When Xu Na's store was first exposed, Xu Mingqiang arranged for people to go to several stores that Xu Na had not closed to check the situation.

Many people came to the store to cause trouble, mostly former customers, demanding an apology and compensation.

Originally, Xu Na's store had relatively few employees.

Someone came over to cause trouble, and the employees in the store couldn't handle it, making them very embarrassed.

Some customers who didn't read the hot search wanted to eat some steamed buns. They also heard from these customers who came to ask for explanations that the hygiene of Xu Ji's steamed buns was not up to standard.

The business of several stores that Xu Na did not close almost collapsed.

The situation in her store on the same street as Jiang Feng's was similar.

Xu Mingqiang originally wanted to send someone over to set the pace.

As a result, the person who arranged it was useless.

The customers blocked Xu Na's shop.

The store clerks kept apologizing, saying that they had already rectified the problem and there were no food problems, so it would be difficult to compensate.

Xu Na definitely can't lose money.

Not a single point can be lost.

There have been so many customers in her store, let alone paying too much, she can't bear it even if she returns the money these customers have spent before.

It was already losing money.

The houses are all going to be sold.

How could she lose this money?

After that, Jiang Feng stopped paying attention to Xu Na's situation.

It was only a matter of time before the store closed.

Jiang Feng replied:"When was it closed?"

"It closed early this afternoon. I thought it was abnormal, so I arranged for someone to inquire about it. Sure enough, all the employees were dismissed."Xu Mingqiang replied instantly.

Jiang Feng was a little surprised:"Who did you ask for information?

Xu Mingqiang:"The clerk she resigned from. The clerks who were fired were all scolded. I heard they were given very little money."

Xu Mingqiang:"The ordinary clerk paid 3,000 yuan, and the chefs seemed to give 5,000 yuan, and then sent them away.""

Xu Mingqiang:"These clerks were very unhappy to begin with, and they told me everything when I asked them.

Jiang Feng:"Isn't anyone going to file a lawsuit against her?" Is this the end of it?"

They were fired so casually, and the money given was very small.

Normally, this kind of disbandment would require resettlement expenses.

Xu Mingqiang inquired carefully and quickly replied:"Of course most people are She was unwilling to do so, but there was nothing she could do about it. Her original contract was very shady."

Xu Mingqiang:"It is estimated that even if we go to labor arbitration, it will be difficult to get her, and she is obviously messed up. I told the clerk that they should either pay her to sign a separation agreement or sue her casually."

The contract made by Xu Na has many unequal terms. For example, she has the right to fire employees and only needs to pay basic labor costs.

And if the employee makes a mistake and is fired, no compensation is required.

As for the mistake, there is no such thing in the contract. It was written clearly, and only one sentence was added: Party A, that is, Xu Na, has the final say.

In other words, according to this contract,

Xu Na can completely blame the hygiene problems in the store on the employees, and then directly blame them. No money will be given.

However, such a contract is untenable.

The law stipulates the minimum interests of employees.

Therefore, if the clerks want to go to labor arbitration, they will basically win.

But Xu Na immediately started to refuse!

Anyway, Xu Na has made up her mind not to repay the loans she borrowed through informal means. It doesn't matter if she takes a little longer.

The employees had no choice but to give up, sign the agreement, and forget it.

Jiang Feng replied Said:"What about other stores?"

Xu Mingqiang:"I inquired about the situation of the two stores, and they were both similar. The clerks were laid off, the stores were closed, and they were transferred."

Xu Mingqiang:"This approach is quite smart."

Now it's obvious that Xu Ji Baozi is no longer good.

Customers don't buy it, and some people keep coming to ask for explanations. It's almost impossible for the store to operate normally. Keeping these clerks means paying them in vain, and it's not easy to open the store. There are various expenses.

Even if she purchases ingredients in bulk and stores them in refrigeration to keep the cost to a minimum, she still has to stock up on ingredients.

It’s all money.

She can no longer afford the money.

She closed the store, but The loss was less.

She was also quite decisive and gave up directly.

After hearing the news, Jiang Feng had no sympathy at all and only felt a little relieved.

Although he no longer cared about Xu Na at all, he moved out of the house in a hurry He still remembered the feeling.

Xu Na was unlucky, so of course he was in a good mood.

Jiang Feng:"Are there any other situations?"

Xu Mingqiang:"I heard from the clerk that she also sold the house, and because the sale was urgent, the price was not very high, only about 7 million."

Xu Mingqiang:"This money will be used to compensate those people she found to advertise."

When he heard that the house was sold, Jiang Feng was distracted for a moment.

He was the one who bought the house and paid attention to the decoration.

Moreover, he and Youyou lived there for several years.

They still have some feelings for that house.

However, Soon, Jiang Feng came to his senses and replied:"What about others?"

With Jiang Feng's current financial resources, it is very easy to buy back that house.

But it is not necessary.

The house is not big, and it is obviously not suitable for Jiang Feng to live in now.

Moreover, as long as the whole family is together, which house They're all the same. After all, a house is just a place to live. What's important is the people living in it.

He continued to ask about other news.

Xu Mingqiang:"There's nothing else. I heard that she can't repay her loan now." Now, they should be planning to go back to their hometown?

Xu Mingqiang:"This is just a pure guess. It has only been a few days. She probably didn't have time to deal with the household registration issue. She just sold the house and was probably ready to leave.""

It's really difficult to get the household registration in the Imperial Capital.

Jiang Feng had it registered somewhere else. He had been looking for it for several days, and it took at least a week to get it.

Xu Na sold the house in just a few days, so it should be She wants to move her household registration.

In this case, she probably doesn't plan to stay in the imperial capital.

Jiang Feng feels inexplicably much more relaxed.

It's best to leave.

There's no need to see her anymore, just give her some money in the name of Youyou. Jiang Feng:" Okay

, thank you for asking for so much information."

Xu Mingqiang replied instantly:"What you said is not at odds with you, but also with our entire company. We will definitely keep an eye on her affairs.

Xu Mingqiang:"Besides, her house probably can't be sublet.""

Rong Lijun had already said hello before and put Xu Na's subletting information at the end.

There were too few people who wanted to rent a house offline.

Xu Na had been looking for so long, but she still couldn't find anyone willing to come. The person looking at the house.

She has already lowered the price twice, and also asked customer service for an explanation. She wanted to ask why her sublease information was pushed to the back.

But it was useless.

The platform gave it to her. The response was that the system algorithm was automatically set and there was no way to adjust it.

After Xu Na finished talking about it, Xu Mingqiang reported another thing to Jiang Feng:"Our fourth and fifth stores are also going to be installed. Do you want to see when the employees will be Are we going there?"

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