After standing there for a few more minutes, Uchiha Tiehuo wiped the blood off his forehead and left as if nothing happened.

After a while, he left the Uchiha clan and quickly came to a hidden alley.

At the end of the alley, Uchiha Tiehuo looked around, and after making sure there was no one around, he opened the sewer manhole cover, got in, and closed the manhole cover.

After twisting and turning in the dark and damp sewers, he finally arrived at his destination.

A small hidden room built into the sewers.

"Dao Huo, have you succeeded?"

Opening the secret door, Tie Huo asked the figure standing in the room.

"Of course I succeeded, and it went very smoothly!"

Uchiha Inari smiled proudly and moved away, revealing the unconscious Uchiha Izumi behind him.

"Well! Very good, it seems that my efforts were not in vain!"

Uchiha Tiehuo showed a satisfied look.

"Although it may be unnecessary for me to contain Uchiha Sasuke, but just in case, I still go to contain him to make sure nothing goes wrong!"

"That's right, it's better to be prepared than not to be prepared. If that guy finds us attacking Quan again, we will be in trouble!"

Uchiha Inari nodded in agreement.

At this time, Uchiha Tiehuo came to the unconscious Izumi, looked at the other person's fair face, and sneered:

"Hmph! I let that guy be arrogant! Let that guy become arrogant just because of his strength!

We can't deal with you, but we can't deal with those weak people around you! ? "

As he spoke, his expression began to become ferocious.

"MD, you dared to poke my eyes out last time. I'm going to retaliate and destroy this bitch's eyes!"

Uchiha Tiehuo stretched out his hand, stretched out two fingers, aimed at Izumi's eyes, and thrust them forward.

"Hey! Calm down, Tie Huo! Don't forget our purpose of catching this kid!

Don't let all our efforts be in vain because of your personal impulse! "

At the critical moment, Dao Huo intervened in time to prevent Tie Huo from succeeding, and prevented Quan from becoming a blind man!

Dao Huo looked at Tie Huo and said in a deep voice:

"We worked so hard to capture her, not just to let you vent!

Lord Danzo said, let us bring the person back intact! "


Tiehuo took a long breath, retracted his hand, and regained his composure.

"Sorry, I was too impulsive! When I saw someone related to that guy, I couldn't help but want to take action!"

"You don't have to worry. When Danzo-sama is fully prepared, that guy will pay the price.

By then, your eyes will be crippled and your hands will be broken, and you will be avenged! "

While speaking to comfort Tie Huo, Dao Huo raised his hands and looked at the forearms that had just been replaced and were not very coordinated, with flames of hatred igniting in his eyes.

Afterwards, the two of them thought about it again, and the plan was successfully implemented. After the scene of Sasuke crying in front of them, they took the unconscious Izumi and left the small hidden room.

A hidden root base somewhere.

"Danzo-sama, we have successfully completed the task you assigned us!"

Tie Huo and Ina Huo knelt down on one knee in front of Danzo, bowed their heads, and said respectfully.

"You've done a great job. With this little brat, our revenge plan is a big step closer to success!"

Danzo looked at Izumi lying on the ground and smiled from the bottom of his heart, but the smile was ugly.

"You have worked hard, go and rest first, there will be tasks waiting for you to complete later!"

Unprecedentedly, Danzo actually expressed concern to the two of them.

"It's not hard work! This is what we should do, all for the sake of revenge against that guy Uchiha Sasuke!"

Tie Huo's face was full of hatred for Sasuke.

"Yes, as long as we can revenge Uchiha Sasuke first, we will spare no effort to execute and complete the dangerous mission!"

Dao Huo gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Well! Our goals are the same. You go down first!"

Danzo nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and the two of them retreated.

Just after the two of them left completely, Uchiha Obito, wearing a shit-yellow whirlpool mask, slowly walked out of the darkness.

He looked at the unconscious Quan on the ground, frowned slightly under the mask, and said coldly:

"Duanzo, why have I waited for you for so long just because of a brat like this!?"

"Yes, with her, the final preparations are complete.

Next, you can start implementing my plan! "

Danzo nodded slightly, with a sneer on his lips.

"But if I sense it correctly, her chakra level is barely enough to reach the level of a chuunin, and she hasn't even awakened her Sharingan!"

"This kind of weak and scumbag guy is just an insignificant person in the Uchiha clan. I don't know what the use is of catching her!?

Or are you trying to amuse me? ? "

Obito stared at Danzo and asked coldly, with murderous intent permeating his body!

Before, after he took Danzo out of prison, Danzo did not immediately take them to the base where they studied the so-called secret weapons.

The reason given was that Danzo wanted to deal with his injuries and make one last preparation.

This preparation is to capture a very important Uchiha clan member.

Obito originally thought that the captured Uchiha clan members were not clan leaders, but senior Uchiha leaders such as elders.

But he never thought that he had captured a weakling whose strength might not even reach that of a Chunin!

Obito felt that Danzo was teasing him! Then he could delay time, recover from his injuries, and then get rid of his control.

If Danzo really thought so, Obito would let him know what a frog in a well is!

Feeling the murderous aura on Obito becoming more and more intense, Danzo hurriedly explained:

"Don't worry, Master Madara! The reason why I captured this kid is not because of her strength, but because of her identity!

Don't look at her weak strength, she is just a small figure in the Uchiha clan!

But this kid is Uchiha Itachi's childhood sweetheart, and has a close relationship with Uchiha Sasuke.

With these two identities, we have too much room for maneuver!"

Then, he moved his newly replaced limbs and couldn't help but sigh:

"Orochimaru's scientific research ability is still good! How did he make my newly replaced hands and feet fit perfectly so quickly."

Dong! !

He used the cane he had found again and slammed it heavily on the ground. After making a sound, he ordered:

"Take this kid with you, we should change places!"

In the dark, a ninja wearing the root appeared silently, grabbed Izumi, and stood silently behind Danzo.

"Lord Madara! Let's go, it's time for you to see my secret weapon!"

Danzo turned his head to look at Obito and invited him with a chuckle.

"Hmph! You wasted so much of my time, your so-called secret weapon, you'd better not let me down.

Otherwise, your end will only be worse!!"

Obito warned coldly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I dare not joke with my life!"

Danzo pulled out a confident smile, looking like a lackey.

But in his heart, he was extremely aggrieved.

When did he, the leader of the root, actually fall to the point where people shouted and threatened him at will.

If there is a chance, find an opportunity to kill this so-called Uchiha Madara and that Uchiha Sasuke together!

Danzo's eyes flickered, and while he was thinking about the plan in his mind, he led Obito to the most hidden base of the Root!

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