The skin is no longer pale and gray in color, but is replaced by healthy white and rosy skin, indicating that the situation has improved a lot.

Presumably, with one or two more in-depth treatments, the roots of her illness in Thalia would be completely eradicated.

He has seen everything that should be seen and everything that should not be seen. Zi Shu is not the kind of pedantic and pretentious person. He picked up Ting Yun from the bathtub without thinking and took out a set of clean women's clothes.

It was originally meant to be used by March Qi and Xing to keep out the cold just in case before the first pioneering trip, but I didn't want it to come in handy here.

But... where should Tingyun be placed?

There is enough space in the cockpit, but there are no daily necessities such as beds.

We can't let her lie on the floor...

After thinking about it, Zi Shu had no choice but to be a good person and send Buddha to the west. He walked to the driver's seat and sat down, holding Tingyun in his arms and letting her rest on his shoulder.

It's time to get out of here.

Zi Shu started the engine and traveled through the starry sky, sailing towards the nearest star track. It took some time to reach the target area and successfully located the signal of the Star Dome Train.

He mobilized the weak pioneering power in his body and resonated with the boundary anchor on the train.

The observation car is extremely quiet and the lighting is soft.

Zi Shu glanced briefly and didn't find anyone. Instead, he saw Pam resting next to the gramophone.

Just as he was about to find a guest room to settle down in, the door leading to the guest room opened, and a mature and elegant charming figure stepped out.

"You're finally back." Jizi smiled.

I originally planned to sleep, but suddenly I sensed someone boarding the train through the boundary anchor, so I came out to see who it was, but I didn't expect it to be Zi Shu.

Seeing the strange fox woman in Zi Shu's arms, Ji Zi's face flashed with curiosity.

"she is?"

"People from Luofu Xianzhou." Zi Shu made a hissing gesture and whispered: "It's a long story. Let's settle her down first and then tell you."

Ji Zi understood, "Follow me."

There are so many guest rooms on the Star Dome Train that it doesn’t take much time to settle in for one person.

Zi Shu gently covered Ting Yun with the quilt, silently closed the door and returned to the observation car.

Jizi had already made coffee and was sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

"I'm sorry, but I made you some coffee when you were about to take a break... The juice that was reserved last time on the train was consumed by Xinghe Xiao Sanyue."

"It's out of the way."

Zi Shu took the coffee and drank it, and then elaborated on what happened after getting off the train.

It was as small as logging in to Thalia and being robbed, as big as the fight with Hanabi and saving Zingyun, all of which were not missed.

However, when it came to Huan Huan's internal affairs and Hua Huo's true identity, Zi Shu chose to conceal it and replaced it with the identity of Yan.

Ji Zi didn't expect that the little personal things Zi Shu mentioned would be related to the Luofu Immortal Boat. She really didn't know if it was a coincidence or fate.

"It seems that Kafka did not lie to us. The origin of the star core on the fairy boat is deeply involved..."

Speaking of this, Ji Zi said with a serious expression: "Are you sure it's the Order of Destruction? I didn't detect the imaginary reaction of the Order level. Of course, it's also possible that Luofu's anti-monitoring system blocked all information."

There is also a possibility that the Destruction Order user is so powerful that he can eliminate all reactions and hide them from detection.

"I can't confirm it 100%, but according to what Kafka said, it is very unlikely that the star core disaster that can cause big forces like Luofu Xianzhou to suffer heavy losses without the envoys behind the scenes is very small." Zi Shu thought.

Thinking of Dan Heng's complicated expression when he left, Ji Zi frowned slightly.

"What are you thinking of? It's rare to see you look like this." Zi Shu asked.

Ji Zi remained silent and called up the train's driving recorder, trying to check the movements of everyone on the fairy boat, but unfortunately found nothing.

I took out my mobile phone to contact them in the train group, but no one responded.

Not only that, she tried to re-contact the fairy boat deck, but all the signals she sent came to nothing.

She started to have a bad feeling.

Luofu Immortal Boat may really be in trouble.

"It seems that the interstellar signal has been completely blocked..." Zi Shu frowned slightly when he saw this, and suddenly thought of something, and asked: "By the way, Walter and the four of them have entered the fairy boat?"


Himeko nodded uneasily.

Luofu is different from Yaliluo No. 6. Looking at the galaxy, it is a giant. She can destroy hundreds of Yaliluo with a flick of her hand. Even with the mature and steady Walter, she cannot avoid worrying about everyone's safety.

"Zishu, I would like to invite you to go to the fairy boat as well." Ji Zi raised her head.

She knew Walter thoroughly, and it was difficult for her to compete with the Order of Destruction. The same was true for the rest of the people, regardless of their background issues, except——

Zi Shu is not included in this list.

Although no imaginary reaction of the messenger level was detected from Zi Shu, the experience of Yaliluo No. 6 told her that Zi Shu might have the same power as the Star God messenger.

With him going to Luofu, she could feel more at ease.

"no problem."

Zi Shu agreed and muttered: "Miss Tingyun is a key figure. I think I need to wait for her to wake up before going to Luofu to understand some things that I didn't have time to ask."

"Well, you can make up your mind on this matter." Ji Zi nodded.

Knowing these things, neither of them felt sleepy. Jizi simply continued to deal with the complicated affairs on the train.

Zi Shu took out the materials and began to make talismans that could carry spells, and carved them into portable talismans with different effects. The inventory before going to Thalia was basically emptied except for some with special effects.

Thinking of the relationship between the Xianzhou Alliance and the Medicine Master, and the situation that every Xianzhou person might face, after consideration, he decided to make an additional talisman that the locals urgently needed to facilitate selling favors.

In any case, the Envoy of Abundance has the most sensitive identity in any fairy boat. Even if he is confident that he will not be noticed, it is necessary to take corresponding measures to be on guard.

After all...he has a super variable hanging on him, a bitch that can't be shaken off.

In order to have fun, the possibility of Aha revealing his identity as an envoy of the Order of Abundance is simply not too high.

If he walks alone in the Milky Way, he will be shaken if he shakes. The fairy boat can't do anything to him, but now he has a bond with the unknown passengers of the Star Train, and he must consider them.

"Mr. Lingshi is so confident that Aha Ke will tremble."

"it's up to you."

"Hey~~ You don't even want to deal with Aha. Mr. Lingshi's expression of not being afraid of boiling water is really boring."

"Yes, yes, dear Lord of Joy, please do not reveal the identity of my Envoy of Abundance to the Fairy Boat Alliance. To show my sincerity, I will do my best to seek the true meaning of joy."

"Okay, okay, okay, Mr. Lingshi is so aware and motivated, Aha is very pleased!"


About ten system hours passed before Tingyun, who was in a deep sleep state, finally woke up and felt that his physical condition was better than ever.

Strange ceiling, strange room...

Looking at the starry sky outside the window, you can be sure that you are still in the universe.

Wait, that’s the Jade Realm Gate!

Seeing the familiar entrance and exit, excitement flashed across Tingyun's face. Just as he was about to get out of bed and walk to the window to take a closer look, he suddenly smelled a familiar smell.

He picked up the quilt and smelled it, smelling Zi Shu's scent on it.

The clothes he was wearing were also very unfamiliar. It seemed like he had put them on himself...

No matter how eloquent Tingyun was in the past, it was the first time that he had been so close to a strange man whom he had not known for a long time. Apart from feeling emotional, he could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

Hmm...Is this the rest room of the Bengong starship?

"Are you awake, Miss Tingyun?" Zi Shu's voice sounded from outside the door.

Tingyun looked happy, lifted up the quilt and ran barefoot to open the door.

Zi Shu had changed back into the gray clothes he usually wore and was standing outside the door.

"My benefactor is too polite. Just call the little girl to stop the clouds."

Compared to the question of address, Zi Shu was more concerned about Ting Yun's current situation. He glanced briefly and nodded lightly.

She's recovering well.

"It seems that you don't need to be treated twice. If I treat you once in a few days, the stubborn disease caused by Thalia can be completely eradicated."

"Trouble my benefactor to worry about the little girl."

"You've been sleeping all day, and it's just time to wake up. Let's prepare a meal first. You haven't eaten for so long, so you must be hungry too." Zi Shu said softly.

It was okay not to say it, but as soon as she said it, Tingyun's stomach made a sound of protest, which made her couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"Going to the right when you go out is the observation car. There are matching toiletries in the room... Oh, by the way, we are currently moored in the star field outside the Luofu Fairy Boat, but before you return to your hometown, we have some things to tell you. you understand."

Hearing the solemn tone in Zi Shu's tone, Tingyun tapped his chin, "Young lady, I understand. I'll be there in three minutes. I hope you'll forgive me."

Guan Zishu nodded and turned around to leave. Just as Tingyun was about to go back to the room to clean up quickly, he suddenly caught a glimpse of two pendants hanging from the belt around Zishu's waist.

One of them is the familiar Tai Chi Yin Yang Quyu, and the other... is a somewhat familiar gold-plated nameplate.

The memory was evoked, and the information recorded in a certain book before going on business in the past appeared in Tingyun's mind.

It turns out that the benefactor is from the Star Dome Train, and the nameplate belongs to the unknown passenger on the Star Dome Train, representing his identity.

Zingyun moved very quickly, and when he arrived at the observation car, Pam had just served the last plate of food.

After a brief introduction, Ji Zi and Ting Yun both had a certain idea of ​​each other's identities.

Zi Shu mentioned business and asked Ting Yun what happened in the past.

Naturally, Tingyun would not hide anything. He restored and narrated the entire incident in the most time-saving way possible.

She understands what should be said first and what should be put aside, and the details can be added later.

After listening, Zi Shu and Ji Zi fell into deep thought.

In fact, what happened to Tingyun was not complicated. To put it simply, on the way back to Luofu, she was supposed to be resting in the interstellar merchant ship. When she woke up, she found that she had arrived on a strange planet, which was Thalia.

At the same time, she discovered that one of her six-bone folding fans was missing, and the remaining one was also damaged in the battle after waking up.

Zi Shu could guess the general process of what happened next, and he also had many guesses in his mind as to why Ting Yun was transferred.

The most likely possibility is that a certain emissary of the Destruction had a plot against Luofu, so he took away Tingyun's identity and infiltrated him.

But if that's the case, why did the Destruction Order go to such unnecessary lengths and leave Tingyun's life behind?

The stacked fans come in pairs, so why only one was taken away?

Many puzzles in the book are temporarily unclear. It seems that they can only be solved gradually after entering Luofu.

"Zingyun, this is for you."

Remembering that the folding fan she had left was in his hand, Zi Shu took it out and returned it to its original owner.

Seeing the weapon that had always been with him, Tingyun couldn't help but be stunned. He took it and observed it blankly, and found that it was no different from when he first got it from the craftsman of the Construction Department.

"The six-bone stacked could it be in the hands of my benefactor? It was clearly damaged and lost in the battle..."

"Have you ever heard of the Impermanence Dice? The item I got after using it is this. It is precisely because of this six-bone stacked fan that I can locate your galaxy." Zi Shu said.

But we were strangers before, benefactor...

Zingyun almost asked this question.

She didn't understand why her benefactor would travel a distance of light years to Thalia to find her because of an ordinary folding fan.

Ever since I found out that my benefactor was not from Xianzhou, I thought he had accepted the interstellar tracing commission issued by Luofu, but I didn't know that was not the case at all.

You can't come here just for her, right?

She is somewhat pretty, but if you think about it, she is far from being able to make a strong man's heart flutter... The previous ambiguous treatment methods, Zi Shu also kept a proper distance very well, all prove this point.

But the benefactor's care for her also far exceeded the so-called stranger...

For a moment, Tingyun stared blankly at the brand-new folding fan, falling into deep thoughts.

Seemingly seeing Tingyun's confusion, Zishu smiled and asked, "You are thinking about my motive for going to Thalia to find you, right?"

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