On the Seven Towers

Chapter 672 Taking Over the Crisis

Luo Ling and others walked out of the teleportation array of Green Forest City and found that they were in a barrier. Outside the barrier was a group of mages led by Li Tianrui, who were mobilizing their power to maintain the barrier.

"You are finally here." Li Tianrui saw Luo Ling as if he had seen a savior.

"Xiao Li, you have worked so hard. It is not easy for you to stabilize this city in the past two days." Luo Ling said.

"Seeing you, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. What happened in the past few days is hard to describe." Li Tianrui said.

Mao Kai behind Luo Ling asked: "Why is there a barrier wrapped around the teleportation array here?"

"This barrier is used to isolate bacteria. You people who come here cleanly are our most valuable resources here. We must ensure your safety. Please leave the room in groups of two, and we will put on a shield to isolate bacteria for you." Li Tianrui said.

"Is the situation so serious? According to your arrangement, it means that everyone may be infected with demonized bacteria." Mao Kai said.

"It's that serious. The number of infected people has expanded to nearly 300 people, and the new patients are the fourth and fifth batches of infected people. More than 60 people have died in the first batch, and 10 people have died in the second batch, including the four soldiers guarding Baron Bocas." Li Tianrui said in a heavy tone.

"Besides them, how many of our people have been infected?" Luo Ling asked.

"More than 100... New people show symptoms every day." Li Tianrui lifted his hair, revealing black spots on his forehead, the largest of which was as big as the tip of a little finger. "This morning, I found that I had been infected. Even if you didn't come, I couldn't take charge of the situation here."


Luo Ling and others were teleported, and one by one, they were taken to the designated safe zone behind the Duke's Mansion with shields.

It was originally the Duke's martial arts training ground and the barracks of the guards.

No source of infection has been found in this area, and Magna's inspection did not find any infection of demonized bacteria. So it was used to accommodate Luo Ling and his party who were confirmed to be uninfected.

In addition to the safe zone, there are four other areas. One is the quarantine area for patients. It is basically located in the residential area of ​​the small nobles and merchants where the second source of infection was found. This area is completely closed. The entire area is covered by an isolation barrier made by elves. There are also several magic circles in the barrier that release positive energy to suppress the development of the patient's condition.

There are troops stationed around the quarantine area. This army is ordered to use any necessary means to prevent people from escaping from the quarantine area. Except for patients receiving treatment, no one else can enter or leave at will.

The second is the treatment area. Li Tianrui organized the wizards of the Tower of China, as well as the priests and alchemists of the elves to study this disease together. However, due to the limitations of equipment and methods, there has been no breakthrough in treatment until today. Only three points have been clarified: First, this disease will not spread to other animals, but only between human beings such as humans and elves. Second, according to current cases, the incubation period of the disease is generally one to two days, and the patient will die quickly within two to three days after the onset of the disease. The third is that positive energy can suppress the development of the disease and buy more time for patients. Dou Qi and magic have a certain suppressive effect on this bacteria. Combined with the positive energy environment, it is expected that the patient's survival time can be extended by about one to two times.

The third area is the observation area. People who have not developed the disease will be sent to the observation area in batches and then live separately. If he has not developed the disease after a week, he will be transferred to the next area: the secondary safety area. It's just that the disease has not been prevalent for a long time, so no one has had time to move out of the observation area.

The secondary safety area is used to accommodate residents who are basically judged to be not infected, but for the sake of insurance, they are still separated from the people in the safety area.

Li Tianrui said in front of the people who came to support: "I am not professional in fighting this plague. This is the best way we can think of by brainstorming. I hope you can find new hope to solve the problem. Even if you can't, you must limit this plague to this city and prevent it from spreading to the entire continent by any means."

"You have done a good job. We will be there next. You can rest assured to recover." Luo Ling said.


After the support team arrived, they immediately started working in various aspects under the command of Luo Ling, Mao Kai and others. The medical team brought by Feng Yao began to enter the isolation area to provide better treatment and care for the patients.

After a few days, most of the people who stayed to take care of the patients were also infected with the disease. If they had not arrived in time, many of these people would have been left unattended.

The researchers led by Morey and Zheng Yuan quickly started working in the treatment area.

After arranging all the personnel, Mao Kai said to Luo Ling: "Teacher Luo, do you remember the opportunity I told you about before? High-level magicians of the Dream Tower like you and me have mastered the ability to project clones. Since the entire city does not have enough manpower, why don't we let our projected clones go to the city to deal with some problems?"

"This is a good idea. We can go deep into the city to understand some of the front-line situations." Luo Ling quickly understood what the other party meant. "You are planning to project multiple clones at once to try to break through the path leading to the master. Boundaries?”

Mao Kai said: "Yes, after communicating with several masters, I understand that the Dream Tower Mage's mental power requirements in the stage of fusion are to break through two boundaries, one is the boundary between true and false, and the other is the inner boundary. The boundaries between the outside world and those mentioned in the literature, whether it is letting one's mind go outside or touching the rules, are just manifestations of breaking through the boundaries."

Luo Ling said thoughtfully: "So, if our projection clones can be infected with demonized bacteria, would it be a good thing?"

Mao Kai said: "Yes, if it can reach that level, it means that the boundary between truth and falsehood has been broken. In normal times, how do we prove whether this body is different from a real person? Now with demonized bacteria, As our identification standard, it gives us a basis for judgment.”

"Once we can confuse the fake with the real, we can try to turn the fake rules in our minds into the real rules of the outside world, and the boundaries between internal and external will be broken through." Luo Ling agreed, "Not only that, we can also use the A very detailed observation of the bacteria inside the body provides the research team with enough first-hand material."

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