On the Seven Towers

Chapter 709: The Road Back to the Team

With the help of magic, the three of them walked out of the mountains on the afternoon of the next day and traveled to the side of the mountains close to the kingdom.

The three of them traveled all the way. Although it didn't take long, they traveled over mountains and ridges without even sleeping, and their bodies were filled with the smell of travel.

Since there were no signs in sight that could be referenced, Heimuguan didn't even know where it was. The three of them found a clearing in the forest. Roger opened the map and pondered for a long time. Then he drew a big circle with his hand and said, "We are most likely to be in this area now, but the specific location cannot be determined. The only thing now is The way is to go south, it is best to find a road. If there is a road, you can find the town. You can determine the direction by asking people in the town. "

Unfortunately, there was no scroll of the Mage's Eye in the ring, so Xiao Chen could not learn this magic, so they could only look while walking, looking for roads or towns that might be nearby.

"We found the road! It's to the west." The three of them walked south for more than an hour. The first one to make a discovery was Evelin, who had the sharpest eyes. That road was not the main road south of Heimuguan. According to Roger's judgment, they should be somewhere east of Heimuguan. But with a road, there is a direction. As long as you follow the road, you can always reach a certain town or village.

The three of them walked through the sparse forest and came to the road. Roger and Evelin looked at the ground and frowned.

"There are a lot of footprints, horseshoes and ruts." Xiao Chen said. The marks on the ground were densely packed, covering the entire road from back to front. Xiao Chen couldn't help but yawned, "It seems that a large group of people passed by. Is it the empire's army or one of our own?"

"Imperial people." Roger judged without hesitation, "You can tell from the footprints that they are not the standard shoes of the Guards. In addition, after the defeat of Heimuguan, the Guards will not retreat to this route. Come on the road."

"Does this mean that if we walk along this road, we are likely to run into someone from the Empire?" Xiao Chen asked,

Roger said: "Judging from the marks here, this is not a large army. It is most likely just a mopping up force."

"Are you saying that the Empire sent a small team of troops to plunder the villages and towns around the road?" Xiao Chen said.

"That's right. Their main force needs to guard Hei Bu Guan and guard against our counterattack, so the ones sent out to loot, burn and kill must be the weaker legions," Roger explained when he saw Xiao Chen's surprised look. , "This is the most common approach for enemy territories that cannot be occupied. It can not only damage the enemy's economy, but also supplement a considerable amount of food, military supplies and slaves. I believe that the Kingdom people will do the same if they invade the empire. "

Xiao Chen said: "I want to see how the town ahead is doing."

Roger nodded without saying anything and led the two of them forward.


The town ahead was about ten kilometers away from where they found the road. In order to maintain combat effectiveness, Xiao Chen and the others did not walk too fast. When they arrived at the outskirts of the town, the sun had just begun to set and the sky was a little dim.

That town was one of the many ordinary towns in the north. In the past, due to the protection of Heimuguan, this town had been relatively peaceful and peaceful for hundreds of years, at least it had never been invaded by the Empire. Therefore, this town built on the flat land by the river does not have too high walls, and there are not many guarding soldiers.

The army that arrived today captured it without much effort. The so-called little effort was only to kill the baron and a dozen of his personal guards who tried to defend the town, and to scare the militiamen who had climbed onto the city wall and fled in all directions.

The Imperials completely conquered this small town with hundreds of people at the cost of less than ten people. Then it was time for this army to start loosening its grip on the town and looting.

When Xiao Chen and the others hid behind a slope and watched the city, they found that the town was already filled with screams and crying.

Xiao Chen frowned and stared at the town. From their perspective, everything in the city was blocked by walls and they couldn't see anything specific. However, those shrill shouts and calls for help still came through tenaciously. The city wall got into his ears. He didn't need to see it, just by imagining the sounds, he could know what kind of tragic things happened inside.

Although these residents are not yet considered to be members of the Tower of China, nor can they be said to have much connection with them, as a modern person, how can we remain indifferent to such bottomless matters?

He asked: "Roger, what kind of team is this? How many people are there and what is its strength? Can you tell the difference?"

Roger observed some imperial soldiers carrying looted supplies outside the town and said: "This seems to be a detachment of the empire's second-line army. According to the imperial military system, a detachment has about 125 people.

Such a team may have one or two low-level knights as leaders. But most soldiers should be ordinary people. "

Xiao Chen asked: "According to the strength of the three of us, can we deal with them?"

Roger glanced at him, nodded and said: "If it is a detachment under standard circumstances, anyway, in such a complex environment, Evelin and I dare not say total annihilation, but there will definitely be no problem in defeating them. Is it possible? Do you want to rescue them? This will delay our evacuation and make us more likely to run into other armies of the empire."

Xiao Chen stared at the top of the city wall at this time and saw a young woman running away on the top of the city wall in dishevel, with several shouting imperial soldiers chasing her from behind. The woman was forced to have nowhere to escape, and finally jumped off the city wall and fell to the ground motionless. The soldiers chasing her ran to the top of the city wall and looked down. They were so angry, like hunters whose prey had escaped. Two of them cursed loudly and spitted, and one simply unzipped his pants and urinated on it. Xiao Chen closed his eyes, and Roger could see his eyebrows and eyelids trembling slightly. After a moment, his eyes suddenly opened again: "Do you think I in this world will order them to be rescued?"

Roger said: "He was you before, and I think he would make the same choice as you. But now he has realized the cruelty of the world and the ruthlessness of the battlefield, and has become more mature. I think maybe not."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said: "I don't think it's maturity, but helplessness? Maybe the world puts too much pressure on him. But I believe that there are some places in his heart that will still retain the original emotions. Even if reality prevents him from taking action, he must want to save these people very much in his heart."

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