On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 395 The Lords Alliance’s first mission was successfully completed

Kuang Qingwei was a bit at a loss for words, "Dead Manjie wanted to cooperate with us like Territory No. 15. I refused directly. The reason why I can bring Brother Yue and the others is because we are short of manpower, and now we have enough people. Besides..."

Kuang Qingwei lowered his voice and said, "Zhao Ze told me that you met Dead Man Jie and his gang this morning. If the girls hadn't stepped up to the plate, they would have taken away the mini-tiller."

Xia Qing nodded, "Brother Qing is right. We don't have any need to cooperate with them now. But if Wen Nengjie comes back again, please don't talk too hard. We might have a chance to cooperate in the future."

"Understood." Kuang Qingwei checked his protective mask, "Girl, take a rest first, I'm going to work."

The hardness of thornwood is very high, making it difficult to use a chainsaw, not to mention manpower. But when the tools are insufficient, you have to rely on manpower.

But it was the first time for Shi Mu, Yuan Yan, Kuang Qingwei and others to carry out a mission in the evolutionary forest. Let alone work, standing in this thornwood forest that blocked the sky and the sun, they always felt that there was something capable hidden behind the weeds. It was difficult to breathe with something that could kill them at any time.

In fact, it is.

Xia Qing, who was resting on a stone, suddenly raised his gun and shot the half-meter-long red-eyed lizard that had just jumped out of the grass. The direction the lizard was attacking was an ordinary man from Territory No. 4 who was bending down to chop down a tree with his back to it.

If you are caught by a lizard, you will definitely be injured. But before the man could notice the danger, the source of the danger was eliminated by Xia Qing with one shot.

After Xia Qing and the guardians responsible for three different directions eliminated several dangers, the people who cut down the trees sped up.

Xia Qing knew the mentality of these people very well. Because when she went out to perform tasks in the safe zone as a non-staff logistics personnel, she was the same as them.

The difference is that Xia Qing takes the initiative to protect them, while Xia Qing encounters danger in the evolutionary forest and runs to seek protection from others.

Now she has changed from a protected person to a protector. She does not need to speak. She only needs to eliminate the danger with one shot and one steel ball, so that the protected ones will have confidence. They will go all out to carry out their tasks and hope to survive. Get out of the evolutionary forest.

On the morning of the first day, Xia Qing and Territory No. 4 completed the transportation of yellow clay for the greenhouse walls.

In the afternoon of the first day, the transportation of yellow clay from Territories 5 and 6 was completed.

The next morning, the soil needed for Territory No. 15 and Territory No. 10 was completed.

On the afternoon of the next day, five transport trucks and four excavators gathered in the thornwood forest and began to pull out the thornwood.

On the morning of the third day, the rental car from Territory 8 expired, leaving only two transport trucks and an excavator. Qi Fu and more than 20 people stayed in the territory to start building greenhouses, while Xia Qing and Yue Haiying led the team to continue cutting down trees.

On the morning of the fifth day, the two transport trucks that had pulled enough thornwood for the wall began to transport yellow clay to various territories. Zhao Ze dispatched more people to build the earth wall of Xia Qing's greenhouse.

At six o'clock in the afternoon on the fifth day, the lease period of the three construction vehicles ended and they drove to Territory No. 17.

The first collective mission of the Territory Alliance was successfully completed.

The people who were placed on the east isolation belt by the transport truck felt not tired, but excited. Because they went to work in the evolutionary forest, not only did they earn points and broaden their horizons, but they also survived successfully.

Zhu Li, who entered the evolutionary forest for the first time today, excitedly told Xia Qing, "I will exchange for a set of outdoor secondary protective clothing when I go back. Xia Qing, can you take me with you next time you form a team? I think I have been here for half a year. It’s a lot more exciting.”

"Yes, if there is such strenuous work again, please say hello to Qing." Shi's mother has been working for one, three, or five days, and now she is full of confidence.

Yuan Yan, who had also been working for three days, was still calm, "Xia Qing, what is the danger level of our task of cutting down trees and digging soil this time?"

Xia Qing responded, "Low risk. It's the same level as the team's mission to clean up the evolutionary forest last autumn and winter."

From now until the end of January next year, excluding the snow period, it is the time when the danger level of the evolutionary forest is at its lowest, which is suitable for humans who do not need to hibernate to open up and expand their territory.

When they heard that the risk was low, everyone didn't feel disappointed and walked back chattering and laughing.

When passing through Territory No. 15, Yue Haiying and his group said goodbye to everyone and returned to the territory from the north gate. Then came Territory No. 10, Territory No. 6, Territory No. 5, Territory No. 4. Finally, only Xia Qing was left, walking towards her territory.

"Xia Qing, you've been very busy recently." Tang Huai, who hadn't seen him for a long time, hugged his shoulders and leaned under the No. 2 Territory stop sign angrily, "Today is the 15th!"

The 15th was the day Xia Qing set to hand over thirty green-light eggs to Tang Huai in exchange for three sets of dog protective clothing.

Xia Qing nodded, made a seven with his hands, and signaled with his eyes that Tang Huai would meet him at the north gate of Territory No. 3 later. Then he took out the key and opened the big lock of the south gate. After returning to his own territory, he locked the big lock again. On.

It's still dark at the moment, and Qi Fu is leading more than 20 people to build the earthen wall of the greenhouse in Territory No. 3. According to this progress, the earthen wall can be built in two days, which is much faster than Xia Qing expected.

After returning home, Xia Qing was warmly welcomed by the sheep boss and the sick wolf. Because she had been leaving early and coming back late these days. After returning home, she inspected the territory, had a full meal, and then fell asleep. She had much less communication with her two companions.

Xia Qing pressed the spiral horn of the sheep boss with her left hand, and scratched the sick wolf's chin with her right hand to get the eggs to be exchanged for Tang Huai.

When it was getting dark, Qi Fu said hello to Xia Qing and led the team to leave the No. 3 territory from the south gate. After they left, Jing Kuan and Chen Zheng, who came to take charge of security work, also left Territory No. 3 through the north gate. There is only one person, one sheep and one wolf left in territory three.

Xia Qing carried the green light egg and went to the north gate to wait for Tang Huai. The sheep boss and the sick wolf didn't know why Xia Qing was going, so they followed her habitually.

Tang Huai had already sent the dog protective suits that Xia Qing exchanged for eggs. Xia Qing also gave them to the Alpha Wolf and the Broken Waist Wolf, and repaired their protective suits that were damaged in the battle with pythons and bears. Keep it in the warehouse for emergencies.

After the repairs were completed, Xia Qing originally wanted the two wolves to continue wearing the repaired protective suits and keep the new ones as backup, but the two wolves refused. These two guys like the new and hate the old.

Today is the day to deliver the green light eggs. Last night, she exchanged eggs with Territory No. 7. If it weren't for the fact that she had something to ask Tang Huai, she would have asked Chen Zheng to hand the eggs to Tang Huai during the day.

Tang Huai walked along the newly built wall of Territory No. 3 to the north gate. When he saw that the north gate was an automatic turnstile with facial recognition function, he couldn't help complaining, "The south gate is the main gate, you can break the lock; the north gate can How many people saw you..."

Halfway through complaining, Tang Huai suddenly realized something and pointed at Xia Qing with wide eyes, as if she was a scumbag and a heartless person, "Your north gate is not for people, but for your sheep? You are not here either?" too……"

Seeing Xia Qing's eyelids raised, Tang Huai immediately became scared and changed his words, "You are too reasonable!"

Thanks to book friend Wang Qingqiao for the tip.

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