"Boom!" A sphere composed of countless wind blades appeared in Sasuke's hand.

"Is this... the Rasengan?" Kirabi's expression became solemn.

At this time, Kirabi wanted to escape, and his body instantly turned into a snake and ran out.

A smile flashed across Sasuke's lips: "Want to escape?"

Sasuke's arm shook slightly, and the Otama Rasengan came out of his hand, and then exploded.

The strong shock wave overturned surrounding trees and destroyed everything nearby.

Kirabi spat: "The power of this Rasengan is quite good. If used in actual combat, it may be able to exert effects beyond its limits."

Even though Kirabi said this, his body was still shaken by the aftermath. He covered his chest: "Damn guy... no... you have to leave here right away..."

"Want to escape?" Sasuke's eyes turned scarlet: "No way!"

"Stop it, idiot!!" Sasuke stretched out his right hand, spread his fingers, and a huge ball of chakra poured out, and then gathered on his fist.

Kirabi turned around: "Immortal Magic Earth Dragon Bullet!!"

"Boom!" The two energies collided, causing a violent explosion, and the ground cracked inch by inch.

Sasuke and Kirabi both stepped back at the same time. They wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths and looked at each other with surprise.

"Your strength is very good." Kirabi snorted coldly: "You are worthy of being a genius of the Uchiha clan!"

Sasuke's expression turned gloomy: "I advise you to just surrender."

"Hmph, trying to catch me is just a fool's errand." Kirabi said without hesitation: "How about we fight again?"

"No need." Sasuke said indifferently: "My target is your brother Kirabi. I am not interested in other things, so you should stay quietly."

Kirabi was stunned for a moment, and after a moment, his face turned gloomy: "You are right, I really can't protect him."

"That scumbag..." Sasuke's pupils shrank suddenly.

Kirabi took a deep breath, picked up his waist with his right hand, and pulled out the short sword hanging on his waist: "In this case, I can only use that thing to deal with you!"

"That thing?" Sasuke's face was startled.

"That's right!" Kirabi's face became extremely solemn. Because of the special nature of that treasure, he had not used it for a while.

"Do you want to use the power of the tailed beast?" Sasuke asked: "Do you know the consequences of using the power of the tailed beast?"

"You don't need to remind me!" Kirabi roared, and then blue-purple electricity appeared on his body: "Thunder attribute chakra! Open it for me!"

A thick layer of armor appeared around Kirabi's body, and lightning patterns were vaguely visible on the armor's surface.

"Is that... a tailed beast coat with thunder attributes?" Sasuke's expression became serious.

"That's right, thunder-attribute chakra!" Kirabi said coldly: "I'm not as weak and bully as Itachi. I also have a tenacious and unyielding spirit!"

After saying that, Kirabi's figure disappeared in an instant, and the next second, he appeared in front of Sasuke, slashing off Sasuke's head with a sharp hand knife.

"Thunder thrust!" Kirabi's left leg kicked Sasuke hard in the abdomen.

Sasuke's body flew backwards.

"Your speed is so slow!" Kirabi laughed loudly: "You are no match for me at all!"

Sasuke steadied himself, his face filled with murderous intent.

"I should have gotten rid of you a long time ago..." Sasuke murmured, and a ball of golden flame appeared on his hand.

"Fire Release? Big Fire Ball Technique!" Sasuke controlled the flames and threw them towards Kirabi.

Kirabi dodged the fire attack, and his body moved again, appearing on the side of Sasuke.

"Fire escape. Rock penetration!"

"Escape? Earth flow wall!"

Kirabi's earth wall blocked Sasuke's flames, but even this earth wall with amazing defense could not withstand the burning of Sasuke's flames and gradually melted.

"Damn it!" Kirabi gritted his teeth, curled his toes, and then used an iron bridge to avoid being burned by the flames.

"Water Release. Water Cannon Technique!!" Behind Sasuke, a water cannon shot out.

Sasuke's hands were wrapped with thunder and lightning, and the power of the thunder escape ninjutsu was further increased. He hit Kirabi's earth wall fiercely. Suddenly, the earth wall shattered, and Kirabi's entire body was knocked away. , knocking down several big trees.

"Ahem, it really hurts..." Kirabi stood up and shook his arm: "It seems that I still underestimate you, but I will let you know that you are definitely no match for me!"

He raised his head and stared at Sasuke with his eyes full of resentment: "Thunder Release. Lightning!"

His body suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then he punched Sasuke.

"Bang!" Sasuke's body was thrown out and a wall collapsed.

Kirabi gasped, and he secretly complained in his heart that this boy was really difficult to mess with.

"How about it? As I said, you can't win this battle, Sasuke!" Kirabi grinned, showing his white teeth: "But if you are willing to admit defeat..."

"You guy!!" Sasuke slowly climbed out of the ruins, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth. It seemed that he had been knocked out just now, which was not a serious matter.

"My patience is limited." Kirabi narrowed his eyes and exuded a dangerous aura: "I'm a little irritable now. Make a decision quickly. I don't want to be entangled with you anymore."

"My decision is to defeat you!"

Sasuke's voice echoed throughout the room.

Kirabi frowned. He felt that Sasuke's aura suddenly increased. He knew that he could not delay any longer, otherwise he would cause some trouble. There was frost in his eyes.

"Then it's over!" Kirabi shouted: "Thunder-attributed illusion and heroic dance!!"

"Bang!" Kirabi's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Illusion?" Sasuke sneered: "Then I also use illusion."

Sasuke also released his genjutsu, and then a black smoke filled the air.

In the illusion, a bolt of lightning struck down and headed straight for Sasuke's direction.

"Not good!" Sasuke immediately dodged the lightning, his figure flashed, and he quickly approached Kirabi.

Kirabi had a ferocious smile on his face, and suddenly slapped Sasuke with his hands.

"Bang!" Kirabi's palm hit Sasuke and knocked him away.

"This bug has finally been defeated!" Kirabi breathed a sigh of relief.

"No..." Kirabi suddenly noticed something and raised his head suddenly.

Sasuke, who was in the air, lowered his body slightly, then made a fist with his right hand and swung it towards Kirabi's head.

"Raikiri!!" Sasuke said coldly.

"What?" Although Kirabi's reaction was extremely quick, he still could not avoid this fatal blow.

Half of his head was cut off by Sasuke's Raikiri move, and blood flowed across it, splattering on Sasuke's clothes.

"How dare you hurt me!! I will take revenge, bastard!" Kirabi covered half of his head, his face hideous in pain.

"Your death has come." Sasuke said coldly: "Wood Clone, Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Bang!" Sasuke's body appeared in his original position, and Kirabi punched him.

Sasuke's figure disappeared again and then appeared in another location.

"Damn it! He ran away again!" Kirabi cursed, and Sasuke was nowhere to be found.

"What on earth is this guy trying to do!" Kirabi's face looked extremely ugly.

Suddenly, Sasuke appeared next to Kirabi again, tightening his right fist and punching it out suddenly!

"Oops!" Kirabi hurriedly resisted.

"Bang!" Kirabi's chest suffered a heavy blow, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.


Kirabi fell to the ground, and he raised his head with difficulty to look at Sasuke.

"Damn it, I was fooled." Kirabi gritted his teeth: "This bastard!"

"I am indeed very angry!" Sasuke's eyes were burning with blazing flames, as terrifying as a volcano erupting: "Kilabi."

"Huh?!" Kirabi felt something was wrong and jumped to the side.

"Thunder Escape. Thunder Blade Storm!!"

A huge lightning blade pierced the sky and cut the earth into two pieces.

"This guy's real target is me!" Kirabi knew very well.

"No, I have to get rid of this bastard as soon as possible!" Kirabi gritted his teeth. He forced himself up, kicked his legs suddenly on the ground, and rushed towards Sasuke like lightning.

"Do you think I will let you catch up with me?" Sasuke said calmly.

"You are looking for death!" Kirabi laughed wildly: "You underestimate my speed, Sasuke!!"

Kirabi's figure rushed to Sasuke's side like a ghost, raised his fist, and hammered Sasuke's chest hard.

"Thunder Release. Million Volts!" Sasuke closed his hands, thunder and lightning condensed in his palms, and then pushed towards Kirabi suddenly.


There was an instant explosion, and Kirabi fell back several meters, and there were some scorch marks on his body. Obviously, the damage of lightning was not low.

Kirabi's eyes became gloomy, and he snorted coldly: "It seems that I underestimated you, monster."

Kirabi knew that this battle could not be dragged on any longer, he had to deal with Sasuke quickly.

"In that case, show your true skills, kid!" Kirabi yelled, "Kneel down!!"

"This move is called 'Heaven and Earth Shatter'!!" Infinite anger emerged from Kirabi's eyes.

His left foot suddenly stamped on the ground, and all the green grass on the ground withered. Then Kirabi's body suddenly rose several times higher, and the surrounding woods swayed crazily.

Sasuke's eyes flashed with coldness, and he felt strong oppression.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, and then lightning came down.


A bolt of lightning struck Sasuke hard.

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