On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1219 Flower Shop Girl

The flower shop Carmela mentioned is three blocks away from her residence, located on a small road in an old residential area. The flower shop has a small frontage, but it is very conspicuous because all kinds of flowers are piled at the door.

Looking inside, I found that this flower shop is a different world. The long and narrow shop is very deep. The walls are filled with various flowers and plants. There are many cacti and other things on the workbench in the middle of the room. However, the most eye-catching thing about this shop is that there are many dried flowers hanging down from the roof, mixed with light bulbs, forming a flower curtain.

Xiao Chen and Luo Ling approached the flower shop and found a red-haired woman reading a book by the workbench in the shop. Perhaps because Xiao Chen's figure slightly blocked her light, she raised her head and showed a smile.

The woman was about thirty years old, a little thin, but beautiful, especially when she smiled, she was very contagious. Xiao Chen immediately recognized that she was Felicia, Bermudo's wife, but she looked more mature than in the photo.

Felicia put down the book, stood up, and asked, "Are you two tourists here? Does this gentleman want to buy a bouquet of flowers for the lady? Although the flowers in the morning are the most colorful, the flowers in the afternoon have a more mature beauty. It suits this lady very well."

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Of course, that's good, but I don't know much about flowers. I don't know much about flower language and other things. What flowers should I buy for her?"

Felicia said, "Just choose according to your feelings. Everyone has the ability to distinguish beauty. You just need to combine your favorite colors and shapes together to represent your feelings. Of course, I will help you with the final touches."

Xiao Chen picked a few flowers based on his feelings. Luo Ling smiled and watched him scratch his head to make a choice.

Felicia picked some grass and leaves, mixed them with the flowers selected by Xiao Chen, and made a small hand-held bouquet.

The bright red pomegranate flowers and the pink, purple and white carnations together give people a passionate and unrestrained feeling.

When Xiao Chen handed the bouquet to Luo Ling, she took a deep breath, and a faint floral scent filled her nose. She looked at the bouquet and praised: "What a great craftsmanship, Carmela must be very proud of you."

"Do you know Carmela?" Felicia asked in surprise.

Xiao Chen said: "My name is Xiao Chen, her name is Luo Ling. We are from Huaxia University in China, and we came here to visit Agordo's family. We just visited Carmela before coming here. She is such a warm host."

Felicia covered her mouth and said: "Oh my God, is there any news about Agordo?"

"No, it's just that our school asked us to come as representatives to see if his family is doing well. In addition, we have given a condolence fund to Carmela." Xiao Chen said.

Felicia sighed: "After Agordo disappeared, Carmela was the saddest. She cried from morning to night in the few days when she just got the news. I accompanied her for a long time during those days."

"You must be Felicia, Bermudo's wife?" Luo Ling asked.


"You, Bermudo and Catherine must have been very sad at that time, right?" Luo Ling asked.

"Well, it seems that Carmela told you a lot of things." Felicia said, "Agordo, Bermudo, Catherine and I have always been best friends. Maybe you don't understand that feeling. You will feel that something in your heart has been dug out since that time."

"No, in fact, we understand very well." Luo Ling said, "We also have relatives and friends who disappeared in that incident. They are all very close people in our lives. I have companions who lost their parents, and some people are separated from their lovers. My own uncle and sisters all disappeared in that disaster. They are all teachers at that university."

Sisters? Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment before he realized that Luo Ling was talking about herself. He quickly said: "Yes, I also have a brother who is missing. He is a graduate student at that school."

He glanced at Luo Ling and found that the expression on her face was very sad, not pretending at all.

She said: "That's why we want to hear your story. I don't know why we feel comforted when we hear other people tell such stories."

Xiao Chen said: "Maybe we feel that we are not alone when we hear the same thing happen to others."

Felicia said: "You are right. Agordo is the only Barcelona person in the disappearance. We have no one else to talk to about the feeling of losing a loved one."

Luo Ling took Felicia's hand and said: "Why don't we go to the cafe next door and sit down and chat?"

Felicia was a little reluctant to chat with strangers like this, but for some reason, the woman in front of her had a special charm when she spoke. She couldn't help but melt in the other's eyes and nodded.

The cafe is close to Carmela's flower shop. The three of them sat down. Luo Ling ordered some afternoon tea and snacks and sat down at a table facing the street.

"I have seen your childhood photos. You four should have known each other for a long time, right?" Luo Ling asked.

Felicia nodded and said, "The four of us have actually known each other since we entered middle school. Agordo and I were in the same class, and Bermudo and Catherine were in the same class. Because they are brothers, we often played together and became more and more familiar with each other.

Later, we each developed feelings for the guy from the next class. Although Agordo was cheerful and optimistic, he was too impatient. After seeing his impetuous appearance, I felt that Bermudo was much more stable. We both like reading, so we have a lot to talk about. Catherine is a girl who likes lively places. She will follow Agordo to various parties and activities.

We have each found our favorite half. But I am much luckier than Catherine. "

Under the atmosphere created by Luo Ling, the atmosphere between them became more and more harmonious, and the three of them chatted very speculatively. Xiao Chen even suspected whether Luo Ling had cast a charm on the other party.

However, as a friend and peer of Agordo, Felicia knew a lot of other sides of Agordo that Carmela didn't know.

Luo Ling said: "We saw a school on the road. It should be the middle school you attend? It looks like a very beautiful school with a sense of history. "

"Yes, our school has a history of more than 200 years. Any house has its own story. "

"How about taking us to see it? "Luo Ling asked.

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