On the NBA’s All Beings

Chapter 320: Sir, you have to bring the trophy to Los Angeles

   At the end of the third quarter, 77:54, the Lakers entered the fourth quarter with a 23-point advantage.

   "Guess what expression the Green Army is on now?"

  Wang Hao dragged Yang Shaoxia to whisper.

   "They must..."


  Wang Hao and Yang Shaoxia turned to look at the Zen master.

   Zen master pointed directly to the side and saw that Stern had already come to the sidelines with the Lord of the Rings.

   "Can't they see that the Green Army will lose in this game?"

  Wang Hao is a little puzzled, what are you doing now?

   "It's routine."

   At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Rivers still insisted on letting the players implement Jordan's rules, but he did not know that Stern looked at Rivers in the same eyes as the dead.

   "If he still uses the so-called Jordan Law, you will throw him to death."

   When Wang Hao received the ball, he watched Posey posted it helplessly, and then Garnett reluctantly stepped closer to Wang Hao.

   "The commander is at odds?"

   Wang Hao secretly took note in his heart.

   Looking at the two people on Sima's face, Wang Hao stepped forward and committed suicide inside.

  Posey was passed in the first step, and Garnett was also driven by Wang Hao. He had already given up chasing, feeling the state of the Green Army, and Wang Hao threw the ball high into the air.


Gasol was taken aback, and realized that the ball was for him. He jumped up and pressed the ball into the basket. Due to insufficient preparation, and Gasol is not the kind of player who can fly in the air, this dunks. Why does the feeling to Wang Hao look like Jinzhou Lavin?

   "Hey! Paul, be serious."

   Wang Hao patted his **** to remind.

At such a time of nine deaths, Pierce, the soul of the Green Army, stood up. In fact, there is no life at all. He is ten dead and no life. Seeing that he is about 30 points behind, there is less than one time left, even if the Lakers wave the Green Army. It may not be able to catch it back.

   Garnett and Ray Allen are not high-spirited, and the other feels cold, and the burden of the Green Army is again on Pierce.

   "Why do you have the feeling of being unable to support a single tree?"

   Pierce's eyes crossed the other two giants, are they responsible for sending the team to the finals, and then ignore it?

   stumbling to score the ball, Pierce took aim at the awarding duo on the sidelines, what if they could stay in Boston? But he also knew in his heart that this was unlikely.

   "The ball is coming!"

  Wang Hao continued to ravage the Green Army’s "Rule of Jordan" frantically. Come on, defend me, with three air defenses so big, are you afraid that I won’t make it?

  The classic quotation reappeared, accompanied by Gasol receiving the ball with a daunting expression.

   "Don't pass the ball in a big space for three people!"


   "Let me tell you, I thought there was a big windmill just now, but when I thought that it didn't suit my gentleman's demeanor, that's why I used a plain board."


   The Lakers Qi Qi raised his **** to Gasol.

   The game continued, the scores of the two sides were still rising, but the point difference did not close at all.

   With 4 minutes left in the 100:70 game, the Greens finally stopped struggling, replaced the water fountain players, and the Lakers also replaced the bench.

   Pierce, who was off the field, stared straight at the awarding duo.

   Pierce even has a feeling in his heart that this may be his closest to a championship, and the difference is 30 points on the scoreboard.

   "Sir, it looks like I will trouble you to help me bring the trophy to Los Angeles."

   After the game, Wang Hao greeted Stern friendly.

"my pleasure."

   Stern resisted the urge to beat people and completed a wave of friendly interactions with Wang Hao. If the second half is played as in the first half, Stern is afraid that he will throw the trophy directly into the trash can.

   "Such a trash game is not worthy of a trophy."

   After the game press conference, Wang Hao was too lazy to attend, and the fines for the season at the NBA headquarters can be capricious, the Zen master can only drag Fisher and Gasol to participate.

   The post-match interviews between the two are still very harmonious. It may be to save character for their own team. Remember that there is no difficulty for the few people who participated in the press conference. All must be released back.

   "Go home! There are two more games we are championships."

   "But the Green Army seems to be one game short."

   The Zen Master came out in time for a face.

   "No, no, they have no chance. We all won in Boston. Will we lose when we go home?"

   After an overnight charter flight back to Los Angeles, Wang Hao slept directly three poles before waking up. To be precise, he was awakened.

   "Why, don't you know I just came back last night? I need a rest."

   Wang Hao wantonly ravaged Curry's face.

   "I want a few tickets"

   Moe God, said cutely.


  Wang Hao was a little lost when he saw it. The ghost believed that such a soft and waxy child would become the next day brother.

   "A few photos."

   "I have a lot of friends..."

   "Don't pave the way, a few."

   "7 photos!"

   "Huh? You're really welcome, I have to blame you Laozi."

   "Okay, follow me to the arena to get it later."

   "My friend is waiting for me outside..."

  The cuteness of God's attributes is happening, and Wang Hao really wants to drag him under the covers.

"...go together."

   Being so confused by Curry, Wang Hao was completely sleepy, put on his clothes, carried Curry and went out.

   "Hmm! Damn it."

  What did Wang Hao see? Are Curry's little friends already so awesome? There are five strong men standing outside, all of whom are famous and fortunate, and the future NBA will be powerful.

  George, DeRozan, Hakishi, Turtle Shao, Guo Fu, plus Curry, and one of Curry’s girlfriend.

   "Hmm...you all belong to the same school?"

   Several people nodded together.

   "Fuck, NCAA is invincible?"

   Not many BB people drove to the arena. Wang Hao directly asked the staff to get a ticket for the front row, which was the place where Curry used to be, next to the Lakers bench.

   "I can watch the NBA Finals live? And still in the front row? Those positions that money can't necessarily buy?"

   DeRozan looked at the ticket in his hand and felt dreaming.

   "Good point, this is a little kiss, and I will follow my eldest brother in the future."

   Turtle looks like a big brother in society.

   "Should I ask you to go to Gu Ge for further study? How come you get into the underworld?"

   Turtle shivered, as if thinking of something bad, he quickly denied it.

   "No need, no! I'm a five-good young man."

  While Wang Hao was about to communicate with Shao Gui, the phone rang.

   "Hey! Gua, shake your head?"

  呸! The style of painting is wrong.

   Brother Gua called Wang Hao for dinner, and the strongest supervising team members went with him.

   "Go, take you guys out!"

  Wang Hao waved his big hand and got in the car first, and drove to the agreed place with a few cute new people.

   As soon as they entered the house, the Mengxins were dumbfounded, and the strongest supervising team on the surface was dumbfounded.

   "What the hell?"

  Wang Hao dragged his brother to sit down, and waved his hands to the adorable newcomers, "Find a place to sit down, and then introduce yourself. In the future, it's better to mess with them than to make yourself."

"what's the situation?"

   My emperor asked quietly.

   "A bunch of young players I'm more optimistic about, the kind who don't know how to play, do you know the lower limit All-Stars?"


   A group of middle fingers are erected in the room. Which NBA player you are doing is not a lower limit All-Star?

   I have to say that fate is really wonderful. The Bolong King saw DeRozan at a glance, and he would not let go when he pulled DeRozan. It felt like sleeping on his feet at night.

   My emperor also hit the pot, and the Cavaliers are not short of one who can take the pot, bah! Can you open the inner line of the space?

   Wade looked around and looked at Harden.

   "Boy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I heard you are good at European steps?"

"I still.."

   Being named by the boss, Harden was a little nervous and spoke intermittently. Wang Hao watched anxiously beside him and said directly: "He is good at touching porcelain."


   A group of people looked at Wang Hao, what a new word this is.

  Wang Hao didn't bother to explain, and he would know it later.

   Deron and Paul looked at George, and their saliva almost dripped onto the table.

   "This body will definitely be a striker in the future. It's okay to defend against our emperor. It seems that it's almost impossible to defend against Wang Hao?"

   A group of old NBA hooligans looked at the cute newbies like draft girls, until Howard's stomach grumbled, and the concubine election was over.

   "Let’s talk first, based on the performance of this group of kids, if you don’t have a good sign, you won’t be able to choose. Don’t think about missing it. If you want, please contact the team as soon as possible.

   As he said, Wang Hao pulled Curry to his side.

   "Uh! Is there anything special about this most inconspicuous kid?"

  The careful Paul directly remembered this scene in his heart.



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