On the Seven Towers

Chapter 781 Temporary Combination

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Ji Yijun and a group of soldiers from the escort were waiting in line at the door of the teleportation room. He was wearing light armor, a long sword, and a rifle behind him. He looked so fully armed that he looked heroic.

There are nearly two hundred people dressed similarly to him. These people are all the most elite warriors selected from the guards of Hewan New City. Their task is to form forty interception and killing teams in units of five people. Teleport to Cypress City, a mining center south of Suero, and then head north from here to support the forty large and small villages and towns between Cypress City and Suero. Then use these villages and towns as strongholds to intercept and kill the infiltrating imperial people.

Now they are waiting for the magicians arranged by Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen finally selected about 150 magicians based on their realm and magic skills. These magicians were assigned to the squads of the guard army. Each team will be divided into three or four. indivual.

However, Ji Yijun was dumbfounded when he saw Xiao Chen bringing people here. Although most of the mages were normal, Xiao Chen was followed by a few little ones, namely Umedada, Wu Zibin, and several other children, big and small.

Umedada and others did not wear traditional mage robes, but sportswear that facilitated movement. However, they all brought storage rings issued by the school, which contained staffs, crystals, scrolls and other things.

"Xiao Chen, why did you bring these little guys? Where are you taking them with this outfit?" Ji Yijun, who was carefree, was probably the person who least cared about Xiao Chen's identity change, and his attitude remained the same as before.

Before Xiao Chen could answer, Umedada spoke up: "We are mages who assist you in fighting. Brother Xiao Chen said that Wu Zibin and I will be in a group with you."

"What the hell?" Ji Yijun looked at Umedada and then at Xiao Chen, and found that neither of them meant to joke. He grabbed Xiao Chen's arm and said, "Isn't it? Xiao Chen, are you kidding me? Are you really Are you going to send these little ones to the battlefield? "

"It's true." Xiao Chen nodded seriously.

"No, I said, this is a battlefield, fighting a plague, how could you think of letting a ten-year-old child get involved?" Ji Yijun asked.

"This is something these children strongly requested... Speaking of which, I stopped it at first, but they finally convinced me with their own strength." Xiao Chen said.

Ji Yijun asked curiously, "What's going on?"


At the mobilization meeting in the afternoon, Umedada's statement once again pushed everyone's enthusiasm to a new peak. However, Xiao Chen did not agree to her at that time, and the other mages did not take Umedada's words seriously, but regarded them as an encouragement, inspiring many others to actively participate in this operation. Xiao Chen's speech in the auditorium achieved very good results this time.

However, after the conference, Umedada approached Xiao Chen again, this time not only herself, but also brought many of her classmates, asking Xiao Chen to give them a chance to participate in this operation.

"I know you think we are children, but children cannot grow up if they are always protected." Umedada said in an arrogant tone, "Don't you always say that you can apply what you have learned? My classmates and I have many People's magic abilities have reached a bottleneck, and their progress through daily practice is very limited. Only by using magic in battle can we quickly improve our strength. "

"But if you go to the battlefield and get hurt, we adults will feel uneasy." Xiao Chen said.

"Then we just need to prove that we can protect ourselves?" Umedada asked.

"How do you want to prove it?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Send the mages you choose to fight us. If we lose, we will go back to school. If we win, you will let us participate in the action, and we won't just hide behind and pretend."

Xiao Chen wanted to refuse, but Metatron, who came to help him select people, said: "I think it's okay. When I was her age, I was only a warrior apprentice and a magic apprentice, but I was already going to participate in the Tower of Shining Wings." Going out for a trial. It's a trial in the forest, where you have to fight wild beasts. Even now, there are so many mercenaries in their teens. How young is your little Catalina?

Don't protect these children too well. That will not be good for their growth. How can we cultivate truly powerful warriors without danger and sacrifice? This time we are facing some shaky patients. I'm afraid I won't have much strength left when fighting them. Isn't this the best opportunity for a trial? "

This sentence really touched Xiao Chen. These children were not born in a peaceful world. Their future would be spent in battle. Xiao Chen had no way to protect them all the way to the God of Nature. I'm afraid the best way to protect them is to give them the opportunity to gradually learn to fight and adapt to fighting. Thinking of this, Xiao Chen said: "Okay. I will give you a test. But no matter what the result is after the test, you must accept it calmly."

Xiao Chen called a mid-level mage named Logan and asked him to bring four low-level mage with him to compete with Umedada behind the conference center. The result of the competition is self-evident. So Umedada and his party came here. ————————————————————

Ji Yijun bent over and looked at Umeda Tian carefully. No matter what, she looked like a pink and tender little girl. "It's amazing. This guy named Logan is a bit weak. He is also a mid-level mage and was defeated by you." ?”

"This is just the most common problem of you adults - looking down on children. I just let my classmates show weakness a little bit, and they think we are a group of self-righteous brats who don't even repair their own damaged shields. Of course, they were defeated by our burst." Mei Tiantian said, "You are the same now. Your expression is exactly the same as Logan's. You are secretly looking down on us in your heart. But if we compete now, you have already lost. And it's a very miserable kind."

"What?" Ji Yijun was stunned.

He looked down along Mei Tiantian's line of sight and found that she had summoned an ice cone at some point, floating beside him, and the sharp cone tip was pointing at his lower abdomen.

"Wow!" Ji Yijun screamed and stepped back quickly, knocking a warrior behind him against the wall.

Mei Tiantian pouted and said, "Brother Xiao Chen, can this guy really protect us? Why do I feel that he is even more unreliable than Logan?"

Now a young mage behind her heard this and lowered his head helplessly.

Xiao Chen said: "The best thing about this guy is that he can improve. Getting along well with different people is something you need to learn. Come on."

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