On the night of genocide, it would be reasonable to annihilate the Shimura clan.

Chapter 64 Let the third generation enjoy the same set meal as Danzo

"What a pity! What a pity!"

On the way back to the Uchiha clan, Fugaku kept shaking his head with a sigh on his face.

He felt quite regretful that he could not put Danzo in a pig pen.

As he walked, he came to Sasuke's side, lowered his voice and said respectfully:

"Uh...Senior, maybe you could give that old guy the third generation just now..."

As he spoke, he made a motion of cutting his throat.

The meaning was obvious, he wanted to ask Sasuke why he didn't take the opportunity to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen.


Sasuke sneered when he heard this, glanced at Fugaku, and said expressionlessly:

"Indeed, I can indeed crush that old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen to death! And then what?"

Before Fugaku could answer, Sasuke asked and answered himself:

"Then once the Hokage dies, all the ninjas in Konoha will come up and besiege them, and I will kill them all!

In the end, except for the ninjas of the Uchiha family, there were no other ninjas in Konoha! Just let Uchiha dominate Konoha, right? ? "

After a pause, Sasuke continued:

"In this case, the civilians of Konoha will definitely hate Uchiha, and then we will wipe out all the civilians of Konoha and directly destroy Konoha, right!?"

Sasuke asked with a sneer.

"No, no! I never wanted to destroy Konoha!"

Fugaku shook his head wildly and broke into cold sweat.

He didn't think that just killing a third generation would lead to such a serious problem, to the point of destroying Konoha.

As one of the founding families of Konoha, Uchiha still has deep feelings for Konoha and regards Konoha as his home.

But he never had the crazy idea of ​​destroying Konoha.

Even the radicals within the clan don't have this idea. What they hate has always been the high-ranking people in Konoha.

"Then, senior, with your strength, it should be a very simple thing to quietly kill Sarutobi Hiruzen in secret, right!?"

After thinking for a moment, Fugaku asked hesitantly.

With the terrifying strength displayed by Sasuke, it would be easy to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen in secret, and he would never be discovered.

As long as Sasuke is willing to take action, Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely die.

Fugaku looked at Sasuke expectantly, hoping that the latter would nod in agreement!

But Sasuke just looked at Fugaku sideways, as if looking at a retarded person!

"Ha! Do you think everyone in Konoha is as stupid as you? If Sarutobi Hiruzen dies, will they not be able to guess who the murderer is?"

"Oh! That's true, haha! I didn't think carefully!"

Fugaku scratched his head and laughed twice, feeling a little embarrassed.

He didn't think of such a simple question at the first time.

"Then, is it possible to let Sarutobi Hiruzen go so easily?"

After thinking about it, Fugaku looked unwilling.

At this moment, he was extremely unwilling.

After learning from Itachi that tonight's genocide plan was jointly planned by the Third Generation and Danzo, he already regarded Sarutobi Hiruzen as his mortal enemy.

If Sarutobi is not dead, he really can't feel at ease!

"Sarutobi Hiruzen is one of the main planners of the Uchiha genocide plan, will I let him go!? Ha! How is that possible!"

Sasuke sneered and continued:

"Not only do I want to kill this old Sarutobi, but I also want him to enjoy the same treatment as Danzo. He will become a street rat that everyone in Konoha shouts and beats. He will also be nailed to Konoha's pillar of shame after his death!"

After thinking about it, Sasuke described the situation at that time and said:

"At that time, everyone in Konoha will chant the slogan 'Kill Sarutobi Hiruzen'. I believe the scene will be quite spectacular!"

When Fugaku heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Okay, okay, this is good! Killing that old fox Sarutobi directly is really too cheap for him! He should be made the second Danzo!"

At this moment, he seemed to have seen, amidst the cheers of countless people, the miserable scene of Hiruzen Sarutobi having his limbs disabled, his eyes blind, and his jaw and tongue smashed!

Just thinking about this scene made Fugaku excited.

After the excitement, he couldn't help but frown and said:

"Although it is very exciting to make Sarutobi Hiruzen look like Danzo!

However, Sarutobi is no better than Danzo. This old fox hides very deeply and is extremely cautious in doing things without revealing any of his flaws!

It's not that difficult to catch this old guy's dirty laundry and completely ruin his reputation! "

Fugaku looked helpless.

The reason why Danzo became a street rat that everyone yelled at was because his base for conducting human experiments was exposed.

But looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, he couldn't find anything that could arouse public outrage!

Even if there is something shady, Danzo will be blamed for it all!

Moreover, the third generation has always presented himself as a kind old grandfather, using a theory of the will of fire with great proficiency.

Both ninjas and civilians loved him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has such a high reputation, wants to completely ruin his reputation and reduce him to the same fate as Danzo. All he can say is,


Extremely difficult! !

Very difficult! ! !

It’s even more difficult! ! ! !

"Don't worry, as long as Sarutobi Hiruzen has the idea of ​​destroying the Uchiha clan, he will definitely take action!

And we only need to catch Sarutobi Hiruzen and want to destroy Uchiha for no reason, and we can completely defeat him! "

After a pause, Sasuke told Fugaku:

"So, you, the leader of the clan, remember to warn the clan members not to be too showy, especially when facing civilians, they must not have the same aggressive attitude as in the past!"

Previously, when counting down Danzo's ten deadly sins, Sasuke took the opportunity to attribute all the reasons for Uchiha's bad attitude towards others to Danzo.

Presumably the relationship between the village and Uchiha will ease!

Of course, the premise is that the Uchiha clan members themselves don't act like monsters.

Especially the Uchiha Guards, don't be like the Urban Management Brigade in the previous life, which everyone hated.

"Yes! I will restrain the people! I will definitely make them curb their bad habits!"

Fugaku nodded, thought for a while, and then asked:

"But if that old fellow from the Third Generation chooses to remain silent and remain a coward for the rest of his life, without taking any action, then wouldn't there be nothing we can do against him!?"

When Sasuke heard this, he waved his hand and sneered:

"Your worries are unnecessary. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen has the title of 'Ninja Hero', he is very tolerant!

But at the same time, he is also a human being, the shadow of a village, and his patience has its limits. I don't believe that he can tolerate Uchiha sitting on his head and shitting! "

"Just wait, it won't be long before he shows his chicken feet!"

Sasuke said firmly.

"Yeah! That's the truth!"

Fugaku nodded in agreement, and then said with doubts on his face:

"What does chicken feet mean!?"

"Oh! This is the intangible cultural heritage of a certain big foodie empire!"

"Yeah, I got it!"

Fugaku continued to nod. Although he didn't understand, he felt that it was very profound!

Then, as if he remembered something, he quickly moved to Sasuke's side, rubbing his hands with a flattering smile on his face.

"Uh... it's just, uh, this senior, that, I have a little thing, I need to talk to you about that..."

His voice was extremely low, but he still hesitated for a long time before saying a complete sentence.

He actually wanted to make excuses with Sasuke, and admit that Sasuke was his son at this moment in front of all the clan members, so as not to embarrass him or anything like that.

However, he was afraid that he would be beaten if he spoke out, so he murmured for a long time and could not speak out.

"If you fart, let it go quickly, don't let this mother-in-law do it!"

Sasuke said impatiently.

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