Song Jin and Jiang Jianye were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes burst into light, just like the light hitting the eyes of some wild beast at night.

Rong Shuang's pretty face turned red, she looked at Jiang Feng and said,"Youyou has no objection, but I haven't decided yet."

She was worried that her husband would be shy, so she took the initiative to speak up.

She would find a way to do it for Jiang Feng if she didn't feel comfortable talking about it.

Song Jin looked at Jiang Youyou and asked:"Yuyou, do you really not mind having a younger brother or sister?"

Jiang Youyou nodded her head:"Yes, I am very generous. Remember to tell your brother in the future, It was because I promised my parents to have a second child that I had him."

Rong Lijun was a little confused and didn't understand what Jiang Youyou meant.

Jiang Feng touched Jiang Youyou's hair, then moved his hand down and rubbed Jiang Youyou's face.

"Jiang Youyou."

Jiang Feng called her full name.

Jiang Youyou smiled, the flesh on his cheeks were rubbed together by Jiang Feng, and he said in a slightly vague voice:"Isn't this what I want to let my brother know? It is only natural that I should be raised in the future."

"And Yuyou didn't lie. If Yuyou didn't agree, her father would definitely not give birth, right?"

Rong Lijun suddenly realized, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously. Children have a lot of thoughts, but they are very cute.

Their granddaughter is really cute no matter how you look at it.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye know their granddaughters better. He had guessed what she was thinking and laughed on the sidelines.

Jiang Feng said to Jiang Youyou seriously:"If you have younger brothers and sisters, you can be nice to them, but you can't use your kindness to him to ask for his commitment. What"

"Dad loves you not so that you can be nice to him in the future, but because when dad is nice to you, dad is very happy."

Although Jiang Youyou's words are just what a child said casually.

However, Jiang Feng feels that Jiang Youyou needs to understand the truth.

When getting along with others, if you keep thinking about what you can get, sooner or later the relationship will fail. Problem.

Be calm and don't think about getting anything from others when getting along with others.

It will be much more pleasant to get along with people this way.

Jiang Feng hopes that Jiang Youyou will be happy in the future, so he better tell her this truth first.

Jiang Feng Yuyou nodded seriously:"Okay, Yuyou understands. If there is a younger brother or sister, I will just play with him. I won't let him raise Yuyou.""

"However, dad, you have to support her. If dad doesn't support you, she will cry. Jiang

Feng laughed and said,"Fuck, I asked you to serve me a basin when I am eighty years old.""

Rong Shuang laughed softly.

Rong Lijun stood up and said:"Then you just watch, the second child... you should try your best to have it."

He likes Jiang Youyou very much and is willing to let Jiang Youyou take over the company.

However, it can be seen that Jiang Youyou is obviously not interested and wants to follow Jiang Feng for the time being.

Rong Lijun still lacks a successor who is very interested in business.

He really He really wanted Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang to have a second child, or even a third child!

But he restrained himself.

Let nature take its course regarding the two children. Of course it would be better if they had them, but if they didn’t, there would be no more. Anyway, when the time comes, he will transfer the company to Jiang Feng He threw it in Rong Shuang's hand.

As for how to manage the company, let the couple have a headache.

Rong Lijun, with irresponsible thoughts, adjusted his mentality and prepared to leave first.

It's already very late today.

Usually this By that time, Jiang Feng was already going to bed.

Zhou Linan was still very greedy and wanted to have something to eat, but Jiang Feng obviously had no intention of doing it, so he was embarrassed to say anything and got up to leave with Rong Lijun.

Jiang Jianye went out to see him off. After seeing Rong Lijun off, the two chatted for a while on the way.

Song Jin helped Jiang Feng tidy up the store.

All the stores were cleaned up.

Jiang Feng was in a happy mood and closed the store to get off work!

After closing the door, Song Jin said:"You guys go back first, your dad and I will go for a walk again."

"By the way, Yoyo, do you want to hang out with grandma? Grandma will buy you ice cream."

Rong Shuang's pretty face turned red.

Of course she knew what Song Jin meant.

This was to create space for the second child.

But Jiang Youyou held Jiang Feng's arm and refused to let go:"No, Youyou wants to go back with her father. Home"

"I haven’t watched SpongeBob SquarePants today yet. Yoyo has to watch an episode with her dad before going to bed, so she doesn’t have time."

She was a little excited at the competition just now.

A child is excited and has no idea about time. She didn't realize until now that there is no time left before going to bed!

Hurry up and go home!

Song Jin is a little anxious and wants to go to bed again. Jiang Feng said with a smile:"Mom, okay, she can go home if she wants. It won't be long until she moves to a new home, and Yuyou will have her own room, and she will be a big girl.

Song Jin understood Jiang Feng's words and said helplessly:"Isn't this... anxious.""

Second child!

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye actually wanted to have another child.

With two children as companions, they can take care of each other when they grow up.

Although some good friends are not as good as relatives. , but the probability of meeting such a good friend is not high. It is still very hard for most people to enter the society.

With multiple brothers and sisters, there will be someone to help with many things.

But at that time, more children were not allowed..

She still clearly remembers the slogan at that time, less births and better births, a happier life.

Now that she is able to have a baby, she still wants Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang to have another child as soon as possible. Jiang Feng looked at his mother's expression, he couldn't laugh or cry, and didn't say anything.

For this kind of thing, he felt that just let it take its course.

It was also troublesome to have a second child too early.

After all, he was newly married. When he got home,

Jiang Feng took a shower and lay down comfortably.

Jiang Youyou rolled and crawled. , shrank next to Jiang Feng's arm, held the tablet, and found the video.

Jiang Feng picked up the phone and looked at it. Yu Qing sent a message to Jiang Feng:"Master, after the game is over, can you tell me the results?"

The relationship between Yu Qing, Zhao Zhigang, and Jiang Feng is getting better and better.

Jiang Feng also told them about the competition, telling them not to worry if they can't find Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng replied:"We won.

Yu Qing replied instantly:"Master is awesome!" He actually won in one try! Yu Qing:"

That's Jamie!""

Yu Qing has occasionally watched some cooking variety shows before, especially those from abroad that are edited and accompanied by commentary. He likes them a lot. There is no doubt that Jamie is the most awesome two people he has ever seen. One of the chefs!

He learned something from Jamie. His cooking skills are slightly higher than Zhao Zhigang. To a large extent, it is also because he often watches such videos and learns.

However, Jiang Feng directly Bo defeated Jamie!

Yu Qing also understood a little about the rules. He knew that it was difficult for Jiang Feng to win in one wave. He had to have a huge advantage and do much better than Jamie!

Originally, Yu Qing felt that he would have to delay to the second round.

Yu Qing must think that Jiang Feng’s cooking skills are the strongest, and no matter Jiang Feng is strong or not, he only recognizes Jiang Feng as his master.

However, he has never met Jamie, nor has he ever eaten Jamie’s cooking He always felt that Jamie could be considered as a half-immortal?

At least he could have a close match with Jiang Feng, right?

The result was beyond Yu Qing's expectation!

Jiang Feng actually won in one move!

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