The reason is simple, because no human experimental subjects were found in this base.

There are only some animal experimental subjects.

"Look, look, I said, there is no! No matter how many bases you look for, it's the same! I have never done human experiments, I have never done human experiments!"

Looking at Sasuke's ugly face, Danzo became more and more arrogant.

"Hahaha! Are you going to be angry? Are you going to be incompetent and furious? Are you going to hit me in the face again to make me shut up?"

"Come on, come on! I will hit you as much as you want! The more you do this kind of barbaric behavior, the more incompetent you appear, hahaha!!"

Danzo laughed triumphantly.

The surrounding Konoha ninjas saw this and their original admiration turned into admiration!

In order to make the enemy admit his incompetence, he actually did not hesitate to irritate the enemy.

This spirit of putting life and death aside is worthy of the elder Danzo they admire!

"Sir, you have destroyed another base! For this, Konoha has suffered another huge loss! But there is still no evidence of your so-called human experiment! Now, do you have anything else to say!?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked with gritted teeth.

After a moment of silence, Sasuke threw Danzo on the ground.

Seeing this, the third generation couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and forced a smile.

"That's right! Keep your promise and do what you say, so that you can show your strong spirit!"

"Now, you just need to apologize to Danzo, and the grudge between us will be settled!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Sasuke seriously.


Danzo lay on the ground, looking at Sasuke with a sneer, expecting him to apologize to him.

Although an apology is not painful, for Danzo, he is very happy to make such a strong man bow to him!

No matter how strong he is, as long as you still have face, you should apologize to him.

After all, this is a promise Sasuke made in front of nearly 20,000 people!

If you don't keep your word, no matter how strong you are, you will not be respected, but only despised!

"Heh! It's not over yet! You want me to apologize to you, it's too early!"

Sasuke sneered, jumped up, and jumped into the root base.

'Are you still doing useless work? I really don't know what this barbarian is thinking? Is there something wrong with his brain? Or is he deliberately looking for an excuse to cause trouble? '

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Sasuke who was looking around in the root base, frowned, and was very puzzled by Sasuke's behavior.

"Quick! Medical ninja, come and treat Elder Danzo!"

Noticing Danzo's injury, Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly ordered.

Although he didn't know what Sasuke was going to do, the other party let Danzo go, just so they could treat Danzo's injury.


In the root base.

Sasuke observed the animal corpses in the container.

Well, just look at it like this, he who knows nothing about doing experiments can't see anything at all.

So, he reached out and broke a container, and took out the animal corpse inside.

This was an adult wild boar, huge in size, and was held by Sasuke in one hand.

After observing for a while,


I still couldn't see anything.

No matter how he looked at it, Sasuke, a layman, couldn't see anything.


Bang! !

Sasuke directly crushed the wild boar's head.

In an instant, red and white burst all over the ground.

And Sasuke's hands were also full of blood.

After a careful feeling, the residual temperature of the blood was very high.

His nose trembled slightly, and he smelled the smell in the air.

The result was that the smell of blood in the air was very strong.

Sure enough, there was something fishy.

Because this didn't look like an experimental subject at all.

It looked like it had just been killed and stuffed directly into the container.

Of course, it was also possible that this wild boar was caught recently and had just died not long ago, so the residual temperature of the blood was high and the smell of blood was strong.

To verify, Sasuke smashed all the animal corpses in all the containers.

The conclusion was that these animals had just died not long ago.

But is this possible?

Obviously not!

The answer to why this result would occur is obvious, that is, someone put the animal corpses into the container before Sasuke came to this base.

Then pretend that this is an ordinary base used for animal experiments, so as to exonerate Danzo!

Swish! !

Sasuke got the answer without delay and flashed back to the ground.

"Sir, you have verified it yourself, now you should be satisfied!"

Seeing Sasuke coming back, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke first.

"It's fake, the blood of those animal corpses is very fresh.

This shows that these animal corpses were just put in by someone! The original containers were not filled with these animal corpses at all!"

Sasuke said lightly, and walked towards Danzo who had been carried on a stretcher.

"Hahaha! What do you mean it was just put in? I am really laughing at you! You are a guy with muscles in your head. You are talking nonsense here without knowing anything!"

"That is a special solution that can perfectly maintain cell activity! Even if you soak in it for more than ten years, the blood can still be kept fresh!"

Danzo looked at Sasuke with contempt in his eyes, as if he was watching a poor student discussing the world's problems.

"The superficial understanding of a layman is really laughing at me, ha..."

Before he could laugh, his voice was stuck in his throat.

Sasuke pinched Danzo's neck and lifted him up like a chicken.

Looking at B, he calmly ordered:

"Quick! Take me to the next base!"

B nodded and immediately ran in one direction.

boom! !

The rocks that camouflaged the base were violently broken open just like the previous two times.

The scene in this base is still the same as the previous two bases.

There were still some animal carcasses soaking in the container.

‘Looks like it’s still a step too late! ’

Looking at the scene in this base, Sasuke couldn't help but look sad.

"Asshole! You bastard, you slander me so unreasonably without any evidence!

The three bases I finally built were all destroyed by you bastard! I think you are just deliberately looking for excuses to destroy my base! "

As if he knew that Sasuke had other motives and would not kill him, Danzo became more arrogant and proud, and began to shout crazily.

"Ah! You bastard, if you have the guts, kill me! Don't just slander me! Come on! Kill me. If you have the guts, kill me!!"

"Shut up!"

Sasuke warned coldly.

"Hahaha!! You bastard, can't you say anything else except this sentence? He is indeed a brash man with strong muscles and a simple mind! I'm afraid it's not all shit in his head!"

"With a brain like yours, if you weren't strong enough, you would probably have to count money for someone else if you didn't buy it, ha..."

Click! !

With a crisp sound, Danzo's lower jaw and his mouth full of old teeth were immediately crushed to pieces.

"It's so noisy!"

Sasuke removed his hand from Danzo's jaw, then put his hand into his mouth and grabbed his tongue.

In the latter's frightened eyes, he pinched hard.

Bah! !

In an instant, Danzo's tongue turned into foam.

"It's much quieter now!"

Sasuke took out his hand, shook it with a look of disgust, and wiped it back and forth on Danzo's bandage.

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