"I don't know!" Zhou Xun gritted his teeth after being pushed to the forefront in Territory No. 2. He wanted to chop his legs twice and crawl to Territory No. 12 to find Tang Huai.

Damn it, the Tang family is fighting among themselves, why is it that I am the unlucky one in the end?

I just want to make a living, who am I provoking? !

In the lord channel, someone spoke with a drake voice, "I said it twice."

The sound was so unclear that everyone couldn't help but wonder if it was made by humans.

Kuang Qingwei asked, "Did someone speak just now? Did everyone hear it clearly?"

The sheep boss stopped chewing cud, opened his eyes and looked at the intercom next to him.

Xia Qing explained to his partner, "It's Tang Huai, he's injured."

Tang Heng answered Kuang Qingwei's question in the Lord Channel, "The person who just spoke was my brother, Tang Huai. My brother's vocal cords were injured and he was unable to speak normally. Before the refugees left the territory, my brother twice emphasized to them that there are brains in the evolutionary forest. Domain-evolved bears and brain-evolved wolves should not actively provoke evolved bears and wolves when hunting to avoid retaliation.”



There were two more angry bear roars, and Hu Xiufeng cursed, "It has been more than five minutes, and the gunfire in the evolutionary forest has not stopped, and the bear's roar is getting louder and louder. Tang Heng, among the people you sent out, Are there deaf people or are there fools?”

Tang Heng replied seriously, "Among the evolvers who have gone out, it is confirmed that there are no two categories that Captain Hu mentioned."

The personalities of the two Tang brothers were so different that Hu Feng, who was used to scolding Tang Huai, didn't know how to talk to Tang Heng.

Zhou Zhaoping, the assistant of Territory No. 8, asked, "Captain Tan, who should compensate the territory for the losses caused by the retaliatory attack of the brain-evolved bears, and how many times?"

Huzi really couldn't answer this, "Our captain is busy and the specific situation has been reported. Please rest assured that the investigation team will be on the front line at any time to protect the safety of all lords and territories."

Zhou Xun was pushed out by Territory No. 2 to take the blame again, "Our agents have explained the stakes to the refugees. They will also conflict with the evolutionary bears. They may have mistakenly entered the territory of the evolutionary bears, so they were attacked by the evolutionary bears. If they did it on purpose, it would be even more terrifying. Who would send these refugees to the territory who want their compatriots to be killed by bears? Isn’t this a harm to people?”

When people from different territories heard Zhou Xun's words, they all said one word in unison: Get out!

What's the matter, it turns out that it's not Tang Huai who is annoying, but whoever holds the position of agent for the second territory is annoying.

Zhao Ze, who felt uncertain, asked his backbone, "Sister Xia Qing, if the Brain Evolution Bear really attacks, won't there be anything we can do?"

Xia Qing replied, "If the brain-evolved bears gather a large number of evolved bears or other evolved animals and attack the territory during the rain, we are not sure of victory."

No matter how powerful the evolved bears are during the non-rain period, if they step out of the evolutionary forest and invade human territory, they will be bombarded to pieces.

However, during the rainstorm, because the use of heavy firepower, high voltage, laser and other weapons is likely to cause explosions, human combat power is reduced to the lowest during the rainstorm, and it is not necessarily possible to defeat a group of bears led by two mentally evolved bears.

The territory does not have strong walls. If it is attacked by a group of bears, it will be a disaster.

Zhu Li asked, "Evolved bears also need to breathe. They don't have protective masks, so won't they be affected by the rain?"

Shidu replied, "Yes. After being affected, the evolved bear with weak resistance is likely to lose control and go berserk. Its combat power will double at least twice. It will never stop until it is beaten to death."

Everyone was silent.

Beard Feng reported the latest news on the Lord's channel: "It was detected deep in the evolutionary forest at the top of Mountain No. 49, and evolved bears have begun roaring in response to the two bears on Mountain No. 50."

"Are they those two brain-evolved bears?" Zhao Ze's voice trembled, "No, I've lost several pounds during this period, and I just built the greenhouse..."

Kuang Qingwei begged, "Captain Tan, can you go to No. 50 Mountain immediately to stop the hunting team and prevent them from fighting with the evolved bears?"

Shi Zhong couldn't help but speak, "Captain Tan, think of a solution quickly. Everything that grows in our fields is food..."

No matter how powerful Tan Junjie is, he is only the leader of the investigation team responsible for the security of this territory. What can he do now?

It has been fifteen minutes since the first bear roar. The bear was still roaring, which was so abnormal.

This shows that the purpose of the refugee team is not to hunt bears, but to deliberately anger the evolved bears and make them roar, attracting the attention of the bears on Mountain 61.

Xia Qing can think of two reasons why they did this:

The first is to attract the bears from Mountain 61 to support Mountain 50, so that Xu Pin, who will take a helicopter to the lake next to Mountain 61 tomorrow, can move more smoothly.

Second, Team Agni and Team Sufeng put pressure on Zhang San by proactively provoking the bears, letting him understand the consequences of not cooperating with Team Agni.

No matter which purpose it was, Su Feng was extremely unethical in doing so. Because for their own personal gain, they did not pay attention to the safety of hundreds of lives and thousands of acres of farmland in this territory.

To be honest, Xia Qing really wanted to use his own howitzer and shoot down the helicopter in Territory No. 2 with one shot.

Why don't you go to the lake on Mountain 61? Then walk through the evolutionary forest and have a fight face to face with the bears you lured!

Xia Qing wanted to think about it, but she couldn't. Because she is not strong enough to directly start a battle with the Sufeng team. With her front foot, she blew up Team Sufeng's helicopter, and with her back foot, Team Sufeng blew up her territory.

It was impossible for Yang Jin and Third Brother not to be able to figure out the problems that she could figure out. They...



While Xia Qing was trying to think of a solution, she suddenly heard a violent explosion, and the windows of her house were shaken and rattled.


The sheep boss, who was startled by the loud noise and vibration, jumped up and roared. The territory was attacked, and it must work with Xia Qing to protect the territory.

"what sound?"

"What happened to the bright light just now? Where did it explode?"

"Why does it look like Territory No. 2 or 11 to me?"

There was an explosion in the Lord's channel. Xia Qing and the sheep boss climbed up to the attic, looked at the fire and smoke rising in the No. 2 territory, and clapped their hands vigorously.

"Good! Well done!"

She was just thinking about it, but someone in this territory had already taken action and blew up the helicopter parked in Territory No. 2!

Huzi asked in the Lord's channel, "Territory No. 2, please report what happened in the territory. Why was there an explosion?"

There was no answer on the Lord's channel, and no one could hear the voice on the intercom in Territory No. 2 at this moment.

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