Jiang Feng kept moving, and the knife in his hand gradually moved at a very steady speed.

Jamie's eyes, from the initial shock, turned into a dull look like"What kind of knife technique is this, I've never seen it before".

Others present felt that Jiang Feng's attack seemed a bit too fast.

With such a fast knife, can you find a suitable position for cutting?

But Jamie is different. Jamie has been watching the master making Wensi tofu these days.

Staring is the first step to learning.

You must first learn to see before you can learn to do. If you want to learn anything, you must do this.

From Jamie's angle, he couldn't see clearly the angle of each cut Jiang Feng made, but he could tell that Jiang Feng's cutting method was very similar to his master! wrong!

The master who should be preaching to Jamie is very similar to Jiang Feng!

Although Jamie didn't know why he had this idea, he just felt that Jiang Feng's method of cutting was the right one!

Every cut is extremely precise!

The knife is applied cleanly and neatly! soon.

Jiang Feng cut at an angle, turned the tofu over, and continued to cut in the other direction.

From now on, the difficulty will be much higher than before.

The tofu that has been cut once becomes more fragile than before and will break easily.

When I hold the tofu with my hands, it is difficult to eat it.

Jamie found this to be almost the hardest part.

His hands are very strong.

When cooking, hold the ingredients with your left and right hands, use your right hand to cut the knife, and use your left hand to hold the ingredients in place.

But when making this dish, the movements of the right hand must be fast and precise. At the same time, the left hand must not exert too much force and the movements must be light.

Use a little more force.

The tofu will be deformed due to pressure, making it difficult to continue cutting.

While Jamie was nervous, Jiang Feng had already started cutting.

The second time he cut, Jiang Feng was also very fast, with almost no consideration. The knife in his hand kept cutting all the way.

Less than 2 minutes.

After cutting the tofu, Jiang Feng quickly picked up the tofu with a knife and put it into the water.

The moment you enter the water.

The tofu shreds spread out like threads, swinging in the water!

Jiang Feng picked up one of them and said,"Is it okay to thread the needle?"

Jamie looked at the shredded tofu in Jiang Feng's hand and was completely shocked!

Can it be cut so finely?!

He had just watched Jiang Feng take the sword and already knew that Jiang Feng could do a good job.

But this is great!

Ridiculously good!

Jamie's master has been making Wensi tofu for more than 30 years, and the cut shreds are very well-proportioned and beautiful.

But it's not as detailed as Jiang Fengqie's!

Can really thread a needle!

And I’m afraid more than one tofu thread can be pierced through the eye of a needle!

Two or even three are possible!

Too thin!

And Jiang Feng can actually hold this kind of shredded tofu without crushing it!

This is also scary!

Jamie stayed where he was.

Coricchio was also a little dazed. Looking at Jiang Feng's fingers, he suddenly felt that there was a reason why Jiang Feng was called a god!

That's outrageous!

"Dad is so awesome!"

Jiang Youyou cheered, breaking the silence in the store.

The little girl was very supportive.

Rong Shuang also clapped.

There were a lot of outsiders here, and she was too embarrassed to show off her fangirl look.

But she has a pretty face. She was reddish and obviously a little excited.

This was the first time Jiang Feng had cooked a dish with this level of knife skills.

Although some of the dishes he had cooked before were difficult, such as phoenix cakes and chicken tofu, they were not that difficult. , lies in the heat.

The direct impact of this kind of sword skill made her feel that Jiang Feng was extremely handsome!

So awesome!

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye also recovered from the shock and started to applaud!

They knew that Jiang Feng was powerful, but they didn't I thought, Jiang Feng is so powerful!

He can even make this kind of dish so well!

The tofu can be cut into such fine pieces!

It's not northern tofu, it's fat tofu. It's very easy for ordinary people to get tofu. Break the tofu into pieces!

Rong Lijun looked at Coricchio and said,"Is there a god?"

"have……"Coricchio came back to his senses and looked at Jiang Feng. From the initial appreciation, it gradually turned into a hint of admiration.

Just now, he felt that Jiang Feng was a young man with potential that he could win over.

Now he doesn't think so.

Jiang Feng is much more powerful than he imagined!

So strong!

"Wait a minute! Jamie suddenly said,"Wait a minute!" Jiang

Feng looked at Jamie and asked,"What's wrong?" What is the problem?"

"I would like to see other shredded tofu."Jamie said.

From where he stood, he couldn't see the other tofu shreds in Jiang Feng's basin.

If it had been just now, he would have come over to take a look.

But after watching Jiang Feng's sword skills, he didn't know why. Anyway, Jamie Suddenly, I felt like I was learning from my own chef.

You can't just look at things that the chef doesn't let you see.

If you want to go up and take a look, you have to say hello to the chef.

He is saying hello to Jiang Feng. Can Jiang Feng come over? Look.

Jiang Feng made an invitation gesture.

Jamie came over.

Coricchio followed him, and Zhou Linan and Lena also walked up.

Song Jin and the others stood there, not in a hurry to come up.

Anyway, they were waiting for everyone They were all gone. They could look at whatever they wanted, so let the guests see it first.

Colicchio saw the tofu shreds in the basin and showed a shocked expression again!

Jamie's eyes moved quickly, and he looked carefully I looked at each tofu shred until I saw all the tofu shreds floating on the top.

"so perfect!"

"This is art! Jamie said in amazement, with a bit of fanaticism in his tone!

The thickness of each tofu thread is the same!

And there are no broken threads!

Wensi Tofu has two situations in more sophisticated shops: it is cut into pieces, and it cannot be broken. Serving.

One of them is that the shredded tofu is too thick and the thickness is seriously uneven.

The shredded tofu cannot be broken.

If the shredded tofu is seen at a glance and there are shredded shreds, it can be seen that this dish cannot Serve the food.

If a really knowledgeable diner comes here and sees the Wensi tofu with many broken threads, and turns around to leave, the store owner can’t say anything but recognize that this is something he knows how to eat.

Of course, these are just some There are such rules in fastidious shops, especially old ones.

Jiang Feng cut this one almost perfectly!

There were no mistakes!

The tofu shreds were even and perfect!

"Is there something wrong with this knife? Jiang Feng looked at Jamie and asked.

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