On the Seven Towers

Chapter 30 Meditation Space

When Luo Ling opened her eyes, the sun shone through the gaps in the treetops, like white needles, piercing her eyes slightly. She stretched out her hand to block the sun, and in front of her was the blue sky divided into pieces by the branches, which made her realize that she was lying on the ground.

She sat up and found that what came into her eyes was a pure white color. This was a winter forest. The towering trees around had lost all their leaves, the trunks were covered with white snow, and the thinner branches were covered with ice crystals. And the ground where she sat was a foot deep in snow.

However, the strange thing was that Luo Ling didn't feel cold in her jacket and jeans. She stretched out her hand and grabbed a handful of snow, and it felt like grabbing a ball of fine sand on the seashore in summer, cool, soft, and very comfortable.

Is this the world in the book?

Luo Ling finally read the page in Xiao Chen's hand, and then she appeared here. Everything here is so real and detailed. The clear ice, the rough bark, and the occasional falling snowflakes all make her wonder if she has returned to Earth and is sitting in a northern forest. Everything before was just a dream.

But soon, she confirmed that this is not the real world. A small light spot flew out from behind the fir tree next to her. It was so bright even in the sun, emitting a long blue light, flying like a bee among flowers, circling back and forth. Luo Ling stood up, got closer to look at it, and found that it was actually a little elf emitting blue light!

The elf was only the size of a finger and looked like a girl. Luo Ling had seen this kind of little thing in cartoons. She flapped her two butterfly wings and flew happily. She saw that Luo Ling noticed her, so she came to Luo Ling's side, flew onto her shoulder for a while, and then passed by her face for a while, and looked at her from time to time, as if playing with her.

"Little elf, who are you? Where is this?" Luo Ling saw that the elf had not spoken all the time, and couldn't help asking.

"I am the spirit of this book. Follow me." The elf's voice was very ethereal. He waved at her and slowly flew out of the woods.

Luo Ling hesitated for a moment, but still chose to follow. She stepped on the deep pits on the snow, and the elf flew slowly and took her up a gentle slope. A magical scene appeared in front of them. The ice and snow stopped abruptly on the top of the mountain, just like a painter painted a stroke on the ground with green paint, and a piece of green grass replaced the pure white scenery.

"It's really an imaginary world..." Luo Ling murmured.

Walking down the hillside on the green grass, pink and yellow flowers bloomed in the grass. At the end of the grass were dense trees, and a stream ran through the forest. The sound of water played the breath of spring.

Luo Ling walked along the stream. As she walked, the grass and trees became more lush, the ground was full of huge flowers, and the branches and leaves of the trees became more unrestrained. They stretched out to their heart's content and were full of vitality. Luo Ling looked up, and even the sun seemed to be a little more scorching, making her feel that summer had arrived.

"Is it the four seasons?" Luo Ling walked in the summer, looking forward to autumn.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, a fallen leaf floated past Luo Ling's eyes. Her eyes passed the fallen leaves, and her eyes were full of golden color, which was the color of autumn. She stepped on the ground, and the leaves and dead branches made a crackling sound. This is the end of life and the beginning of life.

Ten minutes, Luo Ling went through a year of reincarnation in the illusion.

"You have a beautiful heart, so there is this beautiful world." The elf said, "and the world ahead is not controlled, there is a wasteland without order, and it is also a test for you."

"What test?" Luo Ling asked a little uneasily.

"You will know." The elf stopped talking and just led the way in front.

Luo Ling crossed the stream and walked up a high slope again. The trees began to become sparse. When she was about to reach the top of the slope, her eyes suddenly became clear.

"This is..." Luo Ling looked ahead in disbelief.

It was a vast wasteland, surrounding the woods behind Luo Ling, and Luo Ling knew that the woods she had walked through, which changed with the four seasons, were really insignificant compared to the wasteland.

The sky here was gray, as if it was closed by layers of dark clouds. The soil was a strange dark purple, with no trees, no grass, only jagged rocks. There was wind on the wasteland, and they became manic as soon as Luo Ling appeared. The weather was originally calm, but suddenly a storm appeared out of thin air, mixed with black ice crystals and rushed towards Luo Ling, forcing her back several steps at once.

Luo Ling wanted to run back to the forest to avoid the wind, but the voice of the elf rang in her ears: "Your potential is extremely strong, but the foundation of cultivation is too low. Forcibly shaping this world has hurt your origin. On the road of magic, you need to pay a more painful price than others to move forward."

"Blown by the wind?" Luo Ling asked with difficulty against the strong wind.

"If you want to be strong, endure the pain and don't retreat."

What's the point of this? Luo Ling didn't understand. However, a strong intuition told her that she couldn't retreat, and she had to persist in the wind and snow. So she leaned against a big tree and endured the impact of wind and hail at the edge of the forest.

The black ice was like needles, and the strong wind was like a knife, cutting into her spiritual body. She found that even if she was not a physical body, she could feel pain and bleed. Only she knew the pain. After an unknown amount of time, Luo Ling felt that she had frozen into a broken popsicle, and the wind and snow were a little lighter. She opened her eyes and found that the surrounding scenery had changed a little. The grass actually extended from under her feet and eroded a small piece of wasteland.

"What on earth is this..." Luo Ling just started to speak when she felt a huge pain in her chest and abdomen, and a stream of blood surged into her throat. However, she did not dare to be careless in this weird place and swallowed it hard.

"This is your meditation space." The elf who led the way flew to Luo Ling's ear and said to her, "The source of your strength and the source of your pain."


"This is your meditation space, kid!" The big man in front of Xiao Chen was wearing a captain's uniform, a big-brimmed hat, and a pipe in his mouth. The cabin shook violently, and Xiao Chen had to hold on to the door frame tightly, but the captain stood in the room with his hands on his waist as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Chen felt that he looked familiar, and after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he was very similar to the berserker in the underground palace hall. However, now he is not carrying the big ax, and he does not have that much beard. This modern look makes Xiao Chen feel a little out of place.

The captain seemed to have guessed what he was thinking immediately, and said somewhat helplessly: "I look like this because of you!"

"Me?" An idea flashed in Xiao Chen's mind, "Did I imagine you?"

The captain grinned and said, "The reaction is not bad. I am the book spirit in "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Knowledge", and everything around me is the result of your reading. As for my appearance, temper, and even the way I speak... ..." He lowered his head and looked at his figure, "Maybe it comes from some people you have been thinking of recently."

"You mean, books created this world and you?"

"No, it was you who constructed this world, or in other words, you are this world. And I am just a mason who helped you build this world." Shu Ling didn't seem to be in a hurry, waiting for Xiao Chen to slowly digest the meaning of this sentence.

"What are we doing here?" Xiao Chen asked after thinking for a while.

"What are you doing? Why do you ask such a stupid question? Meditation! Of course the meditation space is used for meditation! What's going on? Why are the people who study these days so ignorant? Don't you have any teachers? Moreover, your spiritual world is very unstable, how can your concentration foundation be so poor?" The captain stared at Xiao Chen for a while, and then exclaimed: "Oh! No wonder! Look what I found, memory! A different world? An outsider."

Xiao Chen looked nervous: "Can you read my memory?"

The captain shrugged and said: "I am a master in the spiritual field! But why are you nervous? I can only read the surface memory. I only know what you think. All of this is what your mind tells me. A time travel That’s all, what does it matter to me? My job is to help people who read books, no matter who they are?”

Seeing the other party's indifferent look, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm...a little confused, and maybe a little seasick." He bent over, holding his stomach and said with a frown.

"Not only do you have extremely poor aesthetics, but your mobility is also low." The captain walked to a porthole and looked at his own image in the glass with disgust. Then he patted Xiao Chen and said, "Stop talking nonsense and follow me."

The wind and rain outside the porthole made it impossible to see the scene outside. Xiao Chen could only follow Shu Ling as he struggled to move forward amidst the rocking of the hull. He wanted to vomit, but he couldn't. He just felt like there was a stick in his stomach. Stir constantly. He stumbled along an aisle with the captain, climbed down the stairs, and found a very empty cabin below with almost no seats. This is a ferry that Xiao Chen is very familiar with. When he was a child, he often took this boat across the river to visit his grandmother. It can carry hundreds of people and bicycles, and usually only sails on inland rivers. However, at this time, it was tossed in the rough waves.

Sure enough, when the captain opened the cabin door, the rain and waves rushed in, making Xiao Chen wet all over. He wiped the water from his face with his hand, looked out, and saw the furious sea.

"Are we...going out?" Xiao Chen pulled the handrails on the wall with both hands. Seeing that the waves were as high as ten stories high, he naturally felt fear in his heart. He had never seen such a terrifying scene in his imagination: sometimes the ship was caught between two huge waves at the bottom of the valley, like a little lamb under the cliff; sometimes it was thrown into the air, like a little flower on the top of a peak. . Xiao Chen struggled with acceleration and deceleration, feeling the pain of free fall and violent impact. The door frame was his life-saving straw. He grabbed the protruding part of the frame edge with both hands and wanted to insert his fingers into the steel plate.

He knew that if it were the real world, this boat would capsize in an instant, but in the meditation space, it was constantly being tortured up and down. Xiao Chen didn't know if there was such a thing as drowning in the meditation space, but in such big waves, the boat was like a speck of dust in the strong wind. As long as Xiao Chen relaxed for a moment, he would be thrown into the deep sea.

"You are really extraordinary, boy! You have the potential to be a madman. Haha." The captain has a magical power. Wherever he goes, waves and rain will naturally avoid him, and bumps will have no effect on him. He stood at the door. At this time, no more water could enter the cabin. The sea water invaded the position two feet behind him, like hitting a rock, becoming shattered and slowly receding. "Many people have used this book, but I’ve never seen such an apocalyptic scene.”

Xiao Chen almost fell to the ground. He gasped and asked in a hoarse voice: "What exactly is the Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness? Why is my world like this?"

The captain thought for a while and said: "The creator only gave me one task, which is to help readers face their own spiritual world. Spiritual power is an indescribable, indescribable and difficult to control force. It was originally buried at the bottom of the subconscious. And I will use your experience, memory and emotions to materialize this power so that you can see it and touch it, so that you can practice it more conveniently, and then use it to control magic. But..." Captain. He glanced at the sea behind him with interest, "The more things contained in the subconscious, the more dangerous the world is. I have seen many people die in their own world. Their world is nothing compared to yours."

"It seems that this ship saved me?"

"That's right!" The captain patted the wall of the ship next to him. He pointed to a switch five steps away and said, "Don't go over there. Use your thoughts to turn it on."

Xiao Chen was puzzled. He followed what the other party said and stared at the switch, thinking about "turning on the lights". He only heard a click and the lights in the aisle turned on.

"This is?"

"This is control. The ship is the controllable part of your mental power. In this realm, you are safe. The sea and sky, on the other hand, represent the part that is not controlled. Master the uncontrolled part. , you will become stronger.”

"Do all magicians practice like this?" Xiao Chen simply sat on the ground.

"You should feel honored. Only magicians from the Tower of Dreams are qualified to practice like this." The captain shrugged and said, "Lucky guy! You should make a decision quickly, or go back to your own world and let me go back to sleep. , I hate this world that keeps shaking. Either go out and fight the sea, control more and more power, they call this 'forging the god', the magician spends his whole life forging his own spiritual power."

"Will I drown outside?" Xiao Chen asked.

"There is no real death here, but once you are swallowed by the waves, your mind will be sucked into the deep subconscious and you will not wake up. At that time, there is only one possibility, and you will become a walking zombie."

"Vegetative state?"

"Well, yes, I like these words in your mind. 'Subconscious' and 'vegetative' are very vivid and useful. And this strange ship is also quite interesting."

Xiao Chen was silent for a while and then decided to take action. There was nothing more important than learning magic.

He lay on the ground, grabbed the baseboard on the wall with one hand, and grabbed the gap in the floor with the other hand, crawling out of the cabin bit by bit like a spider. He sort of figured out the pattern of the ship's hull rising and falling, and every time he took advantage of the moment when the ship stabilized on the top or bottom of the waves, he crawled forward quickly.

The captain looked at him with a joking smile. He walked out of the door and gave up the entire doorway. Rain and waves suddenly came in again. Xiao Chen calmly faced the danger, grabbed the threshold, pressed his face tightly to the ground to withstand the momentum of the waves, and then took advantage of the inertia of the boat falling from the top of the waves to throw himself on the railing outside the deck. He hit his head on the railing post and groaned in pain, but he finally managed to rush out of the cabin.

What a vast, gorgeous and terrifying world this is. The sea was not the dark blue he imagined, but instead appeared in five colors, as if a paint bottle had been knocked over. In other words, it's like there are some huge and colorful monsters lurking at the bottom of the water, emitting various bright lights through a thin layer of water film. The sky was chaotic and dark, with dark clouds rolling in the sky. Lightning struck from the sky all the time, illuminating most of the sky and turning it into a relief sculpture full of cloud patterns. The rumbling thunder and the pouring rain filled Xiao Chen's senses. Make him tremble, make him fear, make him excited.

"It's such a big world." The captain leaned against the outer wall of the cabin with squinted eyes, "What a pity, what a pity."

Xiao Chen hugged the guardrail tightly, enjoying the excitement like a roller coaster. He shook his hair that was as wet as cloth and yelled: "What's a pity?"

The captain said in a rare serious tone: "The way of thinking determines the potential of the spiritual world. The creator believes that to form a perfect world, a person's thinking needs six qualities: knowledge, activity, calculation power, Willpower, imagination and stability. No one can do everything. Generally, a mage has one or two strengths and is very good. I have entered the hearts of many people. Some worlds are cramped and narrow, some are static and dull, and some are dull. Some worlds are simple and rough, some are illusory and dim, and some are ugly and desolate. I have never seen a world as broad, smart, rich, real and gorgeous as yours. Unfortunately, you have one of the biggest shortcomings, which is your spirit. The force is not stable enough, it is too violent, just like the sea! Otherwise, what a perfect world it would be.”

"how so?"

"I guess this is the price you pay for opening this book before you concentrate. Do you think the warning on the page is false? If you don't reach the realm, there must be a price. You are lucky to not die."

Xiao Chen spit out a mouthful of saliva and grinned, "But it sounds like, even if the stability is a little worse, my world is still amazing?"

"Huh, I'm just talking about potential... A dead kitten is not as big as a mouse. A world without growth is worthless in the face of power." Shu Ling sneered, "You are still far, far away. And Magic is a precise art, and even if you grow up, your unstable mental power may make your magic very weird."


"Imagine a fool picking his teeth with a mace. It's not easy not to hit himself in the face. Haha."

"Hey, then I can just pick teeth for other people." Xiao Chen asked back.

The book spirit turned away and ignored him.

"Okay, forget about that. What should I do now?" Xiao Chen spit out seawater while speaking.

"The power of the spirit is hidden in the sea and sky of this world. Touch them, feel them, control them with your will, and change them. You can gain this power little by little." The captain seemed to like seeing Xiao Chen in trouble, and said happily.

"In human terms: is it being blown by the wind and hit by the waves?"

"Absolutely correct!"

"Fuck..." Xiao Chen just opened his mouth and another huge wave hit the side of the ship, drowning him in the silvery white sea water.

A big chapter of 5,000 words. Xiao Chen is about to become a magician, why don't you add it to your collection?

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