Carlos sighed, then took out his bow and arrow, aimed at the monster's foot and shot an arrow.

After the arrow penetrated the monster's foot, the monster screamed and fell to the ground. It was also seriously injured, but not dead.

"White-haired ball, run!"

After Carlos finished speaking, he took the lead and ran wildly, but not long after, he was blocked by three monsters again.

Seeing this, Carlos used arrows without hesitation and injured another monster.

"What a trouble."

Carlos sighed, shot arrows again, and turned away.

Then, Carlos and the white-haired ball encountered two more waves of monsters. The last time was surrounded by more than a dozen monsters and was almost caught.

While Carlos was desperately running away, he took out the magic scroll and chanted the spell.

"Arcane shock!"

"Elemental explosion!"

"Lightning ball!"

A series of high-level elemental magic was cast, instantly clearing an area, and Carlos and the white-haired ball escaped.

However, they had to stop.

"White-haired Tuanzi, I'm afraid we need to cooperate." Carlos wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a heavy breath: "If we can't join forces to kill these monsters, we will die soon."

"Humph!" White-haired Tuanzi snorted coldly, but did not refuse. She also knew that if the two fought alone, they would definitely die.

So, Carlos put the white-haired Tuanzi on the ground, formed seals with his hands, and cast a powerful arcane shock.


The strong explosion overturned everything nearby.



The three monsters were stunned by the explosion, and the remaining few monsters that survived stared at Carlos and the white-haired Tuanzi angrily.

"White-haired Tuanzi, these monsters are left to you, I will retreat first." After Carlos finished speaking, he quickly disappeared.

When the white-haired Tuanzi heard this, she was so angry that she jumped up and down, but she could do nothing.

Because the white-haired Tuanzi knew that if these monsters were not dealt with, then she and Carlos would die here.

Thinking of this, the white-haired ball suddenly turned into a Zubat, then flapped its wings and rushed towards the monster using sonic boom.

The attack method of the white-haired ball is relatively simple, but the effect of each attack is very significant.

In particular, the white-haired ball uses the extremely fast mobility of the Zubat to make it difficult for these monsters to attack.

Moreover, the white-haired ball has learned to be smart, using the advantage of speed to attack continuously instead of colliding with the monster.

The attack method of the white-haired ball made the three-headed monster miserable, and they could only keep looking for the weakness of the white-haired ball.

After escaping to a hillside, Carlos suddenly stopped.

"Here, it is far enough from the forest, and this location is also remote. If my guess is correct, then there must be more terrible monsters hidden there."

Carlos thought for a while, and then sneaked towards the target quietly.

Carlos was very cautious, and he did not choose to move forward rashly.

Although Carlos is a thief, his strength is also at the C-level. After all, thieves are good at tracking, and Carlos has sneaked up on many prey.

But this time, Carlos carefully explored for a long time, but he didn't get anything at all, nothing except a tree.


Carlos frowned, and then suddenly looked up at the sky.

"Damn, it turns out that this tree is the entrance!"

Carlos found that all the trees in this place are hundreds of meters high, and there are even a few giant trees towering into the sky, blocking the sunlight.

And these trees are continuously releasing rich green light, forming a green torrent pouring into the depths of the forest.

"Could it be that this tree is the portal?"

Carlos figured out the joints, then slowly took out a bottle of potion from his arms and drank half of it.

"White-haired ball, let's go."

Carlos patted his belly, then walked to another tree and climbed up.

"Why did this guy become like this?"

The white-haired ball looked at Carlos with a disgusted expression.

"I don't want to either."

Carlos said speechlessly. He had tried his best to avoid overeating, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food.

Carlos lay on the branch and waited. Not long after, Carlos felt the ground tremble slightly.


Carlos opened his eyes wide, and then he saw a carriage galloping in the distance.

"This speed... seems to be the carriage of the Knights?"

Carlos muttered to himself. He knew the equipment of these Knights. This was a carriage equipped exclusively for the Knights.

However, Carlos carefully observed the faces of these Knights and found that their cheeks were red, as if they were drunk. Obviously, these people were no longer sober.

"It seems that someone is playing tricks."

Carlos looked at the carriages getting closer and closer in the distance, squinted his eyes, then jumped off the tree trunk and rushed directly to the carriages.

Carlos couldn't guarantee that these people would wake up suddenly, so the best thing to do was to knock them out.

When Carlos rushed to the carriage, the knights suddenly woke up.

However, at this time, a silver-white light flashed, and the knight was cut into pieces.


The surrounding knights panicked and drew their weapons to point them around.

However, Carlos had already pulled a carriage to a tree and tied it up.

"Who are you? Get down here! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" A female knight of the Knights drew her sword and threatened.

"You better get out of here right now!"

Carlos shouted with a ferocious look.

"You're looking for death!" A male knight cursed, and then waved his spear to stab Carlos.

But the next second, the sharp blade in Carlos's hand had already chopped down.

With a puff, the spear broke, and the knight fell to the ground with his neck covered and died.

"Who are you? How dare you kill our teammates!"

The other two knights were horrified.

They were not freshmen, but veteran elite members of the Knights, with strong strength, and they could even compete with ordinary A-level professionals.

But the human in front of them actually killed their companions easily, which made them extremely vigilant.

"Haha, what are you asking? Kill him and we can leave here alive!" another knight shouted.

"Kill him!"

The remaining members of the Knights shouted together, and then rushed towards Carlos with their weapons in hand.

"Stupid, since you want to die, I'll grant your wish!"

Carlos growled, black mist appeared on his body, and then a huge black knife appeared.

"Pluto Sword·Shadow Frenzy!"

Carlos slashed with a knife, with a terrifying black wave, instantly sweeping away a group of knights.

"Damn, we can't beat it, run!" The leading knight shouted, and then rushed into the woods with the whip on his horse.

The remaining members of the Knights also reacted and hurriedly followed the leading knight to flee.

"Want to run now?!"

Carlos sneered, and the Dark Pluto Sword in his hand turned, and the black energy spread out, forming a mushroom-shaped black energy cloud, and then fell down fiercely.


A shrill scream sounded, and all the members of the Knights turned into ashes and disappeared in the forest.


Carlos panted heavily, this move consumed too much magic energy in his body.

At this moment, Carlos suddenly heard some unusual sounds, and then a small and exquisite loli wearing armor appeared in his sight.

"Hey, this is the white-haired dumpling?!"

Carlos' eyes lit up and he looked at the little guy.

"Who are you?"

The little white-haired dumpling said timidly.

"Haha, are you going to tell me that you know who I am?"

Carlos was overjoyed.

Then the little white-haired dumpling shook his head.

Carlos was stunned: "Oh~ So you don't remember!"

Then Carlos showed his ferocious fangs again, ready to catch the little white-haired dumpling and eat it.

The little white-haired dumpling was frightened and went straight into the bushes.

"Humph, you can't hide, you can't escape!"

Carlos laughed, then suddenly jumped up and grabbed the trembling little guy in the bushes.

"Help, woooo!"

The little white-haired dumpling cried and shouted.

Carlos was stunned, then let go, because the little white-haired ball had disappeared.

Carlos looked around in confusion, but did not find any traces.

Carlos looked around and found some blood.

The blood came from the knights of the Knights just now.

"What a trouble!"

Carlos sighed.

Although he was not afraid of the knights, he hated them. If it were not for them, Carlos would have eaten the white-haired ball long ago, and there was no need to chase so hard.

Carlos continued on his way and finally came to a high tower.

"Welcome to Orland City!"

The gatekeeper knight saluted Carlos with a smile.

"Thank you."

Carlos nodded and said that he already knew the rules of this city.

Fighting is strictly prohibited inside this city, and violators will be killed without mercy.

"This warrior, is this your first time here? Do you need help?"

When Carlos walked all the way to the gate of Orland Castle, he was suddenly stopped by the guard.

The guard spoke kindly, and did not bully Carlos because he was young.


Carlos hesitated for a while and said, "I'm here to find my brother. He should be here today."

Carlos silently said the word "brother" in his heart, hoping that his brother Cassiot would not be bullied by others.

"So that's the case, then please follow me!" After the guard finished speaking, he walked towards the gate, and Carlos hurriedly followed and entered Orland Castle.

As a knight of the Knights, Cassiot would be paid three gold coins every month, but Carlos knew that this was just his wishful thinking.

Cassiot had no money at all.

So Carlos came here to borrow money, at least to get three gold coins first.


"Are you sure Cassiot is in Orland Castle?" Carlos frowned and looked at the steward of Orland Castle.

"Sorry, dear sir, the parents of young Master Cassiot died in an accident five years ago, and young Master Cassiot never mentioned his parents. Perhaps you need to wait longer to find him." said the butler of Orland Castle.

"No, you just need to tell me where Cassiot is!"

Carlos said, he always felt that there was something fishy about this matter.


The butler said hesitantly, obviously he also realized that there was something fishy going on here, and he was considering whether to report this matter to the city lord.

After all, Carlos' age is there, and children of this era will not be as strong as Carlos.

"Huh? What, do you think I am not qualified to enter?"

Carlos' eyes turned cold.

"No, no, no, honorable sir! I will inform the city lord immediately!"

The butler of Orland Castle said hurriedly, and then hurried away.


Carlos snorted coldly, and then walked to the backyard of the castle.

"Is this your home?" Carlos stood on the lawn in the backyard of the castle.

And Cassiot was sitting on the lawn in a daze, and there was a wooden scabbard next to him, which looked a bit simple and unpretentious.

Carlos noticed that Cassiot's face was full of tears after he approached.

"Who are you?"

Cassiot asked vigilantly, while tightening the sword at his waist.

"I am your brother."

Carlos squatted down and touched Cassiot's soft long hair and said softly.

"You're lying. My parents are dead. How can I still have a brother?"

Casiot refused firmly.

"Okay, forget it. I'll tell you the truth for the sake of me being your brother."

Carlos sighed, then picked up the wooden sword on Casiot's waist.

Casiot suddenly became nervous.

"This wooden sword is the only thing your father left you, and it is also the thing you cherish most."

Carlos slightly turned sideways to let Casiot see the wooden sword in his hand clearly.

The wooden sword is engraved with dragon patterns, and the overall look is very exquisite.

Casiot stared at the patterns on the wooden sword with wide eyes, and tears welled up in his eyes again.

"This, is it given to me by you!?"

Casiot said in disbelief.

"Well, I bought it because you liked it, and then your father died in the war, and then I gave this wooden sword to you."

Carlos nodded and said.

"This is the only relic left to me by my parents!"

Casiot cried.

"I understand!"

Carlos reached out and patted Cassiot's shoulder.

"Don't cry, I won't force you to give it to me."

"I will protect you, wait for you to come back, and then teach you swordsmanship."

Carlos comforted Cassiot.

"But... I... I... I miss my mother..."

Casiot sobbed.

"Be good! I'll take you to pay tribute to her in a few years!"

Carlos left after he finished speaking.

"Wuwuwu... Dad and Mom, I miss you... Wuwuwu..."

Casiot lay on the ground and cried bitterly in grief.

"Alas! This is the best way I can comfort you. Who told me I'm your brother!"

Carlos muttered to himself. He could only use this way to comfort Cassiot's fragile heart.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Cassiot was indeed very good.

For example, now he has successfully become a formal knight!

However, Carlos was still not satisfied, because this was far from his expectations, so it would be better to make Cassiot stronger.

Only in this way can Cassiot have the opportunity to obtain the title of magic apprentice.

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