At this point, after two twists and turns, everyone finally took their seats safely.

However, after the two twists and turns just now, no one spoke at this moment, and the conference room was surprisingly quiet.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was the Hokage, was originally the first to speak, but at this moment, he had a stern face and looked like he didn't want to pay attention to anyone.

But thinking about it, the purpose of holding this meeting in advance was to plot against Uchiha.

But now, Uchiha is not calculating enough, and they have lost one person.

Even he himself was driven out of the leadership position without any shame.

The plan that was planned in advance was immediately ruined due to the arrival of Sasuke.

In this situation, Hiruzen Sarutobi is the only one who is still in the mood to talk!

After about ten minutes, Fugaku, who couldn't hold himself back, finally spoke and broke the silence.

"Ahem! Senior, can we start the meeting now?"

He coughed lightly, turned to look at Sasuke, and asked respectfully.

Sasuke squinted at Fugaku and said calmly:

"Don't ask me, I'm just here to listen. You don't have to ask my opinion on anything you discuss. You can speak freely.

And I'm not the least bit interested in the content of your meeting. You can just pretend I don't exist! "

'hehe! ! ’

Hearing this, everyone looked expressionless. But they all laughed "haha" twice in their hearts.

Are you here to listen?

But there is no auditor sitting in the main seat! ?

Fugaku didn't care about the slander in everyone's mind and went straight to the point:

"The main thing I want to discuss at this meeting is about the vacancy of the position of Konoha elder, right!?"

After finishing his words, no one answered at the scene. Fugaku didn't care and continued:

"However, something unexpected happened just now. It was suddenly discovered that Elder Koharu who was transferred to the dormitory was colluding with Danzo. The evidence was conclusive. Elder Koharu who was transferred to the dormitory has been executed on the spot.

Therefore, there should be two elder positions vacant in the village at this time.

So now, it is up to us to discuss the selection of two suitable elders to fill the vacancy of the elder position.

You can speak freely and tell us who you think is a suitable candidate. "

After saying this, Fugaku looked around with his eyes, waiting for others to speak.

But the scene was still silent, everyone was sitting upright, expressionless, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

In short, the atmosphere at the scene is very strange at this moment.


Seeing this, Fugaku coughed twice and said loudly:

"Since none of you have suitable candidates, let me recommend two people!"

After a moment of pause and seeing no one raised any objections, he continued:

"As the first candidate for Konoha elder, I recommend Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke not only exposed Danzo's evil deeds and brought justice to this scumbag, he also eradicated the Shimura clan and removed a major cancer for Konoha.

He has made a significant contribution to the future development of Konoha, which can be said to be an outstanding achievement.

I don’t think anyone would object to a person who has made such great contributions taking up the position of Konoha elder! "

"I object!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone raised objections.

When Fugaku heard this, he frowned and secretly thought that it was the brave warrior who dared to object, so he immediately passed by in a dignified manner.

When he saw the owner of the voice, he looked surprised.

Because it was Sasuke himself who raised the objection.

"Didn't I tell you before!? I have no interest in being an elder of Konoha! And I'm just a spectator. It's best not to bring me with you when you discuss the content!"

Sasuke frowned.

"Sorry, sorry, it's my problem. I forgot about it because I was too excited!"

Fugaku quickly stood up and bowed to Sasuke to apologize.

Everyone looked at Sasuke with complicated expressions. Didn't he even look down on the position of Konoha elder?

But thinking about it, this is a ruthless person who can teach Hokage a lesson at will. The position of a mere elder seems a bit insignificant.

"Since Uchiha Sasuke has rejected the position of Konoha elder, let me recommend two more candidates!"

Fugaku straightened his clothes and said seriously:

"First person, I recommend my eldest son Uchiha Itachi to be the elder of Konoha.

Itachi Uchiha has been in ANBU for many years. Most of the missions he has performed are difficult missions, and he has never failed. His record is outstanding.

Such an outstanding Konoha ninja should have no problem if I want him to serve as the elder of Konoha!

As for the second candidate, I will shamelessly recommend myself!

During the Third War, I led this Uchiha to successfully resist the attack of the large force of Mist Ninja, creating an opportunity for Konoha to defeat the other three major Ninja villages. It can be considered a great achievement in battle!

Moreover, as the captain of the Konoha Guards, I have made significant contributions to the security of Konoha, allowing all Konoha civilians to live and work in peace and contentment.

Therefore, there is no problem for me, Uchiha Fugaku, to assume the position of elder. "

After finishing a series of words, Fugaku paused for a moment, took a breath, and then asked everyone:

"Okay, these are the two candidates I recommended. Now, who is in favor and who is against!?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen had no expression on his face and remained silent, and everyone else also remained silent.

Since they all remained silent, Fugaku assumed that they all acquiesced, and he said unceremoniously:

"Well! It seems that you all have no objection. Well, the two elder positions of Konoha will be held by me and my son Uchiha Itachi!"

"I object!"

Mito Kado Yan, who really couldn't stand it, finally raised an objection.

He turned his head to look at Fugaku and said in a deep voice:

"Fugaku, you are too greedy!

You Uchiha want the position of elder, that's fine. But you Uchiha can only choose one person to be the elder!

As for the other elder position, we need to choose someone else to take it."

Speaking of this, Mito Kado Yan glanced at Sasuke with his peripheral vision. Seeing that the latter was closing his eyes and resting, he had no intention of participating in it. He continued to speak:

"Moreover, if anyone of you Uchiha is elected as the elder of Konoha, he needs to hand over the power of the guard!

The guard will no longer be held by the Uchiha clan!"

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen frantically hinted with his eyes, indicating that Mito Kado Yan should not say more.

If he continued to talk, he might be in trouble!

Mizutomon Yan saw it, but ignored it.

He had already turned on the "politician mode", and all kinds of mouth cannon skills emerged in his mind, and he couldn't stop at all.

"Although Uchiha Sasuke has made great contributions to exposing Danzo, the damage caused by his battle is also huge.

Countless buildings and houses were destroyed, and the casualties caused were countless.

All these factors add up to the economic losses caused to Konoha, which is even more immeasurable."

While speaking, Mizutomon Yan observed Sasuke with his peripheral vision. Seeing that Sasuke still had no reaction, he became more and more excited.

"Originally, the money of the Shimura clan could have been used for post-war reconstruction, but because the entire clan land of the Shimura clan was flattened, all the financial resources were wiped out.

So the funds for post-war reconstruction will be paid by you Uchiha!

It's not much, just 10 billion taels!"

Mizutomon Yan slowly raised a finger.

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