On the Seven Towers

Chapter 84 Blood River Village

A procession of galloping horses roared across the plain.

Kalanda, who was in the lead, said to Xiao Chen beside him: "Master Xiao Chen, we can arrive at Phoenix Village to rest at noon."

Hearing about Phoenix Village, Xiao Chen suddenly remembered that this was the place where Luo Ling gave him the ring. At that time, he was in a depressed mood watching Luo Ling dance, and the figure in front of the bonfire was always deeply engraved in his mind. But now, these have faded compared to that hug.

Recalling that feeling actually made Xiao Chen worry about gains and losses. However, Xiao Chen is still a casual person at heart. He quickly came to his senses and asked Kalanda: "Can the people and horses behind you still bear it?"

"The man is okay, but the horse needs to regain its power, otherwise it won't be able to survive," Calanda replied.

"Then let everyone slow down a little and rest and eat in Phoenix Village at noon. The time should not exceed two hours." Xiao Chen replied.

After talking to Kalanda, Xiao Chen whispered to Chen Hansheng: "Old Chen, I think you still have to take command. You are a soldier and the person in charge of this time. Why let me, a layman, give orders? ”

Chen Hansheng on the side laughed and said: "I have served as a soldier, Li Tianrui, Cai Long and the others are also genuine soldiers. But tell me, can we convince the guys behind us? Xiao Li, can you Do you want to control these two hundred people?"

Li Tianrui shook his head, "What's wrong with me? When I was camping last night, someone came out to mess with me and knocked me down. Not to mention they were vindictive." He rolled up his sleeves and pointed at the A big piece of green.

"Among us, Lao Chen is still the most powerful. He fought with that girl on par. He almost pinned her to the ground." Cai Long said with a smile.

"She let me go without any fighting spirit." Chen Hansheng blushed rarely, and he didn't know why. "I'm still grateful that Xiao Chen spared that little girl, and we can't let our people lose too ugly. But as for me These two brushes still can't convince everyone. Only Xiao Xiao can defeat a large number of them. This is your strength. If you defeat dozens of people, you will be the best. For the other mercenary captains, she can be your deputy. Just feel free to be the leader."

Xiao Chen knew that this was also the truth, so he nodded and said, "Okay then. Please be more patient."

At this time, a horse ran towards him. Xiao Chen saw that it was the girl Catalina. Karanda had asked her to serve as a scout at the front, but for some reason she rushed back in a hurry.

"Boss, boss!" Katarina screamed at Calanda. She drove the horse in such a hurry that it was about to collide with the group, and then she pulled the horse back. Xiao Chen saw her expression clearly and was very frightened, which was not much different from the last time Xiao Chen was frightened.

Just as Karanda's inspection of the rear team was over, and she returned to the front, she shouted: "What's going on? Speak up."

"Boss, Xiao, Mr. Xiao, it's not good. The village in front was attacked, and the people in the village seemed... all killed. There were blood and corpses everywhere. It was really, really miserable..."

Kalanda's expression darkened and he asked, "Have you found any enemies?"

"I ran half a circle around the village and found no movement. I walked through the entire village from the main road. There was no living person, not even a live chicken."

"Slaughter the village? Who would do such a thing?" Xiao Chen, Chen Hansheng and others looked in disbelief and asked Kalanda.

"Horse thieves! They must be horse thieves! These damn bastards." Kalanda clenched her fists, and the handle of the riding whip in her hand suddenly turned into powder. "But the horse thieves nearby will not do such tricks. They still need support from the villagers. They must be there." It’s because horse thieves from other places are crossing the border here that they commit such a murderous act!”

"The brigade slows down and advances cautiously. Kalanda, send more scouts in all directions to find out the movements of this group of horse thieves." Xiao Chen ordered with a heavy face.


The noon sun shone on a large pool of blood at the entrance of the village, emitting a pungent fishy smell. Xiao Chen stepped into this village that he had just visited not long ago and found that he could no longer recognize this place. Slashed corpses and broken limbs were everywhere. An octogenarian man was found dead and dismembered in his courtyard, a strong man was chopped into several pieces with weapons, a two- or three-year-old baby was nailed to the wall, and even more miserable were the women, covered in blood and naked. Lying naked in broad daylight, he was raped by countless people before he died.

The blood literally flowed like a river.

These faces, full of fear and pain, had welcomed them not long ago with wine and bread.

Xiao Chen even recognized a little girl of four or five years old in a yard. He hugged her and gave her candy, but now he only found half of her body. There were no tears in the only remaining big eye, and it became cloudy and empty.

However, just such a dull eye, like an iron rod, pierced into the sea of ​​his spirit. Xiao Chen instantly entered a state of meditation, and the second magic ball of light that he had always wanted in his mind, It shattered at this moment, and the ball of light composed of countless runes dissipated in the meditation space...

"Mom, Mom!" I shouted hoarsely, surrounded by running lights and shadows, and countless people waving weapons and slashing. Crazy laughter, sharp screams, and the sound of collision kept ringing in my ears.

Run, run, run home. But everything in the house was in a mess, except for a pool of blood, there was no sign of my mother. I ran out screaming, but bumped into a man who walked in with a knife. What was the man holding in his other hand?

Why, why did it look so much like my mother's head?

"Oh, there's a little one, but it's too small, otherwise it would be a beauty." The man had long blue hair, and his voice was ethereal and evil, "If you don't hurry, you can catch it and raise it. What a waste..."

"Give my mother back to me." I rushed to bite the man's hand to take back my mother's head, but the man kicked me away with one foot, and then I saw him raise a knife.

The world was distorted and slowly fell into darkness, leaving only the pain of tearing...

Xiao Chen felt that he was really split in the middle, and the pain made him hunch over. In that moment just now, he experienced every bit of pain of the little girl in person, seeing what she saw, hearing what she heard, and even thinking what she thought.

Is this the power of the second magic, "Soul Interrogation"? No, dear angel, how can I be qualified to interrogate you? I am willing to talk to you and comfort your painful soul, or call it "soul interpretation".

Xiao Chen tried his best to convey the message of rest to the little girl's soul fragment, and told her that he would avenge her and kill the blue-haired murderer who killed her and her mother. Xiao Chen didn't know what the dead soul looked like, or whether it was conscious, but he could clearly feel that the little girl's will was slowly freed from extreme pain, settled in peace, and returned to dust.

However, Xiao Chen once again underestimated his huge and overly active mental power. He suddenly found that there were many soul fragments similar to the little girl around him, and the spirits of comforting him surged.

For a while, hundreds of pictures and sounds flooded into his mind, some fighting, some running away, some being killed miserably, and some being repeatedly humiliated. It was like countless tortures were being performed on Xiao Chen at the same time.

He knelt on the ground, his eyes red and wide open, screaming, and his hands flying around like a madman. A normal person would have fainted in such a situation, but Xiao Chen's powerful mental strength supported his sanity. Dozens of memories, hundreds of feelings, and thousands of pains made him look like a madman.

Chen Hansheng and Li Tianrui followed Xiao Chen. They saw him stunned for a long time, then began to cry, and then suddenly bared his teeth and claws, like a madman. The two were horrified and wanted to rush over to restrain him, but they didn't expect Xiao Chen's strength to be surprisingly strong at this time. The two were easily thrown away by Xiao Chen, and several blood marks were cut on their hands and bodies.

"Let me do it." At this time, Kalanda heard the noise and rushed in from outside the yard. She raised her fighting spirit, approached Xiao Chen, and then slashed his neck with a hand knife. Xiao Chen finally fainted.

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