On the Seven Towers

Chapter 693 Before the Checkpoint

"No, no, I don't sympathize with them at all. I am loyal to His Majesty the Great Emperor now! These people are my enemies!" Zhang Hong explained hurriedly, "But as long as there is a battle, it will leave traces. There was just one A bullet was fired and made a noise."

Li Jia ran to the wall, pointed at a hole and said, "Look, this is it!"

"Master Gandas, he is right, something flew over here just now." Amigo confirmed Zhang Hong's statement.

Zhang Hongdao: "If there happens to be someone nearby, we may be discovered. I think we should keep a low profile. This is also to complete His Majesty's mission."

Gandas said: "Don't use your cleverness to deceive people in front of me. It is normal for anyone to be a little hesitant in front of his former companions. Otherwise, how can your Majesty trust a cold and ruthless person?"

"This..." This turn of events in Gandas left Zhang Hong, who had just expressed his determination, at a loss as to what to do.

"Okay, I will naturally decide what to do. Now stop talking nonsense and continue to lead the way."

Although Gandas reprimanded Zhang Hong, he did not cause trouble again. They later encountered two groups of patrols, but they just quietly avoided them and did not start any more killings.

Heimuguan is not big, so they advanced cautiously. It took them about twenty minutes to arrive at the city gate facing the north. From the inside, this city gate looked like a deep arched doorway. Normally, there were two regiments, one battalion and two There are nearly a hundred people in the company, plus some experts from the original kingdom's defenders who are responsible for the defense. Their barracks are inside the city wall close to the door opening. Most of the resting soldiers were in rooms within the city wall, and the doorway was blocked by a wooden fence. There was a row of thirty ordinary soldiers guarding the area, including soldiers with guns, melee weapons warriors, and some fighting spirit masters. They were drawn from Count Orgas's original team. In addition, there was a class of mages stationed inside the doorway behind the fence. The other two companies of the first battalion are also stationed not far away.

Zhang Hong led a group of people and looked here from a distance. He said: "It's lunch time now, and it should be the time when there are the fewest people around to support us. I think it's best to launch the attack within twenty minutes, otherwise we will face a steady stream of enemy troops when the people around us come back. ”

"Ten mages? And a way to detect invisibility? That's a lot of tricks." Amigo said, "Those warriors are fine, but these mages will be troublesome. There are too many ways for them to communicate."

"It's just a ball of flames. His Majesty the Emperor gave you several balls of flames, isn't that for this place?" said the high-level mage Mendel.

The so-called ball of flames is a range attack prop made to imitate the Black Dragon Empire's Destruction Fruit. Although its power is much different from that of the Destruction Fruit, its power is still considerable.

"Didn't you notice? These mages are located too far inside. They are not like the soldiers at the door. Instead, they stay in the sentry box seven or eight meters inside the door." Gandas said, "And The iron bridge used to cross the moat was stored next to the guard box.

Amigo immediately agreed: "Ah, yes. Master Gandas, thank you for discovering this. If the ball of flames destroys the bridge together, our plan will have a big problem. Although as long as the door is opened, , leaping over will not be a problem for the masters of the Black Guard, but ordinary soldiers will not be able to get through. "

"So, we need someone to lure those mages out of the door!" Gandas said to Zhang Hong, "Go!"

"I..., this, how can I lead this? These people on guard have regulations and cannot leave their posts without permission." Zhang Hong said.

"That's something you figure out," Gandas said.

Zhang Hong thought for a moment and said, "Okay. I will take them away from this area so as not to cause you any trouble. You can fight the rest of the battle yourself."

"How stupid, you can only use lies to take them away. If these people don't die, you will be exposed." Gandas sneered, "I will temporarily let go of your seal, you'd better give yourself an acceleration spell in advance . You lead them to the corner of the first house outside the door, and then run away as soon as you find that area is covered by my shielding magic."

"Okay, okay."

Under the urging of Gandas, Zhang Hong had no choice but to walk towards the pass.

The officer leading the team at the door was Jiang Lijie, the deputy company commander of the Second Company of the Guards. He naturally knew Zhang Hong. Seeing him coming alone, he asked: "Teacher Zhang, why are you here free at this time?"

Zhang Hongdao: "I have something to do with the people in the mage class. Just now, Captain Shi notified all the mages to have a meeting. I have already informed several places, and this is the last one for them."

"Oh, that's right." Jiang Lijie didn't seem suspicious at all, "Then tell them yourself."

He waved his hand and asked the soldiers to open the fence and open a passage for Zhang Hong to pass.

When they were moving the fence, Zhang Hong looked at the faces of these soldiers. Most of them were locals recruited in the past two years. To be honest, he didn't care much about the life or death of these people. After careful observation, he found that only the platoon commander and deputy company commander were Chinese, which made him feel better.

I guess your fate is bad. Zhang Hong thought to himself.

But when you walk through the door, seven of the ten people in the mage class are native Chinese.

This mage class belongs to the first battalion of the second regiment. The squad leader Tu Tianyu was originally a freshman, and now he has grown into a mid-level peak mage. According to his qualifications, he is still ordinary among Chinese people, but in any mage tower on the mainland, he is also a genius-level talent, and most of his subordinates are at the level of low-level peak to mid-level.

The mage class of the first battalion is originally the strongest among the mage classes of the second regiment. Their combined spellcasting power and effect are only higher than that of high-level shots like Zhang Hong.

"Xiao Tu, Captain Shi asked me to notify you to go to the meeting." Zhang Hong said.

"Ah, Teacher Zhang, but we didn't receive any advance notice." Tu Tianyu said.

"It's a temporary meeting. You all have to go. It's urgent. Hurry up." Zhang Hong said.

Although it is not in line with the internal rules and procedures of the Guard Army for Zhang Hong to notify them to attend the meeting, Zhang Hong is an important figure in Heimuguan after all, and he is often with Shi Hao and others. Tu Tianyu does not seem to have any doubts. He just asked: "But who will detect invisibility for us?"

Zhang Hong said: "Aren't there monitoring points on both sides of the city wall? And there are magic knights in your guard team, right? Just give him the Eye of Truth."


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