“Little brother, are you looking for me?”

In the office of the garment factory, Ye Ze met the owner of this clothing store, Zhou Rui.

“Yes, I heard that your garment factory is going to be sold, so I came to take a look, and if the price is right, you can consider taking over.”

Ye Ze looked at the owner of the garment factory calmly.

He did not disclose his relatives.

Until he made money himself, he didn’t plan to let anyone except Yan Wenxi know about his business.

Because, once it is said, I am afraid that my relatives will know immediately.

If your relatives know, then it means that your family knows.

With their thoughts, they will never allow themselves to come out to do business before the college entrance examination.

However, time is waiting for now.

I have to make 1 million, or even 2 million US dollars, in another year.

Only in this way can you have the confidence to win the game of Blood Legend.

“Erm……. It seems that little brother, you are very well-informed. ”

“I do mean to sell the garment factory.”

Zhou Rui glanced at Ye Ze in surprise.

Although I don’t understand how Ye Ze knew that he was going to sell the garment factory, and he didn’t seem to be old.

But he did not despise Ye Ze either.

“Then, ask the boss to introduce the situation of the garment factory, and quote a price by the way.”

Ye Ze did not beat around the bush.

His time is limited and he doesn’t have the energy to waste on unnecessary verbal temptations.

“Okay, then I won’t be verbose.”

“In my garment factory, there are always fifteen sewing machines.”

“And a kilometer of tweed fabric, and a kilometer of leather fabric.”

“Of course, there are quite a few feathers.”

“The most important thing is that this factory building still has a lease period of half a year.”

“I’ll sell those machines half-sell and give away!”

“Those fabrics are all very good fabrics, the price is more than 40 meters, if you want, I can also sell it to you cheaper.”

“In addition, I have some leftovers, and I can also sell you cheaper.”

Zhou Rui introduced his garment factory one by one.

After Ye Ze listened to Zhou Rui’s introduction, he was overjoyed in his heart.

What a blessing.

Unexpectedly, there were still so many fabrics left in this garment factory.

If you want to make clothing, fabric is an indispensable thing.

At first, Ye Ze was still worried that there were not many fabrics left in this garment factory.

If that’s the case, it’s a bit of a delay.

Well, now there are a kilometer of tweed and leather fabrics, and there are quite a few feathers.

That’s enough for him to make a thousand clothes.

“Another thing I want to know, how many of you are the workers in your garment factory?”

“And, when is the holiday in general?”

If you want to make clothing, in addition to fabrics, workers in clothing are also necessary, and they need to be more comprehensive.

For example, model masters, tailors, and ironing masters are all needed.

In addition, the time when workers take annual leave is also what Ye Ze wants to know.

After all, it is only a month and a half before the New Year.

General garment factories are on holiday half a month before the New Year.

“There are a total of twenty workers in our factory, and there are workers in all aspects, which is very complete.”

“In other words, as long as you take over the garment factory, you can immediately start making clothing.”

“As for their vacation time, if you take over, you can discuss it with them yourself.”

Zhou Rui said quickly.

“Well, it’s really good, then now it’s only a question of price.”

“I don’t know how much Boss Zhou are going to sell it?”

“By the way, I heard that Boss Zhou, you also have a clothing retail store.”

“I wonder if you have any plans to transfer together?”

Ye Ze said after thinking for a while.

Even if there is a garment factory, there is no clothing retail store, it is for nothing.

Although it is possible to do clothing wholesale business.

But the wholesale profit is too small.

If you want to make enough money, I don’t know if it’s the year of the monkey.

It’s not that wholesale doesn’t make money, but if you want to make a lot of money, you have to invest more money.

Ye Ze currently only has 100,000 yuan, and it is simply unrealistic to want to become bigger all of a sudden.

But retail is different.

As long as the style is good, coupled with the golden time when everyone wants to buy new clothes during the New Year, you can definitely make money in a month.

Just use an analogy to compare.

A thousand pieces of clothes, if you wholesale, one piece of clothing can only earn thirty or fifty.

A thousand pieces of clothing can only earn thirty or fifty thousand.

But if it is retail, and it is still a tweed coat and leather jacket, which is super profitable, it will move five or six hundred or thousands of clothes.

Without bargaining, a piece of clothing can earn at least four or five hundred, or even seven or eight hundred yuan.

According to such a profit, if a thousand pieces of clothing are sold, you can earn 4.5 million, or even 7.8 million.

As for whether the clothes can be sold?

Ye Ze was not worried at all.

As a born-again, he is very aware of the explosive clothing styles of the next few years.

At that time, just ask a costume designer to design the template according to his own narrative.

Moreover, Ye Zeyou believes that his clothes will be in short supply at that time.

At that time, those customers will not be allowed to haggle.

Love to buy or not, do not buy, some people buy.

As a first-tier big city, there are still many rich people in Hangcheng.

Thousands of clothes can be afforded, and there are definitely a lot of people.


Fifth, more !!!

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