On the Seven Towers

Chapter 620 Destruction Device

"Are you trying to bribe us?" a guard asked cautiously, with no hint of accusation in his tone.

"That's right. Problems that can be solved with money are all simple problems." Tasia said calmly, "The Alonso family has always had a good reputation and will never treat those who obey it badly. If you help us complete the task, we will The Chinese have become heroes, so I don’t need to say more about the benefits, right? Can you make a decision?”

"I am willing to serve you." The two soldiers said in unison.

However, as soon as they finished speaking, Elena's corrosive energy ray hit the face of the person on the left, and behind him, Donato also took action at the same time. He held down one of his bracelets, and a bolt of lightning hit him. A round object fell from the soldier's hand. The soldier who was hit screamed and fell to the ground, covering his face with his hands in pain. The other warrior was startled. He tried to draw his sword, but Tasia's rocket hit his wrist and opened his hand.

Elena said: "In the field of vision of detecting the spirit, I saw that the man on the ground had violent fluctuations in his mental power just now. He must have made a bad idea."

"You are right. This is a messenger tool in his hand, used to report emergencies." Donato picked up the thing from the ground and handed it to Tasia, "Sir, I didn't expect this. The guy was a die-hard loyalist to the Marquis, but luckily he didn't cause any big trouble.

But with this communication tool, we can report to the superiors through the personal guards that everything is normal and delay it for a longer time.

It just depends on whether the remaining one can cooperate. "

The remaining guard quickly said: "Miss Tasia, I sincerely surrender to you. This idiot wants to take credit from the Marquis, but I know that the power you represent is much greater than that of the Marquis. Let me do it for you." Come and kill him."

Under the gaze of several other people, he drew his sword and chopped off his companion's head with one blow.

"It seems that the Alonso family's methods don't always work." Elena said.

Tasia said: "At least two-thirds of it worked. As a person who has the power of money, I feel that if everyone can be controlled by me, then the world will not be very interesting."

The soldier left behind was named Charlie. Fortunately, he was also qualified to operate the reporting tool. The information that props can convey is very simple. There are only three types of information: everything is normal, there is danger and it is being processed. They sent a "processing" message to the enemies in the center, and then entered the stone door.

At the end of the passage is a hexagonal room that is not too large. In the center of the room is a complex magic circle laid on the ground. The energy supply magic circles coming from the stone path are all connected to this large magic circle, and all kinds of magic energy converge into one. Here, it is like layers of neon nested together. Among the interlaced light prisms, there is a large crystal that directly emits the energy generated in the array into a circular cavity on the roof.

"I feel like the hole leads directly to the ground," Tasia said.

Xiao Chen soon replied to her: "You guessed it right, I found the place where the light pillar appeared. It was disguised as a dry well in an abandoned yard. It's strange why no one is guarding it."

Xiao Chen found a stone slab from the ground and tried to cover the wellhead, but found that the light pillar seemed to have substance. The stone slab was pressed against the light pillar and could not be covered no matter what. He understood that there was no way to destroy this energy point from the outside, so no one needed to protect it. He told the following people about this discovery.

Tasia said: "Then let us destroy the lower part."

Although Donato is not very strong, he is someone who has truly studied and understood this city defense barrier. He said: "Miss Tasia, I don't know what method you just used to destroy the outside door. To destroy this formation, you must use the same method. Because the formation itself is also protected by shield energy. And here The protection is stronger than the shield on the door. If I were to do it, there would be no way I could destroy it."

Tasia said: "You don't need to come when the magic circle is destroyed, but there must be a few points in the magic circle that are more fragile than other parts. Can you find them?"

"Yes!" Donato walked around the room and began to point out the key points of the formation one by one, "This is the magic power transformation point. Magic power with different attributes undergoes a transformation and reconciliation process in this area, so the entire The most unstable part of the formation.”

He pointed to another place: "This is the point where excess magic power is released. If the influx of magic power exceeds the capacity of the formation, it will escape here. If this point is destroyed, the magic power will accumulate excessively, causing the formation to The law is destroyed by magic.

By destroying these two points, you should be able to damage the formation with the least amount of damage but achieve the best effect. "

Elena greeted Xiaobai and said, "Then let's get started."


At the same time, in the open space on the western outskirts of the city, groups of Chinese troops were gathering and then began to build their own positions. Since the magical attacks in this world were similar to artillery fire, various fortifications and trenches were indispensable. All thirty-six cannons from the artillery battalions of the two regiments were mobilized, except for two that had been destroyed by Garriott's attack before. They were arranged due west of Suero City. Pneumatic cannons were set up one after another, and the artillerymen were adjusting their angles and preparing shells.

Even the firepower company attached to the infantry battalion sent out all the mortar squads. A mortar position was set up on the left and right sides in front of the artillery position.

Further in front of the mortars was the full-scale mage squad. In addition to a few mages who stayed behind, such as Zhang Hong, Wang Jiyuan gathered a total of six battalion-affiliated mage squads, totaling 60 low- and middle-level mages. Fortifications have been built on their positions, so that the mages are all in the bunkers. Intertwined with them are the positions of infantry and melee soldiers.

Wang Jiyuan, several staff officers, and Master Gabriel were all standing in a front-line fortification. On the computer screen of a staff officer next to him, a drone was showing a picture of the inner city of Suero.

Wang Jiyuan said to Gabriel: "The battle in the afternoon seemed to have stunned them. We have been preparing here for so long, and there is no sign of their counterattack. Are they going to rely on shields to hold on?"

Gabriel said: "I think that cavalry team is probably the strongest attacking team that the other side can bring out. A team led by a master and two high-level leaders exceeded our expectations of Suero."

"That's easy to understand. If they want to effectively attack us, they must use a much stronger force than the previous team. It seems that this is impossible." Wang Jiyuan looked at the overhead image carefully again and said, "In this case, we will start the attack in twenty minutes!"

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