Chapter 416 Name

"Wooden Escape * Wood Clone Technique!" On the other side, the wooden clone of Indra Shex appeared next to his own body, blocking the original body of Indra Shex and resisting this attack for him.

The triple wood escape technique was released instantly, directly covering Uchiha Itachi. And Indra was not idle either. He held the sword of Indra and rushed into the group of wooden clones to kill them!

"Damn it!" Uchiha Itachi's face was gloomy. The triple wood escape technique that Indra chose was very troublesome. No matter whether it was lightning or flames, it would do no harm to the wood clone.

"Earth Release: Earth Collapse!" Suddenly, Uchiha Itachi's eyes lit up, and a pile of soil suddenly appeared next to him, directly crushing the wooden clone.

"Water escape * water chaos!" A blue wave of water instantly slapped Indra's body.

Indra's face was pale. Although his defense was relatively strong, he was not good at close combat. Therefore, he was forced back several hundred meters away by Uchiha Itachi.

"Hmph!" Itachi Uchiha snorted coldly. He knew that Indra was definitely not easy to mess with, so he had to seize the time to eliminate it!

"Rumble..." The endless storm swept across the entire forest in an instant, and then the invisible aura enveloped the entire forest.

Towering ancient trees began to collapse one after another, while Indra hid behind a large rock.

"Indra gives up! You can't escape!" Uchiha Itachi moved slowly, but every time he fell, the entire forest shook violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

"Damn it, what should I do!" Indra's expression was very panicked. If Uchiha Itachi really caught up with him, he might be in real danger!

"Hoo~~" A ball of fire appeared out of thin air, and then quickly hit Indra.

Indra's eyelids twitched, and he quickly used the Earth Release Ninjutsu to form two thick layers of rock barriers in front of him.

"Boom!" The flames hit the rock barrier Indra had just built, instantly exploding the entire rock wall and turning it into countless fragments flying in all directions.

"Damn it!" Indra shouted in a low voice. He looked at Uchiha Itachi who was getting clearer and clearer in the distance. Then he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. His whole body expanded rapidly and turned into a ten-meter-tall giant.

"Roar——" Indra roared angrily and punched Uchiha Itachi in the distance.

"Haha, what a trick!" Uchiha Itachi said with contempt in his eyes: "Wooden Release* The Tree Realm is coming!"

"Boom!" The Wooden Release Ninjutsu spread instantly, and the entire forest was instantly wrapped in endless branches. Countless branches emerged from the void, and then quickly destroyed these huge rock walls, and then tore away the bodies of these giants. Wrap around.

"Bang!" Indra fell hard to the ground. His body was bound by the branches and he couldn't break free at all.

"Haha, you'd better admit defeat!" Itachi Uchiha smiled slightly: "The weakness of you guys is your lack of speed and reflexes!"

"Ah ah ah, don't even think about winning!" Indra's face was ferocious: "Do you think I'm really that stupid? As early as half a year ago, I had thoroughly studied the wood escape ninjutsu of your Konoha village, so today I will definitely kill you!"

Rich black chakra rose up from Indra's body, and the clothes on his body became pitch black. Moreover, his originally skinny figure gradually increased in size, his muscles bulged, and his height increased rapidly, turning into a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

"Wooden Release* Super Ultimate Illusion, Dark Red Lotus!" The figure of Indra suddenly appeared in front of Uchiha Itachi, and then stretched out his hand to print on Uchiha Itachi's forehead.

"Hmph!" Itachi Uchiha snorted: "Illusion!"

Uchiha Itachi directly cast the illusion, his eyes turned lavender, and then stared at Indra.

"How could it be!" Indra's heart stirred up a storm, because he clearly realized that he was trapped in an illusion.

However, Indra had Sage Mode after all, so he immediately regained consciousness and rushed towards Uchiha Itachi again.

"In this case, we can only explode with all our strength!" Indra looked at his legs, and a powerful chakra poured into his legs, doubling his strength.

"Wood Release: Wooden Man's Technique!" Indra made fists with both hands, endless chakra gathered into his fists, and then punched Uchiha Itachi on the chest.

"Bang!" Uchiha Itachi's body directly broke a huge ancient tree and flew backwards.

"Hahaha!" Indra looked up to the sky and laughed: "How is it? This move is a ninjutsu that specifically targets mental and physical strength. Are you in pain?"

"Oh? Are you talking about the attack you just made?" Uchiha Itachi's voice came.

Indra frowned slightly, and there was a ripple in the air behind him.

"Boohoo!" Countless rays of golden light were fired at Indra. These golden lights contained terrifying chakra pressure and had special power.

Indra's body immediately retreated backwards, and his right arm waved the Zanpakutō, constantly blocking various kunai shot by Uchiha Itachi.

"Pfft!" A kunai was inserted into Indra's abdomen, and blood spurted out.

"Damn it!" Indra roared angrily: "I'm going to tear you apart!" Indra roared angrily, and his body expanded rapidly, eventually turning into a huge black-red monster that was more than ten meters high. Trees, their crowns cover most of the sky.

Countless green vines appeared on Uchiha Itachi's body, and then these green vines spread quickly and wrapped around the tree, preventing the tree from continuing to expand. At the same time, countless branches pierced the body of the tree, and countless blood flowed down.

"Death!" Indra roared, and the tree came to life. It began to twist and swing crazily, trying to struggle.

"Hmph!" Uchiha Itachi snorted, his eyes flashing with a strange light.

"Wood Release: Cutting Technique!" A green ring appeared on Uchiha Itachi's palm, and a thin emerald green line appeared on the palm of his hand.

"Click!" There was a soft sound, and the thin emerald green line trembled suddenly. Immediately, sharp green thorns pierced the emerald green thin threads, and then penetrated into Indra's body, causing him to twitch all over, and even his chakra stopped functioning.

"How is that possible?!" Indra's eyes widened, and then he vomited out a mouthful of blood: "I actually lost! No, no, I don't believe it!" Indra howled angrily: "Indra protects me!"

Countless chakras turned into a huge turtle shell in front of Indra, protecting Indra.

"Crack!" The green thorn pierced the turtle shell and then penetrated into Indra's body. However, since Indra had a lot of chakra around him, these green thorns were not able to harm Indra.

"You..." Indra looked at Uchiha Itachi with a shocked face. He didn't expect that he would be defeated so easily.

"Don't worry! I'm just sealing you temporarily!" Uchiha Itachi looked at Indra indifferently: "The next thing I want to do is to destroy you!"

"Boom!" Uchiha Itachi directly used the Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique 'Tsukuyomi', and endless darkness enveloped the area.

Although Indra didn't know what Uchiha Itachi was going to do, he felt a fatal crisis, so Indra ran away directly.

"Want to leave? It's too late!" A sneer appeared at the corner of Uchiha Itachi's mouth: "Wanxiang Tianyin!"

The invisible force around Uchiha Itachi suddenly appeared, and then sucked Indra into front of him.

"No, could it be Uchiha Itachi's special move, the Rasengan!" Indra was immediately shocked. He knew that Uchiha Itachi's Rasengan was very powerful. He once relied on the Rasengan to defeat his teacher Uzumaki Naruto. beat.

"Bang!" Uchiha Itachi used his Rasengan without hesitation.

"Poof!" Indra vomited blood, and his left rib was broken. He fell heavily to the ground and could not get up for a while.

"Ahem!" Indra coughed twice, then raised his head and stared at Uchiha Itachi: "Haha! It's really you! The wooden clone. Not bad! You actually practiced the three-tailed secret method and subdued the three-tailed demon fox. ”

"As expected of Indra's sacrifice, he actually understood the situation so quickly!" Uchiha Itachi showed a hint of approval: "That's true. My wooden clone, even if my body dies, I can still survive through the wooden clone, but I The wooden clone will only consume part of my chakra!"

"So you can't kill me at all, but you will be killed by me." Indra reluctantly took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it, and then said with a sneer.

"Of course I know. But my wooden clone is immortal!" Uchiha Itachi said with a smile: "Have you seen these? They are composed of my chakra, so there is no way except to destroy my body. Destroy them."

"Damn it, damn it!" Indra roared angrily, then opened his mouth and sprayed countless black powder from his mouth. After falling to the ground, it instantly formed a series of dark tombs, surrounding Uchiha Itachi: "Wood Release·Thousand Burials!"

"Huh?" Uchiha Itachi looked at the graves around him. He knew that these were graves piled up by countless corpses. These were made by Indra who killed his enemies during the battle. The wood escape chosen by Indra uses corpses as a medium, using corpses to enhance his power.

These corpses were all battlefield heroes or enemy leaders personally selected by Indra. These people all died extremely miserably, and some were even beaten to the point where no bones remained and turned into this tomb. But this is exactly what Indra preferred. He used this method every time and won victory.

"This little guy is quite annoying!" Indra looked at the blue-white chakra floating in the center of the tomb. This was Uchiha Itachi's wood escape clone.

"In that case, just stay with these dead people!" Indra reached out and pressed his hand on the top of the tomb. Suddenly a strange chakra burst out, and a huge chakra ball appeared out of thin air, and then rushed into the center of the tomb. Immediately afterwards, the tomb shook violently, endless amounts of soil fell one after another, and countless stones cracked, revealing a huge cave.

A dazzling silver light suddenly lit up, and endless thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air throughout the tomb.

Indra looked at the sudden appearance of thunder and lightning. He was startled, and then quickly formed the seal: "Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"

Countless black pieces of wood appeared out of thin air, and then condensed into a wooden dragon about a hundred meters long, charging fiercely towards Thunder.

"Crack!" The wooden dragon collided with the thunder and lightning, and the lightning directly burned the wooden dragon to ashes.

"However, this is just an illusion I created with ordinary lightning!" Indra shouted coldly, and the woods around him suddenly grew up, covering the entire cave, and endless vines entangled the entire cave.

"Is this Indrashachu's Sage Mode?" Seeing this scene, Uchiha Itachi frowned slightly. He remembered that Indrashachu in the original work should not have this ability.

"No, it is Indrashachu's special talent, which can use natural energy to perform various powerful sage arts!" The system prompt sounded in Uchiha Itachi's mind.

Uchiha Itachi nodded. Indrashachu is the most ancient ninja village of the five major countries, and naturally has various mysterious and mysterious secret arts. Indrashachu's Sage Mode should be one of the more powerful ones. After all, the ability of Sage Mode is very suitable for use in ninjutsu battles.

Uchiha Itachi took a deep breath and he made a seal again: "Water Style·Mist Hidden Water Wall!" Waves of water appeared out of thin air, completely submerging Uchiha Itachi in the water.

"Haha!" Indrashachu sneered. He knew that it was meaningless to deal with these water styles: "Sage Art·True Ruby Art!" Groups of red flames flew out and burned the water vapor to ashes. However, Indrashachu did not notice that dense vines suddenly grew under his feet, and then thick branches directly penetrated Indrashachu's limbs and neck.

Indrashachu struggled for a few times, and then slowly calmed down. The chakra in his body gradually dissipated, turning into countless withered flowers withering in the air.

"Finally got rid of this guy!" Uchiha Itachi breathed a sigh of relief. He had already felt the fatigue transmitted by the wooden clone. Although Indrashachu's death had nothing to do with him, he had used too much power after all. And Indrashachu also put a lot of pressure on him.

Uchiha Itachi took out a scroll and tore it into pieces. As the scroll broke, a ray of light flashed, and a giant as tall as twelve meters walked out slowly.

This giant was wearing armor, with a hideous face, holding two huge axes in both hands. It was the wooden clone made by Uchiha Itachi. This wooden clone has the highest level of guardian ninja in Konoha Village, reaching the peak of the sixth level, and almost stepped into the seventh level.

The wooden clone clenched his fist, hammered his chest hard, and then rushed towards Indrasatori with a shout.

"Bang!" The wooden clone and Indrasatori clashed, and a huge energy wave spread out.

Although the wooden clone was created by Uchiha Itachi, Indrasatori can still control it, but it requires more effort. And even if this clone is destroyed, the trauma to Wood Release is not light, and it takes a year of recuperation to recover.

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