"No problem, use it however you want!"

Jamie was worried that something might happen while cooking, so he brought a lot of chicken soup, enough to make ten servings of Wensi Tofu.

He originally planned to take the rest back and practice Wensi Tofu again.

This knife skill dish is very difficult. But for some reason, Jamie got a little carried away and wanted to practice again.

Jiang Feng wanted to use these chicken soups, and Jamie was absolutely willing!

Jamie felt very honored that the things he made could be used by gods!

Jiang Feng opened the thermos bucket , I tasted the chicken soup made by Jamie.

The salt taste was a bit strong. When the chicken soup was boiled, the temperature was too high and it was salty, but the aroma of the chicken was a bit weak.

Many people have this problem when cooking. It is obviously quite salty. But it just tastes like something is missing. It’s a matter of heat.

But Jiang Feng can’t boil some chicken soup alone now, so he’ll make do with it. After tasting the chicken soup, Jiang Feng started to cut other side dishes.

The sound of the knife colliding with the cutting board, Like drum beats, dense and even.

Behind Jiang Feng, six or seven people were standing around, all standing on tiptoe, looking at the knife in Jiang Feng's hand, their eyesWith a bit of surprise

"This sword skill is really amazing"

"It's so strong. I've never heard of his sword skills being so powerful before."

"Different materials can be cut so quickly, which is amazing."

Corricchio was sighing.

In his opinion, Jiang Feng's knife skills are really artistic, the movements are smooth and natural, and he looks inexplicably comfortable!

Zhou Linan was a little surprised.

They knew that Jiang Feng's cooking was delicious. , and also knew that when Jiang Feng cut twice-cooked pork, the slices of meat were very beautiful.

But in Zhou Linan’s opinion, the knife skills required by Wensi Tofu are not on the same level as twice-cooked pork.

The knife skills Jiang Feng showed today are better than everyone knows. Too many!

Ridiculously strong!

Zhou Linan has been to so many places and has never seen anyone with the same knife skills as Jiang Feng!

Jamie is a chef and sees more different things.

Different materials can be cut. The feeling is different. It is not difficult to cut carrots and cucumbers into shreds of the same size.

But it is much more difficult to cut shredded meat and carrots into the same thickness.

The water content is different, and the fiber content is different. The toughness is also different, and it feels really different when cut.

However, Jiang Feng still cuts very quickly!

And the knife is very stable!

Jamie can't see clearly the thickness of the shredded chicken, but it looks different from shredded tofu. Not much!

It's amazing!

Jiang Feng's side dishes were all cut in less than 25 seconds.

Everyone in Jamie was dumbfounded:"This is too fast... How did you do it?""

Before he could recover from the shock, Jiang Feng had already finished cutting them all!

He just wanted to complain!

Jiang Feng was cutting vegetables too fast!

Is it necessary to rush like this?!

Lena whispered:"Boss Jiang opened the store by himself, there was no one else in the store, so, you know, he had to hurry up.

Jamie suddenly realized:"So that's it.""

He seemed to have heard similar rumors before.

Jiang Feng was indeed an anomaly. He had so many guests, but he didn't ask for help and cooked entirely by himself.

But Jamie didn't pay much attention at the time.

There were many chefs with strange habits. Yes, many chefs, including Jamie himself, hate others touching their knives.

Thinking about it now,

Jamie suddenly realized what a great thing Jiang Feng had done.

He had propped up such a large restaurant.!


Jamie himself is definitely not good!

But Jamie feels that he seems to know why Jiang Feng is so good!

Huge amount of practice!

Jiang Feng must be training himself because he opens his own store and has to handle everything by himself. The level is getting higher and higher!

Jamie suddenly felt that if he went through such a huge training like Jiang Feng, would he be as strong as Jiang Feng?!

When he was distracted,

Jiang Feng had already put the chicken soup into the pot, and put it in sequence Add the ingredients, add seasonings, add a little salt, pepper, and a little chicken juice.

Normally, the chicken juice is not added, but the soup is not fresh enough, so Jiang Feng adjusted it.

Thicken the gravy. Jiang Feng put Wensi Tofu into the same blue and white porcelain basin as Jamie's

"Shall I serve it for you?"Jamie took the initiative to step forward with a bit of attentiveness.

His attitude towards Jiang Feng has turned 180 degrees!

Just now he was still suspecting Jiang Feng of cheating him, but now he regards Jiang Feng as a boss!

There is no way.

Jiang Feng The level was so high that Jamie was very convinced and his attitude naturally changed.

"Let me do it."

Jiang Feng already had the towel in his hand and was too lazy to let Jamie carry it. He carried the vegetable basin and arrived at the dining table.

Jamie was a little disappointed and followed Jiang Feng.

Everyone gathered around the dining table.

"so beautiful"

"The gap is a bit big"

"Dad is doing much better!"

When Jamie's homemade Wensi tofu was placed on the table, everyone thought he did it well.

The tofu was floating in the thickened chicken soup, which looked like that.

However, after Jiang Feng's dish was served , , completely different!

In contrast, all the tofu shreds cut by Jiang Feng are much thinner, and the thickness of all the side dishes are almost the same as the tofu shreds! They are so exquisite!

Jamie is a little embarrassed, He even wanted to take his food away.

But after thinking about it, Jamie suddenly felt calm.

No matter who it was, compared with Jiang Feng's food, it would be the same.

It's not that he is too weak, it's that Jiang Feng is too strong!

So what is he embarrassed about?

He is just not as good as Jiang Feng!


Jiang Feng handed the spoon to Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang.

Coricchio stared at a clean spoon and reached out to get it.

Rong Lijun also stretched out his hand.

"I saw this spoon first"

"I reached out first"

"Let me take a bite first! Don’t you have an old saying that a visitor from afar is a guest? I am a guest, let me take a bite first"

"You are not a guest, you are here to cause trouble. My son-in-law has already identified you."

Two big guys worth hundreds of billions almost got into a fight on the spot over who would eat Jiang Feng's food first.

"Grandpa, can you use Youyou’s spoon?"

Jiang Youyou is also greedy, but her grandpa seems to want to take the first bite, so she is still happy to give in.

Dad has taught you to respect your elders.

Rong Lijun's mouth corners slightly raised, and he felt secretly happy.

This is how he was treated How does it feel to take care of a granddaughter?!

So comfortable!

Coricchio is a little envious.

Although he already has grandchildren, his children are not as cute as Jiang Youyou.

While Coricchio was stunned, Rong Li Jun Yi took the spoon, filled himself a small bowl, and took a sip.


After Rong Lijun finished eating, he looked at Jiang Feng in surprise:"Isn't the chicken soup the same?" Why do you cook so much delicious food?!"

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