On the Seven Towers

Chapter 46 Song in the Forest

"Shitou, Shitou, the guards over there are fighting with our soldiers. Come with me!" Soldier Cai Long hurried over and shouted to Shi Hao. Cai Long was short and sturdy, and was a well-known sharpshooter in the regiment. He was usually very steady, but at this moment, he seemed to be on fire.

"What happened? Who hit who? How many people fought? Have you notified the regiment commander and team leader Ji?" Shi Hao hurriedly called a few soldiers to follow him, and followed Cai Long to the playground.

"There weren't many people, it was just Ji Yijun and our guys fighting. Oh, it was a fight in the ring." Cai Long explained, "The regiment commander and Instructor Ji went out of the school to check the surrounding terrain, so he started a fight."

"What? What ring? Explain clearly."

"After lunch, everyone was resting and preparing for afternoon training. That kid came over to provoke us as if he had taken the wrong medicine. We would shoot at whatever he said, and we were nothing without guns. He also said that if we have the ability, we should show our skills and compete, and those who dare not compete are cowards." Cai Long said angrily, "He also said that he has set up the ring, we can take turns or go up together, and we can see whether we have the ability or not in the ring."

"He said to fight, and you fought? He is just a rough student, and you are just so cunning?" Shi Hao felt angry after listening to what happened.

Cai Long scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "There are still many people around. Many beautiful girls are watching from the side. No one wants to give in!"

Shi Hao slapped the soldier on the head and spat, "That's all you can do!"

When Shi Hao ran to the playground, there was already a crowd of people there. Shi Hao heard the sound of sticks clashing outside the crowd, and there were people cheering. Sure enough, most of them were the voices of young girls.

"So cool!"

"Xiaojun, come on!"

"Junjun, I love you!"

"Wow, this punch is so powerful, we support you!"

Shi Hao looked back at Cai Long and said angrily: "Why are you all biased and only cheering for him? What about the close relationship between the military and the people?"

The other party said helplessly: "Shitou, you don't understand the situation at all? Ji Yijun is now a popular school idol. He is handsome, knows kung fu, and has no girlfriend. Even if he raises his chin and ignores people, there are girls rushing to him. There are usually female spectators and female fans during training. In this situation today, he only needs to show his face under the girls' dormitory, and the cheerleaders will come."

Shi Hao squeezed through the crowd and squeezed into the middle with several soldiers. He was so angry that his nose was crooked. A five or six meter square field was marked out in the middle of the field. Ji Yijun was fighting with three soldiers with a wooden stick. The sticks in the hands of the three fighters seemed to be led by invisible ropes, and they were easily led back and forth by Ji Yijun. They had almost no power to fight back. Instead, they kept stumbling into each other as if they were drunk. There were five or six fighters off the field, either holding their legs or covering their waists and groaning "Ouch, ouch".

When Ji Yijun saw Shi Hao and his group coming, he seemed to have lost his patience to continue to deal with them. He moved very quickly and tapped several opponents with the stick again and again. In less than ten seconds, those people could not hold on and fell down screaming. The surrounding fans immediately cheered.

"Hey, isn't this Shi Hao? Want to try on my ring too? Please!" Ji Yijun leaned the stick on his shoulder and looked at Shi Hao provocatively.

Shi Hao didn't answer him, and asked with a sullen face: "What are you doing? Are you fighting privately?"

"How can you say that! This is both communication and practice. What's the point of practicing martial arts just practicing the posture? It won't work without practice." He used the head of the stick to pick it up, and a stick on the ground flew towards Shi Hao.

Seeing Shi Hao grab the stick, Ji Yijun grinned and said: "Come on. Don't let everyone think that there is no one in the army."

Shi Hao's heart was filled with anger. He felt that he had no way out, so he picked up the stick and rushed directly towards Ji Yijun.

When the sticks of the two met, Shi Hao's heart sank. It's not that he had never fought with Ji Yijun before. At that time, he was still able to take 20 or 30 moves under Ji Yijun, and if he tried his best, he could hold on for longer. But when he fought today, he felt something was wrong. Ji Yijun's stick was not only more powerful and faster, but also had a sticky force on it. His stick was literally carried by him, and when it stuck to the extreme, it generated a burst of force, and the stick was quickly bounced off, shaking his palm numb.

How could this guy be so powerful! Shi Hao tried his best, but still felt that the situation was firmly controlled by the opponent. He could see from Ji Yijun's calm look that the opponent was still the same as before, and did not use his full strength at all, just like playing a game.

"Some people think that internal martial arts is just like this, that's because they have little experience. In this world, kung fu is not the same as before." Ji Yijun said loudly while fighting.

At this time, Shi Hao was suppressed and couldn't speak.

"Watch me!" Ji Yijun shouted loudly. Shi Hao felt his hand lighten, and he didn't know where the stick went. Then Ji Yijun's stick head trembled and hit him on his shoulders and the outside of his legs continuously. Shi Hao only felt a sharp soreness and numbness from his hands and feet, and he screamed "ah" in pain, and he couldn't stand up, and he collapsed to the ground.

Shi Hao tried to speak, but a burning heat seemed to be running through his hands and legs, making him almost unable to think in pain.

He could only see with his peripheral vision that Cai Long and the remaining soldiers also rushed forward, but were knocked to the ground without any suspense. After a while, he vaguely heard Ji Yijun's voice again: "Okay, let's stop today's martial arts exchange. It seems that you don't have to train this afternoon, so just have a good rest."


The convoy was moving slowly on the country road. Xiao Chen lay in the car, looking up at the blue sky, which was as pure as glazed celadon. In Xiao Chen's memory, he had only seen such unobstructed beauty in Xinjiang in that world.

Does this endless sky also contain the power of magic?

"Magic is the extraordinary power of being with God."

"Magic words are the words written by God to express the truth of magic."

"Spells are the product of spiritual power communicating with nothingness."

"The introduction to magic is called "the initial formation of spiritual consciousness", also known as the success of concentration, which is to organize the disordered potential into controllable spiritual power."

"Spiritual power, also known as spiritual consciousness or divine thoughts, cannot be described, cannot be figured out, cannot be seen, and can only be understood through meditation."

Xiao Chen pondered the various answers that Morey told him about magic, but the more he thought about it, the more questions he came up with.

What does it mean to be with God? Magic is real, but God is only an ancient legend. Morey said that the only true God is the God of Nature, but he has been sleeping since ancient times and has never appeared or descended again. Only the Temple of Nature occasionally conveys oracles. What is the relationship between such a god and magic?

Why are magic words Chinese characters? Why do we use small seal characters when writing magic circles? It is said that the magic words carry the curse of God on pagans and false believers, and only the most determined believers are qualified to use them. Then why can I use magic? And why would the gods who have existed since ancient times write ancient Chinese characters and choose them to carry power?

How can power be generated in nothingness? Xiao Chen clearly remembers that the water and fire of the scrolls are indeed from the unknown. Could it be that magic is some kind of free energy existing in space?

Mental power cannot be seen, but why can I see such a real and grand world in meditation? What exactly is the Dream Tower mentioned in "The Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Consciousness"?

More and more questions troubled Xiao Chen. He pondered and pondered and fell asleep unconsciously.

The singing echoed in his ears, and Xiao Chen slowly woke up. It turned out that Li Tianrui and several other soldiers and two boys from the business group were singing. It was almost dusk, and they were passing through a small forest. Xiao Chen listened to everyone singing quietly. After the boys and soldiers sang, they urged Chen Hansheng and Luo Ling to sing.

Chen Hansheng sang a very old song "Bloodstained Style", and Luo Ling also sang "The First Dream" openly. Even Xi Luo and several drivers who didn't understand the lyrics cheered loudly.

Xiao Chen found that a person can be seen more or less from the song. Songs are not as concealed as language, but more real. Lao Chen went to the battlefield during the border war in the late 1980s. The song written in blood was truly his song. Luo Ling really has an uneasy heart, but I don't know what her "first dream" is? Can it be realized here?

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Suddenly, a shout in Spanish came from the forest, dispelling Xiao Chen's reverie. Everyone in the caravan became nervous all of a sudden. The drivers stopped the carriage, the soldiers raised their guns, and Xiao Chen also sat up and put his hand on the dagger.

There was a hurried sound of footsteps on a forest fork behind the caravan, and two men ran out in a short while. The two men were dressed very differently. The man running in front was in his early thirties, with short dark brown hair and a mustache. He looked handsome at first glance, but everything was ruined by his outfit. His top and trousers seemed to be made of colorful cloth, as bright as a parrot. He also wore a wide-brimmed hat with feathers on his head, and a flute and a short sword on his waist. This man's feet were a little shabby when he ran, which made him look funny no matter how you looked at him.

Behind him was a young man in his twenties with blue hair. Maybe because of his impure blood, his ears were a little pointed and the outer corners of his eyes were a little slanted upwards. He was half a head taller than the man in front, and his clothes were much simpler. He held a shabby little harp in one hand and a pole on his shoulder in the other hand. A cloth bag was hung on the other end of the pole.

"Oh, who was singing just now? The song was really amazing. Galdo and Letona worked hard to pass through the forest and came here to cheer for her." The man in the lead chattered while running. He ran to the front of the caravan, turned his head and looked at the people in the caravan again and again, and finally found that there was only one woman in the caravan, wearing a magician's robe.

"Ah. It turns out to be a beautiful magician. Galdo salutes you." He took off his hat and bowed. "Can Galdo sing a song for you and then walk with you for a while?"

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