Sasuke followed Tie Huo to the root base two thousand meters underground.

"I didn't expect that there would be a foundation in a place like this. The roots are actually a group of rats hiding underground!"

Looking at this underground base, Sasuke couldn't help but curl his lips.

At this time, the door of the base opened, and it was pitch dark inside, with no light visible.

"The two people you are looking for are inside. I just don't know. Do you dare to go in?"

Tiehuo raised his chin towards the inside of the base with a provocative expression.

Bang! !

Sasuke slapped him, and his head exploded, blood flying.

Without looking at the headless corpse on the ground, Sasuke stepped into the base, and the darkness swallowed his figure.

He could feel that murderous intent was permeating the inside of the base.

Although he tried his best to hide it, he still couldn't hide from his sense of murderous intent.

This shows that someone is definitely ambushing you inside.

Since there are others, Tie Huo is not important and can be killed directly.

Uchiha clan land.

After Sasuke left, Itachi was going to find his father Uchiha Fugaku, inform him of the situation, and be prepared, the third generation might counterattack!

call out! ! !

While walking on the road, a kunai suddenly shot towards him.

Itachi turned his head to avoid it and looked in the direction of the attacker.


His eyes suddenly widened, he stared at the roof of a house, gritted his teeth and said:

“And you, Danzo!!!

You actually escaped and recovered from your injuries. It seems that old guy Sarutobi let you go! ! "

At this moment, on the roof of a house.

Two root ninjas held Izumi hostage, and Danzo held a cane with cold eyes. He looked at Itachi below and said coldly:

"Uchiha Itachi, if you don't want this brat to die, dig out your eyes and give them to me!"

Danzo had an extra kunai in his hand and aimed it at Izumi's neck.

"Lead the ancestors away, your target is me!"

Not long after Sasuke left, something like this happened, and Itachi quickly reacted.

Danzo's target this time should be against him.

"Since your target is me, why involve Quan!"

Itachi narrowed his eyes at Danzo, trying to delay time, while he was frantically thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

The illusion didn't work, and Danzo came prepared, so the success rate of rescuing people by surprise attack was very slim! ,

In such a short period of time, the only way he could think of to save people was...

But if that happens, it will affect Quan...

At this moment, Izumi was motionless, being held hostage by the two root ninjas, and did not make any sound. He was obviously unconscious.

"My patience is limited, don't waste my time!"

The kunai moved forward a little distance, the sharp tip pierced the skin, and bright red blood seeped out from the breach.

"Three seconds! Say goodbye to this brat without opening your eyes!"

Danzo said indifferently, while holding Kunai's hand and moving forward a little distance.


"Okay! I'll give you my eyes, and you release the spring!"

Seeing that the kunai was sinking deeper and deeper into Izumi's neck, Itachi gritted his teeth and roared, holding his face with both hands, as if he wanted to dig out his eyes.

"It's so stupid to do it for a woman!!"

Danzo couldn't help but sneer, looking at the movements of Itachi's hands with anticipation on his face.

A pair of Mangekyō Sharingan was obtained so easily.

If he had known this, he should have used this method to obtain Itachi's Kaleidoscope!

But now it’s great to get a pair of kaleidoscopes!

With Danzo's look of anticipation on his face, Itachi slowly removed his hands from his face.

But it wasn't what Danzo expected to see... Itachi's eyes turned into blood holes.

What jumped into Danzo's eyes was a pair of scarlet pupils, with complex patterns in them!

"You! How dare you play tricks on me!"

Danzo became angry and immediately pierced Izumi's neck with a kunai.

Bear! ! !

Suddenly, his arm holding the kunai ignited into black flames.

--Amaterasu! ! !

Itachi looked at Danzo and the three of them indifferently.

A pair of kaleidoscopes violently released their pupil power, and blood and tears flowed from the corners of their eyes.

"This is!?"

Danzo's entire body was covered in black flames.

Not only him, the two root ninjas, but also Izumi who was taken as a hostage were all swallowed up by the black flames.

boom! !

Danzo turned into white smoke and dissipated, this was just a shadow clone.


The two root ninjas screamed and let go.

Whoosh! !

Itachi used the teleportation technique to reach the roof and grabbed Izumi out of the black flames with one hand.

The other hand was holding a kunai and passed across their throats, sending the two root ninjas home in an instant!

Itachi stared at the black flames burning on Izumi's body, and the Mangekyō Sharingan was activating.

This time, instead of releasing Amaterasu, he took back the Amaterasu flames.

As blood and tears welled up from the corners of his eyes, the black flames on Quan's body slowly disappeared.

"Quan! Are you okay?

Itachi hugged Izumi and called softly.

After observing carefully for a moment, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Quan was not injured except that some of his clothes were burnt.

After all, Itachi's target for Amaterasu was Danzo and the other three, not Izumi.

Izumi was only affected, and Itachi's action was very timely, so she was not burned by Amaterasu's flames.

Itachi couldn't help blushing when he saw the spring light leaking out of Izumi because of the torn clothes.

He immediately took off his clothes to block the spring light for Izumi.


Just as he put clothes on Izumi, a kunai pierced Itachi's throat.

Itachi raised his hand to block it, looking at the owner of the kunai... Uchiha Izumi!

He murmured:

"It's not that simple, it seems that this is your real killer move!? Danzo!"

At this moment, Izumi's eyes were hazy and in a state of lack of spirit, obviously being manipulated by illusion.

Fortunately, Itachi had been on guard and did not let Izumi's sneak attack succeed.

After all, Danzo's appearance was too abrupt, and the process of saving people was too easy. How could Itachi, who has always been cautious, not have doubts! ?

The Mangekyō Sharingan stared at Izumi's lifeless eyes, and Itachi whispered:

"Illusion, release!"

The illusion was released, but Izumi's eyes did not return to normal, but turned into a scarlet color!

Roar! !

A beast-like roar suddenly came out of Quan's throat, two sharp fangs were extended, and saliva kept flowing out of his mouth.

The aura on his body became extremely violent, not like a human, but more like a real beast!


Itachi was frightened by Quan's appearance, and his heart was alarmed, and he wanted to move away quickly.

However, because the distance between the two sides was too close, and he was shocked by Quan's sudden change, it caused Itachi to not pull away immediately.

When he wanted to leave, the whole person was hugged by Quan.

Quan opened his mouth, revealing two sharp fangs, and bit at Itachi's neck.


Itachi felt pain and wanted to break free, but found that Quan's strength was surprisingly large, and he was afraid of hurting the other party, so he couldn't break free for a while.

"What's going on!? My chakra... is constantly disappearing!!"

Itachi was startled and realized that something was wrong.

The chakra in his body actually rushed towards Izumi's body like crazy.

Although he didn't know what Danzo and the others did to Izumi, which made Izumi suddenly have the ability to devour other people's chakra.

But at this moment, he didn't think about this.

The chakra in his body was constantly flowing away. If he didn't break free, his life would be in danger!

"I'm sorry, Izumi!"

Itachi apologized in a low voice.

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