"What is he doing? Forming seals, planning to use ninjutsu?"

"Idiot, you actually want to use ninjutsu to resist Hirutora. Aren't you looking for death!?"


In the field.

Before the move came, a strong wind blew in his face, causing Sasuke's long hair to fly.

Facing the roaring white tiger's shadow, he chose to stand still and quickly formed seals with his hands.

--Art fire escape ho fireball!

next moment,

A huge fireball spit out from Sasuke's mouth.

The flames burned like a small sun, and the dark sky was as bright as day at this moment.

"This...this terrifying amount of chakra!"

Witnessing such a huge fireball being born in front of his eyes, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately lost his composure.

In my memory, the only person who can use fire escape ninjutsu on this scale is the legendary man—Uchiha Madara!

Damn it!

Could it be that there is another monster in the ninja world that can rival Uchiha Madara?

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked ugly. Tonight's night of genocide could be the night of Konoha's destruction!

Seeing this, the surrounding Konoha ninjas couldn't help but widen their eyes.

This...how is this possible! ! !

A mere B-level fire escape ninjutsu can actually use the power of an S-level ninjutsu!

This is not a ninja!

It simply subverted their three views of ninjas.

boom! !

The fireball collided with the white tiger's shadow, causing a violent explosion.

The loud bang of the explosion resounded through the night sky, and a huge mushroom-shaped air mass formed.

"This...just a casual escape attack neutralized my day tiger!"

Metkai looked dull and his eyes were gray.

I couldn't believe what was happening.

His strongest move at the moment was actually canceled out by a B-level fire ball.

At this moment, his heart suffered an unprecedented blow.

Youth can no longer be burned.

The whole person was depressed.

"Haha! Is this your strongest attack? It seems that without opening the eight doors, you are still just an ant in front of me!"

Sasuke appeared in front of Kai, his voice was calm, but his eyes revealed disappointment.

"It seems that the battle between you and me has come to an end, and I have waited for one in vain!"


He whipped his leg suddenly.

However, Kai was not whipped out.

The reason is that he was not attacked.

Sasuke's thighs, which were full of muscles and full of power, paused in the air and could not be whipped out smoothly.

Because at this moment, a bunch of dark shadows were wrapped around his thighs without knowing it!

"Shadow Imitation, success!"

Not far away, Nara Shikaku was half-kneeling on the ground, keeping his hands in a hand seal posture.

His shadow stretched and was now connected with Sasuke's shadow.


The next moment, Nara Shikaku spit out a large mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth and said:

"Damn it! How can this guy have so much strength? He doesn't even look like a human being."

Then he hurriedly urged:

"Hurry! Get Metkai away quickly. His current condition is not suitable for continuing to fight! Hurry! I can't hold on much longer!"


As he spoke, another large mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Don't panic Shikaku, I'm here to help you now!"

As soon as Shanzhong Hai saw this, he quickly ran over to support.

"Both of us, inside and outside, don't believe that this guy can't be cured!"

The index fingers and thumbs of his hands touch each other, and the four fingers are closed to form the word "口".

As if taking a picture of someone with a camera, Yamanaka Hai pointed his "mouth" at Sasuke and immediately used the family's secret technique.

——The art of ninja and the art of turning around the heart!

next moment,

Yamanaka Haiichi's consciousness instantly penetrated into the depths of Sasuke's consciousness.

"What...what is this!?"

The ideological Yamanaka Haiichi looked horrified.

Because what appeared in his eyes at this moment was a tall and towering giant.

Standing high on the sky, it is impossible to tell how tall this giant is, as if he is a high-altitude god.

And he, Yamazaka Haiichi, is an arrogant and ignorant ant who dares to intrude into the god's territory.

"Is this... is this guy's consciousness? It's so huge, how huge his spiritual power must be!"

"I have entered the sea of ​​consciousness of so many people, and I have never seen a guy with so much spiritual power. It is simply unbelievable!"

He murmured in his mouth, shocked by Sasuke's terrifying mental power.

Because the greater the mental power of a ninja, the greater the consciousness it condenses.

And Sasuke, who has the Samsara Eye plus the Eternal Eye, has very terrifying mental power.

"No! I have to get out quickly! This kind of terrifying consciousness is not something I can control!"

Yamanaka Haiichi suddenly recovered from the shock.

"Hey! If you want to leave, my sea of ​​consciousness is not a place where you can come or leave whenever you want!"

The giant Sasuke smiled cruelly, his voice was like thunder.

The sound waves alone gave Yamanaka Haiichi signs of collapse at this moment.

"Damn it! The art of turning the mind around is solved!"


Yamanaka Haiichi realized that he had not returned to his body.

He looked at the giant Sasuke in front of him with a horrified expression.

"You...who are you? You can actually control the sea of ​​consciousness so accurately that I can't escape!"

"Hey! Be careful next time, don't rely on your family's secret-breaking skills to enter other people's bodies at will!"

Sasuke laughed grimly, stretched out his hand and squeezed, like squeezing an ant to death, and crushed Yamanaka Inoichi's consciousness.

In the outside world, because of the family secret technique, Yamanaka Inoichi temporarily handed his body to the family's ninja for safekeeping.

The next moment, the body's consciousness returned.


Yamanaka Inoichi, who closed his eyes, suddenly spurted out a large mouthful of blood, his face turned pale instantly, and his body twitched wildly, but he did not wake up.

Then, the Yamanaka clan ninjas saw that the lower body of their clan leader was also wet.

The surrounding Yamanaka clan ninjas panicked.

"The clan... the clan leader is incontinent!"

"Clan leader, clan leader, what's wrong with you? Cheer up, wake up! Wake up!"

"What's the matter with that guy? Why was the clan leader so severely backlashed? He actually showed extremely rare incontinence symptoms!"


Amid the anxious shouts of the crowd, Yamanaka Inoichi finally woke up slowly.

At this moment, he looked at all the tribesmen with weakness in his eyes.

His finger trembled and pointed at Sasuke, with a look of horror.

"This... This is a monster, never, never use the family secret technique on him!"

After saying that, he fainted very simply, and no matter how the tribesmen called him, he never woke up again.

The main reason was that he was actually incontinent at this moment, which was too embarrassing!

So he could only pretend to faint to ease the embarrassment.


Over there.

Although Sasuke was conscious, it took less than a breath to pinch Yamanaka Haiyi to death.

But during this time, Might Guy in front of him had been taken away.

At the same time, he also found that the restraint on his body was stronger than before.

More shadows were wrapped around his body.

If he didn't use some strength, he wouldn't be able to break free for a while.

"What do you think, you muscular monster! Don't underestimate our Nara clan! Although I can't control you alone, but if my clansmen are added together, you may not be able to break free!"

Nara Shikaku gritted his teeth and growled.

His eyes were fixed on Sasuke, as if he wanted him to prove the strength of the Nara clan.

And around Nara Shikaku, all the Nara clan members were performing the family's secret technique.

At this moment, they performed the "Shadow Imitation Technique!" together, temporarily restraining Sasuke!

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