On the Seven Towers

Chapter 512 The Culprit

Xiao Chen walked this road from Suero to school several times. But this time was the most boring. Both those responsible for the escort and the Baron family had their own thoughts.

There were two carriages in the team. The first carriage contained the baron and his wife, escorted by Xiao Chen and Glade. In the car behind them were their three children, escorted by Qalanda. Chang Yujie and other strong men either sat outside the car or followed on horseback beside the car. There was also a squad of escorts following around.

On the first carriage, Xiao Chen was holding a notebook and asking Baron Goya some questions.

"Who was the person in China who contacted you about these matters at that time?"

"On this matter, I have only seen two Chinese people, and the remaining one is the mercenary Cole. My housekeeper already knows Cole. He is a subordinate of Captain Calanda." Goya When the baron said this, he had a smile on his face, a bit of mockery.

"These people are involved in economic and leaking issues, while your issue is murder. This is different." Xiao Chen said.

"I know, I know." Baron Goya didn't want to offend Xiao Chen. "At that time, Cole brought a person to negotiate. This person was named Zhou Zuoren. Then, after a while, the person they sent to do the work was named Xu Aotian. This Xu Aotian later went to manage the small village. Since you attacked there, you should have met him. "

Zhou Zuoren? Xu Aotian? There is also Zhou Shuren and Long Aotian. Xiao Chen knew it was a pseudonym as soon as he heard it, but the people who came here to cooperate with the Baron seemed to have no problem using pseudonyms. If the identity is not concealed, it would be strange. Anyway, as long as he has black hair and black eyes, he must be Chinese, and the Baron is not afraid of being fooled. Of these two people, Xu Aotian is definitely the missing guy Xu Xin. As for the other one, he asked, "What kind of person is this Zhou Zuoren?"

The baron looked at Xiao Chen's reaction and said: "It seems that the other party used a pseudonym. He was a middle-aged man who was very thin and had short hair. He spoke a little hastily and was very careless when negotiating terms with me, arguing back and forth in some small places. It took a long time. He came to talk to me twice, and I never saw him again. At other times, Du Shikel or Xu Aotian came to contact me. "

"If you see this person again, or see his portrait, will you be able to recognize him?"

"It's possible, I remember people pretty well." Baron Goya said.

At this time, Glader said: "You want him to see those file photos, right? But then we have already returned to school. If there is any news by then, will it alarm those people and cause accidents in vain? ? Captain Xiao, aren’t you very good at spiritual magic? Is there any way to find that person in his mind?”

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said to the baron, "I can build a soul bridge connecting your and my thoughts. Can you try to recall the scene when you met Zhou Zuoren and then pass the image to me?"

Baron Goya licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Maybe as a mage, you think this is a very simple thing. But for me, it is not. I think it is difficult for me to do such a difficult thing."

How could Xiao Chen not understand what he meant, he said: "Everything you do can be used to reduce your crime. This is clearly stipulated in our laws."

"Okay. In this case, I'm going to try it anyway."

Xiao Chen used the Soul Bridge to connect the Baron's soul. As an ordinary person, the Baron did not know how to transmit clear images to Xiao Chen. He could only try his best to recall the scene of the meeting and let Xiao Chen carefully distinguish it from the other side of the Bridge of Souls.

Those images were complicated and fragmented, often just a corner of a picture. Xiao Chen spent a long time sifting through them to piece together the images. It was like he was trying to put together a puzzle, and the puzzle was not static, it was in constant motion. In the end, Xiao Chen had to make copies of the broken edges of the images in the meditation space, and asked Tasia, Elena and Xiaobai to help.

The baron's mental power was not strong enough, so Xiao Chen had to let him take a break every once in a while. In more than a day, he cast magic on him five times.

Then part of Xiao Chen's own consciousness also entered the meditation space, and together with Tasia and the others, he spliced ​​the image fragments floating in the air.

Xiao Chen sat cross-legged on the beach, and countless fragments were trying to piece together in the air at extremely fast speeds. Any images that could be pieced together would be combined into a larger piece. As long as Tasia and Elena spell out larger patterns, they will hand them over to Xiao Chen to handle them together.

Until nightfall. They finally got results, and an incomplete picture appeared in the sky in the meditation space. But the faces among them are clearly identifiable.

The person Xiao Chen is looking for is Chu Ying, the leader of the business team. "It turns out it was him! If he was planning these things behind the scenes, then he is definitely not the only one. There must be other masterminds behind the scenes."

Early the next morning, Xiao Chen found Chang Yujie and handed him a letter and two horses, asking him to travel day and night to be the first to deliver the letter to Peng Ziyi.


School, outside Chang Lin's office.

The anxious Chu Ying has been sitting here for a long time. Chang Lin came back from outside and saw that Chu Ying looked very haggard, and there were a lot of cigarette butts from Earth Cigarettes on the ground. It seemed that this guy was panicked to a certain extent.

"Old Chang, I..." As soon as Chu Ying saw Chang Lin, she stood up and looked anxious to speak.

"Calm down and come in." Chang Lin opened the office door and pulled Chu Ying in.

After closing the door, Chang Lin cast a detection magic, but Chu Ying could not wait to speak: "Old Chang! I got some clues today. It is said that Guo Qian is ready to seize this matter.

I heard that Xiao Chen's side has already started arresting people. It would be fine if Baron Goya died, but I would be in trouble if I caught him and identified him. "

"Why are you panicking? Did you leave any evidence with him?"

"That's not true. Nothing on the paper has been retained."

"Have you ever been to an unknown village?"

"No, no one else has seen me except the Baron himself."

"Then why are you so anxious? After all, the most he can get now is a one-sided statement from the Baron. If it is really found on you, just insist that you were slandered." Chang Lin opened the cabinet and took out a bottle Fruit wine, and then while the other party was distracted, he took out a packet of powder from the drawer and sprinkled it into a wine glass.

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