On the NBA’s All Beings

Chapter 299: It can be covered, it can be covered!

It seems that this is the first time Wang Hao has heard Gasol say such "heavy" trash talk on the court. It's not that Gasol doesn't talk trash, but he used to maintain a little gentlemanly demeanor. .

  Even our hard and hard features are a bit surprised. As an old opponent in the West for many years, I know something about it.

   "I hope you don't let me blow my thigh."

   "With you"

  After speaking, the two arrogantly turned their heads, one returned to defense, and the other went to serve.

  "Brother, can't cover it"

  Wang Hao asked Gasol secretly.

"rest assured."

  As for this, Wang Hao can only understand it.

  Garnett’s eyes aimed at Gasol and ran to the high post to catch the ball.

  As soon as Garnett was about to face Gasol, Wang Hao couldn't bear to turn his head to the side, but he unconsciously moved two steps toward the basket.

  Facts also proved that Garnett's ability to play five positions is definitely not a vain name. At the very least, Gasol's defense is still a bit far-fetched. The picture is like Wang Hao's face-frame breakthrough Garnett.

  There is no need to look at the result. After seeing Wang Hao move to the basket, Garnett directly used a full-back jumper to score the goal.

  "Brother, I really cover it"

   "Hold it, rest assured"

  Wang Hao is really worried, he really doesn’t know where Gasol’s confidence comes from.

  "The ball is coming"

  Wang Hao shouted, Fisher made a long pass across the half-court and threw the ball directly into Wang Hao's hands.


   Following the appearance of Gu Ge, Wang Haosan threatened to hold the ball.



   "Hey, I don't vote."

   "I voted."

   "I don't vote yet."

  Looking at the second-year junior in front of him, Pierce really wanted to send him to the hospital with a punch, but looking at the glittering O'Brien Cup embroidered on his chest, the imagination is no more, after all, the championship is important.

  "I vote"

  Discovering that no matter how you learn, you can’t learn Gu Ge’s internal taste. Wang Hao made a “frustrated” backward jumper and scored the ball.

  "What were you talking to Pierce just now"

   "Nothing, you really can cover it"

   In the dialogue between Wang Hao and Gasol, the second temperament is undoubtedly revealed.

  "The ball is coming"

  Garnett also waved his hand to get the basketball in his hand.

  Wang Hao moved inside as usual.

   "Look, your teammates don't worry about you, they are always ready to come and make up for defense"

  "You made a mistake, he was afraid that your soft guy would pass the ball. After all, are you holding Pierce's thigh?"

  I have to say that Gasol, who has studied at university, is more logically than high school student Garnett. Just spraying trash talk is much stronger than being hard-boiled.

  Generally speaking, it is still not hard enough. His mouth is only dirty, which is a physical injury. Wang Hao and Gasol’s trash talk is a mental injury. After the game, he is still angry enough to think of it.

  The same is still the face frame. After Garnett clicked forward, he closed the ball and turned around, and a small hook hit the ball.



In fact, this kind of half-turned small hook is really not too sophisticated in the era of the four major centers, but the current interior is too rough. Looking at the future first center sitting on the sidelines, you should know that the interior stunt is lost. Not accidental.

   "Brother, I can cover it"


  Looking at Gasol’s face, Wang Hao thought Gasol had some difficulties, and I was embarrassed to say, but the eldest brother said to Wang Hao again, "It can be covered."

  If you can cover it, there will be ghosts

   But Wang Hao has nothing to do. The team is not behind anyway.

  "The ball is coming"

   Gasol yelled this sentence before Wang Hao.

  Fisher: ""

  In order not to undermine the enthusiasm of the players, Fisher still gave the ball to Gasol.

  Although Gasol's power attribute is not as good as Garnett, his inside offensive skills are definitely not inferior.

  Pau Gasol also asked for the ball from the high post, hit Garnett in the face, and reached out to signal his teammates to pull away, but he kept showing Wang Hao what the **** was his eyes

   "Could it be that he wants me to respond"

   With this kind of doubt, Wang Hao pretended to retreat outside the three-point line, suddenly accelerated and directly tore through Pierce's defense and ran inside.


   Gasol’s pass went directly to the basket. If Wang Hao ran a little slower, he would not be able to catch it.

  Received the ball, Wang Hao made a back dunk and pushed the ball into the basket.

  "Brother, can you imply more obvious next time"

   "That's not hidden."

   Gasol's answer almost didn't make Wang Hao spurt blood on the spot, it was so irritating, and it still didn't distinguish between enemy and me.

  "Brother Niu b"

  The Celtics did not give Garnett the offensive ball this time. Instead, Long coach always controlled the ball and directed his teammates to move.

  "Is this special?"

  Wang Hao is speechless, the Big Three is enough to play, and then you still run tactics to keep people from living.

Long first passed the ball to Garnett, Pierce ran directly to Ray Allen to make a ball-free pick-and-roll, Wang Hao replaced Thunder Allen, Garnett passed the ball to Pierce on the wing, Ray Allen took Wang Hao directly In the past, he gave Garnett a ball-free pick and roll.

  "Do you want to block Nima, he is an insider"

  Although he was cursing in his heart, he was still very honest to change to Garnett.

  Pierce directly passed the ball back to Ray Allen, and now Gasol is in front of Ray Allen.

  "Small hit big"

  Wang Hao just remembered a bunch of small and big cases such as Curry and Harden in his previous life. These cases all indicate that small and big, with a high success rate.


  Wang Hao just wanted to fight Garnett on the inside line, but Garnett ran over to make Pierce a wall. Pierce took Wang Hao around the inside line and ran to the other side.

  Ray Allen passed the ball directly to Garnett~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nima. Garnett beat Tucker"

   is another sub-problem, and Garnett is out of luck if he fails to fight.

   In the face of Garnett’s menacing eyes, Tucker’s strength was directly weakened by one level. With Garnett’s height, wingspan, strength and other advantages, Tucker’s direct blasts were not complete.


   With Perkins' blocking, Garnett turned around and squeezed Tucker away. The road to the basket was clear. He dribbled the ball and jumped directly.


As expected, the first high school students belonged to apes. Looking at the hard-to-pump under the basket, Wang Hao's gaze floated to the sidelines of my emperor unconsciously, as if to say again, "Look, look at your first high school. Why is there such a thing in the group of students"

  Of course, my emperor doesn’t know why Wang Hao looks at him, but it doesn’t delay my emperor’s brains.

  "Wang Hao must be troubled by the current situation and needs my help. Does he want to come to Cleveland to be the second master and we will win 7 championships, 8 wins, and 9 championships together"

  I have to say that the current emperor still has his heart in Cleveland.

  "Give me the ball, dunk him"

  Wang Hao looked at the frontcourt, his eyes flashed fiercely.

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