The situation is getting worse.

“Boss, the current loss of Yum! Brands has exceeded one-third of its total assets.”

The people of Yongtai Real Estate Group contacted Chen Fan and told him the latest situation.

“Loss of one-third of total assets?”

Chen Fan nodded with satisfaction. This progress is faster than he imagined.

If this goes on, Yum! Brands will probably be finished this afternoon or evening.


“Increase the intensity of the attack on Yum! Brands.”

Chen Fan ordered.

“Yes, boss.”

This time, to deal with Yum! Brands, Chen Fan used his powerful network of contacts and joined forces with Xia Ruoshui. Even if a god came, he couldn’t save Yum! Brands.

Chen Fan was in a good mood, while Kong Baisheng and his son from Yum! Brands were extremely worried.

“How could this happen?”

Kong Baisheng’s face was pale. It had only been less than a day, how could their losses be so huge.

“Go contact the bank to borrow money, and then contact my friends to borrow money…”

Kong Baisheng ordered.

Now the company has really reached a critical moment of life and death. If there is no huge amount of working capital coming in at this time, Yum! Brands will be completely finished. Not only that, they will even be in debt.

“Father, I have contacted them. We need at least 5 billion working capital to stabilize the situation, but neither the bank nor your old friends are willing to lend us such a large sum of money at once.”

Kong Baisheng’s son answered helplessly.

When they were strong, it was easy to borrow money, but now that they are in trouble, no one will lend a helping hand.

These people know that Yum! Brands is in danger now, and if they lend money to Yum! Brands, it may be a waste.

Borrowing billions of cash at once is definitely a gamble, and no one has any reason to accompany Kong Baisheng to gamble.


Kong Baisheng smiled miserably. Sure enough, you can only see those friends clearly when you are down and out.

“Go and mortgage all our family properties, villas, cars, antiques, etc., which add up to at least tens of billions. With these tens of billions, we may be able to slow down and save the company.”

Kong Baisheng decided to “go all out”.

“Father, if we mortgage all these things and invest all the money in the company, we will really have nothing.”

Kong Baisheng’s son reminded.

“Go quickly, maybe with these ten billion, we can stabilize it?”

Kong Baisheng ordered. Now he has a “gambler” mentality.

“Without the company, we are nothing.”

Unlike those wealthy families with many industries, those wealthy families, if one industry is finished, there are other industries to support it.

But their family only has Yum! Brands, a big company. If Yum! Brands is finished, they are finished too.


Seeing his father’s insistence, the son had to take action. He also expected that with this money, the company’s situation would be stable.

More than half an hour later, all the properties, cars, antiques, etc. of the Kong family were mortgaged. Because they were too anxious, they only mortgaged a little more than 1 billion of the assets originally worth more than 1 billion.

After getting the money, Kong Baisheng invested all the 1 billion into the company without hesitation.

However, Kong Baisheng’s money was like a stone thrown into a lake. There was a little ripple when it was first thrown in, but after a long time, it didn’t play any role.

Not only that, the situation of Yum! Brands was even more dangerous. Yum! Brands was already in debt!

And the amount of debt was increasing. Kong Baisheng collapsed.

He really didn’t expect that Yongtai Real Estate Group and Xia Group would join forces to have such a terrifying power.

At this moment, Kong Baisheng really regretted provoking Chen Fan and Xia Ruoshui.

In fact, Yongtai Real Estate Group and Xia Group alone could not force Yum Group into a desperate situation in such a short time. Thanks to Chen Fan’s use of other industries, connections, and Xia Ruoshui’s connections, it took less than a day to force Yum Group into a desperate situation.

“Father, what should I do, what should I do?”

Kong Baisheng’s son panicked and asked his father anxiously.

Now they are already in debt of more than 30 to 40 billion, and this number is still increasing.

Kong Baisheng hesitated for a long time,

He sighed and said:

“Now, there is only one way.”

“What way?”

“Sell the company, get some money, pay off the debt, and we can still have a lot left.”

Kong Baisheng gritted his teeth and said.

Even if Yum! Brands is in a desperate situation now, after all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. If we sell the company now, we can at least sell it for about 10 billion.

“Father, can we surrender to Chen Fan and Xia Ruoshui now and admit defeat?”

The son suggested.

“Surrender, I will never surrender.”

Kong Baisheng gritted his teeth and answered.

Who is Chen Fan, and he is worthy of surrendering! !

And now he has not completely failed! ! !

“Listen to me, we sell Yum! Brands, get 10 billion, or even more than 10 billion, pay off the debt, and we still have tens of billions left. We can re-establish a company and make a comeback!!!”

Kong Baisheng said with faith.

After making the decision, Kong Baisheng immediately contacted the big shots he knew, wanting to quickly sell Yum! Brands for 15 billion.

When Kong Baisheng was taking action, Chen Fan also got the news from Guangyu Private Detective Agency and heard that Kong Baisheng was planning to sell Yum! Brands.

Chen Fan suddenly had an idea in his mind.

In fact, if Yum! Brands was completely bankrupted, apart from the cost of dealing with Yum! Brands, the profit they would get would be just that.

But if Yum! Brands could be bought at a super low price, the profit would be much higher.

Once Yum! Brands was in his hands, he could immediately stop attacking Yum! Brands and then slowly let Yum! Brands recover.

After all this, the profit would be very considerable!!!

It could also maximize the benefits.

As for Kong Baisheng’s desire to sell Yum! Brands for a sum of money, Chen Fan would never let him succeed.

Chen Fan will lower the price of purchasing Yum! Brands to the lowest possible price, and absolutely guarantee that after Kong Yum! Brands sells the company and pays off the debt, there will not be a penny less, and he may even still be in debt!

Thinking of this, Chen Fan began to calculate.

In the end, Chen Fan found that the lowest price for acquiring Yum! Brands could be as low as 700 million or 800 million.

According to the current debt rate of Yum! Brands, by then, even if 800 million is in Kong Yum! Brands’ hands, there will not be a penny left.

Chen Fan calculated the working capital he could take out immediately.

At present, although he has a lot of assets, most of them are company shares and fixed assets, and the working capital is not much. Under the condition that other industries can operate normally without any problems, Chen Fan can take out about 4 billion in cash assets.

It’s okay to take more, but his other industries will have insufficient working capital and may be in danger.

Buying a Yum! Brands that is in a desperate situation cannot put his own industry in danger.

Chen Fan contacted Xia Ruoshui and planned to join forces with Xia Ruoshui.

Unfortunately, Xia Ruoshui can only take out 2.7 to 8 billion in working capital at present, after all, Xia Group still needs to be officially operated.

Calculated in this way, there is still a shortfall of 1.2 to 1.3 billion.

Just as Chen Fan was calculating what to do, the system’s voice came.


[Twenty-fourth day of severing relations, reward of 2 billion]

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