Jiang Feng was also a little excited:"This is good, raw materials are not as secure as holding them in your own hands."

Rong Lijun didn't mention this before.

Jiang Feng really didn't think raw materials were a problem.

But Jiang Feng also felt that the food was a bit expensive.

Vegetable prices have gradually increased in recent years.

There are various reasons for this, but Jiang Feng does not need to pursue these reasons, he has to buy it anyway.

But now, if you have your own place of origin, the price of food will stabilize.

With a smile on his always majestic face, Rong Lijun sent a message to Jiang Feng:"As long as you can make some contribution, you can't do it all. It's too shameful for all the work to fall on you."

He is I really feel sorry for my son-in-law.

Although the employees who opened the store were selected by Yu Qing, they were trained by older employees.

However, Rong Lijun still felt that Jiang Feng was working hard.

Rong Lijun is really happy to be able to make some contribution.

Jiang Feng replied:"As I said, without Xu Mingqiang and the others, our store wouldn't be able to open so fast, and the pressure wouldn't be all on me."

This is also true.

Jiang Feng is not the kind of person who is overly modest. Before he competed with Jamie, he knew that he would win, and he didn't mind saying that he would win.

If you have strength, you have strength. There is no need to be modest.

However, the trouble of opening a store was really not on Jiang Feng, so Jiang Feng told the truth.

The most troublesome work was actually done by Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang.

Then Xu Mingqiang and the others helped with the finances and solved various business problems.

This saved Jiang Feng a lot of trouble.

Rong Lijun:"Then you have worked hard. This matter is settled. I will let them rent the land today. We will rent it for 15 years first and then renew it later."

Jiang Feng asked:"To rent so much land, how can we rent it?" Who are we signing a contract with?"

"I specially called the village committee and, of course, their local land department."Rong Lijun replied.

After all, they are outsiders who rent land on other people's sites.

In order to avoid all kinds of trouble, Rong Lijun specially called a third party, which is equivalent to a guarantee.

If someone really Rong Lijun is not strong-minded. Seeing that farming can make money and wanting to share the benefits, Rong Lijun directly asks a third party hired from the local area to argue with them.

Rong Lijun does not have the intention of looking down on others. He has really done a lot of things. He should prepare for such a thing in advance to avoid trouble in advance.

Jiang Feng agreed:"I think that when signing an agreement, no matter how serious it is, it is better than wrangling afterward.

Jiang Feng:"Then those people we hired can also go there today?""

Jiang Feng is a little eager to use the raw materials from his family.

It should feel very comfortable.

Rong Lijun smiled. This was the first time he felt that Jiang Feng was so eager for something.

The son-in-law is indeed a young man, very cute..

Rong Lijun replied:"Not everyone will go there today. Let the five people go over there to see the situation there and let them make a plan first. Our machine will also take time to enter.

Jiang Feng asked curiously:"How much does the machine cost?"

Rong Lijun did the calculations and replied:"There are 10 trucks responsible for transportation, each costs about 230,000 yuan. The harvester is more expensive, but there are subsidies. Buying one is about 1.4 million yuan."

Rong Lijun:"Calculated, it's about 8 million in the early stage. Mainly because we have a lot of space and all the equipment is purchased, so the cost is higher.""

In fact, many farms will not buy so much equipment.

Many things can be replaced manually.

However, Rong Lijun is too generous and rents a large space. If manpower is used, dozens of people are not enough.

It is better to buy a machine.

A one-time investment will last about 15 years. Just when the life of the machine is over, it will be the time when the lease on the farm expires.

Then continue to rent.

Jiang Feng asked:"The annual cost of one acre of land How much is the rent?

Rong Lijun:"It's 680 yuan per year. Because we rent for a long time, the place we rent is large, and there are subsidies, the price is much cheaper than the market price, which is about 790 yuan.""

Large quantities always help to lower prices.

After all, if there is so much land, if it is rented to others, I don't know when it will be rented out.

The local government provides a subsidy of 35 yuan per mu per year.

The cost is much lower..

Jiang Feng sighed a little:"It's great to have money."

Business is really easy for rich people, and costs can be greatly reduced.

The less money you have, the harder it is to do business. The same amount of money can obtain fewer resources than rich people.

Rong Lijun replied:"You earned it all. These investments are far less than the money you earn. The money you got from Coricchio is enough to build a large farm of tens of thousands of acres.

Rong Lijun:"We can get tens of thousands of acres every year."

Jiang Feng suggested:"I think the various expenses of the farm should be merged into Wugu Youxiang Company, and all operating costs should be paid from the profits of the store.""

This is very important.

All the ingredients on the farm are provided to Wu Gu Youxiang.

The operating costs should naturally be borne by Wu Gu Youxiang.

In this way, Jiang Feng feels that he earns money by himself, and the money he earns is real , not earned through various subsidies.

Rong Lijun hesitated for a moment and agreed:"That's okay."

There is a lot of money in the accounts of Wugu Youxiang Company now.

The initial 10 million is not only not less, but more than 1.5 million more.

The business is great.

Make money quickly.

The cost is quickly recovered.

Go to Wugu Regarding Yuxiang's accounts, it is estimated that the money in Wugu Youxiang's accounts will be gone in the short term.

Liquidity is very tight.

But it is not a big problem.

The cash flow of the five stores is really terrible.

The daily gross profit can be recovered to 800,000!

Yes! With such a large cash flow, raising a farm is not a problem.

Just do what Jiang Feng said.

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