On the Night of Uchiha’s Extinction, My Sharingan Turned Black

Chapter 161 Zero Tail was robbed by Orochimaru (a more detailed order of 2000 words)

At Orochimaru's order, Gaara no longer keeps her hands.

Compared with Kimimaro Ultimate's melee physical attack, Gaara is better at mid-to-long range ninjutsu and seal.

Under the guidance of Orochimaru and One Tail Shouhe, he even created the quicksand seal technique!

Just as Namikaze Minato can print Flying Thunder God at any time.

Gaara can also engrave the seal technique on the sand at any time.

"Seal technique. The limbs are sealed again!"

The heavy seal of the limbs is a special sealing technique to seal the target power.

Jiraiya once used this trick.

In terms of the attainments of seal art, Orochimaru is the same Grandmaster as Jiraiya.

After all, they are all Konoha legend Sannin who has completed more than s-level tasks in Konoha.

It is normal to exchange seal art.

In addition, Orochimaru has studied a lot of literature about Uzumaki.

The attainments of sealing technique are second to none in the "Five Eight Seven" Ninja World.

Gaara can be bestowed by Orochimaru with the Imprint of Heaven, which shows that Orochimaru attaches great importance to Gaara.

The current Orochimaru is no longer limited to changing the body.

With the research materials given by Zhanyue, Orochimaru can be used on one body for many years.

White Zetsu in the graveyard of the mountain can become Orochimaru's new body at any time.

And these White Zetsu, can also be used for a large number of different ability tests.

In other words.

Orochimaru now has White Zetsu as a body that can be replaced at any time.

That group of White Zetsu, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a group of Orochimaru.

For Kimimaro and Gaara, Orochimaru's energy is no less than that of Anko.

Quicksand covered Shennong's body.

It was just a moment of effort, and Shennong's unbridled regeneration technique and cell activation technique could no longer be used.

"How can this be?"

"I can't use my regeneration technique anymore?"

He was chopped and chopped continuously by Kimimaro, and the blood was flowing.

Shennong felt the rapid loss of vitality.

If you are attacked again like this, you will soon die.

Shennong was a little panicked.

The young man flying in the sky broke the regeneration technique and cell activation technique that had been studied for many years with just one move.

This severely frustrated Shennong's self-confidence and self-esteem.

It's like.

An elephant was defeated by an ant.

It's so outrageous!


The so-called elephants and ants are just wishful thinking of Shennong.

The frog at the bottom of the well does not know how strong the moon is in the sky!


Today's Gaara and Kimimaro, that are proper Kage-level ninjas!

Still a Kage-level ninja with a powerful secret technique!

For Shennong, the half-carved ninja, even with the regeneration technique and the cell activation technique, he was more resistant to beating than ordinary ninjas.

In the face of the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, this kind of secret technique that relies on the secret technique to improve the resilience.

It's as weak as a paper window.

"I am the leader of the empty ninja village. I still have the ideal of unifying the ninja world, so how could I die here!"

Shennong is not reconciled!

But even if you are not reconciled, it makes no sense!

Orochimaru is not a ninja who likes to talk to worthless enemies.

Since he chose to let Gaara shoot, it means that he has lost interest in Shennong.

A worthless goal, for Orochimaru, is a pile of crumbs that can be thrown at any time.

"Dead Bone Pulse. Dance of Iron Flower!"

Shennong, who had lost both the regeneration technique and the cell activation technique, had no resistance to Kimimaro's heart attack.

The heart was crushed in an instant.

Shennong didn't even have a chance to say a word of cruelty, and was directly killed by a spike!

Looking at Shennong, who had lost his vitality, Orochimaru walked directly into the interior of Kornin Village.

All the ninjas in the empty village were killed instantly by the bone spurs and sand shots on the left and right.

It doesn't take much effort.

Orochimaru came to the zero tail position.

At this time, the zero tail, although it did not absorb the tail beast, it has absorbed a lot of ninja Chakra.

"What a wonderful scientific endurance tool, even consciousness was born!"

Orochimaru stared at Zero Tail excitedly, his eyes full of mystery.

For Orochimaru, studying a scientific ninja device that can suck Chakra is just a simple idea that can be completed.

But if it is to make a scientific endurance conscious, even Orochimaru has not been completed yet.

"Gaara, release One Tail's Chakra, I want to verify this guy's abilities.

Gaara didn't hesitate to look like.

The right arm is directly half-tailed animal.

The huge guard crane's claws slapped towards zero tail.

But at the moment of contact with Zero Tail, the tailed beast Chakra was swallowed by Zero Tail.


"No, it's not right, it's proactive."

"This guy already has the consciousness to devour Chakra. As long as there is Chakra, he will actively devour it.

"It's amazing!"

"No wonder, Zhanyue will make a special trip to notify me!

Orochimaru's mouth twitched.

Cooperating with Uchiha Zhanyue is Orochimaru's most proud choice in this life.

Every time, Orochimaru will always bring enough surprises.

Today's Orochimaru, even the time to study these materials is almost too busy.

"Seal this guy!"

"We went to the Eastern Base and handed it over to Beiliuhu to study.



One of Orochimaru's former companions.

But because the gap between Sannin and Beiliuhu is getting bigger and bigger, they are getting a bit estranged.

these years.

Beiliuhu has been committed to the research of Guiya Luo.

After Orochimaru learned of Beiliuhu's traces, he invited Beiliuhu to join Otonin Village and was responsible for the research of the Oriental Base.

Originally, Bei Liuhu had self-esteem and didn't want to cooperate with Orochimaru.

But the conditions given by Orochimaru are too rich!

Rich and humble, he willingly gave up the pitiful and ridiculous self-esteem, and became the head of Orochimaru's eastern base with peace of mind.

The country of birds.

This is a beautiful city.

The capital is by the lake where migratory birds inhabit.

After a long journey, some of Zhanyue and his group 4.1 who were tired, chose to live temporarily in the country of birds.

With Zhanyue's physical strength, naturally he won't be tired.

But in this line, in addition to Zhanyue, there are Xirihong, Hyūga Hinata and Xuanwuxiangxiang.

as well as.

Genin Hokuto, a girl from the Star Ninja Village who was homeless because of the destruction of Star Ninja Village.


Zhanyue also planted the emperor's curse on Beidou.

With the power of the emperor's curse, the girl Beidou can no longer rely on the meteorite with side effects to practice the peacock magic.

Want power.

The power of the Emperor's Curse Seal is so much!


The girl Beidou has also adapted to follow Zhanyue's life.

And the magic of the peacock soaring in the sky, seeing Hyūga Hinata and Uzumaki incense phosphorus is a burst of envy.

And this time.

The resurrected Jiraiya team from Rain Shinobi Village also came to the country of birds. .

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