"Oh! Old woman, do you mean that I am not qualified to attend this meeting?"

Sasuke looked at Utatane Koharu and asked calmly.

"Yes, that's what I mean!"

Utatane Koharu affirmed, still showing no intention of giving in.


Sasuke moved his feet and slowly walked towards Utatane Koharu.

As he walked, he said:

"But in my opinion, you old woman are the one who is least qualified to attend the meeting!"

"You, what do you mean!? I am an elder of Konoha, how could I not be qualified to attend the meeting!

Stop talking nonsense there!"

Seeing that Sasuke was getting closer and closer to her, Utatane Koharu began to panic and her voice became sharp.

"I warn you, this is a meeting room, a place for reasoning, not a battlefield for fighting and killing!

Every place has its own rules, don't rely on your strength to force me to submit with force!

This is absolutely impossible, I tell you!

Also, you, don't come over, don't come over!"

Tatene Koharu looked a little terrified, and stepped back with the chair, the bottom of the chair rubbing against the ground, making a harsh sound.

Sasuke walked up to her, looked down at her, and grinned:

"The meeting room is a place for reasoning, I agree with this very much.

The reason why I said you are not worthy of attending this meeting is because you, an old woman, are in collusion with that bastard Danzo!

You participated in that evil human experiment!"

Hearing this, Koharu Utatane's face suddenly changed, and she retorted sharply:

"Asshole! Don't slander me here, how could I collude with Danzo! I didn't know about that inhumane human experiment at all!"

"Why? When I wanted to execute that bastard Danzo, no one objected, but you, an old woman, objected and stood up to defend that bastard Danzo!"

Sasuke asked again.

"I just want to remember our friendship for many years, and I really don't want Danzo to end up in such a sad end! I just feel pity for him!

Don't slander me wantonly!"

Koharu Utatane looked indignant.

"You actually feel pity for this scum who committed such a heinous crime!? You really can't even find an excuse!

Now, I am very sure that you must have colluded with Danzo!

What do you think?!"

Sasuke raised his voice and looked at the ninja clan leaders present.

"Yes, I agree with Uchiha Sasuke. Feeling pity for a scum is just an excuse!"

"Even if he didn't collude with Danzo, but he defended Danzo so much, I don't believe that Elder Utatane Koharu didn't have a relationship with Danzo in private!"

"Well, since he had a relationship with Danzo, he belongs to the Shimura clan! And the Shimura clan, the cancer of Nogiha, should be destroyed, should be destroyed!"


Among the ninja clan leaders, except for Hyuga Hiashi, all agreed with Sasuke's statement.

The moment Utatane Koharu stood up in public and opposed the execution of Danzo, they suspected that there must be a relationship between the two.

Now that Sasuke pointed it out, they certainly agreed!

"You, you, you... are rebelling, really rebelling! I am an elder of Konoha, how can you slander me like this!?"

Tanane Koharu's old face was extremely distorted, and her fingers were trembling as she pointed at the clan leaders present, her eyes full of disbelief!

I never thought that so many people would think that she was in collusion with Danzo!

The most annoying thing is that they even think that she and Danzo are having an affair, which is simply unreasonable!

She started to curse at the clan leaders of the ninja clans, like a shrew!

"Ah! You are a bunch of damn bastards who slander the elders of the village like this, you are really..."

Before she finished a bunch of curses, Sasuke held her head down.

"Okay, the evidence is irrefutable. You, old woman, are colluding with Danzo!

You are conducting inhumane human experiments with Danzo! You are guilty of heinous crimes! You deserve to be killed!"

Listening to Sasuke's murderous words, feeling the increasing force above her head, death kept approaching her.

Utatane Koharu was extremely frightened. She never thought that she just couldn't stand Fugaku's mean face and said a few words casually, how could it lead to a disaster of killing! ?

She hurriedly asked for help from the third generation.

"Huruzen, Hiruzen, save me, save me! I was slandered, I didn't collude with Danzo! I..."


Sarutobi Hiruzen only said these two words, and then there was a "bang" sound.

A big hole was smashed in the floor-to-ceiling window, and Utatane Koharu and the chair flew out together.

Sasuke aimed at the figure in the air and flicked his finger.

Swish! !

An air bullet compressed to the extreme, cut through the air, and hit the target directly.


Koharu Utatane, who was hit by the air bullet, exploded into a blood flower in the air.

Looking at Koharu Utatane, who turned into blood rain in the distance, Sarutobi Hiruzen widened his eyes, with an unbelievable look on his face!

The anger in his heart rose steadily.

Damn it! Damn it!!

It's simply lawless!

He actually killed the elder of Konoha in front of him, and didn't take him, the Hokage, seriously at all!

Ah!! This really pissed me off!

I'm going to fight him!

Just when he was a little overwhelmed by anger, Sasuke's calm voice was like a bucket of cold water pouring down on him, instantly waking him up.

"Just now, I really wanted to hear you say 'wait a minute'. What, are you defending the old woman and thinking that she did not collude with Danzo?"

Sasuke turned his head and narrowed his eyes at Sarutobi Hiruzen.


Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath to suppress the overwhelming anger that was about to burst out of his heart, and gritted his teeth and said:

"Yes, I said 'wait a minute,' but what I meant was, don't kill people here, lest you dirty the conference room!"

At this moment, everyone in Xiaochun is dead, so there is no point in talking more.

And if you talk too much, you may get angry.

Just like sleeping with Koharu, he ended up like this just because he defended Danzo.

How sad!

"Oh! That's right! Then you can rest assured, I threw the old woman outside and killed her, but I didn't dirty the conference room!"

Sasuke shrugged, smiling.


Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to take two deep breaths to calm down his anger.

"Okay! Okay! As expected of our Konoha hero, you are so thoughtful!"

Every word of these words was squeezed out from between Sarutobi Hiruzen's teeth.

"Hey! Old Sarutobi, are you breathing so heavily because you feel relieved and happy that I have eliminated another major disaster for Konoha!?"

Sasuke asked with curiosity on his face.

When everyone saw this, they all secretly thought that Sasuke was a devil. He was so angry with an old man in his sixties. They really wanted Sarutobi Hiruzen to go berserk!

However, they all underestimated Sarutobi Hiruzen's on-site endurance.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen gasped for more than a dozen times, his expression quickly returned to calm, and he said expressionlessly:

"Okay, since there is nothing more to do, don't waste any more time and start the meeting as soon as possible!

You two should stop standing and take your seats quickly! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his hand and pointed at two locations.

Those are clearly the two positions at the end of the long table.

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