Naruto was so excited that he began to absorb the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan crazily.

The power of the Mangekyō Sharingan was very terrifying, but the chakra in Naruto's body was even more terrifying.

The chakra in Naruto's body was rapidly draining away, but Naruto didn't notice it at all.

Finally, Naruto absorbed the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Naruto's figure began to grow rapidly, and finally turned into a giant ape a hundred meters high!


Naruto raised his head and roared, the sound shook the earth!

The giant ape raised his hand and slapped the ground!


The ground shook violently!

"Haha, as expected, I absorbed the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan and my body size increased!"

"I wonder what the Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique is?"

"It shouldn't disappoint me!"

"Unknown illusion!"

Naruto opened his eyes, and the two magatama slowly turned.


Suddenly, Naruto's face changed. His goal was the direction of the village. He could see many figures rushing towards him.

Moreover, these people were very fast, and seemed to want to catch him.

"Who is it! How dare you hurt our village?"

"Hmph, don't worry, catch him first and wait for the punishment of Lord Hokage!"

"Lord Hokage will never forgive our crimes!"

This group of people was very fast, and in the blink of an eye they came to Naruto and surrounded him!

"Who are you!" Naruto asked in a low voice.

He recognized these people in front of him, all of whom were ninjas from Konoha Village!

But Naruto couldn't figure out what mistake he had made, and the ninjas from Konoha Village actually wanted to arrest him.

"Naruto! You actually dared to defect from Konoha Village!" A middle-aged man who led the group shouted angrily.

"Haha, defect?" Naruto laughed a few times: "Konoha Village doesn't welcome me!"

"Hmph! You are really stubborn!" The middle-aged man said angrily.

"In that case, don't blame me for being cruel!"

The middle-aged man drew out his saber and slashed at Naruto.

"Bang!" Naruto stomped on the ground with one leg.

The ground cracked!

A footprint was clearly stepped on the ground, leaving a deep mark!

"How did this guy do it? Why is his attack so powerful!"

The middle-aged man was shocked and jumped to avoid it.

His companions also responded.

"What's going on? Why has Naruto's strength increased so much!"

"Did Naruto take medicine?"

"What nonsense!" The middle-aged man scolded: "Naruto is a traitor, and we must not be soft-hearted. Everyone, come on!"

The middle-aged man's companions also drew their swords. They didn't believe that a mere traitor could defeat all of them.

"Since you are looking for death, I won't be polite!" Naruto showed a ferocious smile.

"Tianyin of Wanxiang!"

Naruto clenched his right fist and used Tianyin of Wanxiang directly.

In an instant, the surrounding trees, rocks, and even gravel were all attracted by Naruto!

"What, what is this?!"

"This ninjutsu not only absorbs our abilities, but also transforms the surrounding environment!"

"Our ninjutsu is ineffective!"

"I feel like my chakra can't even work!"

The group of Konoha Village ninjas screamed.


Naruto threw a punch, and a middle-aged man flew backwards and fell unconscious more than ten meters away.

"You guys actually want to stop me? You don't know how to live or die!" Naruto grinned.

"Asshole! I'll fight you!" Another ninja rushed up, holding a kunai and stabbing Naruto's neck!

"Puff!" Naruto grabbed the ninja's wrist holding the kunai with a claw.

"Crack!" The sound of a broken bone was heard, and the ninja screamed!

Naruto kicked out, and the ninja was kicked out and hit a big tree, with his whole head embedded in the tree.

Naruto twisted his neck and showed a cold smile.

At this time, the remaining three people finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Naruto's strength has increased too much! We are no match for him at all!"

"We must report to the Hokage immediately!"


One of them ran away immediately. Naruto wanted to chase him but suddenly felt dizzy.

Naruto quickly covered his head and gritted his teeth. The side effects of the Mangekyō Sharingan appeared.

"Damn it, I can't delay any longer. I need to find a medical institution for treatment as soon as possible!" Naruto cursed in his heart.

"Swish!" Naruto used the instant body technique to leave.


At the same time, Tsunade also received the news.

"What! Naruto actually killed Lord Jiraiya?!" Tsunade exclaimed. She never thought that Jiraiya would die at the hands of Naruto!

Tsunade immediately convened a meeting of the top leaders of Konoha Village to discuss Naruto's defection.

"Are you sure it was Naruto who did it?"

Tsunade frowned. She had heard that Jiraiya was defeated by Naruto, but Jiraiya's strength was not weak. How did Naruto defeat him?

"It's absolutely true!" said the Chunin, "According to our investigation, Naruto killed many Konoha ninjas on the battlefield, and they all died because of Naruto!"

"What?!" Tsunade was shocked, "Is Naruto so cruel?!"

Tsunade's beautiful eyes narrowed into a crescent shape. If it was true as they said, Naruto's crimes were enough to be sentenced to death.

"This matter must be handled with caution." Kakashi said on the side.

"I think so too." Tsunade nodded, but then thought of something and wondered: "But, with Naruto's current strength, why did he defect?"

"Doesn't he know that we have special care for people of his strength?!"

Kakashi shook his head, he couldn't figure it out either.


On the other side, Naruto left Konoha Village.

He now only knew that his Mangekyō Sharingan had the ability to absorb enemy energy and then convert it into his own energy.

Of course, the Mangekyō Sharingan does not have the ability to devour other bloodline limits, but this ability is enough to deal with enemies with a smaller gap in strength.

After all, the Uzumaki clan was created by Uchiha Madara, and their bloodline limits are naturally exactly the same as the Uchiha lineage.

"This should be Konoha Village, right?" Naruto walked into Konoha Village, but did not find any news about his parents.

"It seems that I can only search slowly!" Naruto sighed.

Not long after, Naruto found a hidden house.

Naruto approached and was about to push the door open.

"Click!" The door opened.

Naruto was slightly stunned, and when he looked up, an old woman stood in front of him.

"Excuse me, young master, who are you looking for?" The old woman looked at Naruto kindly.

"Ahem, I want to ask for directions!" Naruto said with a slightly red face.

"Oh, well, you can get there just by walking along this street." The old woman pointed to the road and said.

"Thank you!" Naruto thanked her and walked in the direction the old woman pointed.

After walking for a while, Naruto suddenly stopped.

There was a familiar figure at the corner not far away!

"Naruto-kun?!" A surprised voice came.

Naruto turned around and looked, and a girl wearing a kimono and glasses looked at him in surprise.

"Yuhi Kurenai!" Naruto was also very excited.

"You are also in Konoha?" Naruto asked with a smile.

"Yes." Kurenai nodded: "I am here to receive you on the orders of the village chief."

Krenai took Naruto to a luxurious hotel.

"What is your room number?"


"Okay." Kurenai nodded: "Then I'll go first. I wish you a pleasant journey."

Krenai turned and left.

Naruto sat on the soft bed and murmured to himself: "Krenai, I didn't expect you to be from Konoha? It's really shocking!"

"But since you are in Konoha Village, it will be easier to deal with!"

Naruto raised his mouth slightly: "After dealing with Uncle Jiraiya, I will come to Konoha to find you!"

Naruto lay on the bed, closed his eyes comfortably, and fell asleep.


In a secret room in Konoha Village, a middle-aged man knelt respectfully and said: "Village chief! I have killed Lord Jiraiya according to your instructions."

"Well, well done!" A hoarse voice sounded.

The middle-aged man was sweating profusely, and hurriedly said: "But, before Master Jiraiya died, he told me that he met a powerful man! He was a guy with a Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"Mangekyō Sharingan?" The hoarse voice was puzzled.

The middle-aged man nodded: "That's right!"

"Mangekyō Sharingan is the symbol of the Uchiha clan. Only the descendants of the Uchiha clan can have Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"Moreover, this person is not very old, and seems to be not much older than Jiraiya!"

The hoarse voice was silent for a moment and said: "Then, send you to the Land of Fire to kill Naruto for me!"

The middle-aged man was startled, and then a trace of hesitation flashed across his face.

"What's wrong? What's the problem?" The hoarse voice was impatient.

"We sent people to the Land of Fire several times, but they were all wiped out!" The middle-aged man lowered his head: "Although I don't know what caused their failure, this Naruto must be extraordinary!"

"Hmph!" A hoarse voice shouted angrily: "Just go if I tell you to, why are you talking so much nonsense!"

The middle-aged man lowered his head and left the room.

"Mangekyo Sharingan?" The middle-aged man thought to himself, and then snorted coldly, "It's just a little kid, so what if he has Sharingan?"


The next morning, Naruto stretched his body: "Well, I've finally recovered to my peak level!"

Naruto felt the surging chakra in his body.

Since he used the Nine-tailed Chakra to advance to the Nine-tailed Chakra of the Six Paths Fox, he has evolved again.

Not only did his pupil power increase, but his own chakra storage capacity also doubled!

"Well, I remember that my Nine-tailed Chakra can be increased through practice." Naruto murmured, and then showed a fanatical look.

He awakened the Nine-Tails Sage Mode, mainly to obtain the powerful Nine-Tails Chakra, and then practice the ninjutsu taught by Kurama.

"Now that I have mastered the Tensei of Kurama, I am invincible!" Naruto laughed: "The next goal is to break through to the Seven-Tails form!"


In the woods outside Konoha, a man sat cross-legged quietly on the top of a tree.

He was Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas.

He opened his eyes, his face a little solemn.

"It turned out that he really killed me. This kid actually has such strength?" Jiraiya was surprised. He had fought with Naruto before, so he naturally recognized Naruto's Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Damn it! Why does he have the Mangekyō Sharingan!" Jiraiya felt a little resentful.

"Forget it, since he has the Mangekyō Sharingan, he can't escape! I must kill him myself!" Jiraiya took a deep breath, slowly calmed down, tidied up his clothes, flew out, and rushed towards the direction of Konoha Village.

"Huh?" Naruto was resting on the top of the tree, and suddenly found someone rushing towards Konoha Village.

After Naruto took a look, he was surprised: "Oh, I didn't expect it to be you! Jiraiya!"

Naruto knew Jiraiya because Jiraiya once pursued Kakashi, but after being rejected, he gave up Kakashi and joined Sasuke.

"Yo~ Naruto!" Jiraiya saw Naruto, his eyes flickered: "I heard that your father died?"

"I know, this matter must be related to the Uchiha clan!" Jiraiya said angrily.

"Tsk~" Naruto sneered: "You have already guessed it, do you still need to say it?"

"No matter what, I will not allow anyone to hurt Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said seriously: "If I know the murderer, no matter who it is, I will avenge Kakashi-sensei!"

Jiraiya paused and did not refute.

Jiraiya thought of the time on the battlefield, when Jiraiya's strength was obviously higher than Kakashi, but he was still defeated by Kakashi!

"Hehe, you have confidence in Kakashi-sensei. However, your current strength is not enough to avenge Kakashi-sensei!" Jiraiya sneered: "Don't you always want to defeat me? I'm standing here. As long as you can beat me, I will admit that you are beyond my existence, and you can go to avenge Kakashi-sensei!"

Naruto was stunned, looked at Jiraiya, and then looked around. He did not sense anyone.

"Jiraiya, do you think I'm a fool? You are obviously lying to me!" Naruto said with a curled mouth.

"Heh!" Jiraiya sneered: "Since you don't dare to come, forget it!"

Naruto frowned. He could vaguely sense that there was a hidden breath hidden somewhere, but he couldn't sense the specific location.

"Hmph!" Naruto snorted coldly and looked directly at Jiraiya: "Okay, since you want me to challenge you, then I agree to it!"

"But I'll say it in advance. If I lose or can't beat you, then you are not allowed to trouble Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said solemnly.

Jiraiya glanced at Naruto with contempt: "You want to beat me with your strength? You think too highly of yourself!"

Jiraiya was very confident. After all, he had various enhancements such as the Byakugan, the Sage Body, the Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu, and was basically invincible in the same realm.

Naruto looked indifferent: "Really? I hope you won't regret it later!"

"Hmph, are you worthy of being compared with me?" Jiraiya was disdainful. He felt that he was completely superior to Naruto.

Naruto shook his head slightly. He was not interested in arguing with Jiraiya.

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