On the Seven Towers

Chapter 61 Drug Testing Dispute

"Are you kidding? I will never let you use these inexplicable things on my patients." Feng Yao, like an old hen guarding her cubs, clung to the door frame of the ward, blocking the group of people outside.

"Xiao Feng, why are you stuck again? Since we have no treatment for this kind of blood immune reaction, and the patient's condition is extremely critical, instead of waiting helplessly, it is better to try the local methods. You know many Chinese herbal remedies. It also has therapeutic effects, there must be similar things in this world," Dean Wang said with some annoyance.

"Blood transfusion reactions are not necessarily life-threatening. With our auxiliary treatment, this young man may survive. But what if there is something wrong with the potion and he dies immediately? What is the 'blood-harmony potion' and 'flying dragon blood'?" It’s something we don’t understand at all.” Feng Yao was unwilling to give in at all.

"I am also an old doctor, can't I see it? In this young man's condition, the chance of getting through it is very slim. Every second you waste now may kill him." Dean Wang snapped.

"Dean, you are also a doctor, why don't you follow the procedures at all?"

"In emergencies, follow the authority!" Dean Wang walked up to Feng Yao and lowered his voice: "Feng Yao! Don't get involved in this matter. Mr. Morey's participation in the treatment has been authorized by the committee including Principal Guo. . There is no need for our hospital to bear any responsibility. Therefore, the patient must be transferred to Mr. Morey.”

"Wang Wenquan! In order to shirk responsibility, you did something so shameless as throwing the patient out?" Feng Yao shouted loudly.

"You...you! Don't talk nonsense!" Dean Wang's face turned red. Not only Ji Yijun and his group were waiting there, but also a member of the committee. In desperation, he instinctively used his hands to pull away. Unexpectedly, before his hand touched Feng Yao's arm, it was twisted by a big hand. Liu Yisheng, who was standing next to Feng Yao, dragged Dean Wang aside. With a slight shake of his hand, he staggered and fell to the wall.

Dean Wang's back hit the wall and he sat down on the ground. He was not young yet. The bump made him frown in pain. He glanced at Liu Yisheng hatefully, but Being glared back by the other party with an even more fierce look, he could only lower his head and groan: "Lawless, lawless."

"I will beat anyone who bullies Dr. Feng." Liu Yisheng was still as stunned as before. After saying this, he even made a fist gesture to Dean Wang.

"Oh, we can't do anything." The committee member named Chang Lin was in his forties, fair and fat, and looked kind-hearted. He quickly ran over and helped Dean Wang up.

Seeing that Feng Yao seemed a little overwhelmed by this unexpected situation and lost her voice, he said: "I don't understand medical things. As a layman, I can't give you any advice. But I It can also be seen that Director Wang wants to treat patients and save people, and Mr. Morey may not volunteer to help since we are all doing this for the patient's benefit. Dr. Feng, you have some concerns now. Why not discuss with Mr. Morey how to get the best of both worlds?"

"This man is just a peacemaker, and what he says is all nonsense." Ye Zi quietly said to Wu Jingrong.

"People in the administrative department are like this, and they are unwilling to take responsibility." Wu Jingrong replied: "Although Dr. Feng is very stubborn, he is a responsible person."

Feng Yao looked at Morey and Enrique lying in the ward, and was speechless for a moment. Morey spoke first: "Miss Feng, if Ye Zi and the others hadn't begged me, I wouldn't have wanted to use such a precious potion here. But since you are so suspicious of my potion. For the honor of the Moncayo lineage, I No matter what, he must be saved."

Morey said to Ji Yijun and Ye Zi, "Didn't you ask me to come? Go and pull them apart so that I can go in and take medicine."

Ji Yijun looked at Liu Yisheng, who immediately stood in front of Feng Yao and put her hands on her hips to keep her in check. Why did he say, "Isn't it good to use force?"

Morey shook his head: "I read a lot of your books and found that as you become more and more 'civilized', you have fewer and fewer ways to deal with problems. Many times, violence is actually the simplest and most convenient way. Don't you mean Is it important to save people? Then let them get out of the way without hurting them."

At this time, Enrique in the ward suddenly made a painful sound. He roared in a low voice and coughed violently. After a while, he lost his voice again. He twitched and continued to fall into coma.

"It seems like he won't last long. I can even feel the smell of death permeating the air." Morey said calmly.

"Doctor Feng, treat a dead horse as a living horse..." Ji Yijun said anxiously.

"It must be tested." Feng Yao pushed aside Liu Yisheng who was blocking the front and came to Morey. He said firmly: "Even if time is tight and there are only one or two opportunities... at least it must be proved that in healthy people, there will be no acute symptoms. Adverse reactions."

"I don't have any extra medicine," Morey said.

"Then divide half of this potion for experimentation."

"This potion was originally prepared for one person..." Morey and Feng Yao looked at each other for a long time, feeling that their eyes were about to be burned by each other's gaze, and finally gave in: "Okay. Maybe divide it into two parts... The effect will be better Down, the activated bloodline is not that powerful, but it should be no problem to save his life."

He took out the potion from his pocket and asked, "So, who will do this experiment?"

"I'll do it." Feng Yao answered decisively, as if it was as simple as deciding who would cook and who would clean the room.

But immediately two people shouted in unison: "No, it's me!"

Ji Yijun walked up to him with a sullen face and said: "Dr. Feng, you still need to take care of the patient. If anything happens, I can't do it without you. This matter has nothing to do with me... Anyway, let me do it. I can do things alone. One person."

The other person who made the sound was a bit surprising. It turned out to be the fat peacemaker Chang Lin. Chang Lin said with a smile: "You are all young people, and the school needs you a lot. Let me Let this old man try the medicine. Don’t look at me as fat, but I’m still in great shape.”

Feng Yao shook his head and said: "I am not only responsible for the patient, but also for the people who are testing the medicine. This is nothing to argue with. Besides, I have a deeper understanding of many of the reactions after taking the medicine. If I have to do anything to Enrique, Some auxiliary measures are also more targeted.”

"Doctor Feng, the power represented by this potion is very low-level. You don't need to use it at all. If you want to gain power, you should, should..." Liu Yisheng was halfway through speaking, and suddenly froze, "Uh... I forgot."

He added: "Anyway, this medicine is not good and has no effect on me at all. Otherwise, I will try it for you!"

"I know, I know." Seeing that Liu Yisheng was confused again, Feng Yao took his hand and said, "I don't need any power, I just want to save people. Time is running out, let's get started quickly."

Feng Yao hurriedly took Morey and Liu Yisheng to another ward, while Chang Lin helped Dean Wang, who had a dead look on his face, go in the other direction. Only Ji Yijun, Ye Zi and Wu Jingrong were left waiting at the door of Enrique's ward.

"I take back what I said before. I didn't expect this Chang Lin to be quite responsible." Ye Zi said.

"I didn't expect that he would stand up with me." Ji Yijun nodded.

Only Wu Jingrong looked deeply in the direction they were leaving and said leisurely: "You don't need money to speak. You know people but don't know their hearts."


Four brand-new glasses clinked together, and the brilliant rainbow fruit wine swayed in the glasses.

"A perfect auction." Baron Goya looked at Xiao Chen, Luo Ling and Chen Hansheng with a smile. "Four thousand gold coins are higher than I expected. Mr. Xiao, you have provided me with an amazing auction." The auction method will benefit me a lot. Therefore, I am willing to give up another 10% profit in this transaction, you will get 60%, and we will get 40%.”

Xiao Chen was not polite. From the very beginning when Baron Goya decided to sell glass at a high price, it was destined that the two parties were not a simple supply and sales relationship, but a closely tied partner. Although Baron Goya could not do without Xiao Chen's supply, Xiao Chen could no longer find other channels to sell the glass at a high price because Baron Goya knew the true value of the glass. Therefore, a 50-50 split is actually a fair distribution method. Baron Goya's current show of goodwill is just to hope that this cooperative relationship will be closer. He raised his glass happily and said: "You are so generous. We are lucky to find a partner like you. I hope the Basque family and us The cooperation was equally smooth. ”

"Yes, yes. You don't have to worry at all. Now the three of us are a whole. As long as there are always high-quality glass products and we control the shipment quantity, we can all create a glass product market that we have the final say on. You are responsible for the supply of goods, and we are responsible for the supply from Suero to the east of the royal capital. The Basque family is responsible for the southern and city-state areas. The merchants of the kingdom like to say that if you occupy Suero, you will occupy the entire kingdom. The trade capital is definitely not something you talk about casually." Baron Goya's calm words revealed strong confidence.

He took a sip of the rainbow fruit wine and continued: "I have arranged a family dinner in the evening. The old and young of the Basque family will also come to attend. You can meet them formally. I believe you still have some goods. Think about how to act and let the two cunning foxes come up with ideas together. But be careful not to fall into the trap of the old fox unknowingly."

At this time, Butler Ines hurriedly came in from outside and whispered something in the Baron's ear. The baron's expression changed and he said softly: "I didn't expect to attract them anyway. What a troublesome guy."

The baron put down his wine glass and said to Xiao Chen awkwardly: "When you used the polishing strengthening magic two days ago, you didn't seem to control your power well?"

"How to say?"

"Your movements were noticed by the people from the Kingdom Mage Association. Now their people are at the door and want to see you."

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