand, he would still be tied with Jiang Feng.

However, Jamie obviously did not have this ability.

Colicchio stared at Rong Lijun and shook his head again, He opened his mouth and said,"I won't default on my debt. I admit, Jiang Feng made this fish soup very well, and it even has a local taste.""

"However, fish soup is not everything. There is also bread. This bread is also very important. It is part of the dish, right?"

"Whether Jiang Feng can make this sauce well will also determine his score."

Colricchio hasn't given up yet.

But what he said makes sense.

This dish does include toasted bread, which is served locally. If Jiang Feng's toasted bread is not good, then this dish cannot be said. It was well done.

If the toast turned over, Colicchio felt that there would be no problem if he gave Jamie a vote!

Everyone looked at the bread next to the plate, which also had a little creamy yellow sauce.!

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