Han rubbed his hands and smiled evilly. He pointed at Sasuke and said, "How is it? I'm well prepared. You know, our village has many other powerful forces besides the Five-Tails Jinchuriki."

After that, Han controlled the two giant gargoyles to rush towards Sasuke.

The two gargoyles were 3.5 meters tall. Every step they took would cause earthquake-like shaking. Moreover, they were made of hard stone. Their defense was very strong. Even steel could be crushed easily. If it were ordinary rock ninjas, they would have been easily killed by them, let alone Sasuke.

"Water escape, water prison technique!"

Sasuke did not retreat at all. He stepped on the ground with one foot and quickly formed seals with both hands. In an instant, a large piece of ice fog formed around him out of thin air.

At the same time, Sasuke's eyes flashed with cold light, and a cruel smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Then, in Han's astonished expression, his eyes turned into blue and white reincarnation Sharingan.

Sasuke snorted coldly and waved his arms. Then, light blue chakra appeared at the fingertips of his hands.

The next second, this chakra quickly condensed into a needle-like object about 30 centimeters long, and this slender chakra needle also emitted a blue-white light on the surface.

Then, Sasuke swung his right hand, and this chakra needle turned into a blue stream of light and flew towards the two giant gargoyles. In the blink of an eye, this blue-white chakra needle had pierced into the two giant gargoyles.


Suddenly, a violent explosion resounded throughout the mountains and forests, and in the core area of ​​the explosion, a fist-sized blood hole appeared in the abdomen of the two giant gargoyles. At this time, the two giant gargoyles fell to the ground and twitched. Their life breath gradually weakened, and finally, they disappeared completely.

After dealing with the two giant gargoyles, Sasuke took a few breaths and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The move that Sasuke just performed was his latest skill, one of the eye techniques of the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he used his own special physique to transfer all the chakra in his body to this chakra needle, and then released it for long-distance delivery attack.

"Is this the latest move I have mastered? The eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan?" Sasuke muttered to himself, with a look of joy on his face.

His Mangekyō Sharingan has many abilities.

The first ability is to greatly improve one's own chakra in a short period of time, which is an irresistible temptation for anyone.

The second ability is to obtain a large increase in a short period of time. For example, Orochimaru, whom he had dealt with before, doubled his chakra in a short period of time and gave him a huge strength bonus. If it weren't for Uzumaki Naruto's help at that time, perhaps he would have really lost to Orochimaru. After all, it is rare in this world to be able to make one's chakra recover extremely quickly in a short period of time. Even Uzumaki Naruto can't do this.

The most crucial thing is the third ability, which is unique to him, and he is almost invincible with this ability!

This ability is - illusion.

Simply put, with this ability, Sasuke can use illusion to create all kinds of illusions and illusions, and can also attack, defend and other manipulations in this illusion, and the more powerful the illusion is, the more real the illusion and illusion created are, and the reality is reversed.

"Damn, my gargoyle was killed!" Han said in disbelief.

"I don't believe it!!" Han roared, and quickly formed seals with both hands, "Earth escape, earth cone technique!"

The next moment, countless earth cones flew towards Sasuke.

"Water escape, water prison technique!"

Sasuke still stood calmly, he continued to form seals with both hands, and then countless water gushed out, instantly forming a huge water ball to wrap Sasuke up.


There were bursts of roars inside the water ball, and it kept exploding, but no matter how it exploded, the water ball always stood.

The thickness of this water ball is 1.5 meters, 3 inches thick. Even rocks can block it, not to mention a pile of earth spikes, so they can't penetrate this thin water ball at all.

"Damn it, I can't break his defense!"

Han gritted his teeth and cursed.

He originally wanted to rely on the gargoyle to win, but who knew that he was defeated by a ten-year-old child, which made him lose face.

"Since you are so powerful, let me do it myself!" Han stared at the water ball with murderous eyes. He took a deep breath, stretched out his right hand suddenly, and then shouted: "Earth escape, earth dragon bullet technique!!"

The next moment, the gravel on the ground suddenly floated up, and then under Han's control, they quickly combined together, and finally, a huge stone dragon with a body length of 10 feet and a thickness of 20 meters drilled out from the ground.

"Go ahead, tear him apart!"

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The stone dragon roared and rushed towards the water ball with a huge pressure. At this time, Sasuke curled his lips in disdain, "Earth Dragon? It seems that I need to tell you what a real earth dragon is."

"Earth Style: Great Dragon Bullet!!!"

Sasuke suddenly raised his right hand towards the huge earth dragon, and then his chakra surged, and finally formed a relatively small giant dragon bullet.


A crisp sound rang out, and then, under Sasuke's gaze, the earth dragon bounced back directly as if it had hit a wall.


Han was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of enthusiasm appeared on his face, and he said excitedly: "Hahaha, it's really like this, it's really like this."

Then, Han laughed wildly.

Although he has only mastered some basic moves now, these moves are all large-scale damage moves.

Now, he actually saw someone who could use the same moves as him, which made him extremely excited.

Because he knew that if he continued like this, he might be able to master this ability and apply it to actual combat, then it would definitely be a big advantage for him.

Thinking of this, Han suddenly shouted: "Who are you? Why do you have the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan and can also use a large-scale earth escape?"

Sasuke glanced at him contemptuously, and then said lightly: "Do you know me?"

"Everyone in our village knows you!"

Han pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "I think it should be Uchiha Itachi who told you? My name is Domon Han, I am a jonin of the Tsuchiya Village, have you forgotten me?"

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