Xia Qing slept for less than four hours when she received a call from Hu Xiufeng, "Four wolves and a giant python more than ten meters long have entered Valley No. 1 in District 3."

These are extraordinary times. It would be really eye-catching if the wolves and the pythons were allowed to cross the isolation zone and enter territory three. Xia Qing was also worried that the python would get stuck on the north gate, damaging the door, or scaring the wolf and making him angry.

Therefore, she asked Hu Feng last night to say hello to her immediately if they found that the wolves brought the python into Mountain No. 49.

Hu Feng informed Xia Qing of the whereabouts of the wolves, "Last night Territory No. 2 sent three people to the northern isolation zone, but they were all taken away by the investigation team. I have sent people to guard the northern isolation zone of Territory No. 3. Just rest assured."

The security team that he had obtained in exchange for non-polluted spring water had been dutifully protecting Territory No. 3 since he took office. Xia Qing was of course relieved, "Captain Hu, the people in Sufeng suspect that I blew up their helicopter?"

Hu Feng replied, "It's not clear yet the specific reason why they are targeting you, but it must be related to the bombing of the helicopter. In addition to you, they also sent people to keep an eye on Territory No. 1 and No. 12. To be cautious, what are you doing here? It’s best not to go to No. 50 Mountain to collect Green Lantern peanuts.”

"Captain Hu, don't worry. Before Sufeng's people evacuate, I won't go anywhere except the territory and No. 49 Mountain." Xia Qing agreed immediately.

The green light peanuts in Fifty Hill are indeed important, but safety is more important. Although her strength has improved, she will definitely not be able to beat the number one player in the base, the main member of Team Sufeng. So she has to continue to live in obscurity.

This winter, she has only one main mission: to participate in the training camp of the Qinglong Team on Mountain No. 49 to improve their combat effectiveness.

Xia Qing put on protective clothing and went downstairs. She told her two companions who were sleeping on the thick straw mats on the first floor, "I'm going to the third area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain. Will you come with me, or will you guard the territory?"

The sick wolf immediately stood up and followed, while the sheep boss didn't even raise his head, closed his eyes and continued to sleep, showing by his actions that he wanted to stay and guard the territory.

Hearing the sound of human footsteps walking away, a little red head emerged from the haystack in the sheep shed. It looked outside for a few times and then retreated into the warm grass nest.

The secret whistle in the grass wall in the northern wilderness of Territory No. 2 used sound amplification equipment to hear the footsteps in Territory No. 3 and immediately reported it to the investigation team leader.

The reconnaissance team leader, who was lying on the long sofa in the monitoring room, rubbed his face and ordered his team members, "Send out the reconnaissance bird to observe Xia Qing's movements from the heights of Territory No. 2."

It's only five o'clock now. Xia Qing must be up and going out now. Something must be wrong!


The reconnaissance bird took off with the camera. It had just risen to more than thirty meters, and the height dropped rapidly before the infrared surveillance camera captured Xia Qing's figure.

The reconnaissance team was shocked, "The reconnaissance bird was shot!"

The reconnaissance captain stared, opened his mouth and cursed, "Who told you to send the reconnaissance bird out of the territory?!"

The scout team member with dark circles under his eyes was wronged, "Boss, I confirm that the scout bird is over Territory No. 2."

On the roof of the small building in Territory No. 1, Jing Kuan reported through the headset-type intercom without taking his eyes off the scope, "Boss, the reconnaissance bird launched in Territory No. 2 has been killed."


Hu Feng in the monitoring room gave an order to the team members guarding the northern isolation zone of Territory 3, "Jing Kuan, Er Yong, Da Jiang, and Chen Zheng, guard the road. As long as non-platform personnel enter the northern isolation zone of Territory 3, they will be Stop and kill those who resist with force. This is an order given by the boss himself and must be carried out resolutely."



Xia Qing heard the sound of gunshots in Territory No. 1, looked back, and muttered to Sick Wolf, "How far can you see in the fog?"

The night vision goggles Xia Qing is currently wearing were exchanged with Yang Jin in March this year. They use technology to amplify light, allowing people to see at night. However, the performance of this technology is not good in foggy days, which makes Xia Qing, who is accustomed to using the ability of visual evolution to observe the environment, very insecure.

Xia Qing took off his glasses and took out the thermal imaging glasses from his backpack that Yang Jin used spinach seeds to match the special protective clothing traded by the base director.

Thermal imaging glasses capture infrared rays emitted by objects and do not require any light source, so smoke cannot block its "eyes". But its biggest problem is that the image is delayed and consumes a lot of power, so after Xia Qing got the glasses, she rarely wore them.

Today, it's finally time for it to work.

After changing his glasses, the green scene turned into a black and red scene. The most conspicuous thing was the red sick wolf next to him. Even the air it exhaled could form a red mist. Xia Qing looked around for a while before moving on.

Xia Qing and the sick wolf stepped on the frost on the ground and left the No. 3 territory through the north gate. Xia Qing found clear wheel marks left by the patrol car on the north isolation belt.

In the past four hours, the inspection team drove by here six times, which shows that they are carrying out the dangerous inspection task seriously.

There were two people on the left and right sides of the northern isolation zone in Territory 3. Because of the distance, it was impossible to tell who it was through the thermal imaging glasses that blurred the boundary. It was enough to see that they were standing in the isolation zone, holding guns to defend.

This is your own security team, which gives you a sense of security.

Xia Qing crossed the wheel tracks and rushed to the Wolf Valley in the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain in the mist.

The valley surrounded by mountains effectively blocks the cold wind. The frost on the plants in the valley is lighter than in the territory. The water in the pond has not frozen. Xia Qing can hear the sound of water and the sounds of birds moving near the water.

Xia Qing jumped down the valley with the sick wolf and opened the door of the wolf cave. After entering the cave, he found that the remaining spring water in the basin was actually covered with a thin layer of ice. It turned out that there was a crack in the stone wall next to the door. The cold air penetrated into the hole through the crack and blew right on the iron basin.

Xia Qing glanced at the sister of the broken-leg wolf who was making out with the sick wolf, took the basin out of the cave, turned it upside down on the ground and knocked on the ice.


The sound of knocking on the basin was clear and frightened the birds drinking water by the pond.

After knocking off the ice and filling it with the newly brought spring water, Xia Qing took the basin back to the wolf cave. While waiting for the wolves to arrive, he took some pond mud and plastered the ventilated stone cracks next to the door.


The sound of heavy objects being dragged came from Valley No. 1. After about a minute, Xia Qing saw the wolf majestically leading three subordinates and slowly walking out of the fog with their trophies. The long python carcass was much lighter in color than the wolf under thermal imaging glasses, but it still brought a strong visual impact.

Xia Qing changed back to her previous night vision goggles and felt more comfortable.

The alpha wolf showed no surprise when he saw Xia Qing here. It was obvious that he had sensed Xia Qing's presence through his sense of smell.

"My Lady Queen, the one with broken waist and legs, the big black one, long time no see." Xia Qing lowered her voice and greeted the wolves enthusiastically, then moved closer to take a closer look at the big python they brought. (End of chapter)

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