"You kid! Fuck in front of my mother!" Bonnie squeezed her fist and raised her eyebrows. "My mother has a reward of one hundred and four thousand.

"Ming wow wow! Captain!" The bearded pirate retreated on the deck, staring wide-eyed and looking out of the ship. "Out, out!"

Bonnie stopped threatening Zhanyue, turned her neck and looked out of the boat, her eyes widening.

"Right full rudder!

An octopus stood in front of the pirate ship, its body was as huge as a mountain range, and its twisted arms and legs were comparable to mountain peaks.

"You Man Ruo, you idiot!

Bonnie yelled at the terrified helmsman and pushed him away to take the helm herself.

The octopus waved its arms and legs, and the sea current rolled frenzy. Compared with the octopus, the pirate ship was like a mosquito.

"God damn bad luck!" Bonnie gave Zhanyue a vicious look. "Mouses always bring bad luck when they get on the boat. How can the North Blue giant monster appear here!"

The huge octopus that Bonnie called the North Blue Giant Demon seemed to notice the Pirate Ship floating with the current, with an arm and foot outstretched.

"It's over!" Bonnie wailed, covering her face with her hands, and aside the rudder.

Tentacles crush the pirate ship easily, and no matter how much you turn the rudder, you can't escape.

"Aren't you one hundred and forty million bounty?" Zhanyue sat in a chair with a relaxed expression like watching a movie.

Bonnie put her hands down, twisted her heart-shaped lipstick, "You guy"

Bonnie jumped off the helm of the ship, gritted her teeth and rushed towards Zhanyue, deciding to let him die in her own hands instead of the North Blue monster.

Zhanyue raised the sword with his thumb, and the blade slid out of its sheath.

Knife light flashed.

Bonnie froze, touching her neck in disbelief, "Did not chop?"


"Ah!" The howl was deafening, and Bonnie quickly covered her ears and turned to look behind her back.

The sea is full of green blood. The blood comes from half of the tentacles, and the cross section is neatly broken.

The monster octopus howled horribly, with a sound unlike any other ground creature, causing its hair to stand upside down and its spine to shiver.

Bonnie didn't understand what was happening for a while, and looked at the North Blue giant monster struggling and furiously.

The North Blue monster waved all its tentacles at the same time, and the pirate ship was like a fly falling into a blender. It could be crushed at any time and turned into a pile of broken wood on the bottom of the sea.

"Ah! Here again!" "The pirate shouted, an arm and foot approached from the side, and the coating was swayed and deformed by the pressure of the water.

Suzaku came out of its sheath again, and green blood shed from its huge arms and legs, floating in the sea.

"Right full rudder! Right full rudder!" Bonnie got up, jumped onto the rudder platform, and slammed the rudder to death.

The pirate ship passed under the octopus's severed foot, dodged the fallen arms and feet in a thrilling manner, and stayed away from the angry giant sea beast.

"Survived." The pirates slumped on the deck in a panic.

Bonnie let out a sigh, wiped the sweat off her forehead, and re-examined the stowaways sitting on the couch.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Zhanyue smiled slightly, "There is no need to tell the dead man my name."

Bonnie swallowed her throat, and she felt fear rushing to her throat, far more scared than facing the North Blue giant just now.

She clearly understood the horror of the man in front of her, and guessed his identity.

When leaving Sabaody Archipelago, he sneaked into his pirate ship.

He is not a rookie pirate who can't find a ship, but the culprit of all this turmoil, the object of Buster Call strangulation.

Uchiha Zhanyue with a bounty of 10 billion Baileys.

"Ha, ha Bonnie guilty conscience haha, "Long admired the prestige of the lord! Your heroic figure in Marineford makes me admire the junior! Killing Celestial Dragons in the street is even more nasty for me and the pirates!


"From now on, the Bonnie Pirates will definitely obey your orders!" Bonnie smiled flatteringly, revealing her neckline intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhanyue waved his hand lightly, "It doesn't hurt to save your life.

"only "

"You want to take me to a place."

"Where?" Bonnie was nervous.

"Send me to the site of the Four Emperors."

Bonnie's expression became stiff.

For the pirates entering the New World, encountering Four Emperors is nothing more than two endings.

Either bow down and claim courtiers, or die in the sea.

Even if it is a supernova, you must avoid the Four Emperors in New World.

This person is going directly to the Four Emperors Lair!

Is this the measure of Uchiha Zhanyue??

"Okay." Bonnie forced a word out abruptly.

"E, that's right." Zhanyue commanded while watching the scenery outside the ship: "My companions and I are hungry.

"Okay! Wait a minute!"

Needless to say, Bonnie immediately turned into a waiter in the restaurant and went into the kitchen without looking back.

While enjoying the big meal, while admiring Bonnie's anger and gluttonous expressions, Zhanyue asked leisurely: "You said you can take me to the Four Emperors site, how do you go?"

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Bonnie's forehead, and the truth was revealed before she spoke.

"This, there is a way in The fish men island.

Zhanyue gave Bonnie a cold look and sighed softly: "It seems I am going to find another boat. Unfortunately, the food on this boat is pretty good."

"Don't don't!" Bonnie waved her arm and hurriedly said: "Permanent record pointer! You must find the permanent record pointer to the aunt's site on The fish men island!

"After Whitebeard's weakness, The fish men island is now the aunt's sphere of influence, and the aunt's staff must have permanent record pointers!"

Zhanyue frowned slightly. Bonnie's plan is troublesome, but helpless.

In order to save Chakra, he can't use the pupil technique to move long distances. It is the best way to borrow the pirate ship 607 to move.

As a member of the supernova, Bonnie’s Pirate Ship is reliable and a good choice.

"Yes." Zhanyue nodded to Bonnie, who let out a sigh of relief. "The distance between you and me cannot exceed one hundred meters.

Bonnie squeezed her heart-shaped lipstick, her nerves tightened again.

Although Zhanyue didn't say anything, she already understood the consequences of violating this person.

The fish men island is located under the Red Line. The sunlight of 10,000 meters under the sea is surprising. The sun tree Eve absorbs the sunlight from the top of the tree and transmits it to the deep sea without reservation through the huge tree roots.

Xianglin and Hinata were astonished. The pirates on the boat lay on the railing in awe. Even Bonnie had forgotten that she was in crisis, and she was eagerly admiring the wonders of the sun under the sea.

Several huge sea beasts suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water.

"You hurt the North Blue giant monster of the new murloc pirate group?"

The weird murloc sits on the weird sea beast and asks Bonnie’s pirate ship Xingshi.

"You raised that octopus?" Bonnie said angrily.

"It looks like it's you!" The fisherman said: "Come with us to see Captain Hordy Jones and discuss compensation matters!"

Zhanyue stood up from the recliner and slid out of the sword center. No one could see that the blade was unsheathed. A sea beast and the murloc on it were chopped in half.

"Lead the way." Zhanyue ordered the remaining murlocs coldly. .

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