In order to transport the wood from the thornwood forest on Mount No. 50, engineering vehicles have built a five-meter-wide passage from the eastern isolation zone of the territory to the thornwood forest.

The road condition of this passage is very poor, and trucks pulling lumber can drive on it without any problem. But when an earth-moving truck travels on such a road, half of the truck will be left with dirt.

Zhao Ze stopped the car and discussed with Qi Fu, "It's almost six o'clock now, and we only have more than an hour. It's too late to use the excavating shovel. How about just getting on the dozer? Let's go get the dozer and install it." ?”

"You look for the tools, and I'll move the bulldozer. After loading, you use the bulldozer to push in front, and I'll follow behind the car." Qi Fu opened the door and got out of the car, and went to move the bulldozer in the truck bucket. shovel.

When he walked to the side of the truck, Yu Shou, the fourth-level power evolver who was standing on the rear truck and responsible for rear defense tasks, directly lifted the bulldozer and handed it to Qi Fu, "Brother Qi, can you do it?"

"Of course." Qi Fu took it with a smile, "I am also a power evolver, level two."

Qi Fu's third-level power evolution was triggered by the attack of the super evolutionary bacteria. In order not to attract attention, he told the outside world that he had a second-level power evolution.

Seeing that Qi Fuzhen was able to lift him, Yu Shou let go, "When I'm tired, just say hello. You come up to defend and I'll clean up."

"I don't know how to use a gun and can't do defensive work. Our two territories are not far away from each other. We will often visit each other in the future." Qi Fu extended an invitation to Yu Shou.

He has a high respect for the soldiers who guard the safety zone, so he has a very favorable impression of Territory No. 15, which is full of veterans, lords and Tan Junjie's daughters.

Not only him, but also the other four lords in the Lords Alliance. Therefore, after Xia Qing's proposal, the alliance members unanimously agreed to invite Territory No. 15 to join the alliance.

Yue Haiying used the walkie-talkie to contact the lord's father, Tan Junjie. After getting his permission, Territory No. 15 officially became the sixth member of the lord alliance, and everyone can come and go frequently in the future.

To the south of Qi Fu's Territory No. 5 is Territory No. 10, to the east of Territory No. 10 is Territory No. 14, and to the east of Territory No. 14 is Territory No. 15 where Yu Shou is.

From a geographical point of view, the two territories are indeed not far apart, but they have never met before.

The main reason is of course the shortage of materials and food during natural disaster years. The lords were busy farming and had no time to wander around and pay attention to the situation in other territories. On the other hand, it is because they are under the jurisdiction of different danger investigation teams and are not in the same lord channel.

Territory Nos. 11 to 18 are under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Danger Investigation Team. Just like Territories 1 to 10, the lords of these eight territories also have a common lord communication channel. They communicate more with each other and the relationship is naturally closer.

Therefore, although Territory Nos. 14 and 15 have passages on both the north and south sides, they enter and exit through the south gate, because outside the south gate is a lord they are relatively familiar with.

It's like Territory Ten. Territory No. 10 also has passages from the north and south, so there are two road signs in the north and south. But Shi Chong's family used to take the north gate.

Because to the north of Territory No. 10 is Territory No. 6, and to the left and right of Territory No. 6 are Territory No. 5 and Territory No. 7, everyone belongs to the same lord communication channel and usually communicates more. Shi Zhong's familiarity and trust with them was much higher than that of their southern neighbor, Territory No. 13, whom they had never interacted with before.

Unlike Territory No. 10, Territory No. 2 has access to both the north and south gates. Because Tang Zhengbo's Territory No. 12 is southeast of Territory No. 2, Tang Huai and Tang Heng often go home for dinner.

When Qi Fu walked to the mini tillage machine carrying a bulldozer weighing more than 300 kilograms, Zhao Ze was already holding the tools and waiting to install them.


Hearing the terrifying sound of a giant evolved locust flapping its wings, before Zhao Ze's brain had time to react, he heard Xia Qing standing on the roof of the car say two words, "I'll do it."

Then, Zhao Ze heard a "pop" sound. The evolved locust, which was as big as a palm and a half, was hit by something unknown. Its wings stopped waving and fell to the ground. The visible burrs on the locust's calves were still shaking, but green bodily fluid began to flow out of its body, dyeing the soil a strange color.

It’s almost winter, but the giant evolved locusts are not dead yet. Is this a new evolved species?

Being bitten or kicked by such a locust would break several holes in Zhao Ze's ordinary protective clothing.

Zhao Ze waved the wrench in his hand towards Xia Qing on the roof of the car, "Sister, your marksmanship is so good, so accurate."

Thanks to Xia Qing for killing the evolved locusts, and thanks to the inspection team for regularly cleaning the isolation zone so that these scary things can't fly into the territory.

Qi Fu was more courageous than Zhao Ze, so he could see more clearly, "Xia Qing, you weren't shot with a gun, were you?"

"It's a steel ball. This thing is not worth wasting a bullet. Brother Qi, Brother Zhao, speed up the progress." Xia Qing stood on the roof of the car, holding a gun in his right hand and an eight millimeter diameter steel ball in his left hand, urging Qi Fu Speed ​​up the progress with Zhao Ze.

Xia Qing had just practiced the attack method of flicking steel balls with his hands in the past two months.

She didn't have a gun before, so she blocked close range attacks with a machete and countered long range attacks with a slingshot. Now that she had a gun, she had no time to replace her pistol with a slingshot when dealing with low-risk close-range attacks, so Xia Qing began to practice shooting steel balls with her hands.

After soaking in the physical injury treatment potion, Xia Qing's finger strength, flexibility and control have been significantly improved, and the speed and accuracy of playing steel balls by hand have been improved.

At such a close distance, she could hit a mosquito as big as a fingernail, let alone a locust as big as two palms.

"Okay." There are dangers in the evolutionary forest at every step, and there are risks at the right time. It is not a human territory where you can stand and chat. Zhao Ze and Qi Fu blushed, immediately installed their bulldozers and began to move forward.

After Xia Qing showed his hand, Zhao Ze, who was originally worried, became more confident, and Qi Fu, who was following the car and smoothing the road with a big shovel, also had a steady hand.

Yu Shou glanced at the locust carcasses that had begun to be divided by ants in the grass on the roadside, and refreshed his understanding of Xia Qing's combat power.

He has retired. Bullets need to be purchased at a high price. The cost of using a gun is too high. He can also practice the attack method of shooting steel balls by hand.

After the mini-tiller advanced 1,000 meters to the edge of the thornwood forest, Xia Qing, standing on the roof of the car, discovered that a large tree had fallen in the southeast of the thornwood forest. Through the gap between the tree poles, he saw someone cutting down the tree.

Xia Qing didn't look back, and discussed with Yu Shou on the side of the truck through the intercom in the protective mask, "Brother Yu, there is someone cutting down trees three hundred meters to the southeast. They may be people from Territory No. 17. Can you go over and take a look? Yes?" The situation greeted me immediately."

Two different teams met in the evolutionary forest, and they were competing for supplies in the same area. They might start fighting.

Territory No. 17 and Territory No. 15 belong to the same lord communication channel. They know each other. Let Yu Shou go there to communicate first so as to understand each other's intentions.

"Copy that." Yu Shou jumped out of the car and rushed to the southeast of Thornwood Forest with a gun. (End of chapter)

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