On the Seven Towers

Chapter 290 The real purpose is revealed

"After you disappeared, the rebels thought they had won. At this time, who would sit on the throne became the biggest problem. Because the three rebels all had their own direct lineage. So each of them refused to accept the other. The two sat on the emperor's throne.

Therefore, they eventually split into three different forces. The knight Alan Dias was the most powerful. He occupied the richest places from the southern city-state border to the Trident Plain; the magician Matthew Doria united with the people of the Royal Magic Tower to occupy the imperial capital and surrounding areas. The elite area; the north is the territory controlled by the berserker Melo Arias. Although this country is not as rich as the other two countries, it has the best military resources and cannot be underestimated. These three countries are called the country of knights, the country of magic and the country of warriors respectively. They fought against each other for many years. The current situation is that the Kingdom of Knights is the most powerful, so the Kingdom of Magic and the Kingdom of Warriors always unite to fight them. "Adan said seriously.

"Hmph, I know that these three equally powerful and insidious guys will not have a peaceful ending in the end."

"Alan Dias and Melo Arias have both died of old age. But Matthew and Sasso, as holy mages, have a long life. They are still alive and well to this day."

"Why is he telling these nonsense stories?" Ji Yijun asked quietly in English.

"Didn't you see that this was a hint?"


"You heard what he said. Magicians and warriors unite to fight powerful enemies. Isn't that what he is talking about now? I'm afraid he wants to attack Rick with us." Luo Ling said.

"It makes sense. Look at the position where A Dan threw the sword. It is obviously the most suitable position for counterattack. You can't tell if the opponent is a magician, but I can tell at a glance." Ji Yijun said, "Sister Luo Ling, if A Dan launches Let’s attack together, shall we? The old guy has been stalling for time, and he definitely has no good intentions.”

"Okay. You follow me. You can only take action if I take action. And we only use long-range attacks, don't come forward."

"Okay! Sister Luo Ling, this is what I admire most about you. You are clean and neat, unlike those old guys in school who are sloppy."

"Stop talking nonsense."

During their discussion, Adan said: "Sage Rick, there is a map in my storage ring with the distribution of power in three countries. I can show it to you. It is much clearer than what I can explain. ”

Without waiting for Rick to answer, he took the map out of the ring. Holding it in both hands, he looked towards the emperor.

"Okay." Rick agreed. Between his thoughts, the outer barrier of the ice coffin slowly dissipated, and soon the inner and outer spaces were connected.

Adan didn't wait for Rick's next reaction, poured fighting energy into the map with both hands and sent it forward. The map opened with a bang, blocking Rick's sight, and rushed towards him.

He also moved his feet at the same time, kicking the hilt of the long sword. Driven by the fighting spirit, the long sword flashed with the brilliance of fighting spirit, and flew towards Rick like a cannonball.

At the same time, a new magic sword appeared in his hand, and he followed up with the long sword kicked out before, and pounced towards Rick.

All of this action occurs in less than a second. Others didn't even have time to react before the attack started.

Adan looked at the sword he kicked out from behind, splitting the map in front of him, and piercing the emperor's chest. However, at this time, he did not see any panic expression on Rick's face. On the contrary, his face showed It turned out to be such a smile.

"Damn it." A Dan's face was full of astonishment.

The two scattered pieces of the map suddenly seemed to have come to life, rolling back towards Adan. A piece of sword tightly wrapped around the front. The other piece suddenly dispersed itself into more than a dozen threads and tied them to A Dan.

The long sword kicked out by Adan fell to the ground together with the piece of cloth when he was still half a meter away from Rick, and he himself fell into a net made of silk threads. The lines these maps turn into are somehow extremely hard. Adan burned up his high-level fighting spirit, but only cut two threads. The next moment, he was trapped by those silk threads and became a rice dumpling.

All of this happens in a flash of lightning. Aura, who was standing next to Adan, didn't have time to make any move. Her brother had been bundled into a ball and fell in front of Rick's bed.

"Brother." Aura wanted to rush up and help her brother up, but Rick only made a gesture to her, and she flew out and fell more than ten meters away.

"Sister Luo Ling, why don't you move?" Ji Yijun was so anxious that he forgot to speak English and spoke Chinese.

"The time has not come yet. Keep watching. You go and help Aura over first." Luo Ling ordered Ji Yijun, but her eyes fell on the two people in the ice coffin.

"Brother!" Aura was knocked to the ground by Rick's attack just now. She struggled to stand up and rushed to save people again, but Rick's attack seemed to disrupt her air, and her legs weakened. Fall down softly.

At this time, Ji Yijun had already rushed over and supported her.

"Ji Yijun, what should I do?" Aola's eyes were already red. She watched as a blue barrier appeared again on the ice coffin, sealing Rick and Adan inside.

"Sister Luo Ling asked us not to move, we have to believe her." Ji Yijun held her in his hands and returned to Luo Ling.

"How's it going? Where's the injury?" Ji Yijun asked.

"I don't know. His attack just now seemed like a hot and chaotic breath suddenly invaded my energy veins, making it impossible for me to lift up any strength. Every time I wanted to send out fighting energy, it was as if there was a small insect in my body. The turmoil in my stomach completely destroyed the whirlwind I had gathered." Aola weakly held Ji Yijun's shoulders and covered her lower abdomen.

"This should be an impromptu spell by a holy mage." Morey said, now these people finally spoke in human language, so that he could understand, "I guess it is a simplified version of Luciani's disturbing aura. The original high The magic that disrupts the fighting spirit of warriors in a large area can reduce the power of the fighting spirit. Now Rick casually changed it to a single-target magic that invades the energy veins. It's really powerful. But this magic should be cured after it expires, and you will recover if you adjust your breath slowly."

Aura was completely uninterested in listening to Morey's explanation. She begged Luo Ling: "Sir Luo Ling, my brother is indeed sorry for you, but please save him. I, I can promise you anything."

"You need to restore your fighting spirit first. We won't sit back and watch." Luo Ling was still staring at the ice coffin, and Kerry had already stood under the bed.

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