Chapter 258 Depression

Sasuke's hands clenched tightly, and electric arcs flashed, but no matter what, the chakra in his body was almost exhausted, and he could not stop Ghost Light Xuan Yue at all.

"Immortal method: Konoha collapses!"

A low growl came from Sasuke's throat.

A giant tree appeared in front of Sasuke.

The giant tree shattered into pieces in an instant, and then turned into countless small sharp swords and stabbed towards Ghost Deng Xuan Yue.

Such a dense rain of swords is enough to make any enemy despair.

Ghost Light Xuanyue's expression became serious, and his figure quickly faded and disappeared into the sword rain. At the same time, his voice reached Sasuke's ears: "Okay, this move will send you to the west!"

"Immortal Technique: Super Sonic Bat Clone!"

One by one, ghostly figures of Xuanyue appeared around Sasuke.

"You can't run away!"

"Xianfa Rasengan!"

Sasuke cast his spell again, but this time his attack didn't seem to work.

Ghost Deng Xuanyue smiled strangely: "It's useless, I have completely integrated into your body now, and my body can perfectly control your chakra."

"Your chakra is under my control and you can't even move!!"

"How can it be!?"

Sasuke's expression suddenly became ugly, but it was obviously too late now.

The chakra of Ghost Light Xuanyue poured into Sasuke's body, and Sasuke's spirit suddenly became trance-like.

Sasuke felt as if his head had been hit by countless hammers.


"Is it painful? You will be free soon!!"

Madness and violence appeared in Sasuke's eyes.

He raised his arms high, with a large amount of chakra gathered on his palms: "Immortal Technique·Hao Fireball Technique!!!"


Countless flames exploded and directly enveloped the surrounding area for a hundred meters.

Ghost Deng Xuanyue's figure stagnated in mid-air.


He cursed, but then calmed down.

"Is that just it?"

"Then let me test your strength!"

A cruel smile appeared on his lips.

Gui Deng Xuanyue stretched out two fingers, and then threw them into the sky. Suddenly, two huge momentums rose into the sky, forming a cloud above Gui Deng Xuanyue's head.

"Psychic art!!"

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Huge and ferocious water columns burst out of the clouds.

"Immortal Technique·Bagua Blocking Formation!"

"Immortal Technique: The Art of Fireball!"

"Immortal Technique·Thunder Release·Qilin!"

Three powerful moves collided together.

The whole room suddenly collapsed and filled with smoke and dust.

"Ahem!" Sasuke coughed and climbed up from the ruins, looking embarrassed, but with a smile on his lips.

"I win, kid."

"I am the winner." Sasuke said coldly.

"Are you sure!"

Ghost Deng Xuanyue suddenly kicked out.

A sharp pain hit him, and Sasuke's body fell hard and rolled far away on the ground.

Sasuke stood up with difficulty: "I really didn't expect you to be so strong!!!"

Ghost Light Xuanyue walked up to Sasuke: "Although your sage mode is very strong, your physical fitness is too poor. If you continue to fight, you will definitely lose."

"So, you lose."

Sasuke sneered: "Really?"

His fists were clenched, and chakra boiled all over his body.

A hot temperature circulated on the surface of his body.

"I don't know why, but I always feel like something is wrong."

Ghost Deng Xuan Yue's heart sank slightly.

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

A sense of crisis that made his hair stand on end came to his heart.


Ghost Light Xuanyue didn't even think about it, and quickly retreated. He felt that he was locked, and it was Sasuke who locked him.

A strange mark appeared on Sasuke's left hand.

"Sage Mode·Rasengan!!"

A blue-purple light emitted from his hand, and the strong chakra fluctuations made the surrounding air scorch. He threw out the Rasengan mercilessly.

"Damn it!"

Ghost Deng Xuanyue shouted loudly, his body quickly faded, and then disappeared in place.

"Sage Mode·Substitute Technique!!"

"Immortal Technique·Thunder Escape·Thunder Blade Storm!!!!!"


A violent explosion sounded, and Sasuke gasped, with a solemn expression in his eyes.

Because where Gui Deng Xuanyue escaped, a huge pothole appeared.

"This guy is stronger than expected!"

Sasuke took a deep breath, his eyes falling on his chest.

Drops of blood slowly seeped into his clothes. Several of his ribs were broken at some point, and his chest was even more dented.

Sasuke's body fell to the ground, and he turned over and sat up with difficulty: "Damn it, I have to recover chakra quickly. In the battle just now, the sage mode has depleted the senjutsu chakra in my body."

His body began to tremble, his chakra began to lose control, and his sage mode began to fade away.

Sasuke's eyes were bloodshot. He gritted his teeth and tried to stay awake. He took out a bottle of healing fluid and drank it down his neck.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Sasuke gasped, his eyes full of unwillingness: "I must kill you!"

He moved his body with difficulty.

His wrist trembled slightly.

At this moment, Ghost Light Xuanyue appeared in front of Sasuke again.

"You actually dare to look back, you are looking for death!"

Sasuke yelled angrily, gathering chakra on his hand.

Beside him, pebbles were floating in the void, and there were more and more of them.

Finally, the chakra on his right hand condensed into a stone, and then suddenly shot towards Ghost Light Xuan Yue.

Ghost Deng Xuanyue turned to one side and avoided it.

"Immortal Technique·All Things Heavenly Yin!"

A circle of ripples emitted from Sasuke's body, and then the ghost light Xuan Yue was firmly absorbed into it.

"What did you do!? Let me go!" Gui Deng Xuanyue roared angrily.

"Haha, what do you think!" Sasuke sneered: "Don't forget whose home field this is!"

His pupils turned blood red.

Veins throbbed on Sasuke's forehead.

All the muscles in his body tensed.

Suddenly, Gui Deng Xuanyue screamed in horror: "How is that possible?!"

Sasuke's body suddenly swelled, and then with a muffled sound, his body burst apart, and his breath became stronger and stronger.

"Is this... the final limit of Immortal Mode?"

"Immortal Mode·Eight Gate Dunjia!"

A surging chakra swept through the entire house, and accompanied by a huge roar, horrific explosions razed the surrounding buildings to the ground.

Sasuke's aura increased instead of decreasing.

An invisible sense of oppression enveloped Ghost Deng Xuan Yue.

Sasuke's aura at this moment was extremely terrifying.

He raised his legs: "Immortal Technique: Flying Thunder God Technique!"

Ghost Deng Xuan Yue's pupils shrank suddenly.

Countless densely packed clones instantly appeared around him, but as soon as they appeared, they were crushed by attacks from all directions.

Sasuke disappears again.


Sasuke appeared behind Ghost Light Xuanyue, and then waved his fist, directly shattering Ghost Light Xuanyue's shield.


Ghost Light Xuan Yue's face turned pale, and his body quickly faded, but he still blocked Sasuke's attack, but spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

The corners of Sasuke's mouth curved.

"Since you can resist my senjutsu Rasengan, then I should also have a way to prevent you from using senjutsu!"

Sasuke quickly closed his hands and opened them again.

A ball of dark light condensed on his palm: "Senfa·Chidori Style·Tailed Beast Jade!"


Onito Xuanyue's face suddenly changed, and his figure flashed rapidly, trying to escape the scope of the Chidori Tailed Beast Jade, but Sasuke seemed to have already figured it out, and the Rasengan in his hand quickly expanded and released countless electric currents. .


A huge electromagnetic gun blasted towards Ghost Deng Xuanyue.

Numerous illusions appeared around Guiteng Xuanyue, but these illusions were destroyed by thunder and Chidori Ryū-tailed Beast Jade. He himself was also knocked away, smashing the wall and flying backwards.

"Pfft!" Ghost Deng Xuanyue spat out a mouthful of blood again.

"Hahaha! Ghost Deng Xuanyue, let me see how you run away this time!"

Sasuke laughed, his injuries now fully repaired.

His figure rushed towards Ghost Deng Xuanyue again.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!!!"

Ghost Deng Xuanyue kept cursing.

Sasuke's speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of Ghost Light Xuan Yue in almost the blink of an eye.

Ghost Deng Xuanyue's eyes flashed coldly: "Immortal method, Immortal method, Immortal mode!"

His breath surged, briefly increasing his strength and agility.

The fight between the two intensified, and Sasuke threw a fierce punch.

Gui Deng Xuan Yue's eyes lit up: "Well done!!"

He stretched out his arm and punched him as well.

"Immortal method·immortal mode!"

The figure of Ghost Light Xuanyue disappeared in front of Sasuke in an instant.

The next second, he descended from the sky and stepped on Sasuke's chest.

"Cough cough cough -" Sasuke's mouth kept bleeding.

"I didn't expect you to be so tenacious, you are truly worthy of being my disciple!"

"However, you will die here soon!!"

"No! You can never beat me!"

"Immortal method, Immortal method, Konoha collapses!"


Ghost Deng Xuanyue flew out and fell hard to the ground.

His chest collapsed and blood continued to pour from his mouth.

"Cough cough cough——"

He struggled to get up, his eyes full of shock: "How is it possible that you possess such powerful chakra? And what level has your body reached? How could you withstand such violent chakra?"

Sasuke wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Let me tell you, in Sage mode, my body is invincible!!"

"I am invincible now!!"

Sasuke rushed towards Ghost Light Genzuki again.

Determination flashed in Gui Deng Xuanyue's eyes, and his hands were wrapped with strange chakra: "Immortal Technique·Eight Gate Dunjia·Six Paths of Reincarnation!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!!"

The two of them kept colliding. Although Sasuke had the advantage, he was unable to penetrate the defense of Ghost Light Xuan Yue.

Sasuke frowned: "Your defense is too exaggerated. You have been subjected to so many magic tricks from me in a row, and you are still unscathed!!"

"Because I am in immortal mode!!" Ghost Deng Xuanyue's expression was gloomy: "I can borrow your power!!"

Sasuke was shocked: "So, is this how the so-called Sage Mode allows you to obtain the opponent's power?!"

"That's right!" Gui Deng Xuanyue laughed: "Now you only need one round, and I will kill you with my sword!"

"You're too arrogant!" Sasuke roared, a powerful aura burst out, and his aura was rising steadily.

His eyes turned scarlet, and Yamata no Orochi appeared behind him.

"Yaki no Orochi?! This is impossible, you can't have the power of Yamata no Orochi, how did you do it!" Ghost Deng Xuanyue's eyes widened, and a voice came from his mind: "Your body is not controlled by Has the Senjutsu Rasengan been severely damaged? How could you activate the power of the Yamata no Orochi again?"

Ghost Light Xuan Yue was confused, but Sasuke ignored it.

Sasuke's right eye flashed with shrewdness: "The power of Yamata no Orochi is indeed hidden!"

Sasuke's body expanded again, and his aura became even more terrifying.

"How could you possibly show such tyrannical power again?!"

Gui Deng Xuanyue asked in disbelief.

"Because I have enough time, I can slowly wait for Yamata no Orochi's power to recover!" Sasuke grinned.

"And you..."

The Sharingan in Sasuke's eyes transformed.

His figure once again disappeared from Ghost Deng Xuanyue's sight.

Ghost Deng Xuanyue's pupils shrank slightly, and countless green chakra emerged from his body.

"Immortal magic, magic, wood escape, forest seal!!!"

He injected a large amount of chakra into the ground, and various towering trees quickly grew on the ground. These trees grew crazily and even covered the entire house.

"Hmph, even a mere illusion wants to trap me?!"

Sasuke glanced contemptuously, and lightning quickly covered his body.

A huge thunderball burst out from inside his body and instantly penetrated all the plants.


All the plants shattered instantly and turned into dust that fell all over the sky.

"Immortal Technique, Immortal Technique, Thunder Release, Thunder Fang!!!"

Thunder and lightning surged in Sasuke's eyes.

"Bang bang bang!"

All the vines were torn into pieces by Thunder Fangs in an instant.

"This is the attribute of thunder and lightning! You guy actually understands the attribute of thunder and lightning!!!"

Gui Deng Xuanyue gritted her teeth, knowing that he had failed.

He now has less than half of his chakra, and there is no way he can continue fighting.

"Oh, Ghost Light Xuanyue, don't say such things!" Sasuke stared at Ghost Light Xuanyue indifferently: "You lose! You must die!!"

"No! I'm still alive, how could I die!!"

Gui Deng Xuanyue pressed his hands on his abdomen, and his belly bulged.

"Immortal Technique: The Art of the Nine Lamas!"

He shouted, and nine tails suddenly appeared from his abdomen.

Immediately, waves of fishy wind swept out.

"Sage Mode·Nine-Tails Mode!"

Gui Deng Xuanyue's strength increased several times, but he still felt depressed.

Because his opponent is Sasuke!

"Eight Gates of Dunjia·Five gates, the last gate, the hell realm!"


There was an explosion, and the space around Sasuke became distorted.

"This is!!" Ghost Deng Xuanyue's expression kept changing: "How is it possible, how could you touch the secret of that thing?!"

Sasuke took a step forward, holding the Senjutsu*Senjutsu card in his hand.

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