On the Seven Towers

Chapter 146: Revenge

"Wait for me." Luo Ling rushed into the tent and ran out a moment later wearing a mage robe.

"What are you doing! If there are assassins, aren't they looking for you mages?!" Karanda said anxiously.

The firelight illuminated Luo Ling's cheeks, reflecting her nervous expression. She took a deep breath and said, "I'm just waiting for them to show up."

"Are you crazy? If these rats shoot you in the dark, they might kill you!" Kalanda completely ignored etiquette at this time and pulled her back to the tent.

Luo Ling held her hand and said, "I'm still a little sure, listen to me!"


"Our guards are quite tight, and there shouldn't be many enemies who can sneak in. But now we don't know where Xiao Chen is in the camp. We only know that he is with the slaves. And Roger is guarding the baggage, and you are by my side. Old Chen is putting out the fire, and Shi Hao is still looking for him. Who else can protect him? He is in danger now! Xiao Chen doesn't know how to use defensive magic, but I can! I would rather assassinate me with you here. The chances of survival are much better than his."

Calanda stopped, but didn't let go of her hand.

"Besides, even if someone is really going to die, that person can't be him. He is the backbone of these slaves!" Luo Ling looked at Karanda with a pleading look, "Please help me find those assassins. ”

"I really didn't expect that you could do anything for him..., okay." Karanda sighed softly and said, "You must stand within one meter of me."

"It's not for him." Luo Ling shook her head slightly.

"I can help you too." Elena, standing behind them, said suddenly. A ball of dark green light appeared in her hand, and the light turned into two vines that penetrated Luo Ling's mage robe from the cuffs. The vines were entangled and connected in the mage robe, and finally formed a set of vine armor under the clothes, "This set The vine armor formed by the spell can last for one day. Let me work with you. The Rain Priest is best at healing. Moreover, I also have a spell called Jungle Mist that can be used on Miss Kalanda..."

Luo Ling walked along the main road, holding a copper trumpet to calm the slaves and control the situation. Only Elena, wearing a cloak, followed step by step, but Kalanda was nowhere to be seen.

Her appearance really caught Mars' eyes. Although their main target was Xiao Chen, other important figures could naturally receive bounties. At this time, a female magician was panicking to maintain order in the camp, with only a maid following her, which made him feel itchy.

However, Mars was still a very cautious person. He did not rush to take action, but stayed behind the female magician to observe and wait. He followed for more than ten minutes, but did not find any traps. The female magician was completely immersed in putting out fires and appeasing people, and there were loopholes everywhere.

Do you want to take action? Mars hesitated.

Suddenly, the female magician turned into a deserted corner. There were empty cars piled up there. There were no torches around and it was relatively dark.

This was the perfect opportunity, and Mars finally decided to take action.

He activated his fighting spirit and rushed over only seven or eight meters away from Luo Ling. Holding a short blade in his back, he raised it high above his head and stabbed it straight into the back of Luo Ling's neck.

However, just when he was in the air, still two or three meters away from Luo Ling, the air beside him suddenly surged for no reason, and a figure rushed out of the void and rushed towards him from behind.

Damn it, it's invisibility magic, there is indeed an ambush!

Mars was secretly anxious, but with his rich experience, he could estimate the speed of the people coming from behind in a flash. With his agility, if he killed Luo Ling with one knife and then used her body to gain strength, he should be able to escape from the battlefield quickly from the front. However, the person at the back would definitely not be as fast as him. He could just wander around the camp. Can be thrown away.

So, he continued to use his strength and stabbed the magician who seemed unprepared.

But when his knife was only half a meter away from Luo Ling, an ice shield suddenly appeared in the air. This ice shield was not very strong. Mars pierced it with one strike, but the appearance of the shield blocked his figure and hindered his sword power. He didn't care about breaking the ice shield into pieces and just hung it with his sword. An ice shield knife continued to thrust forward. But at this time, the second ice shield appeared. Behind are the nervous eyes of the female magician.

Mars had to face the second ice shield, but as soon as his sword penetrated it, he no longer had the strength to pierce it, because a thick sword tip had already come out of his chest and pierced it from behind. his heart.

Before he died, he saw the female magician kneeling on the ground and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Lord Luo Ling!" Kalanda drew his sword and chopped off Mars' head with a horizontal slash, and hurriedly went to help Luo Ling. And Elena began to release healing spells.

"I'm fine. It's just... mental backlash!" She said this, but Luo Ling was covered with bright red blood from her chin to her chest. She smiled at Calanda with an expression that said, "Look, I succeeded."

"How could you do this..." Karanda put his arm around her back.

"This is my secret, and it's also the reason why I never use magic easily." She coughed several times in succession, "Please don't tell others what happened today, especially Xiao Chen..."


Xiao Chen had a premonition of danger, and his strong mental power made him sensitive to things around him. The moment he pulled the trigger of the crossbow, he looked back at the assassin's location. The ability of night vision allowed him to clearly see the person hiding in the shadows, and he even saw the murderous intent in his eyes.

Danger! I have to get out of the way, faster, faster!

At that moment, a magic that had not been understood for a long time in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly came into being...

Xiao Chen felt his head cool for a while, and then everything around him slowed down, like the slow motion in a movie, the crowd turned into sculptures, the bonfire fluttered like a gauze, but he himself felt trapped, The body is completely unable to keep up with the rhythm of the mind.

This is another magic in the ring, lightning thoughts!

Xiao Chen saw Catalina's movements clearly. Her mouth opened in surprise, she turned around in panic, she bent down and bounced up with a determined look on her face, and she pounced on him without hesitation. All this probably took less than half a second. However, in Xiao Chen's senses, she was like a hundred-year-old lady practicing Tai Chi. The movement was so slow that it made him want to laugh; it was also so slow that it touched people's hearts and made him want to cry.

Xiao Chen wanted to yell and get out of the way! But there was nothing his vocal cords could do. He tried to push her away, but his muscles were as hard as stone.

Xiao Chen also saw the crossbow arrows. The small crossbow arrows were trembling left and right, like a small snake, slowly swimming toward him in the air. The churning black air surrounded the arrow, like a monster with teeth and claws. If this arrow were shot accurately, it would definitely hit Catalina's back. And Xiao Chen had no doubt that the strange black energy would have terrible effects.

Xiao Chen understood that although this arrow seemed to him to be so slow that even a child could easily dodge it, in fact, it would not take more than a second for it to hit Catalina. No matter what actions I take, I can't change this. And no one else around can help them.

Just watch her get hit by an arrow?

Is there no other way?

No, there is another possibility! That is to break through the bottleneck of spiritual thoughts and objects, and use mental power to interfere with this arrow! In a world where everything "slows down", there is only one thing that will not slow down, and that is his thinking and the mental power controlled by this thinking!

However, it wasn't long before Xiao Chen touched the realm of spiritual thoughts and objects. What he could do before was only to use his mental power to perceive the shapes of things, but not to move them. But what else can we do at this moment but to do our best?

Xiao Chen concentrated his energy and put all his thoughts into the crossbow arrow. He quickly "touched" it. It was sharp, cold, and eerie. He imagined his mental power as a hand, trying hard to drag, pull, and push, but it was like the waves were trying to wash away the rocks. No matter how hard he tried, the crossbow arrow still flew on its own path. Only the black air above seemed to be affected and began to drift greatly.

Xiao Chen's brows wrinkled like mountains, but the effect was very limited. He felt like a ghost trying to prove his existence. No matter how he danced, he couldn't attract the slightest attention from others.

Calm down, I have to calm down. Xiao Chen's mind was thinking rapidly: Since the master's spiritual thoughts can push objects, there must be actual force acting on the objects. In other words, when the spiritual force pushes the object, it shows its materiality. I can feel it, but I can't pull it. The most likely reason is that the density and speed of my mental power are not enough. Higher density and stronger impact may be able to do it...

So Xiao Chen imagined his mental power as a small hammer head and rushed towards the arrow shaft as fast as possible.

The violent collision between his mental power and the object gave him a splitting headache, dizziness and nausea. After a round of violent hammer blows, Xiao Chen found that the arrow shaft had shifted significantly. But before he could be happy, he realized that according to the current situation, even if he tried his best, it would be impossible for the crossbow arrow to completely avoid Carter. Lina's body would, at best, deflect the arrow shot from her body to her arm.

Still not enough!

As long as such a poisonous arrow causes a wound, the result is probably the same.

Wound? Xiao Chen stared at the sharp tip of the arrow and suddenly thought of something.

He quickly mobilized his mental power again, part of which hit the tip of the arrow, and part of which hit the tail of the arrow in the opposite direction. The two forces took effect together, causing the crossbow to slowly rotate.

Still too slow! The mental power must be condensed to make it more powerful!

Xiao Chen tried his best to compress the forms of mental power, allowing them to shrink and condense. Until a moment, he broke through a certain barrier, and his mental power suddenly became tough and strong, as if it had an entity. Xiao Chen realized that he had finally truly entered the realm of spiritual thoughts and objects...

At this time, in Luke's eyes, the speed of everything was of course normal. After he shot an arrow, he couldn't help but feel angry when he saw that the little girl discovered his attack in advance and threw herself in front of the magician's chest to block the arrow. The assassination plan that was about to succeed was ruined in this way.

It’s better to shoot one to death first!

It was too late for him to string up and shoot the second arrow, so he reached for the dagger, preparing to step forward and kill the mage. However, at this moment, he saw the crossbow arrow suddenly turned ninety degrees and hit the woman's back horizontally. At the same time, blood spurted out from the mage's mouth and nose.

Damn it, did this guy use some secret technique to interfere with the arrows?

However, it doesn't matter what the reason is, as long as he is dead. Luke sprinted hard and stabbed Xiao Chen with the dagger in his hand.

But just halfway, someone suddenly rushed out and pounced on him. Although Luke had superb footwork, he rushed too hastily and was pushed to the ground.

The man was like crazy, not only clinging to Luke, but also biting him on the arm.

In the panic, Luke couldn't see the man's face clearly. He could only see his gray hair and thin body.

Damn you, today is full of inexplicable troublemakers.

He stabbed the man's waist with the dagger several times. The man twitched a few times but did not let go. Luke gathered his fighting spirit and pushed hard. Then he pushed the man away and fell to the ground.

He looked up and found that the girl in front of the mage had turned around, holding a short sword to protect the mage. The mage behind her, despite the blood on his face, stretched out his palm and pointed at him from a distance.

Luke's heart tightened, and he was about to run away, but he felt an invisible force rushing into his mind. Instantly, huge fear emerged from his heart, and the surrounding woods turned into monsters waving claws and burning fires. He turned into a burning man who rushed towards him, and in the darkness of the forest, many of his severed heads emerged, including relatives, friends, and enemies. Those bloody heads were either dragging their tongues, hanging their eyes, or making weird and weird laughs, circling around him.

This... this is an illusion of magic, Luke told himself.

However, the next second, his old father's head opened a big mouth and bit him on the neck. The real pain made him scream, and he even smelled the breath in that mouth. Immediately afterwards, heads flew over one by one, biting his body from top to bottom, turning him into a bunch of bloody grapes.

"Ah..." Luke dropped the crossbow and dagger, and fell down holding his head...

When Luke woke up again, his first reaction was to feel if his throat had been bitten. But his hands were tied tightly behind his back.

When he came back to his senses, he found that the mage was looking at him, his face a little pale. There was still some blood stains between the mouth and nose that had not been wiped clean. The bad girl was standing next to him, glaring at him fiercely. And there were many people standing around them, either looking at them with anger or indifference.

He saw six or seven corpses lying on the ground again, including the sentry he had killed at the beginning, the old man who had just knocked him down, and others who had been burned by fire or stabbed to death with swords. Finally, there was a corpse with no head and a big hole in its chest, but its figure was familiar to him...

This is...his frightened mind has not yet recovered its full functions.

"His head is here!" said a majestic female voice.

The woman with the sword on her back pointed at the ground. Luke saw Mars' head. His expression was ferocious. It seemed that he had been killed in a fierce battle.

Mars was actually killed!

Luke felt like falling into an ice cave, and he knew that no one could save him.

"This bastard actually killed several innocent people just to create chaos during the arson. So, not only did I chop off his head, but I also cut him into pieces later." The woman said, "You now It's time to think about your own fate."

"Tell me, who instigated you to assassinate me, and what other plans they have. If you tell me, I can give you a decent way to die." The mage's tone was filled with anger, and Luke felt that he might release a ball of fire at any time. Fire, burn yourself to ashes.

You said you still want to die? No, I can't die, I'm still valuable. Luke braced himself and said, "I can tell you who wants to harm you, but you have to save my life! Otherwise, I won't tell you."

The mage sneered: "Actually, I have an easier way, kill you, and then read your memory. If you don't tell me, I can only do this. At most, it will be harder and consume some energy."

Luke had heard many stories about magicians, and he hurriedly said: "I have other uses. I am a senior assassin, I can do things for you. I can fight! I am much stronger than these dead people. ! I can sign any contract, as long as you don’t kill me!”

"Everyone you kill is our partner, and each of them is much more valuable than you! Therefore, you have only one way to die." The mage turned around and signaled, and a male warrior drew his long sword and stood behind Luke , "The choice is to let Roger cut off your limbs and then give your body to those angry people, or to settle it peacefully?"

Luke looked tremblingly at the slaves around him. Most of them had fierce expressions on their faces, especially a handsome young man with a twisted little face full of tears. From the looks of it, if his body was handed over to these people, he would definitely be eaten alive by them, just like what he saw in the terrifying fantasy.

"I said! I said it all! Don't, don't let them eat me!"

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